This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading
This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading
Defined as the practice of gaining awareness and acting upon the oppression of marginalized groups, allyship can account for the power interpreters hold in systems of oppression and can contribute…continue reading
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. Underneath this broad question sat two…continue reading
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. These factsheets highlight recommendations from the…continue reading
Understanding psychosocial stressors in the construction industry is crucial for improving mental health outcomes. This research used qualitative methods, including 19 focus groups and 2 interviews with 115 industry workers,…continue reading
The 2023 MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey, supported by ASB, sheds light on the mental health and well-being of over 2,100 workers in New Zealand’s construction sector. The online and…continue reading
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) encompasses a broad range of behaviours that children under the age of 18 display towards their parents/caregivers. The violence can continue into adulthood.…continue reading
Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading
Community Wealth Building puts people back at the center of local economies by ensuring wealth generated in a local economy is held and invested back into that area, and puts…continue reading
This paper introduces Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis (ICPA), an adapation of Critical Tiriti Analysis for the Australian context. It takes the five-stage approach but adapts it with different assessment indicators…continue reading
The Child Cancer Foundation’s 2024 Social Impact Report, in partnership with Huber Social, highlights the significant impact of the Foundation on families navigating their child’s cancer journey. The Foundation offers…continue reading
People living with epilepsy or unexplained seizures (PLWS) can have very different lived experiences. Epilepsy New Zealand (ENZ) is aleading advocacy, support, and training association in Aotearoa New Zealand for…continue reading
Community Readiness Studies (CRS) are increasingly used in family violence research. This study is a way of understanding our community in relation to family violence and is a way to…continue reading
Analyses showed that victim-survivors face significant barriers in accessing this visa. Proving violence and an inability to return to their country of origin due to social stigma are complex and…continue reading
This research was commissioned to deliver a review of the services provided by Continence NZ and make recommendations as to how the organisation can most effectively serve those living with…continue reading
Young carers are a largely invisible and unsupported population of Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) children and youth aged 25 years and under who physically, emotionally, socially, and/or spiritually support loved…continue reading
A qualitative snapshot of kindness through the lens of community service organisations in Aotearoa. This study began with a question: What is the role of kindness from the perspective of…continue reading
This thesis explores communication infrastructures at the margins of Indigeneity to understand Māori health and wellbeing meanings, challenges, strategies and solutions, articulated by whānau whose voices have been ignored, or…continue reading
The current nutrition guidelines developed by the NZ Ministry of Health do not adequately serve youth due to the lack of input from rangatahi themselves and the absence of mātauranga…continue reading
This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading
The Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report highlights the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to support families of children diagnosed with cancer across New Zealand. The report outlines how the Foundation…continue reading
This is a six month strategic learning report sharing the findings from a pilot to test the Participatory City Approach in the Connected Communities Department of te Kaunihera o Tāmaki…continue reading
The flows of COVID-19 across global terrains work unequally, impacting disproportionately the margins of global spaces. Refugees constitute the “margins of the margins” of globalization, constituted in spaces without access…continue reading
Many New Zealanders consider the beach to be a great place for leisure activities. Despite our love of the water, New Zealanders have a terrible record of drowning deaths. Water…continue reading
Stroke is considered the most common cause of long-term and complex disability, often resulting in a combination of sensory, motor, and cognitive deficits. Stroke survivors return to live in the…continue reading
The Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2022 provides insights into the Foundation’s efforts to support families affected by childhood cancer. The report emphasizes the holistic approach taken by the…continue reading
Colleagues from the Kaipātiki Project and The University of Auckland partnered on a project to capture the experiences of stakeholders to help identify the people in the local community who…continue reading
In 2015, the media began to report with greater frequency that NZ convenience stores were being robbed for tobacco products. There are three reasons why this was shocking to the…continue reading
Loneliness is a distressing emotional state of not having meaningful connections with others. This study looked at levels of loneliness in Auckland, using data from Statistics NZ and Auckland Council.…continue reading
New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine‐containing e‐cigarettes Objective: To investigate smoking and vaping in secondary school students (aged…continue reading
A project detailing the findings from interviewing 26 homeless men and women in Nelson and Blenheim. They were interviewed to surface what they felt were the areas they needed support…continue reading
About 1 in 3 NZ secondary school students have ever bet or gambled and 13% of these students want to cut down their gambling. This is about 1-2 students per…continue reading
This guide is intended to provide knowledge and insights to those creating communications and working alongside whānau, aiga, magafoua, famili, vuvalue, utu, kopu tangata and members of the community who…continue reading
The Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) is the latest in the Youth2000 series of health & wellbeing surveys. Youth19 was conducted in 2019 in the Auckland, Northland & Waikato regions…continue reading
This study explores the experiences of refugee Muslim women as they accessed and navigated the healthcare system in AotearoaNew Zealand (NZ). A case-oriented approach was used, where semi-structured interviews were…continue reading
In this report we explore the wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand secondary school students with the following identities using data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey:• Rainbow rangatahi Māori• Pacific…continue reading
Most rangatahi Māori with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also…continue reading
Migrants can be disproportionately impacted by disasters due to their increased vulnerability. Knowledge of Chinese migrants’ perceptions and experiences in the face of hazards and disasters is limited. This qualitative…continue reading
This report provides an update on the status of the volunteering sector as at May 2021. Our work draws on data collected via stakeholder feedback, a focus group with Volunteer…continue reading
This research, via focus groups and a national survey, asked Takatāpui and Rainbow young people about their experiences of healthy relationships education in Aotearoa. The results reinforce existing evaluation findings:…continue reading
Sixteen out of every 100 Youth19 participants (16%) reported they were same- or multiple-sex attracted, not sure, or not attracted to any sex. Most of these students reported positive home…continue reading
Following on from our 2020 report on lockdown loneliness, Deputy Director and WSP in New Zealand Fellow Holly Walker has completed a 2021 update. The new report draws upon new…continue reading
This is paper is evaluation of the Taku Wairua programme to assess the diverse effects of the program and identify areas for improvement. Taku Wairua is a program designed to…continue reading
Research was undertaken in the latter part of 2020 focused on the strengths and opportunities of young people in the Hurunui district, and how these can be assisted to grow.…continue reading
The study describes multiple systemic barriers to former refugee groups receiving adequate and equitable support in New Zealand health, housing, income support, education and social services. Access to services is…continue reading
Amplifying voices of our marginalised communities enables diverse perspectives and experiences to be heard and therefore help shape our understanding of issues and solutions that are truly transformative and regenerative.…continue reading
New Zealand [NZ] young carers are an invisible and disadvantaged population of children, youth, and young adults aged 25 years and under providing significant, ongoing care for a family member…continue reading
This community led development research supported locally based whanau and hapu to interact within their communities, to have dialogue and to draw out the richness of that dialogue, to share…continue reading
This report highlights the sexual and reproductive health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading
The transport sector accounts for almost a quarter of our total climate emissions, and more than half of these come from private vehicles. New Zealand has committed to reaching net-zero…continue reading
The pandemic of COVID19 has disrupted every aspect of life. From groceries to medicines, travel to events, sports to funerals, economics to politics and religion to social rights all domains…continue reading
Background Disparities in vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage between migrants and refugees and their host populations have been described in numerous countries worldwide. Effective strategies are required to…continue reading
This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about students’ access to health care services. It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey,…continue reading
Aim: This paper describes how we engaged with adolescents and health providers to integrate access to digital health interventions as part of a large-scale secondary school health and wellbeing survey…continue reading
This study was commissioned to capture the experiences of Refugees as Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ) clinical and community services as they responded to COVID 19; and to understand the impact…continue reading
This report highlights the emotional and mental health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading
This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about smoking, vaping, alcohol use, and use of marijuana and other drugs. It is designed to be read with…continue reading
This report describes the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19), how we ran the survey, who took part in it and how to use the findings. It is designed to be…continue reading
In this paper, we examine the factors that contributed to New Zealand’s initial success, highlighting the distinctive state-society mandates that were forged through the response. We also reflect, briefly, on…continue reading
A survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s community sector on the impacts of COVID‐19: This report details the findings of a national COVID‐19 impact survey carried out across the Tangata Whenua,…continue reading
Food Hygiene book by Akram rishan AlaboudiS D AlsawafDhary Alewy Al MashhadanyDhary Alewy Al Mashhadany
IntroductionRaukatauri Music Therapy Trust (RMTT) offers the only music therapy centres in New Zealand, coordinated through its central Auckland operations. RMTT works across Auckland through five satellite services and two…continue reading
This work was a translational research project undertaken by Burwood Academy of Independent Living (BAIL) on behalf of the New Zealand Spinal Trust (NZST; based at the Burwood Spinal Unit,…continue reading
Volunteering Australia commissioned the Australian National University (ANU) Centre for Social Research and Methods to undertake analysis of the experience of volunteers during COVID-19 to date. Their analysis draws on…continue reading
Migrants may experience a higher burden of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD)-associated hospitalisations compared to the host population. A retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2015 was conducted that linked de-identified data…continue reading
BGI facilitated a diverse group of about 20 young people (who named themselves Te Ahi o Ngā Rangatahi (The Fire of Youth)) to identify issues facing young people and develop…continue reading
A study on the COVID-19
E ngā tini kārangarangatanga maha puta noa i te motu, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. Tēnā tātau me te ngārara nui, a te mate korouna, kua pae mai ki tēnei…continue reading
In New Zealand, health equity is a pressing concern, and reaching disadvantaged populations has become the goal to close the inequity gap. Building and strengthening health systems is one way…continue reading
Discrimination faced by Māori whānau while they were seeking to improve their health is a constant struggle. Despite the many negative experiences, collective ownership or we-dentity contributed to their resolution…continue reading
Counting Ourselves is the first comprehensive national survey of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and was conducted from 21 June till…continue reading
This report presents the findings of a survey of 211 parents of students at Mount Aspiring College, Wanaka. Parents were asked about their recent supply of alcohol to their teenagers,…continue reading
Delays in obtaining help with social and personal issues may result in people being on waiting lists for assistance with mental health, housing, counselling, special needs education services or assessments…continue reading
This research provides anthropological analysis into the intersection between migrants’ health, healthcare services, and the concept of migrant integration, focusing on the Luo community of Wellington as an ethnic minority…continue reading
A introduction and summary of a year long research undertaken for masters thesis exploring the lived experiences of adults who lived with the effect of Selective Mutism and their experiences…continue reading
The modern-day healthcare systems incessantly undergo rapid shifts ranging due to the fiscal meltdowns. As such, it is evident that healthcare facilities, especially, in rural areas need a unique type…continue reading
Background International migration is a worldwide phenomenon, with an increased presence of international students (i.e., short-term migrants) residing in host countries for limited periods of time. Migrants may be exposed…continue reading
This evaluation was conducted to understand the impact Wanaka Alcohol Group’s work is having in the Upper Clutha region. The intent of the evaluation was to also generate information that…continue reading
This study reassesses the explanations as presented in surveys accessible on Internet for the average poor learner performance at many Mozambican schools, while suggesting some alternative ones in an attempt…continue reading
In-depth interviews were conducted with 32 victims of serious crime in New Zealand to explore their experience of procedural justice and what justice meant to them. In the study, 68%…continue reading
This report summarises the research and explains how we developed and used a ‘Community Economy Return on Investment’ tool to document and measure the transformative social and environmental outcomes of…continue reading
In New Zealand, the social contribution of volunteers exceeds 270 million hours per year. Volunteer participation is a vital component of emergency services activities, particularly in rural settings. Fire and…continue reading
Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading
Background: Studies of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage among migrants compared to locally-born populations present a mixed picture on whether migrants experience disproportionate VPD rates and immunisation inequities,…continue reading
NZIER report prepared for the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking as part of a programme of research supported by a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free…continue reading
This research is a community-managed discovery of the ingredients underlying the neighbourhood-led approach of Randwick Park’s community leadership. It explains the basis of this shared kaupapa and explores some of…continue reading
Obesity in children is a global health concern. In New Zealand, one in three school entrant children are overweight or obese. M¯aori, the indigenous people, are disproportionately represented among the…continue reading
In Oct 2018 a new system of providing funding support for disabled people was launched in MidCentral Region. It was called ‘system transformation’. This involved the creation of new funding…continue reading
In October 2018 the Government launched system transformation in MidCentral Region. This was a process that changed the way disabled people and their whānau received funding from the Government and…continue reading
Who is this guide for? This guide is for anyone who provides mental health support in Aotearoa, including (but not limited to) counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, tohunga (Māori healers), social…continue reading
INTRODUCTION: In Aotearoa New Zealand, as elsewhere in the world, healthcare providers are seeking better ways to engage with increasingly ethnically and linguistically diverse communities. The use of cultural support…continue reading
Objective: There is a paucity of health-related research on older Asian immigrants in New Zealand. The aim of this review was to critically examine literature on health and well-being of…continue reading
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading
Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading
In 2018, the government announced plans to develop a Child Wellbeing Strategy to make New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child. While this is an…continue reading
The growth of migrant communities continues to rise globally, creating unique and complex health challenges. Literature on immigrant health in New Zealand (NZ) remains scant. This integrative literature review was…continue reading
Migrants may experience immunisation inequities compared with the host population related to barriers with accessing immunisations in their home countries, while migrating and/or post-arrival. This retrospective cohort study explored vaccination…continue reading
Mandated organ donation would greatly increase the overall functionality and wellbeing of populations in the United States. It therefore should be considered to change the current default from having to…continue reading
Since 2009, RCG Group (2010) Limited (trading as Grace Training NZ) has evolved from a single-brand business, to a multi-branded company. Its strengths are making a difference in the lives…continue reading
This initiative created an active, sustainable, regenerative eco- learning space at Te Takutai o te Titī Marae (Colac Bay), enabling a whānau member to be the kaihautū of this project.…continue reading
Kimihia te Hauora Hinengaro: Pathways to Mental Health report is on a study conducted by Wai Research which explores the relevance of the inclusion of Māori cultural elements in therapeutic…continue reading
One of the important parts of public health surveillance is to track flu (influenza) and similar respiratory conditions. School-based surveillance of flu or influenza-like illness (ILI) is critical as children…continue reading
This document pulls together five strands of research. The first is a collection of demographic data concerning 502 participants who were referred to and attended programmes at Stopping Violence Dunedin…continue reading
Addiction practitioners in New Zealand work alongside those who are experiencing a range of addictions, as well as those who care for them, to assist in making recovery for clients…continue reading
This study is interested in the findings of interviews with women, services and individuals who experienced intensive social work support in their community of Counties Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand, while…continue reading
A project looking at men’s awareness of and potential engagement in the prevention of family violence.
This book has been written during a time of great change and contestation as it relates to forced migration and global politics. The Syrian crisis has continued to deepen as…continue reading
Kia Pū te Wai o Pareira: Catalysts of Whānau Health and Wellbeing in West Auckland is the technical report following an 18-month study of Māori living in West Auckland. This…continue reading
This paper summarises the findings of a small, in-depth research project undertaken at [School]; it has been prepared for the purpose of feeding back findings to the school. The findings…continue reading
Suicide in New Zealand is considered to be a major health crisis, with Māori taitamariki (youth) featuring in disproportionate numbers as more likely to die from suicide than non-Māori youth.…continue reading
The purpose of this project was to update existing ‘Good Practice Guidelines’, building upon the findings of the initial project conducted in 2009. The development of ‘Good Practice Guidelines’ aims…continue reading
Many Northland communities are relatively geographically isolated from urban centres. Because of this, services can be limited and travel, housing and the general cost of living are expensive for many.…continue reading
This summary report details the results of a survey of n=1,076 New Zealand residents aged 18 years and older. The survey was conducted on behalf of the Male Survivors of…continue reading
Following a six hour workshop with a group of 13 Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour, in the Nelson Bays area, responses to research questions were collated to demonstrate the change…continue reading
Toi Ora is an NGO that aims to inspire positive mental health and wellbeing through the use of the arts and creative process. It is through this lens that the…continue reading
Recent years have seen an increased awareness of the risks that children of parents with mental illness or addiction (COPMIA) face. While there are a range of services that support…continue reading
Abstract The original intention for the Partnership Community Worker (PCW) project in 2006 was for it to be an extension of the Pegasus Health General Practice and furthermore to be…continue reading
Animal assisted activities (AAA) are increasingly being seen as an important part of the range of interventions in the helping professions including social work. Whilst a code of ethics has…continue reading
Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…continue reading
The action research process that informed the report was initially made possible through CatholicCare Bushfire Community Recovery Service, with the support and involvement of service Manager, Janet Cribbes. The study…continue reading
Drawing on Canterbury and Victoria experience, his report discusses and gives examples of the role of the non-profit sector in disaster risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery. While many see…continue reading
This paper presents insights into the impacts on Māori of the Christchurch earthquakes and draws on personal research experiences to discuss disaster research with impacted minority communities. Three topics are…continue reading
A paper written and presented by Megan Woods MP for the inaugural Christchurch Womens Researchers Breakfast, Otauatahi-Christchurch, Thursday 21st November 2014
This case study of Jalin Merapi in the 2010 Merapi volcanic eruption captures how local communities can empower themselves through participation in providing, sharing and verifying information within their social…continue reading
This paper presents insights into the impact on Maori of the Christchurch earthquakes, including the role of Indigenous Knowledge (Matauranga Maori) in disasters, and the role of Indigenous culture in…continue reading
The research looks at how Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) have been involved in and impacted by mid- to long-term recovery efforts, following the Christchurch earthquakes. Relocation information of TSOs’ offices…continue reading
The disability sector in Australia is experiencing a period of unprecedented, transformational change with the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. This paper is a case study of House…continue reading
Organisations in the Australian disability sector have new regulatory pressures challenging their governance structures. Increasing levels of political, economic and social pressure means that membership of third sector boards is…continue reading
The purpose of this document is to:1. Provide Information about CALD population demographics and characteristics, increasing workforce diversity, service barriers, and why the need for cultural competence2. Recommend Best Practice…continue reading
Following the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) are increasingly relied on to maintain community connectivity, and well-being. As demolition and red zoning alter livelihood options, TSOs are…continue reading
Findings from focus groups held in Mental Health and Addiction Peer Support Services in Aotearoa which identify the outcomes people who use these services value in their live. The findings…continue reading
Since 1925 Cholmondeley Children’s Centre (formally Cholmondeley Children’s Home) has provided emergency and planned respite residential care for children aged between 3 and 12 years old, that is directly accessible…continue reading
The medical/disabled category for quota refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand allows entry to those who have either a medical condition that can be treated or helped in New…continue reading
A top priority for Youthline is for young people to be supported in their resilience and ability to thrive, their knowledge of where to go to get help, and their…continue reading
This is the final report of a research study undertaken by the National Council of Women (Christchurch Branch) between 2011 and 2014 with women living in Christchurch through the earthquakes.…continue reading
In February 2014, the NGO Health and Disability Network held five Good Governance workshops around New Zealand. These were attended by more than 150 board members from approx 85 non-profit…continue reading
The Christchurch earthquakes can be viewed from many disciplines: geology, geography, history, disaster management, psychology, sociology etc. For the past two years, the National Council of Women in Christchurch has…continue reading
The phrase ‘He Mokopuna He Tupuna ’ is one that provides a cultural framework for understanding the positioning of tamariki within Te Ao Māori . It is drawn from the…continue reading
The ABE Programme is a client-centred, individualised physical activity intervention for people with mental illness delivered by non-government organisation Richmond Services Ltd. It is three months in duration with weekly…continue reading
The impact of the Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010-12 and its aftermath has been enormous. This inventory lists some of the thousands of community-led groups and initiatives across the region…continue reading
This resource is not a summary of research but has been created as a result of academic research into grassroots responses to disasters. In this resource I pull together several…continue reading
The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of the Anger Change Programme for Mothers. The Anger Change programme is a New Zealand-based child abuse prevention programme, developed…continue reading
During 2010 and 2011, a series of major earthquakes caused widespread damage in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The magnitude 6.3 quake in February 2011 caused 185 fatalities. In…continue reading
Action research – as part of the wider measurement activity for the Whānau Ora approach – is focused on providing evidence of provider practice, developing improved whānau-centred service delivery and…continue reading
The study was inspired by a growing awareness of the abuse of disabled people living in the New Zealand community. Next, while international research has highlighted that disabled people are…continue reading
Te Puawaitanga O Te Ngakau: A Case Study of Westside Counselling Services in West Auckland A ‘Community of Care’ approach to working with Māori Women and their whānau who have…continue reading
The DOVE Research Project came about after discussions between family violence intervention service, DOVE Hawkes Bay (DOVE) and the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) about the high levels of family…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
When the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand, at 12.51pm on 22nd February 2011, the psychological and physical landscape was irrevocably changed. In the days and weeks…continue reading
The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading
This report documents programmes, strategies and campaigns being implemented in 2012 around the country to prevent sexual violence. The stocktake illustrates that the specialist sexual violence sector has developed a…continue reading
Here is the publisher’s flyer for the complete book (“Chimes of Time: Wounded Professionals Essays on Recovery”, edited by Bruce Kirkcaldy).
Mental Health Care in many countries is multiply-fragmented. Amongst the players are a variety of professional groups, many different community organizations for service-users and caregivers, as well as commercial enterprises…continue reading
This report summarises the Masters thesis of the same title (also found in this directory). I briefly discuss methodology and background to the case study of Project Lyttelton before explaining…continue reading
Based on his keynote speech given to the New Zealand Creativity Challenge held in New Plymouth 27-28 April 2013, this paper explores role of creativity, community and citizenship. The paper…continue reading
This report studied six communities affected by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Our project found that connected communities with good community infrastructure (e.g. local networks, marae, organisations, and leaders)…continue reading
Institutional racism, a pattern of differential access to material resources and power determined by race, advantages one sector of the population while disadvantaging another. Such racism is not only about…continue reading
The publication describes the part that community none-government organisations (NGOs) take in New Zealand Mental Health and Addictions (MH&A) service system. It describes some of the activities of these essential…continue reading
PhD thesis in Public Policy which looks at the policy problems arising from the rapidly increasing diagnoses of autism in recent decades. Considers history and construction of the concept of…continue reading
This study explores the issue of forced and underage marriage in Aotearoa New Zealand. It documents the stories of survivors of actual and threatened forced marriage. It also records the…continue reading
This report details the development and operation of a community based violence prevention programme. The focus was upon creating community level conversations that would enlarge understandings of violence and from…continue reading
Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou, or the Court of New Beginnings, was established in October 2010 following advocacy to the Chief District Court Judge by Lifewise, an agency working with…continue reading
The WAVES Trust is the umbrella organisation for all agencies working in family violence in West Auckland. WAVES commissioned research into the response by schools to children who witness FV.…continue reading
This study has been undertaken as a result of concerns raised by Man Alive with the Waitakere Taskforce on Family Violence that the numbers of referrals received to stopping violence…continue reading
This paper was presented at the CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKES: SEMINAR SERIES 2012. Earthquake research in the field of mental health – Outcomes & Impacts by Prof Simon Kingham, Department of Geography…continue reading
In mid-2012, the NGO Health and Disability Network explored older people’s health issues and the current role of the non-profit sector. By sharing these findings, the Network hopes to help…continue reading
In the 10 years since the publication of the first refugee health handbook there have been considerable steps taken toward improving long-term settlement outcomes for refugees settled in New Zealand.…continue reading
This study examined the link between animal cruelty and family violence. The issue was investigated with a combination of in-depth interviews and a survey of 203 Women’s Refuge clients and…continue reading
This report illustrates how the NGO sector is a major provider of public and personal primary health care in New Zealand. It profiles 15 case studies of non-profit NGOs’ relationships…continue reading
Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a visual facilitation tool that is used to make strategic plans with whānau and service providers throughout Aotearoa. In this project supported with…continue reading
NZCCSS’s 11th Vulnerability Report looks at the period October to December 2011 and investigates trends in prices, employment and unemployment, benefits and hardship, housing, children in care, and debt. It…continue reading
Report recommending the focus of mental health shifts towards primary and integrated care and preventative interventions.
Since 2002, ParentWorks, a programme of Christchurch Methodist Mission, has been helping non-custodial parents to build better relationships with their children and assist them both in the short and long…continue reading
Address to “Our Future Community and Voluntary Sector Forum”, Hosted by Council of Social Services Christchurch and Te Runaka ki Otautahi Kai Tahu, Christchurch, 28 July 2011. Drawing on lessons…continue reading
Elder abuse and neglect prevention services support older people who have been abused or neglected to achieve a safer living environment. In some situations, lack of authoritative power prevents achievement…continue reading
This report is a compilation of respondents’ feedback to a 2011 survey exploring ways non-profit NGOs help New Zealanders become healthier by using their relationships, connections and innovative models of…continue reading
This is the final report of a two year research project entitled ‘A study of the children of prisoners’.
The experience of living with endometriosis is, for many women, very challenging. A fortunate few find sympathetic doctors, relatively quick diagnosis and treatment, and uncomplicated recovery. They are able to…continue reading
After the Sept 2010 earthquake, a series of meetings were held with community organisations in Christchurch to enable them to learn from each other about supporting their communities and to…continue reading
The aim of this report is to increase understanding of the health requirements of refugee-background communities. Like many communities whose members are predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, former refugees face…continue reading
Issue 37 of the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand comprises research papers on a wide range of topics with implications for policy across the social sector. Research relating to…continue reading
Independent evaluation of the Healthy Relationships programme, exploring the impact of the programme on student behaviour (e.g. if and how students used the Healthy Relationships skills to prevent potential sexual…continue reading
A qualitative project explored the lived experiences and social service needs of affected or at-risk Black African migrants, refugees and their family members in New Zealand. One of the main…continue reading
Te Korowai has been development from seven interconnecting themes raised by hui with kaumatua and represents the concepts and practicalities of whanau ora. Te Korowai looks at the individual while…continue reading
An in-depth research programme undertaken by Pillars has found that the effects of imprisonment on the children are profound and long lasting. The purpose of this practice manual is to…continue reading
This paper identifies the key strengths of the health and disability sector NGOs (non-government organisations) and the challenges and opportunities ahead for progressing towards a whānau-centred approach.
This paper explores changes in the political and economic environments of western democracies and the role and participation of NGOs in health and disability sector service provision. It quantifies the…continue reading
The briefing draws selected verbatim extracts from various Government and community organisation briefing documents. Collated to inform Todd Foundation‚ strategic planning process in 2010, the paper focuses on the key…continue reading
A document presenting some simple ways to analyse current health networks and how to look to strengthen them.
This discussion paper provides an initial NGO perspective on possible re-organisation of the planning and funding environment resulting from changes to the health system. It is for use by government…continue reading
The rationale for this thesis “Matua Whangai – Can we invigorate an important concept of social work?” is quite simply that: – – The deaths of our babies have shattered…continue reading
‘Healthy Relationships’ is a programme designed by Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower Trust to teach personal safety through explanations and interactive stories. The goal of the stories is to develop understanding of…continue reading
The Social Report 2010 provides a picture of progress towards better social outcomes for New Zealanders. It shows how we are faring on a range of important social indicators and…continue reading
PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) is a research tool that can assist in individual and whānau planning. It uses visual images alongside facilitation that seeks to clarify, research and…continue reading
This paper outlines use of the PATH in Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand by Kataraina Pipi over the past eight years, including an examination of: • The foundations and…continue reading
A pilot of social work support in a primary health setting was undertaken and elvauated in a small rural community in New Zealand. This pilot was part of a social…continue reading
Relationship Services Whakawhanaungatanga (now Relationships Aotearoa) undertook an evaluation of 15 years of domestic violence programme facilitation. Ideas were gathered from experienced facilitators, client evaluation forms were analysed and Maori…continue reading
New Zealand’s 97,000 not-for-profit organisations’ survival is reliant upon the generosity of individuals, corporations, trusts, and the government. As New Zealand faced economic downturns between 1986 and 2008, this potentially…continue reading
This report is a piece of action research. It provides a snapshot of how the residents of Merivale, Tauranga feel about their suburb and reveals what they would like to…continue reading
This article was written to support a presentation to the World Conference in Disaster Management 2009 (Toronto, Canada). In it there is presented a method to rediscover the forgotten tool…continue reading
Paper presented to the Annual Conference of Diabetes NZ.Assesses the role of Civil society and organisations like Diabetes NZ as agents of social and moral change. Draws on 250 years…continue reading
This thesis explores the impact of stigma on women in New Zealand living with HIV through the use of co-operative inquiry, an innovative, participatory, action-based and somewhat revolutionary, research method.…continue reading
This issue of Mana Mahi highlights a number of exciting events and opportunities organised by the Workplace Wellbeing Project in November/December 2008 for sector employers and managers to add to…continue reading
Qualitataive research (depth interviews with 52 emergency services volunteers and other stakeholders) to identify how to lift training participation of emergency services volunteers, and the impact of training on service…continue reading
This edition of Mana Mahi discusses issues of pay parity; the results of the Strategic Pay Not for Profit Sector 2008 Remuneration Survey; feedback from our Effective Employment Relations workshops;…continue reading
Literature review to identify barriers to training for volunteers in emergency services, and volunteers in general, and how to overcome those barriers
Welcome to the second newsletter of the Workplace Wellbeing Project, a sector-driven initiative which seeks to promote and support good employment practices and relationships in our sector. In this issue…continue reading
Masters thesis Through literature review, case studies and semi-structured interviews, a pool of knowledge was identified using a kaupapa Maori approach to draw out a set of themes and indicators.…continue reading
Responses to cultural diversity in nursing need to consider the theory and practice developments of the profession, whilst also responding to broader social and historical process that prevent marginalised groups…continue reading
Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading
This is the first in a series of newsletters produced by the Workplace Wellbeing Project to keep people up to date with what is happening with the project, and with…continue reading
This is a summary of the most recent statistics from the Ministry of Health and the Department of Internal Affairs on problem gambling.
An examination of the link between problem gambling and family violence.
A significant proportion of worldwide research concerning adult refugees has investigated clinical perspectives and emphasised the impact of pre and post-migration experiences as key factors affecting their mental health status.…continue reading
This document summarises a number of issues raised by NGOs about the barriers to, and opportunities for, innovation and collaboration within the health and disability NGO sector. It is based…continue reading
This report summarises the main top-line results from a survey conducted by the NGO Working Group in July 2007. It is a repeat of a similar survey carried out in…continue reading
The relationship between housing and recovery from mental illness has been recognised by users and providers of mental health services in New Zealand in a number of reports and discussion…continue reading
A review of research into the employment of people with experience of mental illness, and the issues which arise from that subject.
This report adds to the growing body of knowledge about non-government organisations (NGOs) in New Zealand contracted by the Crown to provide mental health and addictions services in the community.…continue reading
This letter from Dr Jim Primrose, Acting Deputy Director-General, Clinical Services Directorate, confirms policy settings concerning Non-Government Organisation providers of primary and population health services and PHOs.
The NgOIT 2005 Landscape Survey is a collection of data provided by community (non-government) mental health and addiction service providers in New Zealand. It is an overview of the community…continue reading
Interest in how knowledge is constructed in multiethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-faith communities is gaining momentum in countries such as New Zealand as they become more diverse. In turn, this provides…continue reading
Health and Disability Sector NGO Workforce Development – A report to the NGO Working Group written by Kirsty Peel, Health by Design Limited, 16 June 2006
Migrants and refugees make up an increasingly significant number of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s population with one in five New Zealanders being born in another country compared with one in eight people…continue reading
A presentation to the Health and Disability NGO-MoH Forum on the future of contracting: alternative models to competitive tendering.
This document reports on results of sector meetings in July 2006 on how Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) can best fit within the primary health care setting. It also advises how key…continue reading
Indigenous contributions to governance in health informatics can be drawn from cultural concepts such as Katiakitanga, which implies guardianship, stewardship, governance and responsibility roles. Kaitiakitanga acts as a guideline to…continue reading
Health and Disability NGO Working Group Terms of Reference
This project aimed to strengthen the well-being of African Youth in Wellington by identifying issues they face, and developing strategies to address the issues. The project was implemented by Evolve,…continue reading
Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes.
Relationships, Framework, Ministry, NGOs, PHOs, Strategy
This evaluation follows a broad-ranging evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme (VASS) in 1998 that focused on rationale, purpose, structure, management and ‘place’ of VASS in relation to international…continue reading
The KIDPOWER TEENPOWER FULLPOWER Trust (KIDPOWER) received a grant from The Todd Foundation to pilot and evaluate outcomes of one-hour sessions with 8 to 12 year old children in classes…continue reading
The KIDPOWER TEENPOWER FULLPOWER Trust (KIDPOWER) received a grant from The Todd Foundation to pilot and evaluate outcomes of one-hour sessions with 8 to 12 year old children in classes…continue reading
This paper discusses the need for multi-cultural methodologies that develop knowledge about the maternity experience of migrant women and that are attuned to women’s maternity-related requirements under multi-cultural conditions. Little…continue reading
This document presents the key findings from a survey of people with experience of mental illness to obtain their accounts of discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This report examines the Domestic Violence Act including protection orders. The report highlights advocates’ concerns that the Act is not working effectively 10 years after it was passed.
Survey of NGO Relationships with DHBs
The increasing use of emergency departments by refugee and migrant groups reflects the shifting ethnic composition of central Auckland. Refugees are different from other immigrants and from low-income families in…continue reading
This case study reviews a series of events using a deliberation approach that have taken place in Porirua City. The nature of these activities is considered in relation to how…continue reading
This research evaluated the effectiveness of a stress management programme for hospice staff, using a quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test, methodology with a participation and comparison group. The initial post-test was followed…continue reading
Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the relative importance of predictors of the self-rated adjustment and psychiatric morbidity of recent Chinese migrants. Method: Chinese…continue reading
This report is on the effects of family violence on employment opportunities for Maori women. Maori women’s employment is affected through their partner coming to their workplace and creating scenes,…continue reading