Research in Category: "Non-profit Sector"


Integrating Māori Ecological Wisdom and Civil Defence: A Contrasting Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Hauraki Māori Communities

By: Paora Moyle
Published: 2025-01-31

This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Māori

Nine approaches to buildings

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

Creating case studies of successful pathways to building ownership was an important part of the Stable Spaces research. They model strategies and tactics that we can learn from and repeat.…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

PSN Users of Violence Literature Review 2024

By: Dr Simon Duff
Published: 2024-10-01

Violence within families and relationships is a widespread and critical issue confronting New Zealand society. Intervention programmes that work with perpetrators are essential for reducing reoffending and protecting those who…continue reading

Advocacy Family Violence & Abuse

Stable Spaces

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

The Stable Spaces report is the first significant national survey on the state of independently owned physical arts infrastructure in Aotearoa. The report examines what makes successful asset ownership in…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

The Stable Spaces Survey

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

The purpose of the Stable Spaces survey was to establish an overview of how the arts are housed in Aotearoa, and how their housing supports their activities. Going into the…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development
Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand Report 2024

By: Dr Johann Go
Published: 2024-09-20

The State of Volunteering 2024 report marks the sixth edition in Volunteering New Zealand’s ongoing series. We surveyed volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations. The state of volunteering is fairly positive, though…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Workplace psychosocial stressors in the construction industry: Perspectives of construction industry stakeholders

By: Assoc. Prof. Gabrielle Jenkin, Dr Lauren Donnan, Dr Chris Bowden, and Angie Hoskin
Published: 2024-09-10

Understanding psychosocial stressors in the construction industry is crucial for improving mental health outcomes. This research used qualitative methods, including 19 focus groups and 2 interviews with 115 industry workers,…continue reading


MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey Results, supported by ASB

By: MATES in Construction NZ, ASB
Published: 2024-09-01

The 2023 MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey, supported by ASB, sheds light on the mental health and well-being of over 2,100 workers in New Zealand’s construction sector. The online and…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing

Getting it Right – Provision and Access to Timely and Appropriate Supports for the Tāngata Whaitakiwātanga/Autistic Community Before, During, and After Diagnosis.

By: Dr Larah van der Meer; Dr Michelle Stevens; Chanelle Moriah; Lee Patrick; Jennifer Loughnan
Published: 2024-07-31

Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading


Community Wealth Building: An Equitable Approach to Economic Development in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa and The Urban Advisory
Published: 2024-07-25

Community Wealth Building puts people back at the center of local economies by ensuring wealth generated in a local economy is held and invested back into that area, and puts…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

Philanthropy in Australia and Aotearoa 2020-2023

By: John C H Godfrey
Published: 2024-05-27

This short article is a follow-up to an earlier article (Godfrey & Williamson 2020). Linked here http://rb.gy/hlhs6q Our earlier findings concerning no diminution of philanthropy during recessions, excepting corporates, seems…continue reading

Economics & Finances Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy

Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2024

By: Huber Social, Child Cancer Foundation
Published: 2024-05-01

The Child Cancer Foundation’s 2024 Social Impact Report, in partnership with Huber Social, highlights the significant impact of the Foundation on families navigating their child’s cancer journey. The Foundation offers…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services

Foodshed and Food System Analysis – Buller District

By: Dr Niki Bould, as lead researcher
Published: 2024-03-28

The Foodshed and Food System Analysis for the Buller district is part of a Local Food Economyinitiative. In providing insights into the foodshed and food system, KNECT (the local community…continue reading

Community & Place Food Security

Whiria te Tāngata Social Impact Report 2024

By: Creative Waikato, Huber Social
Published: 2024-03-01

The Whiria te Tāngata Social Impact Report 2024 highlights the impact of Creative Waikato’s pilot multi-community artist-in-residence program, aimed at improving social cohesion and community well-being through creative practice. The…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

Community Readiness Study Research Report 2023

By: Mikayla Cahill
Published: 2023-11-01

Community Readiness Studies (CRS) are increasingly used in family violence research. This study is a way of understanding our community in relation to family violence and is a way to…continue reading

Community Categories

Long Term Impacts of Youth Mentoring: A thematic analysis of interviews collected with previous mentees, mentors and mentee whānau of the Challenge for Change mentoring programme.

Published: 2023-11-01

Challenge for Change (C4C) is a mentoring programme run by BGI, a youth development organisation. C4C fosters mentoring partnerships between volunteer mentors and young people ages 9-13. This research aimed…continue reading


Evaluation Toolkit

By: The Learning Environment
Published: 2023-09-01

This Evaluation Toolkit provides guidance and tools to enable a cohesive approach to measuring impact across our organisation and within the community. The toolkit informs our Annual Impact Story which…continue reading

Te Ao Māori

The Contributions of Tūao Māori: principles of collective responsibility and self-determination

By: Tūao Aotearoa Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2023-08-03

Māori are amongst the highest likely to volunteer yet their contributions are under-represented in volunteering research. This important work has filled this gap stemming from focus group and surveys of…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

Scouts Aotearoa Healthy Norms Project Evaluation

By: Scouts Aotearoa and Point and Associates
Published: 2023-07-31

In 2021, Scouts Aotearoa, with support from Point, initiated an innovative project to address harmful gender norms within the movement. The impetus for this project was the results of an…continue reading


Evaluation of the Wraparound Service of Te Whakaruruhau.

By: Debbie Goodwin, Neville Robertson, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Rebekah Graham
Published: 2023-07-23

This evaluation aims to determine the effectiveness of the Wrap-around Service delivered by Te Whakaruruhau. The focus is on improving the health and wellbeing of whānau. The evaluation sought to…continue reading

Advocacy Evaluation Social Services

Better Banking : Creating Ease of Banking for the Not-For-Profit Sector

By: Community Networks Aotearoa & Dr Jane Horan. Also the Community and voluntary Sector.
Published: 2023-06-28

We want to improve experiences with banks for community organisations. Community Networks Aotearoa volunteered to take leadership of a project to investigate and gather the stories of the sector, the…continue reading


Enabling life in vacant spaces: A partnership approach to evaluating holistic wellbeing in disaster recovery contexts

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, Matthew Scobie and Amanda Yates
Published: 2023-06-01

This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing

Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report

By: Child Cancer Foundation, Huber Social
Published: 2023-05-01

The Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report highlights the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to support families of children diagnosed with cancer across New Zealand. The report outlines how the Foundation…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services

Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna? | How are my mokopuna going? An inquiry into the nature, experiences and impacts of streaming learners in Whanganui

By: Dr Tiwha Puketapu, Dr Pam O’Connell, Evelyn Hiri-Gush, Paerangi Maihi
Published: 2023-04-12

Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna (How are my mokopuna doing?) is a simple question which Whanganui schools, their school boards, tumuaki and kaiako have heard for many years. However, the…continue reading

Arts and Culture

Availability and acceptability of interpreting services for refugees as a question of trauma- informed care

By: Alejandra González Campanella
Published: 2023-03-01

Refugee-background communities have been a significant part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s multicultural population for decades. Despite the documented relevance of communication for newly arrived refugees, local reports over the years…continue reading

Arts and Culture

Community Insights Report – The Turner Centre [2022-2023]

By: Research & report by Rangimārie Mules of the Oi Collective
Published: 2023-02-24

This report provides a range of key community and stakeholder insights from research that was conducted in the later part of 2022 (November-December). These insights provide the foundation for which…continue reading


Discover our neighbouhood – Phillipstown Community Mapping

By: Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust
Published: 2023-01-31

Discover our Neighbourhood – Phillipstown Community Mapping is a project that tries to capture and organise the strengths already existing in the Phillipstown areas, one of the oldest neighbourhoods in…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa 2022

By: Tūao Aotearoa - Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2022-12-01

The State of Volunteering is Volunteering New Zealand’s flagship report on the state of the community and voluntary sector. Over the years, this report has evolved, reflecting the demands of…continue reading


Community Research Report : Housing Research in Aotearoa

By: Lydia Carson
Published: 2022-10-30

Community Research set out to create a Special Collection of individual research on housing in Aotearoa. We have gathered links to these existing external collections and used our resources to…continue reading

Arts and Culture

Wellbeing and Arts, Culture and Creativity in the Waikato

By: Creative Waikato, Huber Social
Published: 2022-10-01

The Wellbeing and Arts, Culture and Creativity in the Waikato report explores the impact of arts, culture, and creativity on the overall well-being of Waikato residents. The report highlights that…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing
Non-profit Sector

Rangatahi Evaluation Project

By: Silver Fern MotorSport Charitable Trust
Published: 2022-09-14

The aim of the Rangatahi Evaluation research project was to explore the present status of rangatahi who previously accessed training programmes provided by Silver Fern MotorSport Charitable Trust. The Project…continue reading

People and Society

West 5: 4 Trauma – an action research project report

By: Janette Searle
Published: 2022-06-30

West 5: 4 Trauma is an action research project that looks at a model for trauma sensitive schooling within 5 different primary schools in West Auckland. The project used a…continue reading

Action Research Community Development Education & Training
People and Society

Volunteers Enriching Education in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Tania Jones and Karen A. Smith
Published: 2022-06-20

In an online survey of New Zealand’s early childhood education services, schools and kura in late 2021/early 2022, over 83% of respondents involve volunteers, with volunteers most important in primary…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Understanding sustainable behavioural change in Taranaki

By: Alexandra Vernal, Jamie Silk
Published: 2022-06-15

With funding from TOI Foundation, Sustainable Taranaki engaged in a 3-year research project to gain a deeper understanding of what drives sustainable behaviour change in our community and how to…continue reading


System Transformation in the disability sector in New Zealand – Repeat Study MidCentral: 2018-2021

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2022)
Published: 2022-06-03

In October 2018 the Ministry of Health launched system transformation in MidCentral region (Palmerston North, Levin, Otaki, Foxton, Feilding and the local environments). This new system was to be based…continue reading


Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2022

By: Child Cancer Foundation, Huber Social
Published: 2022-06-01

The Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2022 provides insights into the Foundation’s efforts to support families affected by childhood cancer. The report emphasizes the holistic approach taken by the…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Community Food Security in Te Awa Kairangi: Evaluation of Common Unity’s Food Hub

By: Phoebe Balle and Carolyn Watts
Published: 2022-05-27

Common Unity is a place-based charity which aims to regenerate communities. Common Unity is based in Epuni, a neighbourhood where many households experience high levels of deprivation. Common Unity’s Food…continue reading

Community & Place Food Security Health & Wellbeing Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

The Impact of Volunteering on a Young Person’s Life: A study into the SVA Service Award

By: Puck Algera
Published: 2022-03-31

The research looked into the SVA Service Award, a national framework for advancing secondary school student volunteering, to provide an in-depth insight into the benefits of youth volunteering, service and…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Billy Graham Youth Foundation: Final Impact Evaluation Report

By: Point & Associates
Published: 2022-03-01

In 2021 the Billy Graham Youth Foundation (BGYF) had a network of 6 academies across New Zealand. 2021 was the third and final year of an evaluation to help the…continue reading


Making Ethnic Count: Cultural safety in action, Asking what we need to know 2022.

By: Juanita Rojas, Jeanie Tseng and Sandra Dickson for Shama Ethnic Women's Trust
Published: 2022-02-28

This is the final report on the Making Ethnic Count pilot, a co-design and trial of effective data collection with four pilot organisations run by Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust. In…continue reading


Non-Profit and Community Governance | Mana whakahaere o ngā uepū utu-kore me ngā uepū ā-hapori

By: LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance & Leadership
Published: 2022-01-31

We set out to find lessons for good governance for non-profit and community organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand, by focussing on the strengths and capacities, especially of particularly well regarded…continue reading


Beyond Pākehā Paralysis; An Exploration of monoculturalism at Coastguard New Zealand and the significant changes required to become relevant and conscious to te ao Māori.

By: Aoife Healy
Published: 2022-01-09

Coastguard is the primary marine search and rescue agency in New Zealand with 2, 000 volunteers around the country. Although Māori have significant cultural connections to the wai (water), as…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

COVID-19 Hauora Wellbeing Survey of the tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector

By: Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa
Published: 2021-11-30

The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

COVID-19 Hauora Wellbeing Survey of the tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector – Dataset

By: Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa
Published: 2021-11-29

The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

The impact of recessions on fundraising: a systematic review of the literature

By: Godfrey, John CH; Williamson, Alexandra
Published: 2021-10-23

The impact of economic crises on philanthropic funding to, and fundraising by, nonprofit organisations is a surprisingly under-researched field. Internationally, data is scant and comparisons are impeded by different categorisations…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

2021 New Zealand Cause Report

By: John Morrow & John McLeod
Published: 2021-09-30

The 2021 New Zealand Cause Report is a reference resource for Aotearoa New Zealand’s multidimensional charitable and broader for-purpose sector, and is a follow on from the 2017 Cause Report.…continue reading

COVID-19 Non-profit Sector Philanthropy

‘Waiheke is a community, not a commodity’: Stakeholder perspectives on future Waiheke tourism

By: Project Forever Waiheke
Published: 2021-09-10

This comprehensive mixed-method research, undertaken from December 2020 to July 2021, comprised: • A survey of visitor satisfaction relating to Waiheke visits (n=991) • A survey of Waiheke residents’ perspectives…continue reading

People and Society

Young people who have been involved with Oranga Tamariki: Identity and Culture

By: The Youth19 Researcher Group
Published: 2021-09-01

This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who reported being involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services. Youth19 is…continue reading

Children & Youth Identity Oranga Tamariki

Understanding welfare sanctions in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Beneficiary Advisory Service
Published: 2021-08-09

This research project sought to understand the circumstances behind MSD-applied sanctions and the impact of sanctions on beneficiaries in New Zealand. We found that research participants lacked an adequate understanding…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

A Scan of the Local Issues Social Service Providers are observing in Communities & their Organisations during Lockdown 2.0

By: SociaLink
Published: 2021-08-01

SociaLink asked social service providers via our newsletter and in discussion at the Managers forum to share what issues they are observing in the community and any issues their organisations…continue reading


Mapping the Landscape: How to Talk About Systems Change in Aotearoa, New Zealand, 2021

By: The Workshop: Jordan Green, Dr Sharon Bell, Marianne Elliot, Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw.
Published: 2021-08-01

This report is for knowledge holders, communicators, advocates, non-government service providers and designers working on the changes that will make the biggest difference for whānau, communities, and the planet. Central…continue reading

Advocacy Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

An Introduction to Deep Thinking

By: Dr Deb J Hill
Published: 2021-01-20

The aim of this short graphic resource is to expose the role that language plays in consolidating bias in our everyday normative thinking. Implicit in its content is an alternative…continue reading

Education & Training Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

ComVoices 2020 State of the Sector Survey – Summary

By: ComVoices
Published: 2020-11-20

While still fragile, the community and voluntary sector is generally more stable and viable than it was two years ago. The survey of 129 community and voluntary organisations shows that…continue reading

Community Development Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

ComVoices 2020 State of the Sector Survey

By: ComVoices
Published: 2020-11-20

This 2020 State of the Sector Survey is the fourth biennial snapshot of the community and voluntary sector undertaken by ComVoices. Its findings reinforce those of previous surveys and other…continue reading

Community Development Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Agenda for Change

By: Social Service Providers Aotearoa
Published: 2020-07-31

SSPA has been working with some sector leaders on what a reset of the social services system could look like. We’ve prepared an agenda for change and are now ready…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting

2018 Non-Profit Institutions Satellite Account (NPISA) from Stats NZ

By: Charles Crothers
Published: 2020-04-20

Non-profit institutions satellite account (NPISA) provides information about the contribution non-profit institutions (NPIs) make to the New Zealand economy in 2018 and measures of volunteering and unpaid work. NPISA supplements…continue reading

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

He oranga ngākau, he pikinga wairua – A pūrākau of He Kāinga Ora ki Ōtautahi Housing First Christchurch

By: Dr Helen Potter, Tīaho Limited
Published: 2020-02-29

In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading

Community & Place Community Development Evaluation Homelessness Housing Insecurity Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services

He whare kōrero o Mangatakitahi – Housing First Rotorua

By: Dr Helen Potter, Tīaho Limited
Published: 2020-02-29

In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading

Community & Place Community Development Evaluation Homelessness Housing Insecurity Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services
Non-profit Sector

KidsCan GoodMeasure Report – Impact Lab

By: Impact Lab Ltd
Published: 2020-01-06

The GoodMeasure Report for KidsCan was created with KidsCan to inform it’s social enterprise decision-making for the benefit of the children it serves. The product was created for KidsCan using…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Education & Training
Non-profit Sector

How Pākehā in Not-for-profit Organisations Implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi

By: Nicolina Newcombe
Published: 2019-12-31

Many people have learned basic facts about the Treaty, but this is not enough to know how to apply it in organisational contexts. After attending my first Treaty training I…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Ethnicity and Diversity

Engaged communities

By: Amanda Reid
Published: 2019-12-09

Informed and engaged communities are central to a healthy democratic society, and local government has a critical role to play. Engaged communities have high levels of community knowledge, cultural vibrancy,…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Language and Culture

A Parent’s Perspective: A parental perspective of young people’s alcohol use in Wanaka. 2019 Update.

By: Tawa Rata Research & Evaluation
Published: 2019-11-25

This report presents the findings of a survey of 211 parents of students at Mount Aspiring College, Wanaka. Parents were asked about their recent supply of alcohol to their teenagers,…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting
Non-profit Sector

Pay Equity in the Social Sector Western Bay of Plenty Outcome Report

By: SociaLink
Published: 2019-11-19

Employees of community based non-government organisation (NGO) social service agencies are vital in ensuring the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the services they need to enhance socio-economic outcomes.…continue reading

Employment & Labour Non-profit Sector Social Services
People and Society

The Real Life of Us Western Bay of Plenty Social Report

By: SociaLink
Published: 2019-11-19

The Western Bay of Plenty covers the region from Waihi Beach in the north to Paengaroa to the east and Pyes Pa to the south, and includes Tauranga and Mount…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Health & Wellbeing

The People’s Report on the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals – An alternate report for Aotearoa New Zealand (2019)

By: Dr Gill Greer and Moko Morris.
Published: 2019-11-01

The purpose of the People’s Report is to provide a range of views about Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These come…continue reading

Community Development Human Rights & Civil Liberties Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Challenges related to MOOCs

By: Joseph Joe
Published: 2019-10-15

Challenges related to MOOC and student dropout prediction

Education & Training
People and Society

Social service system: the funding gap and how to bridge it

By: Martin Jenkins
Published: 2019-09-02

Independent study that quantifies the gap between what not-for-profit social service providers in NZ are funded to deliver and the real cost. I finds there is an estimated $630 million…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Social Services

Community-led initiatives for climate adaptation and mitigation

By: Katy Simon, Gradon Diprose, & Amanda Thomas
Published: 2019-08-18

Planning for climate change is complex. There is some uncertainty about how quickly the climate will change and what the anticipated localised effects will be. There are also governance questions,…continue reading

Climate Change Community Development

Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise: Final Report

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Stephen Healy and Alison Watkins
Published: 2019-06-30

Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Environment
Non-profit Sector

Upper Clutha Social Services Snapshot: Baseline survey results – Feb 2019

By: Vanessa Hammond & Kate Murray
Published: 2019-06-10

The Social Services Snapshot is a longitudinal survey of social services. It tracks the issues impacting both local social social services and their clients and identifies service gaps.

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services

Hearts and Minds of Katikati – Ngā Ngākau me ngā Hinengaro o Katikati

By: Tessa Mackenzie (Lead Researcher) Jodie Robertson (Māori Researcher) David Aupapa (Facilitator) plus P O'Neil & theme leads from community
Published: 2019-05-30

The purpose of Katikati Taiao Hearts and Minds Research was to investigate the potential and possibilities for a reinvigorated community sense of identity and belonging. The research focused on whether…continue reading

Action Research Community Development

“Sustainable transportation strategies for meeting the Paris Climate Agreement – a case study of Wellington, New Zealand”

By: Rehan Shaikh
Published: 2019-05-12

New Zealand’s road transport produces more than 40% of total CO2 emissions. To meet the Paris Climate Agreement will require a transport system based on zero-carbon energy resources. Many transport…continue reading

Community Development Environment
Non-profit Sector

A Centre for Restorative Research and Engagement

By: Nitish Verma
Published: 2019-03-05

This report presents insights from our research and our interviews with people who have significant experience of restorative practice in the New Zealand context. We have utilised this knowledge to…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation

More than monitoring: Developing impact measures for transformative social enterprise

By: Stephen Healy, Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Joanne McNeill and Alison Watkins
Published: 2019-01-01

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Evaluation

Understanding the Landscape of Auckland & Northland: An Evidence Review

By: Foundation North
Published: 2018-12-10

This report summarises the key findings of an evidence review completed by the Centre for Social Impact to inform the implementation of Foundation North’s 2018 Strategic Plan. These key findings…continue reading

Community Development Philanthropy Research & Evaluation

Effective philanthropic support for diverse communities

By: Foundation North
Published: 2018-12-10

Foundation North’s new strategy has identified strengthening social cohesion within and between our diverse communities, particularly for refugee- and migrant-background communities, as one of its priorities. This research report was…continue reading

Community Development Philanthropy
Pacific Peoples

Deconstructing Tongan Creativity: A Talanoa about Walking in Two Worlds

By: Dr Janet Tupou
Published: 2018-12-01

The growing number of Tongan creators searching for a place of belonging and acceptance between the two worlds Tonga and Aotearoa New Zealand has contributed to cultural spaces shifting in…continue reading

Pacific Peoples

New Lynn Bike Hub Impact Evaluation

By: Lissy Fehnker
Published: 2018-11-30

This report is an impact evaluation of the EcoMatters’ New Lynn bike hub. The report aims to better understand the extent of progress made in the one year of operation…continue reading

Community Development Environment
Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering 2017

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2018-06-01

For the third year running, Volunteering NZ has undertaken a survey with all registered charities nationwide, to create a general view of the volunteer landscape. The report had 1,584 responses…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Waimate Matters

By: Dr Bronwyn Boon
Published: 2018-05-31

The primary objective of this research was to identify how people felt about living in the wider Waimate District, and the barriers to particpation for residents. This research will in…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services

Anagotus fairburni Monitoring Orua Wairua

By: Blumine Island Team 2018
Published: 2018-05-12

6 years ago, 74 flax weevils (Anagotus fairburni) and 100 Cook Strait giant weta (Deinacrida rugosa) were translocated from Maud Island and released over 2 sites across Oruawairua. One site…continue reading

Environment Research & Evaluation Science
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation of Youthline Wellington

By: Youthline Wellington
Published: 2018-03-30

The main purpose of this research and evaluation is to really understand from a young person’s perspective, their connection and relevancy to Youthline Wellington. In addition to that, we wanted…continue reading

Children & Youth
Ethnicity and Diversity


By: Olufemi Muibi Omisakin
Published: 2018-01-07

Migration is the movement of people from one geographic location to another. It can be either domestic or international. This study focuses on international migration. Individuals or groups who decide…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

A Review of Third Sector Research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: 1990-2016

By: Jenny Onyx and Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2017-12-31

This monograph reviews the state of the third sector in both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and is the first comprehensive overview of the research that has studied and documented…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Governing for Good: The Governance Capability of Social Service NGOs

By: Jo Cribb
Published: 2017-10-20

The boards that govern Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who deliver social services face a range of complex challenges. They must secure sustainable funding, comply with changes in the law and…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Non-profit Sector Social Services
Arts and Culture

Investing in Capacity: A Review of Arts Waikato and Social Services Waikato

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2017-09-01

This review found that support for capacity building is useful, and enables the funder (in this case Trust Waikato) to increase its impact in the community, enhance non-profit sustainability, and…continue reading

Arts & Culture Non-profit Sector Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Overview Paper in the State of Volunteering in New Zealand

By: Volunteer Reference Group
Published: 2017-04-01

Volunteering is central to the social development, economy, and environment of New Zealanders. Between 2004 and 2013, Statistics NZ data shows there was a 21% increase in the number of…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Crushed or Just Bruised? Voluntary Organisations 25 Years Under the Bear Hug of Government Funding in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2016-12-08

What has happened in the 25 years or so since purchase-of-service contracting was introduced for government funding of voluntary organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand? This article provides a brief commentary…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

2016 State of the Sector Survey – Snapshot

By: ComVoices
Published: 2016-12-01

The second Snapshot Survey conducted by ComVoices shows that the stresses on our community organisations are increasing. A survey of over 280 community organisations shows that they are experiencing greater…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

2016 State of the Sector Survey – Snapshot Summary

By: ComVoices
Published: 2016-12-01

The survey, of over 280 community organisations, shows that stresses on our community organisations are increasing. They are experiencing greater demand for services and are dealing with greater complexity, but…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation

The need for Autism Support Services in Northland, New Zealand

By: Children's Autism Foundation
Published: 2016-10-03

Many Northland communities are relatively geographically isolated from urban centres. Because of this, services can be limited and travel, housing and the general cost of living are expensive for many.…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Social Services
People and Society

Participatory Video and the Pacifica Mamas: A Pilot Project

By: Evangelia Papoutsaki
Published: 2016-09-30

Emerging literature highlights that in the Pacific, the use of participatory video (PV) is a new trend in research and community action. It can be employed as a tool to…continue reading

Community & Place Families, Whānau and Parenting Media & Communications Pacific Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Valuing Lives, Living Well: The distinctive role of faith-based organisations in aged care in New Zealand

By: Brent Neilson
Published: 2016-08-26

This research looked at some interrelated questions. What are the attributes of an organisation that builds social value? And what is it about faith-based aged care providers that makes them…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Religion & Spirituality

Outcomes, Accountability and Community & Voluntary Organisations in New Zealand: Holy Grail, Black Hole or Wholly Possible?

By: Garth Nowland-oreman
Published: 2016-06-27

Although now coming to the fore in New Zealand in a new way, public policy has put increasing emphasis on ‘outcomes’, ‘impacts’ and ‘results’ for at least a quarter of…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Non-profit Sector

The contribution of non-profit institutions in New Zealand (Infographic)

By: Statistics NZ
Published: 2016-06-01

Infographic detailing the contribution of non-profit institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Non-profit institutions satellite account: 2013

By: Statistics NZ
Published: 2016-06-01

About the non-profit institution satellite account Many hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders participate in non-profit institutions (NPIs) or receive services provided by them – often at no cost to…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Outcomes, Accountability and Community Organisations: Holy Grail, Black Hole or Wholly Possible?

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman, LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Leadership
Published: 2016-05-20

Context: The Winds of ChangeSince 1984 the New Zealand Government was an early and bold adopter of neoliberal approaches to public administration that collectively came to be known as new…continue reading

Funding Non-profit Sector
People and Society

Evaluation of Crossroads Youth with a Future Stay Real Programme

By: The Collaborative Trust
Published: 2016-03-30

Crossroads Youth with a Future works with young people in the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch using a programme called Stay Real. This independent evaluation of Stay Real programme was conducted…continue reading

Children & Youth Research & Evaluation

Financial Sustainability of Ethiopian Resident Charity Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities

By: Sisay Seyoum
Published: 2016-03-08

This study examines the financial sustainability challenges and opportunities faced by local NGOs, particularly of those registered as Ethiopian Resident Charities by the law. These NGOs constitute nearly 70% of…continue reading

Community Development Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising
People and Society

YWCA Auckland Future Leaders Programme Redevelopment Project Report

By: YWCA Auckland
Published: 2016-02-26

In February 2015, YWCA Auckland embarked on a 12 month Redevelopment Project of our Future Leaders programme, our mentoring and leadership skills programme for young disadvantaged women aged 14-18. This…continue reading

Children & Youth Non-profit Sector Women/Wāhine

Doing our best for LGBTIQ survivors / Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence -Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors.

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2016-02-01

These guidelines were part of a larger project by Te Ohaakii-a-Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together, to support good practice across the country to a range of population groups…continue reading


Non-profit institutions satellite account: March 2013 (List of Tables 1-1 to 1-21)

By: Statistics NZ
Published: 2016-01-01

Non-profit institutions satellite account: March 2013 (List of Tables 1-1 to 1-21)

Community Development Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector

Anticipating subnational depopulation: Policy responses and strategic interventions to regional decline

By: Rachael McMillan
Published: 2016-01-01

Population growth has already ended in a number of countries around the world. Significant demographic trends are transforming the global population, with record low fertility across the globe, increasing longevity…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Research & Evaluation

Could a Collective Impact Framework help improve the mental health and wellbeing outcomes for young people in West Auckland?

By: Toi Ora Live Art Trust
Published: 2015-12-15

Toi Ora is an NGO that aims to inspire positive mental health and wellbeing through the use of the arts and creative process. It is through this lens that the…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Mental Health

COPMIA Project Evaluation. Report for SF Taranaki.

By: Diane Doehring
Published: 2015-12-09

Recent years have seen an increased awareness of the risks that children of parents with mental illness or addiction (COPMIA) face. While there are a range of services that support…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health
Non-profit Sector

Can community development practice survive neoliberalism in Aotearoa New Zealand?

By: Aimers, J & Walker, P.
Published: 2015-11-17

This article discusses the development and contested nature of community development practice and the effects of neoliberalism on community development in Aotearoa New Zealand. We describe how community development has…continue reading

Community Development Governance & Kaitiakitanga


By: Imac Mduduzi Dube
Published: 2015-10-07

This research is to evaluate the impact of rural skills development trainings for poverty alleviation in Bulilima district in Plumtre, Zimbabwe. The reason for this research was to find out…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Employment & Labour
Non-profit Sector

The Impact of Stars on Peer Mentors

By: Julie Moore
Published: 2015-08-17

A cohort of senior students attending five New Zealand secondary schools operating a peer mentoring programme were followed for 24 months. The aims of this project were to evaluate their…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Mentoring

Snapshot 2015: A Report on the Support Sector for Rainbow Young People

By: Sandra Dickson, Anna Madeleine and Kabel Manga
Published: 2015-06-01

Snapshot 2015 was developed to explore the complex context of the support sector for Rainbow young people and identify strengths and gaps to support their work. The report demonstrates both…continue reading


Animals and social work: An emerging field of practice for Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Walker, P; Aimers, J & Perry, C.
Published: 2015-03-01

Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health Social Services

Not Just High-Vis and Hard Hats

By: Sharon Torstonson
Published: 2015-01-10

Drawing on Canterbury and Victoria experience, his report discusses and gives examples of the role of the non-profit sector in disaster risk reduction, readiness, response and recovery. While many see…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

A Beginners’ Guide to Plagiarism

By: Dr Deb J Hill
Published: 2015-01-01

A friendly easy-to-read booklet about what plagiarism is and how to avoid it

Education & Training
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation of jigsaw Whanganui’s White Water Years Parenting Programme

By: jigsaw whanganui
Published: 2014-11-28

This report presents the results of a small scale process and outcomes evaluation of jigsaw Whanganui’s White Water Years Parenting Programme carried out during 2014 and funded through a Lottery…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

ANZTSR 2014 Rogue NGOs and NPOs: Content, Context, Consequences

By: Sharon Eng
Published: 2014-11-18

This paper explores the key components of dysfunctional, criminal and deviant behaviours within and by associational and not-for-profit organisations, and their consequences in terms of practice, application and policy.

Advocacy Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 Third Sector Accounting and Accountability in Australia: Anything But a Level Playing Field

By: Gabriel Donleavy and Ushi Ghoorah-Hurrychurn
Published: 2014-11-18

This is the first, desk research stage seeking to understand why some Australian Not-for-Profit organisations make voluntary financial disclosures beyond their basic statutory obligations. We found institutional and stakeholder theories…continue reading

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 Third Sector Organisations and Earthquake Recovery Planning in Christchurch, New Zealand

By: Nicole S Hutton, Graham A Tobin, & Linda M Whiteford
Published: 2014-11-18

The research looks at how Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) have been involved in and impacted by mid- to long-term recovery efforts, following the Christchurch earthquakes. Relocation information of TSOs’ offices…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Health & Wellbeing Social Services

ANZTSR 2014 Recounting food banking: A paradox of counterproductive growth

By: Kahurangi Dey & Maria Humphries
Published: 2014-11-18

The meteoric rise of food bank use in times of prosperity leads us to argue that food banks are institutionalised within New Zealand society with texts reflecting civic, market and…continue reading

Poverty and Inequality Social Services Welfare & Benefits
People and Society

Wellington Region Collective Impact Feasibility Study Nov 2014

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-17

‘Collective Impact’ has been sweeping the non-profit world by storm, beginning in North America and gaining popularity in Australia and New Zealand. Collective Impact sees that no single organisation can…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Leadership

ANZTSR 2014 Mapping the Diverse Community Economy Sector in Christchurch

By: Dr Kelly Dombroski
Published: 2014-11-11

Post-quake Christchurch has seen a flourishing of alternative economic activities that work to directly support the wellbeing of residents, often through the volunteer and community sector. This project seeks to…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Emergency & Disaster
Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 In celebration of actionable theory (trying to practice what we preach!)

By: Dr Judith McMorland and Dr Ljiljana Erakovic
Published: 2014-11-10

Our purpose in this conference paper is to • Define (and celebrate) what we mean by ‘actionable theory’ and how our model fits this endeavour • Discuss the value of…continue reading

Research & Evaluation

ANZTSR 2014: Volunteerism: Alive and Well or Dying Quietly? Learnings from New Zealand community-based organisations, volunteerism experts and social enterprises

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-10

Not-for-profits, community-based organisations and social enterprises have volunteerism at its roots, and for many at its heart. The ‘Third Sector’ is still commonly known to many as the ‘Voluntary Sector’.…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

ANZTSR 2014 Governance and strategy in Disability organisations in Australia revisited

By: Marion Cornish
Published: 2014-11-09

Organisations in the Australian disability sector have new regulatory pressures challenging their governance structures. Increasing levels of political, economic and social pressure means that membership of third sector boards is…continue reading

Disability Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 Resilient Leadership Amidst Complexity

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2014-11-07

This paper draws on recent research which was grounded in theory-building with civil society practitioners in two Aotearoa NZ leadership learning contexts (Malcolm, 2014) to draw out their tacit wisdom…continue reading

Action Research Community Development Leadership

ANZTSR 2014 The Role of Gender in Building a Resilient City: Examining Christchurch New Zealand

By: Rachel Kimber
Published: 2014-11-04

New Zealand has an opportunity to become a global example of the benefits of organizational gender balance by showcasing the Christchurch rebuild as a project that promotes gender diversity. Equal…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Leadership Women/Wāhine
Non-profit Sector

Mind the Gap!: Fundraisers and their nonprofit organisational leaders do think differently and this difference matters

By: Dr Wendy Scaife, Alexandra Williamson and Katie McDonald
Published: 2014-11-02

Fundraisers and their organisational leaders (CEOs and board members) diverge sometimes in how they think about fundraising. In fact, eight key differences emerged in the recent Australian study that sparked…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Law & Justice

Access to Justice for Beneficiaries: A Community Law Response

By: Community Law Canterbury
Published: 2014-10-31

This research examined the legal needs of beneficiaries and how community law centres can respond. Beneficiaries’ experiences of accessing welfare entitlements, reviewing and appealing benefit decisions to Medical Appeals Boards,…continue reading

Law & Justice Poverty and Inequality Welfare & Benefits

ANZTSR 2014 Whose Mission? The pervasive nature of the government contracting environment and the impact on not-for-profit organisations

By: Wilma Gallet
Published: 2014-10-29

This paper focuses on the outsourcing of public services to private organisations and the mechanisms that government puts in place to control these organisations. The fulcrum of this paper is…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Social Services Welfare & Benefits

ANZTSR 2014 Third Sector Organizations and Earthquake Recovery Planning in Christchurch, New Zealand

By: Nicole S. Hutton, Graham A. Tobin, and Linda M. Whiteford
Published: 2014-10-29

Following the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) are increasingly relied on to maintain community connectivity, and well-being. As demolition and red zoning alter livelihood options, TSOs are…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 On “Not” Becoming an “Agent of the State”? Church-related social welfare agency ‘tactics’ in an era of government contracting

By: Doug Hynd
Published: 2014-10-28

United States, United Kingdom and Australian literature on the potential, and actual, impacts on not-for profit (NFP) social welfare and human services agencies of contracting with government highlight the risk…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Government – Central & Local Religion & Spirituality
Non-profit Sector

State of the Sector Survey 2014 snapshot

By: ComVoices
Published: 2014-10-14

A survey of over 300 community organisations working in the community sector in 2014. Findings show that many are under severe pressure. Most groups are doing more work than ever…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

Civil Society Leadership as Learning

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2014-10-13

The “leader” word often brings to mind strong, decisive, visionary individuals. Yet this assumption stops many from ever thinking of themselves as leaders. This PhD thesis explores an understanding of…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Leadership
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Yes, we can; but together’: social capital and refugee resettlement

By: S Elliott & I Yusuf
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettled refugees need a network of relationships to ensure they can live meaningful lives in New Zealand. These relationships are complex and exist between individuals and communities at local and…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees

Hearing the Voices of Canterbury’s Children-Evaluating the Place of Cholmondeley in the Overall Canterbury Social Services Environment

By: Clarity Research
Published: 2014-09-18

Since 1925 Cholmondeley Children’s Centre (formally Cholmondeley Children’s Home) has provided emergency and planned respite residential care for children aged between 3 and 12 years old, that is directly accessible…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services

Youthline, resilience and the CYRM-12

By: David Anstiss
Published: 2014-07-31

A top priority for Youthline is for young people to be supported in their resilience and ability to thrive, their knowledge of where to go to get help, and their…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Health & Wellbeing
People and Society

Early Childhood Needs Analysis – West Coast

By: Anne Hilson
Published: 2014-04-30

A full needs analysis of the early childhood communities from Haast to Punakaiki on the West Coast. The triangulation method involved interviews with parents, early childhood teachers, primary schools, playgroup…continue reading

Children & Youth Education & Training Families, Whānau and Parenting

NGO Health and Disability Network Governance Review

By: Nicola Rowe
Published: 2014-04-16

In February 2014, the NGO Health and Disability Network held five Good Governance workshops around New Zealand. These were attended by more than 150 board members from approx 85 non-profit…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

Community Economic Development: Understanding the New Zealand Context

By: Di Jennings
Published: 2014-04-10

This research explores the principles and practices relating to community economic development (CED), and social enterprise in New Zealand at this time. Success factors and challenges are identified, including an…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Leadership
Arts and Culture

Creative Ecology: A New Model For Resilience in Creative Communities

By: Elise Sterback
Published: 2014-03-01

Increasing complexities brought about by global crises are calling for us to actively disrupt and challenge the conceptual frameworks currently dominating cultural policy and theory. Creative ecology offers a new…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development
Non-profit Sector

An Inventory of Community-led and Non-governmental Organisations and Initiatives in Post-earthquake Canterbury

By: Dr Sally Carlton and Dr Suzanne Vallance
Published: 2013-12-10

The impact of the Canterbury earthquake sequence of 2010-12 and its aftermath has been enormous. This inventory lists some of the thousands of community-led groups and initiatives across the region…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Non-profit Sector

Waimarino Youth Photovoice Project

By: Ken Taiapa, SHORE and Whariki Research, Massey University
Published: 2013-11-01

This report outlines the process and findings of research undertaken by young people living in Waimarino, with support from the Raetihi Community Trust and the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

A Community-led, Science-informed Conversation around the Future Use of the Avon River Residential Red Zone

By: S Vallance and P Tait
Published: 2013-09-17

Lincoln University was commissioned by the Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) to estimate the value of the benefits of a ‘recreation reserve’ or ‘river park’ in the Avon River Residential Red Zone…continue reading

Community Development Environment
Non-profit Sector

Collective Impact for NGOs and iwi/Māori organisations

By: Community Research
Published: 2013-08-29

This Collective Impact collection gathers resources to assist groups of organisations from different sectors to work together to solve complex social problems through a common agenda, shared impact measures and…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

Developing Community Circus in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Rachael Trotman
Published: 2013-08-05

What is community circus, who is it for, what comes out of it and how can it be developed? These questions were the focus of a research project conducted from…continue reading

Arts & Culture
Non-profit Sector

Bris Kanda Incorporated and New Zealand Foreign Aid : Where to from here?

By: Anura Widana
Published: 2013-08-02

This paper presents the role of New Zealand Foreign Aid in supporting an NGO in Papua New Guinea during the past 7 years and the performance of the NGO. It…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Ethnicity and Diversity

Canterbury NGO Workforce Survey

By: NGO Secretariat
Published: 2013-07-31

Although a small sample size of only 15 respondents, this Canterbury survey into the health sector workforce needs of non-profit organisations provides some of the only available information on the…continue reading

Disability Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing
People and Society

Understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa New Zealand.

By: Inspiring Communities
Published: 2013-06-30

This document is the final accountability report for a Lottery Community Sector Research Fund grant for Inspiring Communities to contribute to “understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa/New Zealand”. This…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Amplify Action Enquiry

By: McLaren Park and Henderson South Community Initiative Inc. Point Research Ltd.
Published: 2013-06-11

AMPLIFY is a 13-month action enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South. The action…continue reading

Action Research Children & Youth Community Development
Non-profit Sector

An Investment in Evaluation – Final Report

By: Community Waitakere
Published: 2013-05-31

The following report presents a summarisation of the development research and evaluation project “Evaluation for More Effective Community Development”. This project was initiated by Community Waitakere in 2012 and completed…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Comparison of socio economic characteristics of ethnic minority vis-à-vis main stream population: New Survey Evidence from Vietnam

By: Anura Widana
Published: 2013-05-20

This brief paper provides some key-socioeconomic data fro ethnic minority people and compare with that of the main-stream population.

Poverty and Inequality Race & Ethnicity

Preventing sexual violence : a stocktake of Tauiwi & bicultural primary prevention activities

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2013-05-01

This report documents programmes, strategies and campaigns being implemented in 2012 around the country to prevent sexual violence. The stocktake illustrates that the specialist sexual violence sector has developed a…continue reading

Non-profit Sector

Community Waitakere, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH. Retrospective impact analysis: 7 Case Studies

By: Community Waitakere
Published: 2013-04-29

This is stage 2 of a 4 stage COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH PROJECT. We know it’s important to reflect on our past so we are able to chart a course…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Community Waitakere, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH.A community development assessment of strengths, aspirations, needs and opportunities of the community sector of Waitakere

By: Community Waitakere
Published: 2013-04-29

this is Stage 3 of Community Waitakere’s, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION RESEARCH.A community development assessment of strengths, aspirations, needs and opportunities of the community sector of WaitakereThis final stage of the…continue reading

Community Development
Non-profit Sector

“Chimes of Time” Wounded Health Professionals Essays on Recovery Flyer

By: editor Bruce Kirkcaldy
Published: 2013-04-23

Here is the publisher’s flyer for the complete book (“Chimes of Time: Wounded Professionals Essays on Recovery”, edited by Bruce Kirkcaldy).

Health & Wellbeing

Steps towards better colaboration between stakeholders to promote mental health and to alleviate disablement due to mental illness.

By: Robert Miller
Published: 2013-04-23

Mental Health Care in many countries is multiply-fragmented. Amongst the players are a variety of professional groups, many different community organizations for service-users and caregivers, as well as commercial enterprises…continue reading

Community Development Mental Health Non-profit Sector


By: Wanjiru Kariuki
Published: 2013-04-02

EDUCATION: A RIGHT OR A PRIVILEGE? THE KENYAN PERSPECTIVE This study aims to facilitate debate about the State’s efforts in taking a rights-based approach in the education sector. The study…continue reading

Education & Training Human Rights & Civil Liberties

What’s Broken is the We — some thoughts on creativity for the common good

By: vivian Hutchinson
Published: 2013-04-01

Based on his keynote speech given to the New Zealand Creativity Challenge held in New Plymouth 27-28 April 2013, this paper explores role of creativity, community and citizenship. The paper…continue reading

Advocacy Community Development Non-profit Sector

Fears, constraints, and contracts: The democratic reality for New Zealand’s community and voluntary sector

By: Dr Sandra Grey and Dr Charles Sedgwick
Published: 2013-03-26

The important role of community and voluntary sector organisations to democratic debate and policy development is widely acknowledged by governments, academics, and the sector itself. However, our survey of 153…continue reading

Advocacy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Impact in the Voluntary Sector

By: Nataly Noguer Blue
Published: 2013-03-25

While the value added by voluntary organisations is widely accepted by government and other funders, there has been increased pressure for the voluntary sector to measure the difference they make…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Building Community Resilience: Learning from the Canterbury Earthquakes

By: Louise Thornley, Jude Ball, Louise Signal, Keri Lawson-Te Aho, and Emma Rawson
Published: 2013-03-15

This report studied six communities affected by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Our project found that connected communities with good community infrastructure (e.g. local networks, marae, organisations, and leaders)…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Health & Wellbeing
Non-profit Sector

Community Sector Model and Framework for Sustainable Funding and Accountability within Communities

By: Community Sector Taskforce
Published: 2013-03-13

In 2007, the Community Sector Taskforce applied its base position set out in ‘A New Way of Working’ to the issue of Sector funding and accountability. This paper, with the…continue reading

Action Research Community Development Non-profit Sector

New delivery model for non-profit organisations: Shared computing services

By: Barbara Crump and Raja Peter
Published: 2013-03-13

This paper presents results of a survey of Wellington non-profit organisations (NPOs) with the aim of understanding the interest and readiness of NPOs in adopting shared computing services. The survey…continue reading

Information Technology/Internet Intellectual & Cultural Property Rights Non-profit Sector

NGO Stories & Statistics: A profile of the mental health & addiction NGO sector in New Zealand

By: Platform Charitable Trust
Published: 2013-03-01

The publication describes the part that community none-government organisations (NGOs) take in New Zealand Mental Health and Addictions (MH&A) service system. It describes some of the activities of these essential…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Mental Health Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Advocacy in the New Zealand Not for Profit Sector” Nothing Stands By Itself

By: Susan Elliott and David Haigh
Published: 2013-01-01

This research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit (NFP) sector relationships with particular reference to advocacy in New Zealand. It follows up on a study of advocacy in…continue reading

Advocacy Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Community Assets Analysis for Greater New Brighton

By: Renew Brighton
Published: 2012-12-07

Community Assets Analysis for Greater New Brighton This research project has been undertaken by Sarah Wylie on behalf of Renew Brighton for the community of Greater Brighton. It is an…continue reading

Community Development

Community Responses to Violence-The Violence Free Community Project

By: Professor Robyn Munford, Associate Professor Jackie Sanders,Kathryn Handley, Bruce Maden
Published: 2012-11-01

This report details the development and operation of a community based violence prevention programme. The focus was upon creating community level conversations that would enlarge understandings of violence and from…continue reading

Community Development Crime & Safety Family Violence & Abuse Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Ethics in Community-Based Participatory Research: Case Studies, Case Examples & Commentaries

By: National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement and the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University, UK
Published: 2012-11-01

This compilation of case studies, examples and commentaries forms the third part of a set of materials relating to ethics in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Part I comprises a set…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Community-Based Participatory Research: A Guide to Ethical Principles & Practice

By: Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Published: 2012-11-01

All research raises questions about ethics: about the rigour, responsibility and respect of the practices of researchers. As a result, there are strict systems in place to encourage and enforce…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

A Report on the Progress of Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou – The Court of New Beginnings

By: Point Research; Positive Thinking; Lifewise
Published: 2012-11-01

Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou, or the Court of New Beginnings, was established in October 2010 following advocacy to the Chief District Court Judge by Lifewise, an agency working with…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Crime & Safety Mental Health
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 13

By: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Published: 2012-10-10

NZCCSS’s Vulnerability Report Issue 13 covers the period January – March 2012. The report shows what life is like three years on from the first report done in June 2009.…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Adult refugee learners with limited literacy: needs and effective responses

By: Dr John Benseman
Published: 2012-09-10

The purpose of this study was to document and analyse the learning needs and issues of adult refugees with low language and literacy skills by looking at how their prior…continue reading

Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees

Community Development Evaluation Measures: Indicators of Success

By: Community Waitakere
Published: 2012-08-15

The indicators have been chosen based on their ability to capture important factors in community health and well-being, organisations will need to have careful discussion about whether they are appropriate…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Case Studies – Evaluation Frameworks in Community Development Organisations

By: Community Waitakere
Published: 2012-08-15

The case studies were chosen by the leadership team at Community Waitakere. While Community Waitakere operates in the community development space, the case studies are not entirely from organisations that…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Advocacy in the New Zealand Not for Profit Sector

By: Susan Elliott and David Haigh
Published: 2012-05-01

The research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit sector relationships with particular to advocacy in New Zealand. It looks at the kinds of advocacy activities that NFPs organisations…continue reading

Advocacy Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation Report Lyttelton Harbour Festival of Lights

By: Project Lyttelton
Published: 2012-03-30

Evaluations results of the Lyttelton Harbour Festival of Lights from the perspective of the advisory group, key stakeholders and the general public.

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation Report Lyttelton Farmers Market

By: Project Lyttelton
Published: 2012-03-30

An evaluation of the Lyttelton Farmers Market from the perspective of regular customers, new customers and stall holders.

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation Report Lyttelton Harbour Festival of Walking

By: Project Lyttelton
Published: 2012-03-30

An evaluation report exploring the the short and longer term outcomes of the festival from the perspective of the guides and participants.

Community Development Research & Evaluation
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 12 March 2012

By: New Zelaland Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS)
Published: 2012-03-01

NZCCSS’s 12th Vulnerability Report uses both government data and community information to illustrate how the materially poorest in our community have been faring in the year to December 2011.

Children & Youth Māori Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Evaluation Report Seven Oaks Community Garden

By: Project Lyttelton
Published: 2012-03-01

An evaluation report looking at the key success stories and challenges faced by Project Lyttelton running the garden. Assessing the lessons learned and what can be applied to other projects…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Collaboration in Primary Health Care: How NGOs make a difference to health care in the community

By: Grant Aldridge (NGO Secretariat)
Published: 2012-02-15

This report illustrates how the NGO sector is a major provider of public and personal primary health care in New Zealand. It profiles 15 case studies of non-profit NGOs’ relationships…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Non-profit Sector

Giving New Zealand: Philanthropic Funding 2011

By: Adrian Slack and Wilma Molano (Business and Economic Research Ltd)
Published: 2012-01-01

This report measures philanthropy in New Zealand during 2011; that is, how much money New Zealanders and their organisations (trusts & foundations, individuals and businesses) gave to charitable and other…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Te Ao Māori

A Journey through Kaupapa Māori Evaluation

By: Teah Carlson
Published: 2012-01-01

“A Journey through Kaupapa Māori Evaluation” Teah Carlson’s presentation at the 2012 Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association Conference. Teah is a Phd student Te Kupenga Hauora Maori, University of Auckland.

Kaupapa Māori approaches Māori Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Doing it for ourselves and our children: Refugee women on their own in New Zealand

By: Ruth De Souza and Jill Conway
Published: 2011-12-14

Little is known about the experiences of women who enter New Zealand through the Women at Risk category identified by UNHCR. The purpose of this project was to examine the…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine

Glimpses of a better world: The role of tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector in the Canterbury earthquake recovery

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2011-10-28

Address to “Our Future Community and Voluntary Sector Forum”, Hosted by Council of Social Services Christchurch and Te Runaka ki Otautahi Kai Tahu, Christchurch, 28 July 2011. Drawing on lessons…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Community participation in road works

By: Anura Widana
Published: 2011-10-20

This paper based on evaluation of road construction and rehabilitation programs in Asian countries outlines the main areas for community participation and strategies to secure the participation

Community Development Research & Evaluation

Collaboration in Primary Health Care: Online Survey Responses

By: Grant D Aldridge
Published: 2011-10-01

This report is a compilation of respondents’ feedback to a 2011 survey exploring ways non-profit NGOs help New Zealanders become healthier by using their relationships, connections and innovative models of…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector Sport & Recreation

Governance in A Collective Context: A Study of Two Approaches

By: Brenda Campbell
Published: 2011-07-31

This report examines two models of governance used in non-profit organisations, namely a model based on collectivism which is founded on consensus decision-making involving people at all levels of the…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Non-profit Sector

Developing Community Support Services to Empower the Waikato Endometriosis Community

By: Dr Pauline Dickinson, Dr Penelope Carroll (SHORE) and Annette Evans (Insight Endometriosis
Published: 2011-07-31

The experience of living with endometriosis is, for many women, very challenging. A fortunate few find sympathetic doctors, relatively quick diagnosis and treatment, and uncomplicated recovery. They are able to…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Social Services Women/Wāhine
Non-profit Sector

Supporting Community Resilience in Post-Quake Christchurch

By: Sharon Torstonson and Michelle Whitaker
Published: 2011-07-01

After the Sept 2010 earthquake, a series of meetings were held with community organisations in Christchurch to enable them to learn from each other about supporting their communities and to…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster

Barriers to achieving good health outcomes in refugee-background communities

By: ChangeMakers Refugee Forum
Published: 2011-06-16

The aim of this report is to increase understanding of the health requirements of refugee-background communities. Like many communities whose members are predominantly from low socio-economic backgrounds, former refugees face…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

Community-led Development in Wairoa

By: Dr Terrence Loomis
Published: 2011-05-06

A community developer’s personal account of efforts by a rural community to confront local issues by developing a long-term social development strategy. The author describes attempts by a group of…continue reading

Community Development

Financial Reporting Stocktake: An Assessment of Accountability through Charities’ Filings on New Zealand’s Charities Register.

By: Carolyn Cordery and Kapil Patel
Published: 2011-03-18

This research was undertaken to assess the veracity of financial filings at the Charities Commission by charities which are “small” (expenditure less than ,000 pa) or “medium”-sized (expenditure between ,000…continue reading

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Charity Rating Agencies – Presentation at “Reporting on the difference we make” workshop 9th December 2010 in Wellington

By: Rowena Sinclair
Published: 2010-12-09

Presentation slides presented at ‘Reporting on the difference we make’ workshop in Wellington on 9th December 2010.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector

Learning to play jazz: adaptive community leadership for turbulent times

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2010-11-01

This paper discusses mindsets, competencies and attitudes of community leadership. Metaphors such as playing jazz are used to normalise the complexity of community sector work and starfish to emphasise the…continue reading

Community Development Leadership Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

The NGO Sector: Opportunities for reducing administration and compliance costs

By: Henry Harrison
Published: 2010-10-01

This paper looks at the role of NGOs in contributing to government goals and objectives in the health and disability sector, and the future challenges facing that sector.

Community Development Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector

The NGO Sector Role: A Key Contributor to New Zealand’s Health and Disability Services

By: Henry Harrison
Published: 2010-10-01

This paper explores changes in the political and economic environments of western democracies and the role and participation of NGOs in health and disability sector service provision. It quantifies the…continue reading

Disability Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

He Waka eke Noa – Health and Disability sector NGOs: Towards a whānau-centred approach

By: Sharmaine Nolan
Published: 2010-10-01

This paper identifies the key strengths of the health and disability sector NGOs (non-government organisations) and the challenges and opportunities ahead for progressing towards a whānau-centred approach.

Disability Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Success Factors for Community Organisations in Tai Tokerau (Northland) New Zealand

By: Dr Tina Darkins
Published: 2010-07-01

This PhD research explored the issues confronting non-profit community organisations delivering services to the community in the areas of health and social services in Northland. Its aim was to identify…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Counting in the community sector: how clients measure success

By: Maxine Campbell
Published: 2010-06-15

This report gives voice to the clients of Link House Agency, a counselling and social work organisation dedicated to single parent families. The clients shared their stories during a focus…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Non-profit Sector Social Services

An NGO Perspective on the Re‐organisation of the Planning and Funding Environment

By: Health & Disability NGO Working Group
Published: 2010-02-22

This discussion paper provides an initial NGO perspective on possible re-organisation of the planning and funding environment resulting from changes to the health system. It is for use by government…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

Draft Relationship Agreement between the Communities of Aotearoa New Zealand & Government of New Zealand: Submission from Garth Nowland-Foreman

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2010-01-01

The Background provides a summary of various key developments over the last decade in working to strengthen relationships between Government and the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector. Analysis concludes…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Our Aranui – Creating new dialogue for development, and increasing participation to effect change.

By: Matt Walters
Published: 2010-01-01

A presentation of the method of work currently being undertaken at the Aranui Community Trust a community development organisation in Eastern Christchurch. This was the presentation that was given at…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

A Comparative Study of Two Small & Remote Urban Communities: Implications for Social Policy and Practice, (A Tale of Two Towns).

By: Judith Rivlin
Published: 2010-01-01

Raetihi & Ohakune are two small & remote towns on the North Island’s Central Plateau. They have similar sized populations yet present as totally different communities. This research details the…continue reading

Community Development

The Challenge of Accountability, the Opportunity of Responsibility for Third Sector Organisations

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2009-11-09

Accountability is usually assumed to be an unmitigated good for Third Sector organisations – the more the better. While there are some benefits from externally imposed accountability requirements, they can…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector

A Historical Analysis of the Funding Inflow Mix of New Zealand Health Not-for-Profit Organisations over Different Macroeconomic Climates

By: Shasa Halford
Published: 2009-11-01

New Zealand’s 97,000 not-for-profit organisations’ survival is reliant upon the generosity of individuals, corporations, trusts, and the government. As New Zealand faced economic downturns between 1986 and 2008, this potentially…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Counting on Capacity: A Review of Community Waikato

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman & Katarina Pipi
Published: 2009-09-21

How do we measure or report on the impact of capacity building? This review reports on the effectiveness and ‘value for money’ of a community capacity building hub (Community Waikato),…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

The New Zealand Non-Profit Sector and Government Policy

By: Mike O’Brien, Jackie Sanders and Margaret Tennant
Published: 2009-08-01

This paper examines the relationship between the non-profit sector and government, and the public policy environment in which the sector operates in Aotearoa. Non-profit organisations are affected by laws and…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Love Doesn’t Pay the Bills – Critical Knowledge in Negotiating Remuneration Contracts

By: David Shannon
Published: 2009-04-01

Announcing the 2009 Survey of Remuneration in the Not for Profit Sector

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

Community development as ‘knowledge intersections’ in contemporary New Zealand

By: Aimers, J & Walker, P
Published: 2009-01-01

This article examines the contemporary practice of community development in New Zealand by considering its application to third sector organisational case studies. Broadly speaking community development is held up as…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Counting on Capacity: A Review of Community Waikato

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman, with Kataraina Pipi
Published: 2009-01-01

An earlier Review (Nowland-Foreman, 2006) examined the rationale for funders to invest in capacity building, and through supporting the core operating costs of capacity building organisations. This Report builds on…continue reading

Māori Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

Spotlight on the Australian not-for-profit sector

By: Ken Crofts and Carolyn Cordery
Published: 2009-01-01

This is an update on financial reporting in the not-for-profit sector in Australia. This article was prepared in June 2009.

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Civil Society and Social Capital in Australia and New Zealand

By: Mark Lyons & Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2009-01-01

An overview of civil society organisations and the concepts of ‘civil society’ and ‘social capital’ in Australia and New Zealand research, politics and wider usage. Similarities and differences between the…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Coherence Needed: The Good Intentions report to government on government-community sector relationships.

By: Pat Hanley
Published: 2009-01-01

In 2001 the government signed a Statement of Intent for an improved relationship with the community and voluntary sector (SOGI). In 2008/09 the Association of Non Governmental Organisations of Aotearoa…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector

e-rider pilot project: final evaluation report, December 2008

By: Dr Barbara Crump and Dr Keri Logan
Published: 2008-12-01

An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading

Information Technology/Internet Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

Recent and proposed changes in financial reporting for not-for-profit organisations in New Zealand and Australia

By: Carolyn Cordery, Ken Crofts, Rowena Sinc
Published: 2008-11-28

These powerpoints were presented at an ANZTSR workshop on 25th November 2008. They present an overview of the current financial reporting requirements in (i) New Zealand and (ii) Australia. The…continue reading

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Towards an Australian Fourth Sector?

By: Dr Megan Alessandrini
Published: 2008-11-26

Abstract only: Research conducted in 1998 in Tasmania indicated that a fourth sector of society distinct from Market, Government and community, was emerging. The comparative analysis between seven Tasmanian and…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation Social Services

Complexities of reporting

By: Rowena Sinclair
Published: 2008-11-25

Financial and accounting. This powerpoint file contains slides presented at the ANZTSR workshop held on 25th November 2008.

Economics & Finances Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

A research note: Direct financial costs in volunteering

By: Letisha Tan, Carolyn Cordery and David D
Published: 2008-11-24

This paper reports on one aspect of a survey of New Zealand volunteers undertaken in 2007 to develop a broad understanding of active volunteers’ expenses and organisational reimbursement patterns. In…continue reading

Economics & Finances Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

No Longer Overlooked and Undervalued – Launch of ‘The New Zealand Non-Profit Sector in Comparative Perspective’

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2008-11-03

The remarks of Garth Nowland-Foreman, Chair of the Committee for the Study of the New Zealand Non-Profit Sector on the launch of ‘The New Zealand Non-Profit Sector in Comparative Perspective’…continue reading

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Why (some) nonprofits don’t partner with business

By: Dr. Debra Basil, Dr. Mary Runte, Dr. Sameer Deshpande
Published: 2008-11-01

A survey of American NPOs was conducted to examine business/nonprofit partnerships from the perspective of those who have never partnered. Primary reasons for not partnering with business tended to be…continue reading

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

The New Zealand Non-profit Sector in Comparative Perspective

By: Jackie Sanders, Mike O’Brien, Margaret Tennant, S. Wojciech Sokolowski and Lester M. Salamon
Published: 2008-10-01

This report provides the most accurate picture yet of the New Zealand non-profit sector and shows how it compares with 40 other countries. It gives us a better understanding of…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

A Non-profit Sector Bibliography

By: Jackie Sanders, Mike O’Brien, Margaret Tennant
Published: 2008-10-01

A list of research on the non-profit sector in New Zealand collated as part of the Study of the New Zealand Non-profit Sector

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

e-rider pilot project: interim evaluation report (Phase 2)

By: Dr Barbara Crump and Dr Keri Logan
Published: 2008-05-22

An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading

Information Technology/Internet Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

Not for Profit Sector Remuneration Survey May 2008

By: David Shannon and staff of Strategic Pay
Published: 2008-05-01

Executive summary of the findings of Strategic Pay’s 2008 survey of remuneration and pay practices in the Not for Profit Sector

Economics & Finances Employment & Labour Non-profit Sector

Alternative models of accountability for third sector organisations in New Zealand

By: Aimers, J and Walker, P.
Published: 2008-01-01

In recent years ‘third way’ style governments have sought to partner with third sector organisations in ‘joined up’ government. The neo-liberal basis for the third way model has sought to…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Structures and Strategies Revisited 2008

By: Aimers, J and Walker, P.
Published: 2008-01-01

Narrative research project that interviews five community development/social service providers in 2002 and again in 2008. The interviews focus on organisational practice such as funding and networking.

Community Development Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Social Services

Governance of Not for Profit Organisations in Auckland and Christchurch

By: David Haigh
Published: 2008-01-01

This research looks into the governance of 12 medium sized not for profits in Auckland and Christchurch. It also considers how they compare with theoretical models, the strategies for dealing…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Developing a pluralist approach to organisational practice and accountability for social service and community organisations

By: Aimers, J and Walker, P.
Published: 2008-01-01

This paper compares the ‘Achieving Better Community Development’ (ABCD) model for organisational practice (Barr & Hashagen 2000) with the organisational practices in New Zealand ‘social development’ approach to social service…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Not Just A Tool – the responses of nonprofit leaders to ‘service delivery’ relationships with governments

By: Alison Procter
Published: 2008-01-01

There are many reasons for studying the relationship between governments and nonprofits in the community services sector; it is a critical nexus though which much social policy implementation passes as…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector Social Services

It Takes Two: The Tango of Collaboration and Grantmaking

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2008-01-01

This is the ‘accidental’ joint funding which may very well describe the situation for the 99 per cent of non-profit organisations that orchestrate the mix of funding they require to…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Taking the PULSE Seminar / Te Kokiritanga o te Ha

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2008-01-01

This is a brief report of an August 2008 seminar, sponsored by the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector Research Centre on possibilities for a sector-wide survey in Aotearoa New…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
Arts and Culture

Asian Aucklanders and the arts: attitudes, attendance and participation in 2006

By: Gillian Ralph and edited by Iona McNaughton
Published: 2008-01-01

Aims to guide and inform Creative New Zealand, Auckland City Council and ASB Community Trust’s approach to engaging with Asian Aucklanders in the arts. Focuses on Chinese, Indian, Korean and…continue reading

Arts & Culture Asian

Financial reporting in Australia

By: Ken Crofts and Carolyn Cordery
Published: 2008-01-01

This powerpoint file contains slides presented at the ANZTSR workshop held on 25th November 2008.

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

The History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand

By: Margaret Tennant, Mike O’Brien & Jackie Sanders
Published: 2008-01-01

The History of the Non-profit Sector in New Zealand considers the forces and players that have shaped the non-profit sector in New Zealand over time. It examines our rich heritage…continue reading

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

A Review of the Clearing House Project prepared for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre

By: Nan Wehipeihana
Published: 2008-01-01

A review of the Clearing House project as part of the requirements of the Department of Internal Affairs Community Partnership Fund

Community Development Research & Evaluation

National Associations Experiences in improving the terms of engagement with government: Pacific Experiences

By: Pat Hanley, Stella Maebiru-Boki
Published: 2008-01-01

This is a joint paper describing and assessing initiatives undertaken by ANGOA in New Zealand and DSE in the Solomon Islands to improve the ability of NGO’s to interact effectively…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector

Code of Practice for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre

By: Robyn Kamira for the TWCVRC
Published: 2007-10-02

The Code Of Practice describes optimum practices in community research for the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre. It is written for the researcher, whether with a tertiary,…continue reading

Community Development Māori Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Barriers and Opportunities for Innovation and Collaboration in the Health and Disability NGO Sector

By: Health & Disability NGO Working Group
Published: 2007-09-01

This document summarises a number of issues raised by NGOs about the barriers to, and opportunities for, innovation and collaboration within the health and disability NGO sector. It is based…continue reading

Disability Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

NGO Relationships with Ministry of Health & DHBs: Summary Topline Results from 2007 NGO Working Group Survey

By: Health & Disability NGO Working Group
Published: 2007-09-01

This report summarises the main top-line results from a survey conducted by the NGO Working Group in July 2007. It is a repeat of a similar survey carried out in…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Engaging Urban Communities: six case studies of Auckland community-based restoration projects

By: Scott, K
Published: 2007-06-01

This report reviews practices of community engagement, capacity building and partnering in 6 community-based integrated catchment management (ICM) projects, with a focus on what is working well, challenges and lessons…continue reading

Community Development Environment

Giving New Zealand, Philanthropic Funding 2006

By: BERL – Business and Economic Research Limited
Published: 2007-04-01

This report estimates how much money New Zealanders and New Zealand non-governmental organisations gave to charities and other community purposes during the 2005/2006 year.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Non-profit Sector

Our Strategies in Action

By: Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector Research Centre
Published: 2007-01-01

The vision of the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre will be implemented primarily through five key strategies: (1) visibility and access, (2) quality and good practice, (3)…continue reading

Community Development Kaupapa Māori approaches Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Contribution of Non-Government Organisations to the Settlement of Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand Executive Summary

By: National Association of ESOL Home Tutors
Published: 2007-01-01

Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Borders, margins and bridges: Possibilities for change for marginalized young women

By: Robyn Munford, Jackie Sanders
Published: 2007-01-01

ABSTRACT ONLY: This paper interrogates the notion of exclusion with a particular focus upon the experiences of young women.

Te Ao Māori

A New Way of Working

By: The Community Sector Taskforce
Published: 2006-11-01

This paper explores three questions: 1. How can the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector think about Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi and work with it positively and productively? 2. In…continue reading

Kaupapa Māori approaches Māori Non-profit Sector Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Confirmation of policy settings concerning Non-Government Organisation (NGO) providers of primary and population health services and Primary Health Organisations (PHOs)

By: Primrose, J.
Published: 2006-10-06

This letter from Dr Jim Primrose, Acting Deputy Director-General, Clinical Services Directorate, confirms policy settings concerning Non-Government Organisation providers of primary and population health services and PHOs.

Government – Central & Local Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

More than the warp and the weft – growing the strength of the whole cloth

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-10-01

Information, knowledge and wisdom for the learning NGO, capacity building & roles.

Community Development Non-profit Sector

NgOIT 2005 Landscape Survey

By: Platform Inc (now Platform Charitable Trust)
Published: 2006-10-01

The NgOIT 2005 Landscape Survey is a collection of data provided by community (non-government) mental health and addiction service providers in New Zealand. It is an overview of the community…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Non-profit Sector

Damaged Goods: The Case of Focus 2000 and the failure of Contracting

By: Pat Hanley
Published: 2006-08-01

The radical contracting model by which some government departments purchase services from community based organizations serving people with disabilities has directly contributed to the failure of service provision.

Disability Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

A Paradox in Action? A Critical Analysis of an Appreciative Inquiry.

By: Suzanne Grant
Published: 2006-08-01

A journey comprised of three paths is the metaphor through which I: i) reflect and report on my involvement with four New Zealand primary school Boards of Trustees (BOTs) investigating…continue reading

Action Research
Non-profit Sector

Literature review on capacity building for the voluntary and community sector

By: Cayley, Simon
Published: 2006-07-03

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of existing literature in the area of community sector capacity building. The review will attempt to summarise the key themes…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Ripples in the pond: assessing the impact of a growing NFP management programme in NZ and the Pacific

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-03-01

Progress on the development of research examining the impact of Unitec NZ’s Graduate Diploma in Not for Profit Management.

Education & Training Non-profit Sector Pacific Peoples
Non-profit Sector

The State of the Art in the Asia/Pacific region: a view from the edge

By: Margy-Jean Malcolm
Published: 2006-03-01

This presentation formed part of an international panel discussion on the state of not for profit management education across the world, at a conference in Arizona, United States in March…continue reading

Community Development Education & Training Non-profit Sector

Defining the Nonprofit Sector: New Zealand, Working papers of the Johns Hopkins comparative nonprofit sector project

By: Margaret Tennant, Jackie Sanders, Michael O’Brien, and Charlotte Castle
Published: 2006-01-01

One in a series of working papers to understand the scope, structure, financing, and role of the nonprofit sector of more than 40 countries.

Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Social Marketing and Social Capital – Its impact on recycling on Waiheke Island

By: Denise Roche
Published: 2005-11-01

Social marketing, community-based social marketing, social capital, recycling behaviour, community development, Waiheke Island, environmental not-for-profit organisations

Community Development Non-profit Sector
Ethnicity and Diversity

African Youth Health and Well-Being: Participatory Action Research Project

By: Evolve; Victoria University of Wellington
Published: 2005-10-03

This project aimed to strengthen the well-being of African Youth in Wellington by identifying issues they face, and developing strategies to address the issues. The project was implemented by Evolve,…continue reading

Action Research Health & Wellbeing

Sustaining our communities

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 2005-01-03

Seeing the unseen activities that contribute to sustaining our communities is vital in determining how to live more sustainably. This initiative arose out of concern that the data available for…continue reading

Employment & Labour Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Arts and Culture

Community Based Cultural Organisations within the Creative Industries – a Cultural Policy Dilemma

By: Aimers, J
Published: 2005-01-01

This paper explores community-based cultural organisations that combine orientated objectives of community arts practice with commercially oriented creative industries. In New Zealand, these organisations are hampered by gaps in cultural…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development Race & Ethnicity

Developing Community Partnerships: Social Wellbeing and the Local Government Act 2002

By: Aimers, J.
Published: 2005-01-01

The Local Government Act 2002 requires New Zealand local authorities to become actively involved in the development of social well being. Recent research indicates that the community and social services…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Social Services

Evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme and Emergency Management and Disaster Relief Fund

By: Mary-Jane Rivers & Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2005-01-01

This evaluation follows a broad-ranging evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme (VASS) in 1998 that focused on rationale, purpose, structure, management and ‘place’ of VASS in relation to international…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Counting Non-profit Institutions in New Zealand 2005

By: Statistics New Zealand
Published: 2005-01-01

The Hot Off The Press report provides a snapshot of the number of non-profit institutions that were operating in New Zealand at October 2005. The report also provides a breakdown…continue reading

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Non-profit Institutions Satellite Account 2004 (Quickstats)

By: Statistics New Zealand
Published: 2004-01-01

The quickstats is a shorter version of the main satellite account (publication) focusing only on the key highlights of non-profit institutions in New Zealand.

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Becoming deliberative – A case study of activities using a deliberative approach in Porirua City, New Zealand

By: David Robinson
Published: 2003-04-29

This case study reviews a series of events using a deliberation approach that have taken place in Porirua City. The nature of these activities is considered in relation to how…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Health & Wellbeing

Structures and Strategies: a narrative analysis of eleven community organisations in Otago

By: Aimers, J and Walker, P.
Published: 2003-01-01

This research project was initiated in 2001 to explore the governance and organisational practices of 11 diverse community organisations in Dunedin. The themes explored within the study are the life…continue reading

Community Development Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation

Stress Management for Hospice Staff

By: Tina Darkins
Published: 2002-09-10

This research evaluated the effectiveness of a stress management programme for hospice staff, using a quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test, methodology with a participation and comparison group. The initial post-test was followed…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Non-profit Sector

Mentoring: Help when you need it

By: Geere-Watson, K
Published: 2002-01-01

This pamphlet promotes the concept and practice of mentoring, outlines the role of mentors, guidelines, projects, training and support for mentoring.

Education & Training Leadership
Non-profit Sector

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Book Review: Third Sector: The Contribution of Nonprofit and Cooperative Enterprises in Australia, by Mark Lyons.

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2001-01-01

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Book Review: Third Sector: The Contribution of Nonprofit and Cooperative Enterprises in Australia, by Mark Lyons. St. Leonards, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 2001.

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Dangerous Accountabilities: Remaking Voluntary Organisations in Someone Else’s Image

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-11-08

Increased accountability is often assumed to only be desirable for non-profit and voluntary organisations. This papers outlines some of the risks and dangers from externally imposed, and especially, ‘classic’ (legalistic)…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector

Criteria for Judging Government Funding Arrangements for the Community Sector

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-03-01

NZ Council of Christian Social Services, in partnership with the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, and in consultation with the NZ Council of Social Services, produced this paper “to…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Social Services
Non-profit Sector

Can Voluntary Organisations Survive the Bear Hug of Government Funding? – A View from Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-01-01

Purchase-of-service contracting with voluntary organisations for social services in Aotearoa New Zealand is examined, in the context of international trends and as a part of the long run historical evolution…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Social Statistics – Issues and impact from a community perspective

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1999-06-22

Policy-making requires more than market mechanisms for implementation. That recognition should also be made with great caution, because the Government’s attempt over the last 20 years to incorporate as many…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local

“Purchase-of-Service Contracting, Voluntary Organisations, and Civil Society: Dissecting the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs?”

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 1998-01-01

Governments around the world are making increasing use of contracting “technologies” to purchase services from voluntary organizations – both in privatising (contracting out) previously government-provided services and in reining in…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Neither mendicants nor deal-makers: Contracting, government funding and voluntary organisations

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 1995-08-01

What is happening to government funding of voluntary organisations in Aotearoa/New Zealand? Where is it heading? What does it mean for voluntary organisations?

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Charity Rating Agencies

By: Rowena Sinclair

Handout presented at workshop on ‘Reporting on the difference we make’ held in Wellington 9th December 2010.

Non-profit Sector
Pacific Peoples

O Le Ala I Le Pule O Le Tautua: Pacific Peoples Participation in Governance in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance and Leadership
Published: 2022

Pacific people have been in Aotearoa / New Zealand for generations and have made many meaningful contributions to their new home: contributions in the spheres of sport, education, the arts,…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Leadership Pacific Peoples
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