Defined as the practice of gaining awareness and acting upon the oppression of marginalized groups, allyship can account for the power interpreters hold in systems of oppression and can contribute…continue reading
Defined as the practice of gaining awareness and acting upon the oppression of marginalized groups, allyship can account for the power interpreters hold in systems of oppression and can contribute…continue reading
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading
Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading
Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading
This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading
This book celebrates a decade of Life in Vacant Spaces, affectionately known as LiVS, and the collection of over 700 projects supported during this time.
This paper was co-produced by a mental health special interest group as part of the Migrant and Refugee Health Research Centre at Auckland University of Technology. The paper started as…continue reading
On 16 September 2023, an interactive workshop was held during the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) Conference in Ōtautahi Christchurch to address fair pay and working conditions…continue reading
Creating case studies of successful pathways to building ownership was an important part of the Stable Spaces research. They model strategies and tactics that we can learn from and repeat.…continue reading
The purpose of the Stable Spaces survey was to establish an overview of how the arts are housed in Aotearoa, and how their housing supports their activities. Going into the…continue reading
The Stable Spaces report is the first significant national survey on the state of independently owned physical arts infrastructure in Aotearoa. The report examines what makes successful asset ownership in…continue reading
Violence within families and relationships is a widespread and critical issue confronting New Zealand society. Intervention programmes that work with perpetrators are essential for reducing reoffending and protecting those who…continue reading
Community Networks Aotearoa has released its 2024 State of the Sector report, marking a decade of research into the not-for-profit sector. The report highlights persistent challenges, including increased demand for…continue reading
The State of the Sector report is created and published by Community Networks Aotearoa (CNA). This report is part of a long-term project that examines trends and challenges in Aotearoa’s…continue reading
The webinar is a recording of the Community of Practice hui for Critical Tiriti Analysis and provides examples and discussions of the speakers' experience of using CTA with special focus…continue reading
The 2023 MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey, supported by ASB, sheds light on the mental health and well-being of over 2,100 workers in New Zealand’s construction sector. The online and…continue reading
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) encompasses a broad range of behaviours that children under the age of 18 display towards their parents/caregivers. The violence can continue into adulthood.…continue reading
Community Wealth Building puts people back at the center of local economies by ensuring wealth generated in a local economy is held and invested back into that area, and puts…continue reading
Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading
Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading
Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading
This research, via focus groups and a national survey, asked Takatāpui and Rainbow young people about their experiences of healthy relationships education in Aotearoa. The results reinforce existing evaluation findings:…continue reading
Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. These factsheets highlight recommendations from the…continue reading
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. Underneath this broad question sat two…continue reading
Developed by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and White Ribbon, this toolbox presents information, resources and research about supporting Takatāpui and Rainbow children for parents and caregivers. Updated in 2024. What…continue reading
Snapshot 2015 was developed to explore the complex context of the support sector for Rainbow young people and identify strengths and gaps to support their work. The report demonstrates both…continue reading
This report documents programmes, strategies and campaigns being implemented in 2012 around the country to prevent sexual violence. The stocktake illustrates that the specialist sexual violence sector has developed a…continue reading
This resource has been developed to assist journalists to write accurate news stories, based on an analysis of existing gaps in reporting on sexual violence. It includes recommendations based on…continue reading
These guidelines were part of a larger project by Te Ohaakii-a-Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together, to support good practice across the country to a range of population groups…continue reading
This is the final report on the Making Ethnic Count pilot, a co-design and trial of effective data collection with four pilot organisations run by Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust. In…continue reading
This report is provided for the Royal Commission so that Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors and their communities’ voices are upheld. It brings together content and reflections on engagements with…continue reading
This evaluation aims to determine the effectiveness of the Wrap-around Service delivered by Te Whakaruruhau. The focus is on improving the health and wellbeing of whānau. The evaluation sought to…continue reading
Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading
Strengthening Our Streets is a framework used by Manurewa Local Board to connect and work alongside community. It is supported by Auckland Council’s Community Innovation team through Hamish Lindop, Innovation…continue reading
Hapū are interested in local government due to their decision-making influence over the cultural, social, economic and environmental wellbeing of a district that can enable or restrict tino rangatiratanga. In…continue reading
Universities in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020 and…continue reading
This Evaluation Toolkit provides guidance and tools to enable a cohesive approach to measuring impact across our organisation and within the community. The toolkit informs our Annual Impact Story which…continue reading
People living with epilepsy or unexplained seizures (PLWS) can have very different lived experiences. Epilepsy New Zealand (ENZ) is aleading advocacy, support, and training association in Aotearoa New Zealand for…continue reading
Context: The Winds of ChangeSince 1984 the New Zealand Government was an early and bold adopter of neoliberal approaches to public administration that collectively came to be known as new…continue reading
Community Readiness Studies (CRS) are increasingly used in family violence research. This study is a way of understanding our community in relation to family violence and is a way to…continue reading
A Community Readiness Study, abbreviated to CRS, is a way of gauging the community’s views of a particular issue. We are using this research method to discover how we can…continue reading
The health system in Aotearoa New Zealand is predicated on equity in access to health services as a fundamental objective yet barriers to equitable access for migrant and refugees continue…continue reading
On 15 August 2021, the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, prompting many individuals at risk to seek safety elsewhere. Deeply concerned by the dire human rights situation, a coalition of…continue reading
Culture-centered engagement with ethnic communities on violence prevention Pooja Jayan engaged with ethnic and migrant communities in the Manawatu region to identify existing community needs in the context of primary…continue reading
This research was commissioned to deliver a review of the services provided by Continence NZ and make recommendations as to how the organisation can most effectively serve those living with…continue reading
The economic and subsequent societal benefits that former refugees offer a host country is poorly understood in New Zealand. These former refugees are noted to be a most vulnerable minority…continue reading
Video Story-Telling for The Waikato Wellbeing Project The concept of ‘lots of little fires’ captures the idea that there are many small ‘fires’ of passionate people ‘burning bright’ across the…continue reading
Since the March 15 attacks in Christchurch, there has been raised awareness and new and strong enthusiasm to understand the experiences of the Muslim minority community. This exploratory paper investigates…continue reading
From Vision Mātauranga and Callaghan, to Silicon Valley and billionaire space races, ‘innovation’ is becoming a placeholder for particular conceptions of progress. The concept is almost exclusively, however, associated with…continue reading
A qualitative snapshot of kindness through the lens of community service organisations in Aotearoa. This study began with a question: What is the role of kindness from the perspective of…continue reading
Minor ailments are self-limiting, easily diagnosable and treatable conditions. Funded pharmacist minor ailments services (PMAS) have been posited to improve medicines access equity and, despite ethnic minorities across the globe…continue reading
The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading
Background: Medicines are the most common medical intervention and medicines adherence is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Understanding drivers and experiences of medicines adherence is important for optimising medicines use.…continue reading
The flows of COVID-19 across global terrains work unequally, impacting disproportionately the margins of global spaces. Refugees constitute the “margins of the margins” of globalization, constituted in spaces without access…continue reading
The current nutrition guidelines developed by the NZ Ministry of Health do not adequately serve youth due to the lack of input from rangatahi themselves and the absence of mātauranga…continue reading
This paper presents the findings of the Perceptions of Papakāinga project, which explores the connection between place, genealogy, and identity for two Māori (New Zealand’s Indigenous people) communities: one living…continue reading
This paper presents the findings of the Perceptions of Papakāinga project, a 12-month, Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga funded project which explores comparative views of ‘home’ for Māori. The findings…continue reading
The impact of economic crises on philanthropic funding to, and fundraising by, nonprofit organisations is a surprisingly under-researched field. Internationally, data is scant and comparisons are impeded by different categorisations…continue reading
We want to improve experiences with banks for community organisations. Community Networks Aotearoa volunteered to take leadership of a project to investigate and gather the stories of the sector, the…continue reading
Refugee-background communities have been a significant part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s multicultural population for decades. Despite the documented relevance of communication for newly arrived refugees, local reports over the years…continue reading
Scholars have called for more critical considerations of social justice and tourism that align with the tenets, values, and practices for sustainability, transformation, and social change. The aim of this…continue reading
Trends in Ethnography have changed over the years, and just as in the initial years, fieldwork and the Participant Observation method replaced armchair ethnography, shorter-duration in locales close to the…continue reading
This paper presents and articulates the art and the science of Qualified Historiography, that is, History-writing in cases of uncertainty and unreliability of the narrative– where narratives are not absolute…continue reading
The Sociological Ninety ten rules that are proposed in this paper, are based on the fundamental premise that various branches of social sciences like sociology, anthropology and economics are human-centric…continue reading
We begin this paper by providing a brief overview of the history of science in different civilizations and cultures around the world since ancient times, in order to show that…continue reading
This paper is the second in our series on scientific method for the social sciences, and is presented in relation to what we call the “Globalization of science”. It is…continue reading
This paper explores the twin issues of Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility among researchers and scholars, and gaps in theory and praxis as well. It also discusses the current application…continue reading
This article describes Critical Tiriti Analysis (CTA), an original contribution to transforming colonial policy, which retrospectively evaluates whether any specific policy document is consistent with Te Tiriti. Substantial interest in…continue reading
“Within the health sector, the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 refers to the Treaty and, more specifically, to the Treaty principles of partnership, protection and participation. Most…continue reading
This paper undertakes a retrospective Critical Tiriti Analysis of the New Zealand Disability Strategy to determine its compliance with Te Tiriti
Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna (How are my mokopuna doing?) is a simple question which Whanganui schools, their school boards, tumuaki and kaiako have heard for many years. However, the…continue reading
This book has been written during a time of great change and contestation as it relates to forced migration and global politics. The Syrian crisis has continued to deepen as…continue reading
This article presents a study with 20 Pacific Island community leaders and connectors about their communities’ perspectives and anticipated responses to natural hazards in Auckland, New Zealand. Home to the…continue reading
This paper reports on the research process and the necessity of elevating the voices of Southern Sudanese men resettling in Adelaide, Australia to better understand how they have responded to…continue reading
In March 2022, the government will review the New Zealand Refugee resettlement Strategy (NZRRS) for the first time in 10 years. This report responds to this opportunity and argues that…continue reading
At Community Housing Aotearoa, we have consistently advocated for Inclusionary Housing as one such intervention which should be integrated into our housing toolkit through legislation. We discuss the latest local…continue reading
This is a six month strategic learning report sharing the findings from a pilot to test the Participatory City Approach in the Connected Communities Department of te Kaunihera o Tāmaki…continue reading
This report provides a range of key community and stakeholder insights from research that was conducted in the later part of 2022 (November-December). These insights provide the foundation for which…continue reading
Discover our Neighbourhood – Phillipstown Community Mapping is a project that tries to capture and organise the strengths already existing in the Phillipstown areas, one of the oldest neighbourhoods in…continue reading
In October 2018 the Ministry of Health launched system transformation in MidCentral region (Palmerston North, Levin, Otaki, Foxton, Feilding and the local environments). This new system was to be based…continue reading
In October 2018 the Government launched system transformation in MidCentral Region. This was a process that changed the way disabled people and their whānau received funding from the Government and…continue reading
In Oct 2018 a new system of providing funding support for disabled people was launched in MidCentral Region. It was called ‘system transformation’. This involved the creation of new funding…continue reading
The Review targeted Catholic migrants who identify as Pacific Islanders, Asians, Middle-eastern, Africans and other ethnicities apart from Europeans and Māori. The Review included obtaining demographic data from the government,…continue reading
In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading
In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading
This article is based on a study that focused on the narratives of Latin American migrant women (LAMW) in New Zealand and the role formal and informal communication networks play…continue reading
The aim of the Rangatahi Evaluation research project was to explore the present status of rangatahi who previously accessed training programmes provided by Silver Fern MotorSport Charitable Trust. The Project…continue reading
Community interpreting norms and research have been heavily influenced by a Western-centric community of practitioners and an individualist, positivist philosophy. This has resulted not only in an entrenched emphasis on…continue reading
With funding from TOI Foundation, Sustainable Taranaki engaged in a 3-year research project to gain a deeper understanding of what drives sustainable behaviour change in our community and how to…continue reading
This report explores the potential for Māori to co-opt aspects of the cohousing model. A hybrid approach, combining elements of cohousing and papakāinga (as co-papakāinga, or ‘kaupapakāinga’ (kaupapa-based kāinga)) could…continue reading
In the wake of the March 2019 Christchurch terrorist attack, which was live-streamed in an explicit attempt to foster support for white supremacist beliefs, it is clear that there is…continue reading
We believe that the public sphere should be a place of equal participation. As the internet, and social media especially, becomes an increasingly influential public space, these digital media have…continue reading
Aotearoa New Zealand is in the midst of a housing affordability crisis, with the effects disproportionately felt by younger generations, single-parent households, Pacific Islanders, and Māori. Housing speculation, fuelled by…continue reading
In an online survey of New Zealand’s early childhood education services, schools and kura in late 2021/early 2022, over 83% of respondents involve volunteers, with volunteers most important in primary…continue reading
The purpose of this research was to explore allyship and social justice in spoken-language interpreting from a service-user perspective. The research was conducted with the Latin American community in Aotearoa,…continue reading
In December 2020, the New Zealand Government announced that New Zealand would have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities. There have been previous calls for the establishment of a standalone…continue reading
On 1 July 2021, Aotearoa New Zealand will have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities, with the Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities as the responsible Minister. This is…continue reading
We asked attendees at the Te Anga Mua Seminar in Nov 2012 for their advice or tips for researchers who are engaging with whānau (as part of Whānau Ora Research).…continue reading
Ruth To’omua shares her Pasifika Way approach at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012
Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes from Chatham Islands shares her story at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. Whānau planning in the Chatham Islands Tawnee talked about…continue reading
Moana-o-Hinerangi shares their whānau story at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. Mō tātou, a, mō ko uri a muri ake nei – planning…continue reading
The Kipa Whānau from Palmerston North share their story at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. A Whānau recovery story Kim speaks about using…continue reading
Prof Sir Mason Durie provides a key address at the Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. He describes how outcomes for whānau will be…continue reading
This is paper is evaluation of the Taku Wairua programme to assess the diverse effects of the program and identify areas for improvement. Taku Wairua is a program designed to…continue reading
The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading
The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading
In 2015, the media began to report with greater frequency that NZ convenience stores were being robbed for tobacco products. There are three reasons why this was shocking to the…continue reading
Little is known in Aotearoa New Zealand about experiences of homelessness amongst Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ identifying people, despite growing international literature regarding LGBTIQ+ homelessness. Using data from semi-structured interviews with eight people…continue reading
Whānau experiences of The Pride Project have indicated that whānau have improved social connections through participating in programmes and activities, that trust relationships with Hope Navigators help to breakdown barriers…continue reading
Aim: This paper describes how we engaged with adolescents and health providers to integrate access to digital health interventions as part of a large-scale secondary school health and wellbeing survey…continue reading
Significant progress has been made addressing adolescent health needs in New Zealand, but monitoring and gathering high quality estimates of adolescent health and social issues remains challenging and resource intensive.…continue reading
New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine‐containing e‐cigarettes Objective: To investigate smoking and vaping in secondary school students (aged…continue reading
This report is for knowledge holders, communicators, advocates, non-government service providers and designers working on the changes that will make the biggest difference for whānau, communities, and the planet. Central…continue reading
This short guide summarises the finding of the research set out in ‘Talking about Poverty and Welfare Reform’. It provides a short overview of the tested messages that were most…continue reading
A research paper for InternetNZ and the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation. The purpose of this research was to uncover the biggest obstacles to digital inclusion, and what will be most…continue reading
This study of the Kiwi Tahi programme, a life-skill development programme for vulnerable young people (aged between 8-12 years old), was a collaboration between a lecturer in Social Practice at…continue reading
Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management arrangements have been put in…continue reading
Navigating the labour market in a new context can be a challenge for any migrant, and particularly so for former refugees, who are often unable to find employment appropriate for…continue reading
Mainstream media play a significant role in shaping public opinion in modern society. For refugees, misinterpretation (including associations with victimhood, foreignness and deviant behaviour) can hinder integration into New Zealand…continue reading
The Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) is the latest in the Youth2000 series of health & wellbeing surveys. Youth19 was conducted in 2019 in the Auckland, Northland & Waikato regions…continue reading
The 2021 New Zealand Cause Report is a reference resource for Aotearoa New Zealand’s multidimensional charitable and broader for-purpose sector, and is a follow on from the 2017 Cause Report.…continue reading
Migrants may experience immunisation inequities compared with the host population related to barriers with accessing immunisations in their home countries, while migrating and/or post-arrival. This retrospective cohort study explored vaccination…continue reading
Migrants may experience a higher burden of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD)-associated hospitalisations compared to the host population. A retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2015 was conducted that linked de-identified data…continue reading
The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy was developed and implemented in 2013 with the aim of improving outcomes for former refugees. The overarching aim of the strategy is to ensure…continue reading
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
A significant proportion of worldwide research concerning adult refugees has investigated clinical perspectives and emphasised the impact of pre and post-migration experiences as key factors affecting their mental health status.…continue reading
This research investigates how young Somali women are navigating through the resettlement process while negotiating their own identities in Wellington, New Zealand. It is important as it addresses two main…continue reading
The resettlement experiences of Burmese women from refugee backgrounds living in Wellington are the focus of this thesis. Increasing numbers of people are being resettled worldwide, so it is important…continue reading
A project detailing the findings from interviewing 26 homeless men and women in Nelson and Blenheim. They were interviewed to surface what they felt were the areas they needed support…continue reading
Life Unlimited secured funding from the Lotteries Commission to complete an evaluation of some of their services. The purpose of the evaluation was to use the EGL vision and principles…continue reading
The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research Programme is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data…continue reading
The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection.…continue reading
This community-led, co-designed research project explores the impact of Northcote’s Urban Regeneration on community wellbeing. The research undertaken involved meaningful engagement with a diverse cross-section of the Northcote population and…continue reading
The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge that has required extraordinary solutions. Harvesting and documenting the extraordinary, to distill what we now know possible, lies at the heart of this…continue reading
He kaupapa rangahau tēnei hei tutuki i ngā tikanga o Te Tohu Paerua. I whai tēnei rangahau i ngā tukanga o te rangahau kaupapa Māori kia rongo ai i te…continue reading
This Collective Impact collection gathers resources to assist groups of organisations from different sectors to work together to solve complex social problems through a common agenda, shared impact measures and…continue reading
This report is a summary of learnings from involvement in the student-run club Global Remix (GR) at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) this year. It is written by students from…continue reading
Refugee background women, their connections, sense of belonging, acceptance and inclusion in the Greater Wellington region: This report presents the qualitative findings of a research project focussing on the experiences…continue reading
This thesis addresses the many forms of racism that are found in three apps that are popular in New Zealand, namely Grindr, Jack’d, and Blued, through the experience of gay…continue reading
Purpose: To explore the experiences of older Filipino migrants adjusting to living permanently in New Zealand.Method: The qualitative descriptive approach taken in this study involved 17 individual face-to-face interviews of…continue reading
Objective: There is a paucity of health-related research on older Asian immigrants in New Zealand. The aim of this review was to critically examine literature on health and well-being of…continue reading
INTRODUCTION: In Aotearoa New Zealand, as elsewhere in the world, healthcare providers are seeking better ways to engage with increasingly ethnically and linguistically diverse communities. The use of cultural support…continue reading
This paper describes an exploratory study carried out to identify the issues for jury service for people with low levels of English language ability. Questions were emailed to English language…continue reading
This article explores the ways in which Sri Lankan migrants in New Zealand establish a sense of continuity between the host nation and country of origin by forging interconnected spatialities.…continue reading
This study explores the experiences of refugee Muslim women as they accessed and navigated the healthcare system in AotearoaNew Zealand (NZ). A case-oriented approach was used, where semi-structured interviews were…continue reading
In New Zealand, the social contribution of volunteers exceeds 270 million hours per year. Volunteer participation is a vital component of emergency services activities, particularly in rural settings. Fire and…continue reading
Since 2009, RCG Group (2010) Limited (trading as Grace Training NZ) has evolved from a single-brand business, to a multi-branded company. Its strengths are making a difference in the lives…continue reading
This initiative created an active, sustainable, regenerative eco- learning space at Te Takutai o te Titī Marae (Colac Bay), enabling a whānau member to be the kaihautū of this project.…continue reading
This initiative has two workstreams, Te Ao Hangarau, a digital technology workforce capability development model for rangatahi interns, and The Kiwa Project, enabling not for profit Whānau Ora initiatives to…continue reading
In this paper, we examine the factors that contributed to New Zealand’s initial success, highlighting the distinctive state-society mandates that were forged through the response. We also reflect, briefly, on…continue reading
While citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand are granted full participation regardless of racial and cultural background, Asian immigrants appear exempt from the benefits of inclusion. For many, immigration is a…continue reading
For Korean immigrants, settling in New Zealand is challenging and stress-inducing. There is growing concern that feelings of alienation and loss seem to be key features in their lives. Taking…continue reading
In this article, I examine how a participatory painting project in Wellington enhanced cross-cultural understanding between former refugee and host-society participants and enabled a more inclusive urban narrative. In light…continue reading
This article presents a Photovoice project that explores the narratives of five young women of Eritrean heritage living in New Zealand. The photographs taken by the women suggest that their…continue reading
Public policy in New Zealand increasingly makes reference to “inclusion of diversity,” “equality,” and “equity.” Yet refugees resettling in New Zealand continue to experience systemic racism based on the application…continue reading
As New Zealanders, when we think about fair futures for refugees, we have to think about what is fair collectively and individually, and what is fair in local, regional, national,…continue reading
As social media platforms and the associated communication technologies become increasingly available, affordable and usable, these tools effectively enable forced migrants to negotiate political life across borders. This connection provides…continue reading
Young people from refugee backgrounds represent an important resource for disaster risk reduction within their respective communities. This paper presents a qualitative study with young people from refugee backgrounds and…continue reading
The process of resettlement as a refugee often involves adapting to, and reconciling with, a new social reality. The complexities associated with acculturation across age, gender and family dynamics are…continue reading
The pedagogical implications of encouraging social work students to consider the inter-sections of social justice with communities affected by disasters are considerable. This focus is key as disasters can impact…continue reading
The refugee label acknowledges the plight of people marginalized, oppressed and pushed to the periphery of society. While having this status affords a number of rights from countries signatory to…continue reading
The Black Lives Matter is a campaign for justice! And while it began in America, the issue of racism has resonated throughout the world including here in Aotearoa. There are…continue reading
In light of the global humanitarian crisis, a climate of fear has arisen around refugees which is often exacerbated by the media perpetuating misinformation and negative stereotypes. Such misrepresentation is…continue reading
The purpose of the current research was to use qualitative methods to unpack how migrants have been experiencing racism, what might be causing this, and how we can support migrants…continue reading
A introduction and summary of a year long research undertaken for masters thesis exploring the lived experiences of adults who lived with the effect of Selective Mutism and their experiences…continue reading
This phenomenon of generation gap is not new but it became popular in 1960s; however its magnitude is greater today due to many factors. The fast trend of urbanization, literacy…continue reading
Research was undertaken in the latter part of 2020 focused on the strengths and opportunities of young people in the Hurunui district, and how these can be assisted to grow.…continue reading
This thesis is an exploratory study of the experiences and perceptions of a group of New Zealand-born Tongan males living in Auckland on what participation in the Tongan cultural practice…continue reading
Since 2016 West Auckland has been using a collaborative model of supporting their most vulnerable young people into education. This paper looks at the five years from 2015 to 2020,…continue reading
This is a summary report of a community based project, seeking to work together on a proposal for a community-led evaluation development process
Service within Pacific cultures is a practical way to utilise personal skills and resources to contribute to the needs of others. There is an expectation that Pacific youth play an…continue reading
A survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s community sector on the impacts of COVID‐19: This report details the findings of a national COVID‐19 impact survey carried out across the Tangata Whenua,…continue reading
Planning for climate change is complex. There is some uncertainty about how quickly the climate will change and what the anticipated localised effects will be. There are also governance questions,…continue reading
This report presents insights from our research and our interviews with people who have significant experience of restorative practice in the New Zealand context. We have utilised this knowledge to…continue reading
The study describes multiple systemic barriers to former refugee groups receiving adequate and equitable support in New Zealand health, housing, income support, education and social services. Access to services is…continue reading
This 2020 State of the Sector Survey is the fourth biennial snapshot of the community and voluntary sector undertaken by ComVoices. Its findings reinforce those of previous surveys and other…continue reading
While still fragile, the community and voluntary sector is generally more stable and viable than it was two years ago. The survey of 129 community and voluntary organisations shows that…continue reading
This study was commissioned to capture the experiences of Refugees as Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ) clinical and community services as they responded to COVID 19; and to understand the impact…continue reading
This backgrounder is a starting point. The Refugee Youth Action Group (Wellington) is made up of government and non-government agencies keen to see action on the issues so refugee-background youth…continue reading
This report documents the experience of a group of researchers who started a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project with the Assyrian Youth community in Wellington. The objective of the project…continue reading
This research explores the extent to which successful asylum seekers are able to participate in Aotearoa New Zealand life by documenting the experiences of 18 people who have been recognised…continue reading
This report is the product of a group research project carried out in partnership with Victoria University students, secondary school refugee students and the facilitators of the Homework Club. Set…continue reading
Obtaining meaningful employment – adequately remunerated, fulfilling employment that is commensurate with a person’s skills and qualifications – is a high priority for people from refugee backgrounds, as it is…continue reading
The aim of this report is to increase understanding of the health requirements of refugee-background communities. Like many communities whose members are predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, former refugees face…continue reading
New Zealand is one of eleven countries that has been annually resettling refugees as part of the UNHCR refugee resettlement programme since the 1980s. Consequently, New Zealand’s refugee-background population continues…continue reading
The purpose of this study was to document and analyse the learning needs and issues of adult refugees with low language and literacy skills by looking at how their prior…continue reading
Whānau Ora Navigators work with whānau and families to identify their needs and aspirations, support their participation in core sectors such as housing, education, primary health and employment and link…continue reading
This initiative aimed to increase awareness amongst ahi kā whānau of their historical roles and responsibilities as kaitiaki, whilst at the same time contributing to whanaungatanga within Rangitāne whānau, hapū…continue reading
Research to improve decisions and outcomes in business, resource and environmental issues. The Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) operates at Lincoln University, providing research expertise for a wide range…continue reading
The rise of 2.0 Web, Technological convergence and the multiplication of devices has resulted in new sophisticated ways of thinking about digital marketing and have pushed the boundaries towards a…continue reading
The purpose of this initiative was to create a whānau strategy to support re-connection and healing for a whānau that had endured intergenerational harm and trauma. The PS Haitana Whānau…continue reading
The GoodMeasure Report for KidsCan was created with KidsCan to inform it’s social enterprise decision-making for the benefit of the children it serves. The product was created for KidsCan using…continue reading
In 2005 the New Zealand Police commissioned this research project to explore the perceptions of police held by members of various ethnic communities and to provide information on the current…continue reading
This research provides anthropological analysis into the intersection between migrants’ health, healthcare services, and the concept of migrant integration, focusing on the Luo community of Wellington as an ethnic minority…continue reading
Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa is a community mentoring organisation specialising in the formation of supportive relationships between volunteers and young people aged between 9 and 13 years. A key focus…continue reading
While the COVID-19 crisis has reminded us of how underprepared the world was to detect and respond to emerging infectious diseases, it simultaneously revealed how well-placed and effective institutions in…continue reading
The purpose of the People’s Report is to provide a range of views about Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These come…continue reading
The Rule Foundation and Rainbow New Zealand Charitable Trust (RNZCT) are proud to release a report on the state of Rainbow Philanthropy in Aotearoa. Conducted between August 2019 and April…continue reading
Food Hygiene book by Akram rishan AlaboudiS D AlsawafDhary Alewy Al MashhadanyDhary Alewy Al Mashhadany
This work was a translational research project undertaken by Burwood Academy of Independent Living (BAIL) on behalf of the New Zealand Spinal Trust (NZST; based at the Burwood Spinal Unit,…continue reading
Counting Ourselves is the first comprehensive national survey of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and was conducted from 21 June till…continue reading
This report summarises the research and explains how we developed and used a ‘Community Economy Return on Investment’ tool to document and measure the transformative social and environmental outcomes of…continue reading
Electric cars are the future of transportation without pollutions. Electric cars industry start to grow fast, but this cars facing some problems like, low speed and the car take long…continue reading
Many people have learned basic facts about the Treaty, but this is not enough to know how to apply it in organisational contexts. After attending my first Treaty training I…continue reading
Resettlement provides access to rights similar to other New Zealanders and the opportunity to eventually gain citizenship. It also provides an avenue for countries like New Zealand to share international…continue reading
This report has presented the results of three research projects carried out in the wider Southland region: interviews with household members about population change; a survey of employers in the…continue reading
The Nga Tangata Oho Mairangi (NTOM) research programme is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The programme of research is broad and involves both Massey and…continue reading
This paper summarises the findings of a small, in-depth research project undertaken at [School]; it has been prepared for the purpose of feeding back findings to the school. The findings…continue reading
The research has been commissioned by Shakti Community Council Inc. This is a literature review on violence against ethnic women especially in NZ. It also explores the possible responses to…continue reading
Introduction:Music is an art, whose medium is sound organized in time, however, playing music could make the listener a happier person as it releases pleasurable hormones and increases dopamine levels.Relaxing…continue reading
This study addresses the recreational behaviours of immigrants and ethnic minorities, with a focus on nature-based recreation in national and regional parks. The study was comprised of a survey questionnaire…continue reading
Ethnic precincts are a relatively new addition to Auckland’s retail landscape and there has to date been little research devoted to better understanding their function and role. Increased knowledge about…continue reading
Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the relative importance of predictors of the self-rated adjustment and psychiatric morbidity of recent Chinese migrants. Method: Chinese…continue reading
This study explored the everyday lives, aspirations, and coping strategies of seven Eastern European immigrant women in New Zealand who came from Bulgaria, the former Eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania,…continue reading
The Hearts and Minds of Katikati research project was conceived by the Katikati Taiao and supported with funding from the Lotteries commission. The Hearts and Minds research aims to provide…continue reading
Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading
Issue 37 of the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand comprises research papers on a wide range of topics with implications for policy across the social sector. Research relating to…continue reading
In the 10 years since the publication of the first refugee health handbook there have been considerable steps taken toward improving long-term settlement outcomes for refugees settled in New Zealand.…continue reading
The purpose of this document is to:1. Provide Information about CALD population demographics and characteristics, increasing workforce diversity, service barriers, and why the need for cultural competence2. Recommend Best Practice…continue reading
The medical/disabled category for quota refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand allows entry to those who have either a medical condition that can be treated or helped in New…continue reading
From arrival in New Zealand refugee students are disadvantaged as they will often not have had the experience of formal education. In New Zealand, the mismatch of age and placement…continue reading
The increasing use of emergency departments by refugee and migrant groups reflects the shifting ethnic composition of central Auckland. Refugees are different from other immigrants and from low-income families in…continue reading
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community, and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
In pursuing their purpose of supporting migrants, former refugees, and people from minority ethnicities with their settlement processes, the Nelson Multicultural Council contracted the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research at…continue reading
Why this report has been produced The Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Diverse Communities – Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand report brings together existing data and…continue reading
When refugees are resettled into a destination, refugee-focused service providers offer frontline services to ease refugees’ experiences of trauma and marginalisation, providing advocacy and welcome through reception processes, translation services,…continue reading
Informed and engaged communities are central to a healthy democratic society, and local government has a critical role to play. Engaged communities have high levels of community knowledge, cultural vibrancy,…continue reading
There is no doubt that violence in primary stage is very common in many schools. This aggression can be verbal or physical. The verbal aggression is insulting a child in…continue reading
This evaluation was conducted to understand the impact Wanaka Alcohol Group’s work is having in the Upper Clutha region. The intent of the evaluation was to also generate information that…continue reading
Motivated by continuing educational disparities for Pasifika, and the paucity of research around Pasifika strategies coming out of the South Island, Pasifika staff at the University of Canterbury (UC), Ara…continue reading
Immigrant entrepreneurs play an important role in their host countries’ economies. They contribute to national economies by starting up and running small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These make up 97%…continue reading
Migration is the movement of people from one geographic location to another. It can be either domestic or international. This study focuses on international migration. Individuals or groups who decide…continue reading
Environment conservation is one of the primary concerns of most countries in the modern world because of the continuous increase in environmental degradation and the resulting pollution. Environmental pollution has…continue reading
Reflecting on community work and anti oppressive practices.
This article came about because it was initially a workshop presented at the AAEGT biennial conference held in Darling Harbour, Sydney in 2010. I was asked to convert the workshop…continue reading
Who is this guide for? This guide is for anyone who provides mental health support in Aotearoa, including (but not limited to) counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, tohunga (Māori healers), social…continue reading
This study reassesses the explanations as presented in surveys accessible on Internet for the average poor learner performance at many Mozambican schools, while suggesting some alternative ones in an attempt…continue reading
The purpose of Katikati Taiao Hearts and Minds Research was to investigate the potential and possibilities for a reinvigorated community sense of identity and belonging. The research focused on whether…continue reading
Independent study that quantifies the gap between what not-for-profit social service providers in NZ are funded to deliver and the real cost. I finds there is an estimated $630 million…continue reading
The brief states that the Kāinga Tahi Kāinga Rua Strategic Research Area recognises the dual and complex nature of Māori identities and the many communities in which we construct our…continue reading
Social procurement is a powerful tool for addressing targeted aspects of social disparity while also purchasing required products, services or supplies. Infrastructure development, for instance, can also deliver training within…continue reading
In 1936 71% of Māori lived in dwellings that the whānau owned, by 1991 the ownership rate had fallen to 56%, by 2013 it was at 43%, and today…continue reading
The Whai Rawa whenu in the Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua research programme explores the regulations, planning and financing rules, governing structures, and leadership styles that shape current Māori housing. Our…continue reading
This literature review has been prepared for the Kāinga Tahi Kāinga Rua research direction as part of the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge by members of…continue reading
The modern-day healthcare systems incessantly undergo rapid shifts ranging due to the fiscal meltdowns. As such, it is evident that healthcare facilities, especially, in rural areas need a unique type…continue reading
Obesity in children is a global health concern. In New Zealand, one in three school entrant children are overweight or obese. M¯aori, the indigenous people, are disproportionately represented among the…continue reading
This report focuses on understanding the barriers and drivers for Māori to undertake succession through the Māori Land Court (MLC) to become owners of Māori freehold or customary land (Māori…continue reading
Mandated organ donation would greatly increase the overall functionality and wellbeing of populations in the United States. It therefore should be considered to change the current default from having to…continue reading
The Social Services Snapshot is a longitudinal survey of social services. It tracks the issues impacting both local social social services and their clients and identifies service gaps.
This is an article written by a Maori business partnership who presented and attended a conference on racial equity in the United States in October 2018. Looking through a Maori…continue reading
6 years ago, 74 flax weevils (Anagotus fairburni) and 100 Cook Strait giant weta (Deinacrida rugosa) were translocated from Maud Island and released over 2 sites across Oruawairua. One site…continue reading
Addiction practitioners in New Zealand work alongside those who are experiencing a range of addictions, as well as those who care for them, to assist in making recovery for clients…continue reading
A project looking at men’s awareness of and potential engagement in the prevention of family violence.
A group of 30 homeless men were interviewed about their background, experience of services and their hopes for the future.
This report, written by Rachael Trotman of the Centre for Social Impact, focuses on the funders’ experience of the VOYCE collaboration, which also actively involved care-experienced children and young people,…continue reading
One of the important parts of public health surveillance is to track flu (influenza) and similar respiratory conditions. School-based surveillance of flu or influenza-like illness (ILI) is critical as children…continue reading
Kimihia te Hauora Hinengaro: Pathways to Mental Health report is on a study conducted by Wai Research which explores the relevance of the inclusion of Māori cultural elements in therapeutic…continue reading
Inspiring Communities and the Tamarack Institute have co-written a new paper in which we reflect on changes in community-led change over the past decade from both Canadian and New Zealand…continue reading
OverviewThis report details aggregate findings from a formative evaluation of two Auckland-based Transition from Care to Independence (TCI) services – Launch and Ka Awatea. The original impetus for this evaluation…continue reading
I am quite fascinated by the grant making ecosystem and believe that we, as a community, need to understand where grant money comes from, where it goes to, and how…continue reading
Mapping the Social Sector in the Western Bay of Plenty project emerged from a need expressed by the sector to better understand itself, provide data for future planning, and to…continue reading
This research aims to better understand the parenting practices of new migrants in Auckland’s North Shore communities. Its primary use is to assist Whānau Marama Parenting, a parenting programme provider…continue reading
This report is the result of a research project funded by the Lottery Grants Board through the Lottery Community Sector Research Committee, into the impact of the oneCO-OPERATIVE initiative of…continue reading
Project Background: The Hastings District Council ‘Supporting Social Wellbeing Strategic Framework 2010’, has as one of its key outcomes: Young people connect and develop positively within the community and add…continue reading
This document pulls together five strands of research. The first is a collection of demographic data concerning 502 participants who were referred to and attended programmes at Stopping Violence Dunedin…continue reading
Population growth has already ended in a number of countries around the world. Significant demographic trends are transforming the global population, with record low fertility across the globe, increasing longevity…continue reading
How do we measure or report on the impact of capacity building? This review reports on the effectiveness and ‘value for money’ of a community capacity building hub (Community Waikato),…continue reading
This review found that support for capacity building is useful, and enables the funder (in this case Trust Waikato) to increase its impact in the community, enhance non-profit sustainability, and…continue reading
This monograph reviews the state of the third sector in both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and is the first comprehensive overview of the research that has studied and documented…continue reading
Learning networks operate under a variety of names: communities of practice; e-learning networks; web-discussion fora, learning communities, thematic groups… Whatever name they go by, they tend to be groups of…continue reading
In 2016 the Ministry of Soical Development (MSD) advised that from July 2017 its contracts with funded providers would include, as a condition of funding, the requirement to gather and…continue reading
Community Safety is relevant at both individual and community levels. This research report is about perceptions of safety which is different from an objective measure of changing crime rates, or…continue reading
Suicide in New Zealand is considered to be a major health crisis, with Māori taitamariki (youth) featuring in disproportionate numbers as more likely to die from suicide than non-Māori youth.…continue reading
Purchase-of-service contracting with voluntary organisations for social services in Aotearoa New Zealand is examined, in the context of international trends and as a part of the long run historical evolution…continue reading
What has happened in the 25 years or so since purchase-of-service contracting was introduced for government funding of voluntary organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand? This article provides a brief commentary…continue reading
The survey, of over 280 community organisations, shows that stresses on our community organisations are increasing. They are experiencing greater demand for services and are dealing with greater complexity, but…continue reading
The second Snapshot Survey conducted by ComVoices shows that the stresses on our community organisations are increasing. A survey of over 280 community organisations shows that they are experiencing greater…continue reading
The purpose of this project was to update existing ‘Good Practice Guidelines’, building upon the findings of the initial project conducted in 2009. The development of ‘Good Practice Guidelines’ aims…continue reading
Many Northland communities are relatively geographically isolated from urban centres. Because of this, services can be limited and travel, housing and the general cost of living are expensive for many.…continue reading
this review sketches a picture of changing demand and supply for elder care home care support services and evolving best practice. The future of care of older people is imagined…continue reading
Ngā Rerenga o Te Tiriti responds to the aspiration of groups and organisations within the community sector to be more engaged with the Treaty of Waitangi. It brings together many…continue reading
In 2013, the Rise UP Trust gained Lotteries funding to explore culturally relevant and responsive ways to engage Pasifika whānau in their children’s learning, and to support the development of…continue reading
Although now coming to the fore in New Zealand in a new way, public policy has put increasing emphasis on ‘outcomes’, ‘impacts’ and ‘results’ for at least a quarter of…continue reading
NZ Council of Christian Social Services, in partnership with the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, and in consultation with the NZ Council of Social Services, produced this paper “to…continue reading
This report details an investigation into the experiences of African youth with the police and the New Zealand justice system. The research study involved a survey design to collect quantitative…continue reading
This study examines the financial sustainability challenges and opportunities faced by local NGOs, particularly of those registered as Ethiopian Resident Charities by the law. These NGOs constitute nearly 70% of…continue reading
Animal assisted activities (AAA) are increasingly being seen as an important part of the range of interventions in the helping professions including social work. Whilst a code of ethics has…continue reading
This article discusses the development and contested nature of community development practice and the effects of neoliberalism on community development in Aotearoa New Zealand. We describe how community development has…continue reading
Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…continue reading
‘Collective Impact’ has been sweeping the non-profit world by storm, beginning in North America and gaining popularity in Australia and New Zealand. Collective Impact sees that no single organisation can…continue reading
This research is to evaluate the impact of rural skills development trainings for poverty alleviation in Bulilima district in Plumtre, Zimbabwe. The reason for this research was to find out…continue reading
A cohort of senior students attending five New Zealand secondary schools operating a peer mentoring programme were followed for 24 months. The aims of this project were to evaluate their…continue reading
This research examined the legal needs of beneficiaries and how community law centres can respond. Beneficiaries’ experiences of accessing welfare entitlements, reviewing and appealing benefit decisions to Medical Appeals Boards,…continue reading
BayTrust’s mission is to “effectively build, strengthen and enhance present and future Bay of Plenty Communities.” To support this, BayTrust approached the Centre for Social Impact to provide research and…continue reading
Despite the vitality of kapa haka as an art form and its significance to our culture, its value is not well understood or documented. There have been surprisingly few studies…continue reading
Since 2002, ParentWorks, a programme of Christchurch Methodist Mission, has been helping non-custodial parents to build better relationships with their children and assist them both in the short and long…continue reading
The action research process that informed the report was initially made possible through CatholicCare Bushfire Community Recovery Service, with the support and involvement of service Manager, Janet Cribbes. The study…continue reading
Governments around the world are making increasing use of contracting “technologies” to purchase services from voluntary organizations – both in privatising (contracting out) previously government-provided services and in reining in…continue reading
Fundraisers and their organisational leaders (CEOs and board members) diverge sometimes in how they think about fundraising. In fact, eight key differences emerged in the recent Australian study that sparked…continue reading
This paper presents insights into the impacts on Māori of the Christchurch earthquakes and draws on personal research experiences to discuss disaster research with impacted minority communities. Three topics are…continue reading
A paper written and presented by Megan Woods MP for the inaugural Christchurch Womens Researchers Breakfast, Otauatahi-Christchurch, Thursday 21st November 2014
From arrival in New Zealand refugee students are disadvantaged as they will often not have had the experience of formal education. In New Zealand, the mismatch of age and placement…continue reading
The meteoric rise of food bank use in times of prosperity leads us to argue that food banks are institutionalised within New Zealand society with texts reflecting civic, market and…continue reading
The research looks at how Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) have been involved in and impacted by mid- to long-term recovery efforts, following the Christchurch earthquakes. Relocation information of TSOs’ offices…continue reading
This paper presents insights into the impact on Maori of the Christchurch earthquakes, including the role of Indigenous Knowledge (Matauranga Maori) in disasters, and the role of Indigenous culture in…continue reading
This case study of Jalin Merapi in the 2010 Merapi volcanic eruption captures how local communities can empower themselves through participation in providing, sharing and verifying information within their social…continue reading
Post-quake Christchurch has seen a flourishing of alternative economic activities that work to directly support the wellbeing of residents, often through the volunteer and community sector. This project seeks to…continue reading
Not-for-profits, community-based organisations and social enterprises have volunteerism at its roots, and for many at its heart. The ‘Third Sector’ is still commonly known to many as the ‘Voluntary Sector’.…continue reading
Our purpose in this conference paper is to • Define (and celebrate) what we mean by ‘actionable theory’ and how our model fits this endeavour • Discuss the value of…continue reading
Organisations in the Australian disability sector have new regulatory pressures challenging their governance structures. Increasing levels of political, economic and social pressure means that membership of third sector boards is…continue reading
This paper draws on recent research which was grounded in theory-building with civil society practitioners in two Aotearoa NZ leadership learning contexts (Malcolm, 2014) to draw out their tacit wisdom…continue reading
This work focusses on the development and implementation of a Relationships Framework based on Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi. Within that Framework, an original organisation development tool based on a Tiriti/Treaty…continue reading
New Zealand has an opportunity to become a global example of the benefits of organizational gender balance by showcasing the Christchurch rebuild as a project that promotes gender diversity. Equal…continue reading
Following the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) are increasingly relied on to maintain community connectivity, and well-being. As demolition and red zoning alter livelihood options, TSOs are…continue reading
This paper focuses on the outsourcing of public services to private organisations and the mechanisms that government puts in place to control these organisations. The fulcrum of this paper is…continue reading
A survey of over 300 community organisations working in the community sector in 2014. Findings show that many are under severe pressure. Most groups are doing more work than ever…continue reading
The “leader” word often brings to mind strong, decisive, visionary individuals. Yet this assumption stops many from ever thinking of themselves as leaders. This PhD thesis explores an understanding of…continue reading
This is a study undertaken by the Howard league for Penal Reform on reintegration services in teh Canterbury region. It is a multi faceted study involving interviews with prison and…continue reading
There is little information in Aotearoa New Zealand about how women are represented in the Community and Voluntary Sector, despite the fact that the the sector’s voluntary and paid workforce…continue reading
This research report presents the details and findings of a research project commissioned by Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa, entitled Pasifika Success as Pasifika in Aotearoa New Zealand (PSAPiA).…continue reading
This paper is part of a annual series of essays commissioned for Waitangi Day which explores the State of the Pākehā nation in memory of the late Joan Cook –…continue reading
The Christchurch earthquakes can be viewed from many disciplines: geology, geography, history, disaster management, psychology, sociology etc. For the past two years, the National Council of Women in Christchurch has…continue reading
During 2010 and 2011, a series of major earthquakes caused widespread damage in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The magnitude 6.3 quake in February 2011 caused 185 fatalities. In…continue reading
There are many pockets of work across institutions like Unitec where the community has approached particular people or programmes with a plea to deliver to a specific need. The Graduate…continue reading
With the support of Lottery funding, the work reported here was conducted to document the needs of older adults in the Upper Clutha. Particular efforts were made to include outlying…continue reading
The phrase ‘He Mokopuna He Tupuna ’ is one that provides a cultural framework for understanding the positioning of tamariki within Te Ao Māori . It is drawn from the…continue reading
This report outlines the process and findings of research undertaken by young people living in Waimarino, with support from the Raetihi Community Trust and the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre…continue reading
This document is the final accountability report for a Lottery Community Sector Research Fund grant for Inspiring Communities to contribute to “understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa/New Zealand”. This…continue reading
This resource is not a summary of research but has been created as a result of academic research into grassroots responses to disasters. In this resource I pull together several…continue reading
This report summarises the Masters thesis of the same title (also found in this directory). I briefly discuss methodology and background to the case study of Project Lyttelton before explaining…continue reading
When the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, at 12.51pm on 22nd February 2011, the psychological and physical landscape was irrevocably changed. In the days and weeks…continue reading
This presentation explores how causal inferences can be drawn from a ‘natural experiment’, like Whānau Ora. I talk generally about health interventions and a little about the Whānau Ora initiative,…continue reading
The rationale for this thesis “Matua Whangai – Can we invigorate an important concept of social work?” is quite simply that: – – The deaths of our babies have shattered…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
The experience of living with endometriosis is, for many women, very challenging. A fortunate few find sympathetic doctors, relatively quick diagnosis and treatment, and uncomplicated recovery. They are able to…continue reading
What is community circus, who is it for, what comes out of it and how can it be developed? These questions were the focus of a research project conducted from…continue reading
This report is a piece of action research. It provides a snapshot of how the residents of Merivale, Tauranga feel about their suburb and reveals what they would like to…continue reading
The study was inspired by a growing awareness of the abuse of disabled people living in the New Zealand community. Next, while international research has highlighted that disabled people are…continue reading
The following report presents a summarisation of the development research and evaluation project “Evaluation for More Effective Community Development”. This project was initiated by Community Waitakere in 2012 and completed…continue reading
AMPLIFY is a 13-month action enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South. The action…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
The DOVE Research Project came about after discussions between family violence intervention service, DOVE Hawkes Bay (DOVE) and the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) about the high levels of family…continue reading
Mental Health Care in many countries is multiply-fragmented. Amongst the players are a variety of professional groups, many different community organizations for service-users and caregivers, as well as commercial enterprises…continue reading
This paper presents results of a survey of Wellington non-profit organisations (NPOs) with the aim of understanding the interest and readiness of NPOs in adopting shared computing services. The survey…continue reading
The focus of this study is on Tuatapere, a rural south island community and how it managed the dramatic social changes over the past fifty years. Government policies,changes in international…continue reading
The publication describes the part that community none-government organisations (NGOs) take in New Zealand Mental Health and Addictions (MH&A) service system. It describes some of the activities of these essential…continue reading
The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading
In 2007, the Community Sector Taskforce applied its base position set out in ‘A New Way of Working’ to the issue of Sector funding and accountability. This paper, with the…continue reading
this is Stage 3 of Community Waitakere’s, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH.A community development assessment of strengths, aspirations, needs and opportunities of the community sector of WaitakereThis final stage of the…continue reading
This is stage 2 of a 4 stage COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH PROJECT. We know it’s important to reflect on our past so we are able to chart a course…continue reading
This report studied six communities affected by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Our project found that connected communities with good community infrastructure (e.g. local networks, marae, organisations, and leaders)…continue reading
All research raises questions about ethics: about the rigour, responsibility and respect of the practices of researchers. As a result, there are strict systems in place to encourage and enforce…continue reading
This compilation of case studies, examples and commentaries forms the third part of a set of materials relating to ethics in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Part I comprises a set…continue reading
Institutional racism, a pattern of differential access to material resources and power determined by race, advantages one sector of the population while disadvantaging another. Such racism is not only about…continue reading
This report gives voice to the clients of Link House Agency, a counselling and social work organisation dedicated to single parent families. The clients shared their stories during a focus…continue reading
Change in volunteering and donation rates from 2007 to 2008
While the thought of a discussion on constitutional matters may seem daunting and far removed from daily life, the exercise of public power has a direct impact on us all…continue reading
The successful delivery of services and programmes by Māori and iwi providers is key to building Māori community capacity and therefore in addressing Mäori/non-Māori disparities (across, for example, health, education,…continue reading
The case studies were chosen by the leadership team at Community Waitakere. While Community Waitakere operates in the community development space, the case studies are not entirely from organisations that…continue reading
The indicators have been chosen based on their ability to capture important factors in community health and well-being, organisations will need to have careful discussion about whether they are appropriate…continue reading
There are many organisations working with communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is important we develop our understanding of the impact organisations and the programmes and services they run have…continue reading
This paper explores how Māori cultural processes can guide research processes. Tikanga Māori (Māori ways/traditions) based dialogue processes acknowledge relationships between people and the reasons why they have gathered together.…continue reading
This report details the development and operation of a community based violence prevention programme. The focus was upon creating community level conversations that would enlarge understandings of violence and from…continue reading
A presentation by Kataraina Pipi and Kim Whaanga-Kipa about the marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning
NZ’s Working for Families (WFF) policy introduced in 2004 aimed to address, amongst other things, the poverty faced by low-income working families. While WFF has been evaluated, little evidence exists…continue reading
This paper presents an analysis of the qualitative data collected for a study investigating the effect of the Working for Families policy on Māori families’ self-reported whānau ora (family wellbeing).…continue reading
The paper focuses on preliminary analysis of the first set of data collected, namely key informant interviews conducted with policy makers involved in the development of the Working for Families…continue reading
In this paper we discuss our experiences in doing action research and share some methodological insights with other practitioners. The aim is to promote knowledge flows both within the public…continue reading
The purpose of this paper is to look back over the three years of Community Economic Development Action Research (CEDAR) project and share some of the learnings with policy makers…continue reading
This presentation provides an overview of the PATH planning tool, its use in Aotearoa over the past ten years, with individuals, whānau, organisations and businesses. The current and potential use…continue reading
He Kōrero Whānau is a component of a wider whānau and hapū development project within Te Rarawa, an iwi located in the Far North of Aotearoa. It aimed to prepare…continue reading
Whānau must lead their own development and solutions to work towards individual and collective whānau wellbeing for the future. Whānau are experts of their everyday lived experiences and hold the…continue reading
Workshop powerpoint presentation on Researching in Partnership: Utilising Fa’asamoa and Western Research Frameworks in Fieldwork in Aotearoa/ New Zealand
This paper contributes to the theorising on Pacific research approaches from a personal and Tongan perspective.
This is a Pacific Island model of health for the use in the the New Zealand context.
The Health and Disability sector NGOs working group identified the current and potential contribution of NGOs to Whānau Ora. This paper recognises that sector NGOs are already maximising their contribution…continue reading
WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading
In 2006 the J R McKenzie Trust invited expressions of interest from Māori community organisations for grants supporting whānau development. This resulted in a large and diverse response. This document…continue reading
This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD), Te Runanga O Te…continue reading
This paper identifies the key strengths of the health and disability sector NGOs (non-government organisations) and the challenges and opportunities ahead for progressing towards a whānau-centred approach.
An in-depth research programme undertaken by Pillars has found that the effects of imprisonment on the children are profound and long lasting. The purpose of this practice manual is to…continue reading
Summarises interviews with Kaumātua/Kuia from different rohe about their experiences of the transition to adulthood. Included in the report is a literature review on the subject of rites of passage…continue reading
Action Research is a participatory research method in which research is then undertaken to answer the question, with the findings reflected upon for their practice implications. Practice is then changed…continue reading
This research has piloted a tool for assessing the cultural impact of sub-division on ancestral Māori land. Local government authorities have said they often find it difficult to incorporate the…continue reading
A survey of American NPOs was conducted to examine business/nonprofit partnerships from the perspective of those who have never partnered. Primary reasons for not partnering with business tended to be…continue reading
Action Research is a participatory research method in which esearch is then undertaken to answer the question, with the findings reflected upon for their practice implications. Practice is then changed…continue reading
This summary of a review of research commissioned by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2003, is intended to provide parents and professionals with important information about the effects…continue reading
The modern world is characterised by an increasingly mobile population as family members transfer or relocate nationally and/or internationally to pursue new career or lifestyle opportunities. How positive this decision…continue reading
There is a significant body of literature concerning ethical issues in undertaking research with children and young people. It covers a broad range of ethical issues, concerning both the nature…continue reading
This report presents the findings from the Childwatch project. To the best of our knowledge it is the first international project of its kind to identify and explore the ethical…continue reading
After the Sept 2010 earthquake, a series of meetings were held with community organisations in Christchurch to enable them to learn from each other about supporting their communities and to…continue reading
This study examined the link between animal cruelty and family violence. The issue was investigated with a combination of in-depth interviews and a survey of 203 Women’s Refuge clients and…continue reading
An investigation into the population in Golden Bay and what they need to be able to ‘Age in Place’
Summarises interviews with kaumatua/kuia from different rohe about their experiences of the transition to adulthood. Included in the report is a literature review on the subject of rites of passage…continue reading
An in-depth research programme undertaken by Pillars has found that the effects of imprisonment on the children are profound and long lasting. The purpose of this practice manual is to…continue reading
Implementing a policy change advocacy project has provided the JR McKenzie Trust with an understanding about the opportunities and challenges of such a project. The purpose of this report is…continue reading
This report examines two models of governance used in non-profit organisations, namely a model based on collectivism which is founded on consensus decision-making involving people at all levels of the…continue reading
Report recommending the focus of mental health shifts towards primary and integrated care and preventative interventions.
This report measures philanthropy in New Zealand during 2011; that is, how much money New Zealanders and their organisations (trusts & foundations, individuals and businesses) gave to charitable and other…continue reading
Quarterly giving and volunteering data, published by the Department of Internal Affairs
Elder abuse and neglect prevention services support older people who have been abused or neglected to achieve a safer living environment. In some situations, lack of authoritative power prevents achievement…continue reading
This paper identifies the key strengths of the health and disability sector NGOs (non-government organisations) and the challenges and opportunities ahead for progressing towards a whānau-centred approach.
A pilot of social work support in a primary health setting was undertaken and elvauated in a small rural community in New Zealand. This pilot was part of a social…continue reading
This short literature review about evaluating advocacy and policy change work is designed to be of use to advocacy organisations and funders.
A qualitative project explored the lived experiences and social service needs of affected or at-risk Black African migrants, refugees and their family members in New Zealand. One of the main…continue reading
Address to “Our Future Community and Voluntary Sector Forum”, Hosted by Council of Social Services Christchurch and Te Runaka ki Otautahi Kai Tahu, Christchurch, 28 July 2011. Drawing on lessons…continue reading
A community developer’s personal account of efforts by a rural community to confront local issues by developing a long-term social development strategy. The author describes attempts by a group of…continue reading
A document presenting some simple ways to analyse current health networks and how to look to strengthen them.
A presentation of the method of work currently being undertaken at the Aranui Community Trust a community development organisation in Eastern Christchurch. This was the presentation that was given at…continue reading
In late 2009 a survey was carried out to every house in Aranui. Questions were asked about the 5 result areas that the trust is working towards. These 5 areas…continue reading
Independent evaluation of the Healthy Relationships programme, exploring the impact of the programme on student behaviour (e.g. if and how students used the Healthy Relationships skills to prevent potential sexual…continue reading
The Social Report 2010 provides a picture of progress towards better social outcomes for New Zealanders. It shows how we are faring on a range of important social indicators and…continue reading
This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD). Located within Te Runanga…continue reading
This paper discusses mindsets, competencies and attitudes of community leadership. Metaphors such as playing jazz are used to normalise the complexity of community sector work and starfish to emphasise the…continue reading
Giving and Volunteering statistics for the June quarter 2010
This paper explores three questions: 1. How can the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector think about Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi and work with it positively and productively? 2. In…continue reading
The aim of this research was to identify indicators of an individual’s deprivation appropriate for all ethnic groups, that can be combined into a single and simple index of individual…continue reading
ABSTRACT ONLY: This paper interrogates the notion of exclusion with a particular focus upon the experiences of young women.
A series of hui and interviews to determine the guiding cultural and ethical issues for Iwi were undertaken in Hamilton and Rotorua for the kidZnet projec
Two hundred years ago, English missionaries arrived in Aotearoa, bringing bibles, pens and paper, and thus, for the indigenous people, one of the first great encounters with European technology; namely,…continue reading
An examination of the link between problem gambling and family violence.
This letter from Dr Jim Primrose, Acting Deputy Director-General, Clinical Services Directorate, confirms policy settings concerning Non-Government Organisation providers of primary and population health services and PHOs.
The NgOIT 2005 Landscape Survey is a collection of data provided by community (non-government) mental health and addiction service providers in New Zealand. It is an overview of the community…continue reading
This report adds to the growing body of knowledge about non-government organisations (NGOs) in New Zealand contracted by the Crown to provide mental health and addictions services in the community.…continue reading
This is a joint paper describing and assessing initiatives undertaken by ANGOA in New Zealand and DSE in the Solomon Islands to improve the ability of NGO’s to interact effectively…continue reading
This paper considers challenges to giving and opportunities for promoting generosity in New Zealand. It sets out proposals from the Generosity Hub for a strategic plan, objectives and initiatives. It…continue reading
This paper builds a picture of what we know about how people currently give in New Zealand, identifies gaps in information and the challenges for the future of generosity. This…continue reading
This paper examines the benefits that stem from generosity for givers, receivers and the community as a whole. This paper is the second of a series to stimulate discussion between…continue reading
This paper asks the core questions: what is generosity, and what does it have to do with the way we live our lives or run our businesses? This paper is…continue reading
A growing awareness of giving, volunteering and acts of kindness in all their forms offers many opportunities to promote greater generosity throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. The philanthropic and voluntary sectors,…continue reading
Research into who gives time and money to different parts of the community and voluntary sector. It draws on market research data collected through the Panorama Survey, which is run…continue reading
Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading
This paper looks at how local government in New Zealand is working to improve the participation of residents in local decision-making. The research looked at three communities where community planning…continue reading
This paper examines the relationship between the non-profit sector and government, and the public policy environment in which the sector operates in Aotearoa. Non-profit organisations are affected by laws and…continue reading
This evaluation follows a broad-ranging evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme (VASS) in 1998 that focused on rationale, purpose, structure, management and ‘place’ of VASS in relation to international…continue reading
An overview of civil society organisations and the concepts of ‘civil society’ and ‘social capital’ in Australia and New Zealand research, politics and wider usage. Similarities and differences between the…continue reading
This presentation formed part of an international panel discussion on the state of not for profit management education across the world, at a conference in Arizona, United States in March…continue reading
Progress on the development of research examining the impact of Unitec NZ’s Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management.
Information, knowledge and wisdom for the learning NGO, capacity building & roles.
The History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand considers the forces and players that have shaped the non-profit sector in New Zealand over time. It examines our rich heritage…continue reading
One in a series of working papers to understand the scope, structure, financing, and role of the nonprofit sector of more than 40 countries.
The Federation of SeniorNet Societies has commissioned this study to evaluate how the SeniorNet service is meeting the needs of older adults in learning new technology and to improve an…continue reading
This study analysed newspaper and television news items about Maori issues and te Tiriti o Waitangi. It found mass media used persistent negative themes about Maori, Pakeha news frames and…continue reading
This paper explores how kaupapa Maori practices were operationalised within Maori and Iwi Providers. It examined the practices of successful Maori and iwi (tribal) providers of services and/or programmes across…continue reading
This summary report provides baseline data for understanding the sector and the role and importance of those managing volunteers. It is a snapshot. It tells us who are managing volunteers,…continue reading
In 2006 the J R McKenzie Trust invited expressions of interest from Maori community organisations for grants supporting whanau development. This resulted in a large and diverse response. This document…continue reading
Responses from over 1700 volunteers in four charities and six sporting organisations from Wellington and Christchurch. Two very different profiles emerged. The typical charity volunteer was female, aged 56+, retired,…continue reading
New quarterly data on giving and volunteering in New Zealand
An overview of how ethnicity, personal income and household income relate to giving and volunteering in New Zealand. It is a brief supplement to ‘How do New Zealanders give’ also…continue reading
A list of research on the non-profit sector in New Zealand collated as part of the Study of the New Zealand Non-profit Sector
This report provides the most accurate picture yet of the New Zealand non-profit sector and shows how it compares with 40 other countries. It gives us a better understanding of…continue reading
Aims to guide and inform Creative New Zealand, Auckland City Council and ASB Community Trust’s approach to engaging with Asian Aucklanders in the arts. Focuses on Chinese, Indian, Korean and…continue reading
Compare and contrast supervision policies and practices in smaller non-profit social service organisations in Hamilton, find out whether there is a best practice model of supervision for social workers working…continue reading
An earlier Review (Nowland-Foreman, 2006) examined the rationale for funders to invest in capacity building, and through supporting the core operating costs of capacity building organisations. This Report builds on…continue reading
NZAID is seeking to move to a more strategic developmental approach that meets their principles and ways of working to effectively address the needs of people living with disabilities in…continue reading
Accountability is usually assumed to be an unmitigated good for Third Sector organisations – the more the better. While there are some benefits from externally imposed accountability requirements, they can…continue reading
The Background provides a summary of various key developments over the last decade in working to strengthen relationships between Government and the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector. Analysis concludes…continue reading
The briefing draws selected verbatim extracts from various Government and community organisation briefing documents. Collated to inform Todd Foundation‚ strategic planning process in 2010, the paper focuses on the key…continue reading
This is a brief report of an August 2008 seminar, sponsored by the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector Research Centre on possibilities for a sector-wide survey in Aotearoa New…continue reading
The remarks of Garth Nowland-Foreman, Chair of the Committee for the Study of the New Zealand Non-Profit Sector on the launch of ‘The New Zealand Non-Profit Sector in Comparative Perspective’…continue reading
Increased accountability is often assumed to only be desirable for non-profit and voluntary organisations. This papers outlines some of the risks and dangers from externally imposed, and especially, ‘classic’ (legalistic)…continue reading
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Book Review: Third Sector: The Contribution of Nonprofit and Cooperative Enterprises in Australia, by Mark Lyons. St. Leonards, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2001.
What is happening to government funding of voluntary organisations in Aotearoa/New Zealand? Where is it heading? What does it mean for voluntary organisations?
This is the ‘accidental’ joint funding which may very well describe the situation for the 99 per cent of non-profit organisations that orchestrate the mix of funding they require to…continue reading
A review of Social Services Waikato and Arts Waikato.
Abstract only: Research conducted in 1998 in Tasmania indicated that a fourth sector of society distinct from Market, Government and community, was emerging. The comparative analysis between seven Tasmanian and…continue reading
Volunteer managers/coordinators’ roles are of central importance to promoting and enhancing volunteerism, yet little is known about these workers: who they are, what they do, or how their effectiveness could…continue reading
Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading
An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading
An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading
Describes a new model for research based on an organic approach to social change.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature in the area of community sector capacity building. The review will attempt to summarise the key themes…continue reading
The KIDPOWER TEENPOWER FULLPOWER Trust (KIDPOWER) received a grant from The Todd Foundation to pilot and evaluate outcomes of one-hour sessions with 8 to 12 year old children in classes…continue reading
The KIDPOWER TEENPOWER FULLPOWER Trust (KIDPOWER) received a grant from The Todd Foundation to pilot and evaluate outcomes of one-hour sessions with 8 to 12 year old children in classes…continue reading
Feasibility study prepared for a Lotteries Commission Community Facilities Application. This study includes a review of local facilities and the results of a survey in the Northland/Otari suburbs of Wellington.
The Building Better Government Engagement (BBGE) project seeks to identify actions for building skills, knowledge and values in the public service about effective engagement with citizens and communities. This report…continue reading
‘Healthy Relationships’ is a programme designed by Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust to teach personal safety through explanations and interactive stories. The goal of the stories is to develop understanding of…continue reading
A study of the costs and impacts of employment relationship problems and how the parties to an ERP decide how to progress the issues.
This report estimates how much money New Zealanders and New Zealand non-governmental organisations gave to charities and other community purposes during the 2005/2006 year.
The article is an analysis of when and why sports projects for disadvantaged children actually include the children and produce social capital. The Danish State has funded 42 sports projects…continue reading
The Local Government Act 2002 requires New Zealand local authorities to become actively involved in the development of social well being. Recent research indicates that the community and social services…continue reading
Narrative research project that interviews five community development/social service providers in 2002 and again in 2008. The interviews focus on organisational practice such as funding and networking.
This research project was initiated in 2001 to explore the governance and organisational practices of 11 diverse community organisations in Dunedin. The themes explored within the study are the life…continue reading
This paper compares the ‘Achieving Better Community Development’ (ABCD) model for organisational practice (Barr & Hashagen 2000) with the organisational practices in New Zealand ‘social development’ approach to social service…continue reading
In recent years ‘third way’ style governments have sought to partner with third sector organisations in ‘joined up’ government. The neo-liberal basis for the third way model has sought to…continue reading
This article examines the contemporary practice of community development in New Zealand by considering its application to third sector organisational case studies. Broadly speaking community development is held up as…continue reading
New Zealand organisations that are engaged in community development practice to empower women are disadvantaged under neo-liberal and third way style policies of the New Zealand Government. Recent research has…continue reading
This paper explores community-based cultural organisations that combine orientated objectives of community arts practice with commercially oriented creative industries. In New Zealand, these organisations are hampered by gaps in cultural…continue reading
In this paper I offer a set of guidelines for the use of Action Research in New Zealand local authority community development and parks and recreation settings.
We can extract lessons in the information technology era from our colonial past. One such lesson is to understand how information technologies might further impact our knowledge. Experience has taught…continue reading
The vision of the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre will be implemented primarily through five key strategies: (1) visibility and access, (2) quality and good practice, (3)…continue reading
The Code Of Practice describes optimum practices in community research for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre. It is written for the researcher, whether with a tertiary,…continue reading
Indigenous contributions to governance in health informatics can be drawn from cultural concepts such as Katiakitanga, which implies guardianship, stewardship, governance and responsibility roles. Kaitiakitanga acts as a guideline to…continue reading
With the release of New Zealand’s Digital Strategy in in 2005 and its Draft Content Strategy, came the opportunity to identify their potential impact on the Indigenous Peoples of Aotearoa.…continue reading
This Indigenous Collaborative Research (ICR) investigates with the community agency, Warrior Against Violence Society, how culturally-based healing practices provide a more comprehensive and thus more effective method to assist Aboriginal…continue reading
The effects of lack of food are seen by teachers daily in the school classroom and is experienced by children in both their educational achievements and in their relationships with…continue reading
This article summarises the background to my current PhD work, considering questions around what academics and activists on the left in Aotearoa in 2012 think about the idea of establishing…continue reading
WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading
This paper was presented at the CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKES: SEMINAR SERIES 2012. Earthquake research in the field of mental health – Outcomes & Impacts by Prof Simon Kingham, Department of Geography…continue reading