Research for Tag: "Religion & Spirituality"

Non-profit Sector

Valuing Lives, Living Well: The distinctive role of faith-based organisations in aged care in New Zealand

By: Brent Neilson
Published: 2016-08-26

This research looked at some interrelated questions. What are the attributes of an organisation that builds social value? And what is it about faith-based aged care providers that makes them…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Religion & Spirituality
Te Ao Māori

Making Relationships Count: Measuring Trust In Relationships Between A Catholic Development Agency And Māori Communities – Research Article

By: Gretchen Leuthart
Published: 2016-05-17

Relationships are central to effective outcomes in the international development sector yet, there are very few frameworks or indicators to help measure the quality of trust – as the foundation…continue reading

Community Development Partnerships Religion & Spirituality

ANZTSR 2014 On “Not” Becoming an “Agent of the State”? Church-related social welfare agency ‘tactics’ in an era of government contracting

By: Doug Hynd
Published: 2014-10-28

United States, United Kingdom and Australian literature on the potential, and actual, impacts on not-for profit (NFP) social welfare and human services agencies of contracting with government highlight the risk…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Government – Central & Local Religion & Spirituality
Ethnicity and Diversity

Spirituality and Well-being: Discussion Paper

By: Richard Egan and others
Published: 2013-07-31

This paper aims to generate discussion about how we understand and respond to the spirit I spirituality I wairua as an experiential aspect of being human. Discussion on the well-being…continue reading

Religion & Spirituality
Ethnicity and Diversity

Seekers and Magic: the search for spirituality in the Rainbow Temple. NSW, Australia

By: Ron Fogel
Published: 2009-07-03

The Rainbow Temple in NSW, Australia is a spectacular site in a sense that a complex array of cultural and religious behaviours occur. Based on ethnography and fieldwork in the…continue reading

Religion & Spirituality
Ethnicity and Diversity

Feasibility Study Relating to Conservation, Refurbishment and Extension of St Anne’s Church Hall

By: Carolyn Cordery and Geoff Bertram
Published: 2009-03-02

Feasibility study prepared for a Lotteries Commission Community Facilities Application. This study includes a review of local facilities and the results of a survey in the Northland/Otari suburbs of Wellington.

Community Development Religion & Spirituality
Ethnicity and Diversity

Spirituality, Culture and Place: The Rainbow Temple in NSW, Australia

By: Ron Fogel
Published: 2009-02-10

This Research is about the Rainbow Temple in Byron Shire, NSW, Australia. The diverse belief systems and the symbolic behaviours practiced and described by people who live at the Rainbow…continue reading

Language and Culture Religion & Spirituality
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