Research for Tag: "Migrants and Former Refugees"

Refugee and Asylum seekers

Safe Start, Fair Future Report

By: Professor Jay Marlowe, Bernard Sama
Published: 2022-07-06

In March 2022, the government will review the New Zealand Refugee resettlement Strategy (NZRRS) for the first time in 10 years. This report responds to this opportunity and argues that…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Employable identities: Social and cultural capital in the narratives of former refugees

By: Dr Emily Greenbank
Published: 2021-10-07

Navigating the labour market in a new context can be a challenge for any migrant, and particularly so for former refugees, who are often unable to find employment appropriate for…continue reading

Employment & Labour Identity Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Transnational migration and disaster risk reduction: Insights from Chinese migrants living in Auckland, New Zealand

By: Zhang, C., Le De, L., Charania, N.A.
Published: 2021-06-07

Migrants can be disproportionately impacted by disasters due to their increased vulnerability. Knowledge of Chinese migrants’ perceptions and experiences in the face of hazards and disasters is limited. This qualitative…continue reading

Asian Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Consultations with Refugee immigrants

By: Kirsten Lovelock; Meremoana Potiki
Published: 2021-04-01

Refugee background women, their connections, sense of belonging, acceptance and inclusion in the Greater Wellington region: This report presents the qualitative findings of a research project focussing on the experiences…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

The economic integration of women refugee entrepreneurs in NZ

By: Zhiyan Basharati; Nadeera Ranabahu; Huibert P. d Vries
Published: 2021-03-31

‘The economic integration of women refugee entrepreneurs in NZ’ is Chapter 5 in the book ‘Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences’ available online at the link below. This chapter…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

Ngā take o nga wheako o te kaikiri ki ngā manene o Aotearoa Drivers of migrant New Zealanders’ experiences of racism

By: Malatest International
Published: 2021-03-01

The purpose of the current research was to use qualitative methods to unpack how migrants have been experiencing racism, what might be causing this, and how we can support migrants…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

Three Years On: English and employment outcomes of former refugees

By: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Published: 2021-02-01

The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy was developed and implemented in 2013 with the aim of improving outcomes for former refugees. The overarching aim of the strategy is to ensure…continue reading

Employment & Labour Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Knocking on the door to integration”: Korean immigrants’ stories of seeking membership in Aotearoa New Zealand society

By: Hagyun Kim
Published: 2021-01-01

While citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand are granted full participation regardless of racial and cultural background, Asian immigrants appear exempt from the benefits of inclusion. For many, immigration is a…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

RASNZ Refugee Resettlement and Support Services in the Auckland Region: A Study in the Era of COVID-19

By: Dr Annette Mortensen
Published: 2020-12-02

The study describes multiple systemic barriers to former refugee groups receiving adequate and equitable support in New Zealand health, housing, income support, education and social services. Access to services is…continue reading

COVID-19 Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Interventions to reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases among migrants and refugees worldwide: A scoping review of published literature, 2006 to 2018

By: Charania, N.A., Gaze, N., Kung, J., Brooks, S.
Published: 2020-10-27

Background Disparities in vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage between migrants and refugees and their host populations have been described in numerous countries worldwide. Effective strategies are required to…continue reading

Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees

RASNZ COVID-19 Response Study: Remote Psychosocial Service Provision to Former Refugee and Asylum Seeker Communities in Auckland During Lockdown

By: Anette Mortensen
Published: 2020-08-24

This study was commissioned to capture the experiences of Refugees as Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ) clinical and community services as they responded to COVID 19; and to understand the impact…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vaccine-preventable disease-associated hospitalisations among migrant and non-migrant children in New Zealand

By: Charania, N.A., Paynter, J., Lee, A.C., Watson, D.G., Turner, N.M.
Published: 2020-04-01

Migrants may experience a higher burden of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD)-associated hospitalisations compared to the host population. A retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2015 was conducted that linked de-identified data…continue reading

Children & Youth Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

A fair go for refugees: resettlement in Aotearoa and global trends

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2020-02-03

As New Zealanders, when we think about fair futures for refugees, we have to think about what is fair collectively and individually, and what is fair in local, regional, national,…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Improving health equity among the African ethnic minority through health system strengthening: a narrative review of the New Zealand healthcare system

By: Blessing Kanengoni, Sari Andajani-Sutjahjo and Eleanor Holroyd
Published: 2020-01-30

In New Zealand, health equity is a pressing concern, and reaching disadvantaged populations has become the goal to close the inequity gap. Building and strengthening health systems is one way…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Toward Inclusive and Equitable Education for All: Lessons from the experiences of New Zealand refugee background university students

By: Sarah Willete
Published: 2020-01-01

The ability of education to transform individuals’ lives, and by extension those of their communities and societies, is well documented. As such, education is at the heart of the United…continue reading

Children & Youth Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees

The Roles of Health and Health Care Services in Social and Cultural Integration of Ethnic Minority African Migrants: The Case of the Luo Community of Wellington

By: Samuel Judah Seomeng
Published: 2019-11-01

This research provides anthropological analysis into the intersection between migrants’ health, healthcare services, and the concept of migrant integration, focusing on the Luo community of Wellington as an ethnic minority…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vulnerability and capacities of international students in the face of disasters in Auckland, New Zealand: A qualitative descriptive study

By: Thorup-Binger C., Charania, N.A.
Published: 2019-10-01

Background International migration is a worldwide phenomenon, with an increased presence of international students (i.e., short-term migrants) residing in host countries for limited periods of time. Migrants may be exposed…continue reading

Education & Training Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Mapping the communicative ecology of Latin American migrant women in New Zealand

Published: 2019-07-31

This article is based on a study that focused on the narratives of Latin American migrant women (LAMW) in New Zealand and the role formal and informal communication networks play…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity Media & Communications Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Hybrid Identities and Interconnected Spatialities: The role of Cricket in the settlement of Sri Lankan migrants in New Zealand

By: Shemana Cassim, Darrin Hodgetts, and Ottilie Stolte
Published: 2019-07-01

This article explores the ways in which Sri Lankan migrants in New Zealand establish a sense of continuity between the host nation and country of origin by forging interconnected spatialities.…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Sport & Recreation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Social Media and Forced Migration: The Subversion and Subjugation of Political Life

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2019-06-28

As social media platforms and the associated communication technologies become increasingly available, affordable and usable, these tools effectively enable forced migrants to negotiate political life across borders. This connection provides…continue reading

Information Technology/Internet Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

A National Strategy to Support Volunteering for Recent Migrants

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2019-06-03

Volunteering New Zealand (VNZ) has developed the recent migrant volunteering strategy to improve the experiences of recent migrant volunteers and promote migrant volunteering best practice across the sector. This strategy…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation coverage among migrants and non-migrants worldwide: A scoping review of published literature, 2006 to 2016

By: Charania, N.A., Gaze, N., Kung, J., Brooks, S.
Published: 2019-05-16

Background: Studies of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage among migrants compared to locally-born populations present a mixed picture on whether migrants experience disproportionate VPD rates and immunisation inequities,…continue reading

Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Arts and Culture

A symbolic representation of Wellington: how participatory painting processes enabled a more inclusive urban narrative

By: Amber Kale
Published: 2019-05-09

In this article, I examine how a participatory painting project in Wellington enhanced cross-cultural understanding between former refugee and host-society participants and enabled a more inclusive urban narrative. In light…continue reading

Arts & Culture Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Setting the Stage: reviewing current knowledge on the health of New Zealand immigrants—an integrative review

By: Blessing Kanengoni , Sari Andajani-Sutjahjo and Eleanor Holroyd
Published: 2018-08-23

The growth of migrant communities continues to rise globally, creating unique and complex health challenges. Literature on immigrant health in New Zealand (NZ) remains scant. This integrative literature review was…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Exploring immunisation inequities among migrant and refugee children in New Zealand

By: Charania, N.A., Paynter, J., Lee, A.C., Watson, D.G., Turner, N.M.
Published: 2018-08-17

Migrants may experience immunisation inequities compared with the host population related to barriers with accessing immunisations in their home countries, while migrating and/or post-arrival. This retrospective cohort study explored vaccination…continue reading

Children & Youth Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Refugee-focused service providers: improving the welcome in New Zealand

By: Alison McIntosh and Cheryl Cockburn-Wootten
Published: 2018-05-07

When refugees are resettled into a destination, refugee-focused service providers offer frontline services to ease refugees’ experiences of trauma and marginalisation, providing advocacy and welcome through reception processes, translation services,…continue reading

Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity


By: The Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research Victoria University of Wellington Colleen Ward with Jason Lescelius Amanda Jack Reneeta M. Naidu and Elizabeth Weinberg
Published: 2018-03-14

In pursuing their purpose of supporting migrants, former refugees, and people from minority ethnicities with their settlement processes, the Nelson Multicultural Council contracted the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research at…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity


By: Olufemi Muibi Omisakin
Published: 2018-01-07

Migration is the movement of people from one geographic location to another. It can be either domestic or international. This study focuses on international migration. Individuals or groups who decide…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Arts and Culture

‘Remembering’ Absent and Recent Pasts Through Photographs: Young Eritrean Women in New Zealand

By: Louise Humpage
Published: 2017-12-01

This article presents a Photovoice project that explores the narratives of five young women of Eritrean heritage living in New Zealand. The photographs taken by the women suggest that their…continue reading

Arts & Culture Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

Motivational factors for African immigrants into small business activities in Auckland New Zealand

By: Olufemi Muibi Omisakin
Published: 2017-10-05

Immigrant entrepreneurs play an important role in their host countries’ economies. They contribute to national economies by starting up and running small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These make up 97%…continue reading

Economics & Finances Employment & Labour Migrants and Former Refugees
Refugee and Asylum seekers

Belonging and Transnational Refugee Settlement

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2017-09-27

This book has been written during a time of great change and contestation as it relates to forced migration and global politics. The Syrian crisis has continued to deepen as…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Ethnic Migrant Media Forum 2014: Curated Proceedings

By: Evangelia Papoutsaki and Elena Koliesova
Published: 2017-03-01

These curated proceedings present what was discussed during the Ethnic Migrant Media Forum, a one-day event hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Unitec Institute of Technology’s Mt Albert…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity Media & Communications Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Challenges Faced – Implications for Policy: The Everyday Lives of Eastern European Women in New Zealand

Published: 2016-11-22

This study explored the everyday lives, aspirations, and coping strategies of seven Eastern European immigrant women in New Zealand who came from Bulgaria, the former Eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania,…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

African youth experiences with the Police and the New Zealand justice system

By: Camille Nakhid
Published: 2016-03-24

This report details an investigation into the experiences of African youth with the police and the New Zealand justice system. The research study involved a survey design to collect quantitative…continue reading

Children & Youth Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Young people from refugee backgrounds as a resource for disaster risk reduction

By: J Marlowe, R Bogen
Published: 2015-07-01

Young people from refugee backgrounds represent an important resource for disaster risk reduction within their respective communities. This paper presents a qualitative study with young people from refugee backgrounds and…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Improving Educational Achievement for Students From Somali Backgrounds in Auckland, New Zealand: An Evaluation of a School Catch–Up Programme.

By: Mahad Warsame, Annette Mortensen and Jennifer Janif
Published: 2014-12-01

From arrival in New Zealand refugee students are disadvantaged as they will often not have had the experience of formal education. In New Zealand, the mismatch of age and placement…continue reading

Children & Youth Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Best Practice Principles: CALD Cultural Competency Standards and Framework.

By: Sue Lim – Manager, WDHB Asian Health Support Services Dr Annette Mortensen, Project Manager, Migrant Health Programme – Northern Regional Alliance Ltd
Published: 2014-11-01

The purpose of this document is to:1. Provide Information about CALD population demographics and characteristics, increasing workforce diversity, service barriers, and why the need for cultural competence2. Recommend Best Practice…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Yes, we can; but together’: social capital and refugee resettlement

By: S Elliott & I Yusuf
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettled refugees need a network of relationships to ensure they can live meaningful lives in New Zealand. These relationships are complex and exist between individuals and communities at local and…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Global trends and refugee settlement in New Zealand

By: J Marlowe & S Elliott
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettlement provides access to rights similar to other New Zealanders and the opportunity to eventually gain citizenship. It also provides an avenue for countries like New Zealand to share international…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy: implications for identity, acculturation and civic participation

By: Jay Marlowe, Allen Bartley, A. Hibtit
Published: 2014-08-20

The process of resettlement as a refugee often involves adapting to, and reconciling with, a new social reality. The complexities associated with acculturation across age, gender and family dynamics are…continue reading

Community Development Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Cultural case workers in child disability services: an evidence-based model of cultural responsiveness for refugee families

By: A Mortensen, S Latimer & I Yusuf
Published: 2014-08-11

The medical/disabled category for quota refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand allows entry to those who have either a medical condition that can be treated or helped in New…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

A Social Justice Lens to Examine Refugee Populations Affected by Disasters

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2014-07-01

The pedagogical implications of encouraging social work students to consider the inter-sections of social justice with communities affected by disasters are considerable. This focus is key as disasters can impact…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Othering and voice: How media framing denies refugees integration opportunities

By: Dr Emily Greenbank
Published: 2014-06-01

Mainstream media play a significant role in shaping public opinion in modern society. For refugees, misinterpretation (including associations with victimhood, foreignness and deviant behaviour) can hinder integration into New Zealand…continue reading

Language and Culture Media & Communications Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Marking time’: Experiences of successful asylum seekers in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Alia Bloom, Tim O'Donovan, & Martine Udahemuka
Published: 2013-12-03

This research explores the extent to which successful asylum seekers are able to participate in Aotearoa New Zealand life by documenting the experiences of 18 people who have been recognised…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Occupational Safety and Health of Migrant Sex Workers in New Zealand

By: Dr Michael Roguski, Kaitiaki Research
Published: 2013-05-02

The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading

Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

“You can never be on one side alone”: Some Young Somali-Kiwi Women’s Narratives about Identity, Resettlement and Community Development in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Emily Kathryn James
Published: 2013-01-01

This research investigates how young Somali women are navigating through the resettlement process while negotiating their own identities in Wellington, New Zealand. It is important as it addresses two main…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

Unholy Matrimony: Forced Marriage in New Zealand

By: Priyanca Radhakrishnan
Published: 2012-11-26

This study explores the issue of forced and underage marriage in Aotearoa New Zealand. It documents the stories of survivors of actual and threatened forced marriage. It also records the…continue reading

Family Violence & Abuse Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

Immigrants’ experiences of nature-based recreation in New Zealand

By: Brent Lovelock, Kirsten Lovelock, Carla Jellum and Anna Thompson. Centre for Recreation Research, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Published: 2012-10-03

This study addresses the recreational behaviours of immigrants and ethnic minorities, with a focus on nature-based recreation in national and regional parks. The study was comprised of a survey questionnaire…continue reading

Community Development Environment Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Adult refugee learners with limited literacy: needs and effective responses

By: Dr John Benseman
Published: 2012-09-10

The purpose of this study was to document and analyse the learning needs and issues of adult refugees with low language and literacy skills by looking at how their prior…continue reading

Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Land, New Life: Long-Term Settlement of Refugees in New Zealand Main Report

By: Wendy Searle, Emma Prouse, Emily L’Ami, Alison Gray, Anna Gruner Labour and Immigration Research Centre Labour Group Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Published: 2012-08-06

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community, and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation

Refugee Health Care: A Handbook for Health Professionals

By: Dr Annette Mortensen, Dr William Rainger, Sally Hughes
Published: 2012-06-01

In the 10 years since the publication of the first refugee health handbook there have been considerable steps taken toward improving long-term settlement outcomes for refugees settled in New Zealand.…continue reading

Advocacy Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees

‘People with refugee backgrounds can do the job.’ Refugee-background experiences of employment in Wellington.

By: ChangeMakers Refugee Forum
Published: 2012-05-23

Obtaining meaningful employment – adequately remunerated, fulfilling employment that is commensurate with a person’s skills and qualifications – is a high priority for people from refugee backgrounds, as it is…continue reading

Employment & Labour Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

“So we thought not to lose our background completely”: Agency and belonging among South Sudanese Acholi in New Zealand

By: Ryan O’Byrne
Published: 2012-01-01

This thesis aims to represent the experiences of individuals from this group within the broader contexts of refugee resettlement. A fundamental aspect of these experiences is the ambiguous and often…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Contesting Representations of Refugee‑Background Women (and Men) as ‘Needy’ and ‘Problematic’ in Healthcare Literature in Aotearoa New Zealand: Advancing the Case for a Capability‑Driven Model

By: Kristine Ford
Published: 2012-01-01

This research analyses how power operates discursively within the western biomedical model as it pertains to the representations and treatment of refugee‑background women (and men) in Aotearoa New Zealand. It…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

Resettlement Experiences of Burmese Women from Refugee Backgrounds in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Una Kamri-McGurk
Published: 2012-01-01

The resettlement experiences of Burmese women from refugee backgrounds living in Wellington are the focus of this thesis. Increasing numbers of people are being resettled worldwide, so it is important…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Land, New Life: Long-Term Settlement of Refugees in New Zealand Main Report

By: Wendy Searle, Emma Prouse, Emily L’Ami, Alison Gray, Anna Gruner
Published: 2012-01-01

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading

Community & Place Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Land, New Life: Long-Term Settlement of Refugees in New Zealand Summary Report

By: Wendy Searle, Emma Prouse, Emily L’Ami, Alison Gray, Anna Gruner
Published: 2012-01-01

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading

Community & Place Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

Doing it for ourselves and our children: Refugee women on their own in New Zealand

By: Ruth De Souza and Jill Conway
Published: 2011-12-14

Little is known about the experiences of women who enter New Zealand through the Women at Risk category identified by UNHCR. The purpose of this project was to examine the…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine

Barriers to achieving good health outcomes in refugee-background communities

By: ChangeMakers Refugee Forum
Published: 2011-06-16

The aim of this report is to increase understanding of the health requirements of refugee-background communities. Like many communities whose members are predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, former refugees face…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Issue 37 Te Puna Whakaaro. Chapter ‘Health”. Public Health System Responsiveness to Refugee Groups in New Zealand: Activation from the Bottom Up.

By: Annette Mortensen
Published: 2011-06-01

Issue 37 of the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand comprises research papers on a wide range of topics with implications for policy across the social sector. Research relating to…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Standing in the Fire’: Experiences of HIV positive Black African migrants and refugees living in New Zealand.

By: Fouché, C., Henrickson, M. & Poindexter, C.
Published: 2011-01-01

A qualitative project explored the lived experiences and social service needs of affected or at-risk Black African migrants, refugees and their family members in New Zealand. One of the main…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Zealand’s Refugee Sector: Perspectives and Developments, 1987-2010

By: Anna Gruner, Wendy Searle
Published: 2011-01-01

This report presents a descriptive analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives on significant changes in the refugee resettlement sector since 1987. Stakeholder views have been supplemented with information from documentary sources, which…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part One: Pre-departure

By: Vasantha Krishnan, Elizabeth Plumridge and Beth Ferguson
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection.…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part Two: On Arrival

By: Beth Ferguson, Elizabeth Plumridge and Vasantha Krishnan
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research Programme is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part Three: Settlement

By: Beth Ferguson
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research follows a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection. The…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees

Wellington Refugee Youth Issues Summary: Backgrounder for Wellington people working with refugee-background youth

By: Tessa Johnstone & Muigai Kimani
Published: 2010-06-25

This backgrounder is a starting point. The Refugee Youth Action Group (Wellington) is made up of government and non-government agencies keen to see action on the issues so refugee-background youth…continue reading

Children & Youth Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Beyond the Discourse of Trauma: Shifting the Focus on Sudanese Refugees

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2010-05-07

The refugee label acknowledges the plight of people marginalized, oppressed and pushed to the periphery of society. While having this status affords a number of rights from countries signatory to…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

HOMEWORK CLUB: Strengthening Refugee Youth Achievement

By: Homework Club; Victoria University Research Team
Published: 2009-12-15

This report is the product of a group research project carried out in partnership with Victoria University students, secondary school refugee students and the facilitators of the Homework Club. Set…continue reading

Action Research Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Tutors and Learners: Partners in Innovation

By: Dorothy Thwaite
Published: 2009-01-01

Good practice happens inside and outside the classroom. Sometimes it is about bringing the outside in. Our good practice story is really about a process which adds value to the…continue reading

Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Refugee and Asylum seekers

Accessing ‘Authentic’ Knowledge: Being and Doing with the Sudanese Community

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2009-01-01

This paper reports on the research process and the necessity of elevating the voices of Southern Sudanese men resettling in Adelaide, Australia to better understand how they have responded to…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Diverse Communities – Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand

By: The Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Diverse Communities
Published: 2008-07-01

Why this report has been produced The Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Diverse Communities – Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand report brings together existing data and…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees

Refugees as ‘Others’: Social and cultural citizenship rights for refugees in NZ health services

By: Mortensen, A.C.
Published: 2008-03-09

Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

A survey on the living conditions including housing, neighbourhood and social support of the Christchurch Refugee Community

By: Victoria Ravenscroft
Published: 2008-01-01

Refugees come from diverse backgrounds and the issues they face depend on their particular circumstances. Some of the issues refugees face include cultural shock, language difficulties, lack of established networks…continue reading

Community & Place Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The coping processes of adult refugees resettled in New Zealand

By: Marie-Thérèse Pahud
Published: 2008-01-01

A significant proportion of worldwide research concerning adult refugees has investigated clinical perspectives and emphasised the impact of pre and post-migration experiences as key factors affecting their mental health status.…continue reading

Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Contribution of Non-Government Organisations to the Settlement of Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand Executive Summary

By: National Association of ESOL Home Tutors
Published: 2007-01-01

Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees Non-profit Sector
Ethnicity and Diversity

Victoria University of Wellington – Supporting refugee – background students to achieve their goals

By: Cedric Horner, Shana Khan, Kathryn Paton
Published: 2006-11-01

This report summarises findings from a participatory action research project that determined what support systems are currently available to refugee-background students at the Victoria University of Wellington, and how these…continue reading

Action Research Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees

Walking a tightrope: Asian health research in New Zealand

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2006-09-01

Interest in how knowledge is constructed in multiethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-faith communities is gaining momentum in countries such as New Zealand as they become more diverse. In turn, this provides…continue reading

Asian Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Sailing in a new direction: Multicultural mental health in New Zealand

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2006-06-09

Migrants and refugees make up an increasingly significant number of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s population with one in five New Zealanders being born in another country compared with one in eight people…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Contribution of Non-Government Organisations to the Settlement of Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Dr Gillian Skyrme
Published: 2006-06-01

Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading

Employment & Labour Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Being Accepted: The Experience of Discrimination and Social Exclusion by Immigrants and Refugees in New Zealand

By: Andrew Butcher, Andrew Trlin, Paul Spoonley
Published: 2006-04-07

This report identifies the nature of discrimination experienced and/or perceived by new settlers in New Zealand. The research results presented are derived from data collected via four focus groups conducted…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Participatory Action Research (PAR) with Assyrian Youth

By: Laura Armstrong, Amanda Leathers, Philippa Collie, Haji Koshin, Felicity Blakely, Marcela Markland, Phillip Pithyov, & Edwar Eshow.
Published: 2005-10-03

This report documents the experience of a group of researchers who started a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project with the Assyrian Youth community in Wellington. The objective of the project…continue reading

Action Research Children & Youth Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Art of Walking Upright Here: Realising a Multicultural Society

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2004-10-01

Background paper for the AsiaNZ Foundation’s Kiwi India Seminar Series: An Outline of the challenges facing Indian communities in New Zealand by drawing together the history of migration to New…continue reading

Asian Language and Culture Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Motherhood, Migration and Methodology: Giving Voice to the “Other”

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2004-09-01

This paper discusses the need for multi-cultural methodologies that develop knowledge about the maternity experience of migrant women and that are attuned to women’s maternity-related requirements under multi-cultural conditions. Little…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine

Refugees and Asylum Seekers Implications for ED Care in Auckland, New Zealand

By: Nicola Young, MPH, MPhil (Hons), RCpN, Dip Ed, RCpN, and Annette Mortensen
Published: 2003-08-29

The increasing use of emergency departments by refugee and migrant groups reflects the shifting ethnic composition of central Auckland. Refugees are different from other immigrants and from low-income families in…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Systemic Racism: Refugee, Resettlement, and Education Policy in New Zealand

By: Louise Humpage
Published: 2001-07-02

Public policy in New Zealand increasingly makes reference to “inclusion of diversity,” “equality,” and “equity.” Yet refugees resettling in New Zealand continue to experience systemic racism based on the application…continue reading

Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees Policy
Ethnicity and Diversity

Chinese Migrants’ Mental Health and Adjustment to Life in New Zealand

By: Max W. Abbott, Sai Wong, Maynard Williams, Ming Au, Wilson Young
Published: 2000-10-21

Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the relative importance of predictors of the self-rated adjustment and psychiatric morbidity of recent Chinese migrants. Method: Chinese…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Refashioning Racism: Immigration, Multiculturalism and an Election Year

By: Paul Spoonley, Lawrence Berg
Published: 2000-05-02

We wish to examine a number of events arising from statements made by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters during the 1996 election campaign and the public response to them.…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Migrants and Former Refugees Racism
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