
Evaluation of the Wraparound Service of Te Whakaruruhau.

By: Debbie Goodwin, Neville Robertson, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Rebekah Graham
Published: 2023-07-23

This evaluation aims to determine the effectiveness of the Wrap-around Service delivered by Te Whakaruruhau. The focus is on improving the health and wellbeing of whānau. The evaluation sought to…

Advocacy Evaluation Social Services
Law & Justice

An Exploration of Kiwi Tahi and Engagement

By: Dr. Liya Anthony and Julie Moore
Published: 2021-11-16

This study of the Kiwi Tahi programme, a life-skill development programme for vulnerable young people (aged between 8-12 years old), was a collaboration between a lecturer in Social Practice at…

Children & Youth Rangatahi Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

RASNZ Refugee Resettlement and Support Services in the Auckland Region: A Study in the Era of COVID-19

By: Dr Annette Mortensen
Published: 2020-12-02

The study describes multiple systemic barriers to former refugee groups receiving adequate and equitable support in New Zealand health, housing, income support, education and social services. Access to services is…

COVID-19 Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services

He oranga ngākau, he pikinga wairua – A pūrākau of He Kāinga Ora ki Ōtautahi Housing First Christchurch

By: Dr Helen Potter, Tīaho Limited
Published: 2020-02-29

In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…

Community & Place Community Development Evaluation Homelessness Housing Insecurity Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services

He whare kōrero o Mangatakitahi – Housing First Rotorua

By: Dr Helen Potter, Tīaho Limited
Published: 2020-02-29

In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…

Community & Place Community Development Evaluation Homelessness Housing Insecurity Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Improving health equity among the African ethnic minority through health system strengthening: a narrative review of the New Zealand healthcare system

By: Blessing Kanengoni, Sari Andajani-Sutjahjo and Eleanor Holroyd
Published: 2020-01-30

In New Zealand, health equity is a pressing concern, and reaching disadvantaged populations has become the goal to close the inequity gap. Building and strengthening health systems is one way…

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Pay Equity in the Social Sector Western Bay of Plenty Outcome Report

By: SociaLink
Published: 2019-11-19

Employees of community based non-government organisation (NGO) social service agencies are vital in ensuring the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the services they need to enhance socio-economic outcomes.…

Employment & Labour Non-profit Sector Social Services

Waiting for Help, Social Sector Waiting Lists in the Western Bay of Plenty

By: SociaLink
Published: 2019-11-19

Delays in obtaining help with social and personal issues may result in people being on waiting lists for assistance with mental health, housing, counselling, special needs education services or assessments…

Health & Wellbeing Poverty and Inequality Social Services
People and Society

Ngā Tau Mīharo ō Aotearoa : Incredible Years Parenting Programme Social Impact Report

By: Sneha Lakhotia
Published: 2019-10-01

This report provides robust evidence of the importance and impact of early intervention and parent management programmes for Māori. It is essential to make social investments into programmes such as…

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services
People and Society

Social service system: the funding gap and how to bridge it

By: Martin Jenkins
Published: 2019-09-02

Independent study that quantifies the gap between what not-for-profit social service providers in NZ are funded to deliver and the real cost. I finds there is an estimated $630 million…

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Social Services
People and Society

Social procurement: an opportunity to build sustainable communities

By: Diane Menzies
Published: 2019-08-31

Social procurement is a powerful tool for addressing targeted aspects of social disparity while also purchasing required products, services or supplies. Infrastructure development, for instance, can also deliver training within…

Community Development Homelessness Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Upper Clutha Social Services Snapshot: Baseline survey results – Feb 2019

By: Vanessa Hammond & Kate Murray
Published: 2019-06-10

The Social Services Snapshot is a longitudinal survey of social services. It tracks the issues impacting both local social social services and their clients and identifies service gaps.

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services

He Keteparaha Tēnei Mō Te Whare Kaumātua: A Toolkit for Kaumātua Housing

By: Yvonne Wilson
Published: 2019-05-31

The He Kāinga Pai Rawa project (2017-2019) aimed to find out what made Moa Crescent Kaumātua Village a healthy housing community for Kaumātua. The vision for our study was to…

Ageing & Retirement Māori Social Services
People and Society

Waimate Matters

By: Dr Bronwyn Boon
Published: 2018-05-31

The primary objective of this research was to identify how people felt about living in the wider Waimate District, and the barriers to particpation for residents. This research will in…

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services
People and Society

For the Greater Good – Overview of Findings from the Mapping the Social Sector Project

By: SociaLink Tauranga Moana
Published: 2018-05-14

Mapping the Social Sector in the Western Bay of Plenty project emerged from a need expressed by the sector to better understand itself, provide data for future planning, and to…

Community Development Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Refugee-focused service providers: improving the welcome in New Zealand

By: Alison McIntosh and Cheryl Cockburn-Wootten
Published: 2018-05-07

When refugees are resettled into a destination, refugee-focused service providers offer frontline services to ease refugees’ experiences of trauma and marginalisation, providing advocacy and welcome through reception processes, translation services,…

Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
People and Society

Manawanui: Illuminating Contemporary Meanings of Culturally Effective Social Work Supervision Practice in Te Taitokerau, Northland

By: Eliza Wallace
Published: 2018-04-01

This thesis is a cultural journey of interconnectivity between Te Ao Māori and social work supervision. Its main focus is to honour and validate tupuna or ancestral knowledge from Te…

Families, Whānau and Parenting Governance & Kaitiakitanga Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Governing for Good: The Governance Capability of Social Service NGOs

By: Jo Cribb
Published: 2017-10-20

The boards that govern Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who deliver social services face a range of complex challenges. They must secure sustainable funding, comply with changes in the law and…

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Non-profit Sector Social Services
Arts and Culture

Investing in Capacity: A Review of Arts Waikato and Social Services Waikato

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2017-09-01

This review found that support for capacity building is useful, and enables the funder (in this case Trust Waikato) to increase its impact in the community, enhance non-profit sustainability, and…

Arts & Culture Non-profit Sector Social Services

The need for Autism Support Services in Northland, New Zealand

By: Children's Autism Foundation
Published: 2016-10-03

Many Northland communities are relatively geographically isolated from urban centres. Because of this, services can be limited and travel, housing and the general cost of living are expensive for many.…

Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Developing a code of ethics for therapeutic interventions with animals

By: Walker, P & Tumilty, E.
Published: 2015-05-24

Animal assisted activities (AAA) are increasingly being seen as an important part of the range of interventions in the helping professions including social work. Whilst a code of ethics has…

Disability Mental Health Social Services

Animals and social work: An emerging field of practice for Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Walker, P; Aimers, J & Perry, C.
Published: 2015-03-01

Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…

Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health Social Services

ANZTSR 2014 Third Sector Organisations and Earthquake Recovery Planning in Christchurch, New Zealand

By: Nicole S Hutton, Graham A Tobin, & Linda M Whiteford
Published: 2014-11-18

The research looks at how Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) have been involved in and impacted by mid- to long-term recovery efforts, following the Christchurch earthquakes. Relocation information of TSOs’ offices…

Emergency & Disaster Health & Wellbeing Social Services

ANZTSR 2014 Recounting food banking: A paradox of counterproductive growth

By: Kahurangi Dey & Maria Humphries
Published: 2014-11-18

The meteoric rise of food bank use in times of prosperity leads us to argue that food banks are institutionalised within New Zealand society with texts reflecting civic, market and…

Poverty and Inequality Social Services Welfare & Benefits

ANZTSR 2014: Volunteerism: Alive and Well or Dying Quietly? Learnings from New Zealand community-based organisations, volunteerism experts and social enterprises

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-10

Not-for-profits, community-based organisations and social enterprises have volunteerism at its roots, and for many at its heart. The ‘Third Sector’ is still commonly known to many as the ‘Voluntary Sector’.…

Non-profit Sector Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

ANZTSR 2014 Whose Mission? The pervasive nature of the government contracting environment and the impact on not-for-profit organisations

By: Wilma Gallet
Published: 2014-10-29

This paper focuses on the outsourcing of public services to private organisations and the mechanisms that government puts in place to control these organisations. The fulcrum of this paper is…

Government – Central & Local Social Services Welfare & Benefits

Hearing the Voices of Canterbury’s Children-Evaluating the Place of Cholmondeley in the Overall Canterbury Social Services Environment

By: Clarity Research
Published: 2014-09-18

Since 1925 Cholmondeley Children’s Centre (formally Cholmondeley Children’s Home) has provided emergency and planned respite residential care for children aged between 3 and 12 years old, that is directly accessible…

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services

The Hidden Abuse of Disabled People Residing in the Community: An Exploratory Study

By: Dr Michael Roguski
Published: 2013-06-18

The study was inspired by a growing awareness of the abuse of disabled people living in the New Zealand community. Next, while international research has highlighted that disabled people are…

Disability Research & Evaluation Social Services

Te Puawaitanga O Te Ngakau: A Case Study of Westside Counselling Services in West Auckland

By: Fay Pouesi
Published: 2013-06-03

Te Puawaitanga O Te Ngakau: A Case Study of Westside Counselling Services in West Auckland A ‘Community of Care’ approach to working with Māori Women and their whānau who have…

Family Violence & Abuse Māori Social Services Whānau Ora Women/Wāhine

Moving beyond love and luck: building right relationships and respecting lived experience in New Zealand autism policy

By: Hilary Stace
Published: 2012-12-19

PhD thesis in Public Policy which looks at the policy problems arising from the rapidly increasing diagnoses of autism in recent decades. Considers history and construction of the concept of…

Advocacy Children & Youth Disability Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Research & Evaluation Social Services
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 13

By: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Published: 2012-10-10

NZCCSS’s Vulnerability Report Issue 13 covers the period January – March 2012. The report shows what life is like three years on from the first report done in June 2009.…

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 12 March 2012

By: New Zelaland Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS)
Published: 2012-03-01

NZCCSS’s 12th Vulnerability Report uses both government data and community information to illustrate how the materially poorest in our community have been faring in the year to December 2011.

Children & Youth Māori Social Services
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 11

By: Phillipa Fletcher
Published: 2012-01-01

NZCCSS’s 11th Vulnerability Report looks at the period October to December 2011 and investigates trends in prices, employment and unemployment, benefits and hardship, housing, children in care, and debt. It…

Children & Youth Family Violence & Abuse Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

“So we thought not to lose our background completely”: Agency and belonging among South Sudanese Acholi in New Zealand

By: Ryan O’Byrne
Published: 2012-01-01

This thesis aims to represent the experiences of individuals from this group within the broader contexts of refugee resettlement. A fundamental aspect of these experiences is the ambiguous and often…

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services

Developing Community Support Services to Empower the Waikato Endometriosis Community

By: Dr Pauline Dickinson, Dr Penelope Carroll (SHORE) and Annette Evans (Insight Endometriosis
Published: 2011-07-31

The experience of living with endometriosis is, for many women, very challenging. A fortunate few find sympathetic doctors, relatively quick diagnosis and treatment, and uncomplicated recovery. They are able to…

Health & Wellbeing Social Services Women/Wāhine
Non-profit Sector

Counting in the community sector: how clients measure success

By: Maxine Campbell
Published: 2010-06-15

This report gives voice to the clients of Link House Agency, a counselling and social work organisation dedicated to single parent families. The clients shared their stories during a focus…

Families, Whānau and Parenting Non-profit Sector Social Services

Matua Whangai: Can we invigorate an important concept of social work?

By: Kim Murphy-Stewart
Published: 2010-02-10

The rationale for this thesis “Matua Whangai – Can we invigorate an important concept of social work?” is quite simply that: – – The deaths of our babies have shattered…

Children & Youth Social Services Whānau Ora

Stop!, I don’t like it!’ An Evaluation of the ‘Healthy Relationships’ programme.

By: Bryce Hamilton (BA) and Dr. Mark Turner
Published: 2010-01-01

‘Healthy Relationships’ is a programme designed by Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust to teach personal safety through explanations and interactive stories. The goal of the stories is to develop understanding of…

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services

2010 The Social Report – Te Purongo Oranga Tangata

By: The Ministry of Social Development
Published: 2010-01-01

The Social Report 2010 provides a picture of progress towards better social outcomes for New Zealanders. It shows how we are faring on a range of important social indicators and…

Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Social Services
People and Society

Minor fall and major lift: raising educational capacity through community partnerships

By: Carol J. Walden
Published: 2010-01-01

This transdisciplinary study explores holistic models of education and community development. The research seeks practical solutions to barriers to educational progress. It looks at how to build local capacity and…

Community Development Education & Training Social Services

Social Work Support in a Primary Health Setting: A pilot and evaluation

By: Jolene Salmond
Published: 2010-01-01

A pilot of social work support in a primary health setting was undertaken and elvauated in a small rural community in New Zealand. This pilot was part of a social…

Health & Wellbeing Research & Evaluation Social Services
People and Society

Social Services ITO Recognising In-House Training Feasibility Study, July 2009

By: Jac Lynch
Published: 2009-07-10

Fourteen social service agencies participated in the study to determine if the Social Services ITO could recognise their in-house training programmes against unit standards in social services. The study used…

Education & Training Non-profit Sector Social Services

Community development as ‘knowledge intersections’ in contemporary New Zealand

By: Aimers, J & Walker, P
Published: 2009-01-01

This article examines the contemporary practice of community development in New Zealand by considering its application to third sector organisational case studies. Broadly speaking community development is held up as…

Community Development Government – Central & Local Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Towards an Australian Fourth Sector?

By: Dr Megan Alessandrini
Published: 2008-11-26

Abstract only: Research conducted in 1998 in Tasmania indicated that a fourth sector of society distinct from Market, Government and community, was emerging. The comparative analysis between seven Tasmanian and…

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services
People and Society

Measuring Maybe: Some Thoughts on Evaluation and Social Innovation

By: Vivian Hutchinson
Published: 2008-11-01

Vivian Hutchinson is the Executive Officer of the Social Innovation Investment Group and the New Zealand Social Entrepreneur Fellowship. This paper is based on his presentation to the workshop on…

Research & Evaluation Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Structures and Strategies Revisited 2008

By: Aimers, J and Walker, P.
Published: 2008-01-01

Narrative research project that interviews five community development/social service providers in 2002 and again in 2008. The interviews focus on organisational practice such as funding and networking.

Community Development Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Not Just A Tool – the responses of nonprofit leaders to ‘service delivery’ relationships with governments

By: Alison Procter
Published: 2008-01-01

There are many reasons for studying the relationship between governments and nonprofits in the community services sector; it is a critical nexus though which much social policy implementation passes as…

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector Social Services
People and Society

NZCOSS: The Story of a National Social Service Umbrella Organisation

By: Conor Twyford
Published: 2007-01-01

A review of the historical development of the New Zealand Council of Social Services – its place in Aotearoa New Zealand’s social policy landscape, its relationships with other national umbrella…

Social Services
People and Society

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 1

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-08-01

A stock-take of community organisations and their social services in Waitakere as part of the Local Services Mapping Initiative co-ordinated by Family and Community Services.

Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 2

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-08-01

This report examines some factors that literature suggests are likely to impact on the way funding is distributed among community organisations.

Community Development Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 3

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-01-02

This research uses organisational information from a stock-take of social service community organisations in Waitakere. It seeks to develop a snapshot of funding information.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Overview of the Supervision Policies and Practices in Smaller Social Services organisations in the Hamilton Area

By: Gill Overmire
Published: 2006-01-02

Compare and contrast supervision policies and practices in smaller non-profit social service organisations in Hamilton, find out whether there is a best practice model of supervision for social workers working…

Mentoring Social Services

Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes

By: Johnston, K., Cheyne, C., & Parker, W
Published: 2005-08-01

Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes.

Health & Wellbeing Social Services
People and Society

Meta-analysing community action projects in Aotearoa, New Zealand

By: Alison Greenaway, K Witten
Published: 2005-03-11

This paper reports on a meta-analysis of ten community action projects. The activation, consolidation and transition or completion stages of the projects were examined to identify commonalities in structures and…

Community Development Research & Evaluation Social Services

Developing Community Partnerships: Social Wellbeing and the Local Government Act 2002

By: Aimers, J.
Published: 2005-01-01

The Local Government Act 2002 requires New Zealand local authorities to become actively involved in the development of social well being. Recent research indicates that the community and social services…

Community Development Government – Central & Local Social Services

The Implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 1995: A Report from the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges

By: Sheryl Hann
Published: 2004-01-01

This report examines the Domestic Violence Act including protection orders. The report highlights advocates’ concerns that the Act is not working effectively 10 years after it was passed.

Family Violence & Abuse Social Services Women/Wāhine

Criteria for Judging Government Funding Arrangements for the Community Sector

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-03-01

NZ Council of Christian Social Services, in partnership with the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, and in consultation with the NZ Council of Social Services, produced this paper “to…

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Social Services
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