Navigating the labour market in a new context can be a challenge for any migrant, and particularly so for former refugees, who are often unable to find employment appropriate for…continue reading
Navigating the labour market in a new context can be a challenge for any migrant, and particularly so for former refugees, who are often unable to find employment appropriate for…continue reading
The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy was developed and implemented in 2013 with the aim of improving outcomes for former refugees. The overarching aim of the strategy is to ensure…continue reading
Employees of community based non-government organisation (NGO) social service agencies are vital in ensuring the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the services they need to enhance socio-economic outcomes.…continue reading
The modern-day healthcare systems incessantly undergo rapid shifts ranging due to the fiscal meltdowns. As such, it is evident that healthcare facilities, especially, in rural areas need a unique type…continue reading
Reflecting on community work and anti oppressive practices.
Diversity, in all its manifestations, is an important part of New Zealand society and the country’s contemporary business environment. The New Zealand Workplace Diversity Survey is an annual record of…continue reading
Addiction practitioners in New Zealand work alongside those who are experiencing a range of addictions, as well as those who care for them, to assist in making recovery for clients…continue reading
Immigrant entrepreneurs play an important role in their host countries’ economies. They contribute to national economies by starting up and running small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These make up 97%…continue reading
For Korean immigrants, settling in New Zealand is challenging and stress-inducing. There is growing concern that feelings of alienation and loss seem to be key features in their lives. Taking…continue reading
This research is to evaluate the impact of rural skills development trainings for poverty alleviation in Bulilima district in Plumtre, Zimbabwe. The reason for this research was to find out…continue reading
Although a small sample size of only 15 respondents, this Canterbury survey into the health sector workforce needs of non-profit organisations provides some of the only available information on the…continue reading
The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading
Obtaining meaningful employment – adequately remunerated, fulfilling employment that is commensurate with a person’s skills and qualifications – is a high priority for people from refugee backgrounds, as it is…continue reading
This report catalogues how the most vulnerable members of our population are doing. It contains a mixture of official data, and data and anecdotes from NZCCSS agencies regarding prices, wages,…continue reading
Volunteer managers/coordinators’ roles are of central importance to promoting and enhancing volunteerism, yet little is known about these workers: who they are, what they do, or how their effectiveness could…continue reading
The focus of this study is on Tuatapere, a rural south island community and how it managed the dramatic social changes over the past fifty years. Government policies,changes in international…continue reading
New research into the intentions and aspirations of New Zealand Baby Boomers as the first of this generational cohort approach traditional retirement age.
This issue of Mana Mahi highlights a number of exciting events and opportunities organised by the Workplace Wellbeing Project in November/December 2008 for sector employers and managers to add to…continue reading
This edition of Mana Mahi discusses issues of pay parity; the results of the Strategic Pay Not for Profit Sector 2008 Remuneration Survey; feedback from our Effective Employment Relations workshops;…continue reading
Executive summary of the findings of Strategic Pay’s 2008 survey of remuneration and pay practices in the Not for Profit Sector
Welcome to the second newsletter of the Workplace Wellbeing Project, a sector-driven initiative which seeks to promote and support good employment practices and relationships in our sector. In this issue…continue reading
This is the first in a series of newsletters produced by the Workplace Wellbeing Project to keep people up to date with what is happening with the project, and with…continue reading
A study of the costs and impacts of employment relationship problems and how the parties to an ERP decide how to progress the issues.
A review of research into the employment of people with experience of mental illness, and the issues which arise from that subject.
This report adds to the growing body of knowledge about non-government organisations (NGOs) in New Zealand contracted by the Crown to provide mental health and addictions services in the community.…continue reading
Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading
Seeing the unseen activities that contribute to sustaining our communities is vital in determining how to live more sustainably. This initiative arose out of concern that the data available for…continue reading
Nothing less than a re-definition of what we call ‘work’ will respond to the way in which our society is changing. Much of what people contribute to society is neither…continue reading
This report is on the effects of family violence on employment opportunities for Maori women. Maori women’s employment is affected through their partner coming to their workplace and creating scenes,…continue reading
One of the real challenges of educational work is how to get into peoples’ consciousness and not just remain talking to the converted. It is my analysis that experts must…continue reading
Employment, employees, employers, self-employed, unemployed, voluntary work