Research for Tag: "Volunteering & Mahi Aroha"

Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand Report 2024

By: Dr Johann Go
Published: 2024-09-20

The State of Volunteering 2024 report marks the sixth edition in Volunteering New Zealand’s ongoing series. We surveyed volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations. The state of volunteering is fairly positive, though…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Volunteers Enriching Education in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Tania Jones and Karen A. Smith
Published: 2022-06-20

In an online survey of New Zealand’s early childhood education services, schools and kura in late 2021/early 2022, over 83% of respondents involve volunteers, with volunteers most important in primary…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

The Impact of Volunteering on a Young Person’s Life: A study into the SVA Service Award

By: Puck Algera
Published: 2022-03-31

The research looked into the SVA Service Award, a national framework for advancing secondary school student volunteering, to provide an in-depth insight into the benefits of youth volunteering, service and…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Status of the Volunteering Sector: Post-COVID Recovery and Resilience

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2021-05-01

This report provides an update on the status of the volunteering sector as at May 2021. Our work draws on data collected via stakeholder feedback, a focus group with Volunteer…continue reading

COVID-19 Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

State of Volunteering Report 2020

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2020-12-01

Volunteering New Zealand recently surveyed more than 3,000 people across the community and voluntary sector. They include community leaders, researchers and thought leaders, managers of voluntary organisations, and frontline volunteers.…continue reading

Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

ComVoices 2020 State of the Sector Survey – Summary

By: ComVoices
Published: 2020-11-20

While still fragile, the community and voluntary sector is generally more stable and viable than it was two years ago. The survey of 129 community and voluntary organisations shows that…continue reading

Community Development Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

ComVoices 2020 State of the Sector Survey

By: ComVoices
Published: 2020-11-20

This 2020 State of the Sector Survey is the fourth biennial snapshot of the community and voluntary sector undertaken by ComVoices. Its findings reinforce those of previous surveys and other…continue reading

Community Development Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering 2017

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2018-06-01

For the third year running, Volunteering NZ has undertaken a survey with all registered charities nationwide, to create a general view of the volunteer landscape. The report had 1,584 responses…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

A Review of Third Sector Research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: 1990-2016

By: Jenny Onyx and Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2017-12-31

This monograph reviews the state of the third sector in both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and is the first comprehensive overview of the research that has studied and documented…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Overview Paper in the State of Volunteering in New Zealand

By: Volunteer Reference Group
Published: 2017-04-01

Volunteering is central to the social development, economy, and environment of New Zealanders. Between 2004 and 2013, Statistics NZ data shows there was a 21% increase in the number of…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation of jigsaw Whanganui’s White Water Years Parenting Programme

By: jigsaw whanganui
Published: 2014-11-28

This report presents the results of a small scale process and outcomes evaluation of jigsaw Whanganui’s White Water Years Parenting Programme carried out during 2014 and funded through a Lottery…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

ANZTSR 2014: Volunteerism: Alive and Well or Dying Quietly? Learnings from New Zealand community-based organisations, volunteerism experts and social enterprises

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-10

Not-for-profits, community-based organisations and social enterprises have volunteerism at its roots, and for many at its heart. The ‘Third Sector’ is still commonly known to many as the ‘Voluntary Sector’.…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Te Mana tu o te Wahine: Women as Leaders in the Community & Voluntary Sector

By: Heathrose research for Women in Leadership in Aotearoa (WILA)
Published: 2013-11-19

There is little information in Aotearoa New Zealand about how women are represented in the Community and Voluntary Sector, despite the fact that the the sector’s voluntary and paid workforce…continue reading

Leadership Volunteering & Mahi Aroha Women/Wāhine

Volunteering Canterbury’s Survey of Member Organisations 2011

By: Helen Kidd
Published: 2013-10-01

Results of a survey of member organisations to ascertain their circumstances eight months after the February 2011 earthquake.

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Fears, constraints, and contracts: The democratic reality for New Zealand’s community and voluntary sector

By: Dr Sandra Grey and Dr Charles Sedgwick
Published: 2013-03-26

The important role of community and voluntary sector organisations to democratic debate and policy development is widely acknowledged by governments, academics, and the sector itself. However, our survey of 153…continue reading

Advocacy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Impact in the Voluntary Sector

By: Nataly Noguer Blue
Published: 2013-03-25

While the value added by voluntary organisations is widely accepted by government and other funders, there has been increased pressure for the voluntary sector to measure the difference they make…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Community Responses to Violence-The Violence Free Community Project

By: Professor Robyn Munford, Associate Professor Jackie Sanders,Kathryn Handley, Bruce Maden
Published: 2012-11-01

This report details the development and operation of a community based violence prevention programme. The focus was upon creating community level conversations that would enlarge understandings of violence and from…continue reading

Community Development Crime & Safety Family Violence & Abuse Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Glimpses of a better world: The role of tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector in the Canterbury earthquake recovery

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2011-10-28

Address to “Our Future Community and Voluntary Sector Forum”, Hosted by Council of Social Services Christchurch and Te Runaka ki Otautahi Kai Tahu, Christchurch, 28 July 2011. Drawing on lessons…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Quarterly Generosity Indicators – Update: December quarter 2009 to September quarter 2011

By: James King
Published: 2011-10-01

Quarterly giving and volunteering data, published by the Department of Internal Affairs

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

How do New Zealanders give? Quarterly Generosity Indicators: June Quarter Update

By: James King
Published: 2010-12-01

Giving and Volunteering statistics for the June quarter 2010

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Managers Matter: Who Manages New Zealand’s Volunteers?

By: Dr Karen Smith, Dr Carolyn Cordery and Nicolas Dutton
Published: 2010-06-01

Volunteer managers/coordinators’ roles are of central importance to promoting and enhancing volunteerism, yet little is known about these workers: who they are, what they do, or how their effectiveness could…continue reading

Employment & Labour Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Managers Matter: who manages New Zealand’s volunteers? – Summary Report

By: Smith, K.A., Cordery, C.J., Dutton, N.
Published: 2010-06-01

This summary report provides baseline data for understanding the sector and the role and importance of those managing volunteers. It is a snapshot. It tells us who are managing volunteers,…continue reading

Leadership Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Focus on Generosity – a discussion paper series – What value do we place on generosity?

By: Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Volunteering NZ, Philanthropy NZ
Published: 2009-03-01

This paper examines the benefits that stem from generosity for givers, receivers and the community as a whole. This paper is the second of a series to stimulate discussion between…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

How do New Zealanders give? Ethnicity and income research supplement

By: James King
Published: 2009-01-01

An overview of how ethnicity, personal income and household income relate to giving and volunteering in New Zealand. It is a brief supplement to ‘How do New Zealanders give’ also…continue reading

Philanthropy Race & Ethnicity Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Civil Society and Social Capital in Australia and New Zealand

By: Mark Lyons & Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2009-01-01

An overview of civil society organisations and the concepts of ‘civil society’ and ‘social capital’ in Australia and New Zealand research, politics and wider usage. Similarities and differences between the…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Focus on Generosity: A Discussion Paper Series – Cover Memo

By: Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Volunteering NZ, Philanthropy NZ
Published: 2009-01-01

A growing awareness of giving, volunteering and acts of kindness in all their forms offers many opportunities to promote greater generosity throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. The philanthropic and voluntary sectors,…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Focus on Generosity – a discussion paper series – What do we know about generosity in New Zealand?

By: Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Volunteering NZ, Philanthropy NZ
Published: 2009-01-01

This paper builds a picture of what we know about how people currently give in New Zealand, identifies gaps in information and the challenges for the future of generosity. This…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Focus on Generosity – a discussion paper series – What can we do to promote generosity in New Zealand?

By: Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Volunteering NZ, Philanthropy NZ
Published: 2009-01-01

This paper considers challenges to giving and opportunities for promoting generosity in New Zealand. It sets out proposals from the Generosity Hub for a strategic plan, objectives and initiatives. It…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Complexities of reporting

By: Rowena Sinclair
Published: 2008-11-25

Financial and accounting. This powerpoint file contains slides presented at the ANZTSR workshop held on 25th November 2008.

Economics & Finances Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

A research note: Direct financial costs in volunteering

By: Letisha Tan, Carolyn Cordery and David D
Published: 2008-11-24

This paper reports on one aspect of a survey of New Zealand volunteers undertaken in 2007 to develop a broad understanding of active volunteers’ expenses and organisational reimbursement patterns. In…continue reading

Economics & Finances Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Focus on Generosity – a discussion paper series – What do we mean by generosity?

By: Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Volunteering NZ, Philanthropy NZ
Published: 2008-11-01

This paper asks the core questions: what is generosity, and what does it have to do with the way we live our lives or run our businesses? This paper is…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Volunteer-related training in emergency services: findings from qualitative research

By: Sharon Pells, NZIER
Published: 2008-07-01

Qualitataive research (depth interviews with 52 emergency services volunteers and other stakeholders) to identify how to lift training participation of emergency services volunteers, and the impact of training on service…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Volunteer-related training in emergency services: findings from desk research

By: Sharon Pells, NZIER
Published: 2008-04-01

Literature review to identify barriers to training for volunteers in emergency services, and volunteers in general, and how to overcome those barriers

Emergency & Disaster Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Tax and volunteering: empirical evidence to support recommendations to solve the current problems surrounding the tax treatment of volunteers’ reimbursements and honoraria in New Zealand

By: Letisha Tan, David Dunbar, Carolyn Corde
Published: 2008-01-01

On 1 November 2007 the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Revenue asked for submissions on ways to simplify the law on the taxation of reimbursement and honoraria paid…continue reading

Economics & Finances Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

How do New Zealanders give?

By: Nick Jones and James King
Published: 2008-01-01

Research into who gives time and money to different parts of the community and voluntary sector. It draws on market research data collected through the Panorama Survey, which is run…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Sustainable Management Practices in the Voluntary Sector

By: Sharon Torstonson
Published: 2007-06-01

Sustainable Management Practices in the Voluntary Sector

Leadership Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Te Ao Māori

Mahi Aroha: Maori Perspectives on Volunteering and Cultural Obligations

By: Joyce-Anne Raihania, Ann Walker
Published: 2007-04-01

Volunteering for Maori is based on the notion of whanaungatanga (kinship) and the benefits derived from contributing to the common good. Within Maori culture, conceptions of self are linked to…continue reading

Kaupapa Māori Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Social Capital – Better Together

By: Laurence Huggard
Published: 2007-01-01

The importance of volunteers manning social organisations and their contribution to the Common Good

Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Counting for More

By: New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations
Published: 2007-01-01

Counting for More is focused on a pilot study of outputs and outcomes and is a major milestone for the VAVA (Value Added by Voluntary Agencies) project initiated in 2002…continue reading

Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 1

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-08-01

A stock-take of community organisations and their social services in Waitakere as part of the Local Services Mapping Initiative co-ordinated by Family and Community Services.

Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 2

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-08-01

This report examines some factors that literature suggests are likely to impact on the way funding is distributed among community organisations.

Community Development Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Stock-take of Community Organisations Providing Social Services in Waitakere – Auckland Voluntary Sector Study: working paper 3

By: Derek Senior
Published: 2006-01-02

This research uses organisational information from a stock-take of social service community organisations in Waitakere. It seeks to develop a snapshot of funding information.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

New Zealand Volunteers: A Snapshot

By: Charbonneau, J., Brennan, M., Hercus, A.
Published: 2006-01-02

Responses from over 1700 volunteers in four charities and six sporting organisations from Wellington and Christchurch. Two very different profiles emerged. The typical charity volunteer was female, aged 56+, retired,…continue reading

Sport & Recreation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Sustaining our communities

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 2005-01-03

Seeing the unseen activities that contribute to sustaining our communities is vital in determining how to live more sustainably. This initiative arose out of concern that the data available for…continue reading

Employment & Labour Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme and Emergency Management and Disaster Relief Fund

By: Mary-Jane Rivers & Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2005-01-01

This evaluation follows a broad-ranging evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme (VASS) in 1998 that focused on rationale, purpose, structure, management and ‘place’ of VASS in relation to international…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Junk to Funk 2004: A case study investigating Social Capital, Volunteerism and Evaluation in a Community Project

By: Denise Roche
Published: 2004-11-01

On Waiheke Island the Waste Resource Trust is responsible for encouraging 8000 residents to recycle more and send less waste to landfill. Volunteers engage the community with an annual celebration…continue reading

Research & Evaluation Sustainability Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Stolen from future generations? The need to move to a political economy of generosity.

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 2002-11-29

During the last 20 years, citizens have been taught to behave as autonomous, self-interested, utility-maximising individuals, in a culture based on individual property rights where stealing of property is illegal.

Economics & Finances Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Leadership and the Big Picture – Inspiring Involvement

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 2001-01-01

My basic assertion is that Leadership in Volunteering, from my Pakeha (those of European ancestry) understanding, requires attention to the “Big Picture”. A dozen facets of the Big Picture are…continue reading

Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Sustainable Work – A New Way of Addressing the Employment Issue.

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 2000-04-01

Nothing less than a re-definition of what we call ‘work’ will respond to the way in which our society is changing. Much of what people contribute to society is neither…continue reading

Employment & Labour Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Can Voluntary Organisations Survive the Bear Hug of Government Funding? – A View from Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-01-01

Purchase-of-service contracting with voluntary organisations for social services in Aotearoa New Zealand is examined, in the context of international trends and as a part of the long run historical evolution…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

“Purchase-of-Service Contracting, Voluntary Organisations, and Civil Society: Dissecting the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs?”

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 1998-01-01

Governments around the world are making increasing use of contracting “technologies” to purchase services from voluntary organizations – both in privatising (contracting out) previously government-provided services and in reining in…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Work and Time – Seeing the Unseen

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1997-01-01

One of the real challenges of educational work is how to get into peoples’ consciousness and not just remain talking to the converted. It is my analysis that experts must…continue reading

Employment & Labour Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Let’s Move – from Rights to Ethics

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1996-01-01

This paper explores the case for a move away from the current individual rights system of social relationships. The goal is to put in place a community ethics-based system which…continue reading

Intellectual & Cultural Property Rights Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Neither mendicants nor deal-makers: Contracting, government funding and voluntary organisations

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 1995-08-01

What is happening to government funding of voluntary organisations in Aotearoa/New Zealand? Where is it heading? What does it mean for voluntary organisations?

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Goodwork – A New Way of Addressing the Employment Issue

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1994-04-25

Employment, employees, employers, self-employed, unemployed, voluntary work

Employment & Labour Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Gifting – and the Consequences of its Absence

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1994-03-01

As more and more activities – housework, childcare, looking after the sick and the old – become monetised and institutionalised, the values that allow people to provide services to one…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha Women/Wāhine
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