On 1 July 2021, Aotearoa New Zealand will have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities, with the Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities as the responsible Minister. This is…continue reading
On 1 July 2021, Aotearoa New Zealand will have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities, with the Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities as the responsible Minister. This is…continue reading
In December 2020, the New Zealand Government announced that New Zealand would have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities. There have been previous calls for the establishment of a standalone…continue reading
E ngā tini kārangarangatanga maha puta noa i te motu, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. Tēnā tātau me te ngārara nui, a te mate korouna, kua pae mai ki tēnei…continue reading
We believe that the public sphere should be a place of equal participation. As the internet, and social media especially, becomes an increasingly influential public space, these digital media have…continue reading
Reflecting on community work and anti oppressive practices.
In the wake of the March 2019 Christchurch terrorist attack, which was live-streamed in an explicit attempt to foster support for white supremacist beliefs, it is clear that there is…continue reading
Taranaki has a rich and diverse history related to maritime culture. Located on the lower west coast of the North Island, this region was most notable historically for the Taranaki…continue reading
This thesis is a cultural journey of interconnectivity between Te Ao Māori and social work supervision. Its main focus is to honour and validate tupuna or ancestral knowledge from Te…continue reading
The boards that govern Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) who deliver social services face a range of complex challenges. They must secure sustainable funding, comply with changes in the law and…continue reading
If there was ever a single strategy that could combat the ongoing effects of colonisation on indigenous peoples, it would be the breeding of entrepreneurial thinkers and the practical application…continue reading
This article discusses the development and contested nature of community development practice and the effects of neoliberalism on community development in Aotearoa New Zealand. We describe how community development has…continue reading
United States, United Kingdom and Australian literature on the potential, and actual, impacts on not-for profit (NFP) social welfare and human services agencies of contracting with government highlight the risk…continue reading
In February 2014, the NGO Health and Disability Network held five Good Governance workshops around New Zealand. These were attended by more than 150 board members from approx 85 non-profit…continue reading
This paper is part of a annual series of essays commissioned for Waitangi Day which explores the State of the Pākehā nation in memory of the late Joan Cook –…continue reading
This work focusses on the development and implementation of a Relationships Framework based on Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi. Within that Framework, an original organisation development tool based on a Tiriti/Treaty…continue reading
The WAVES Trust is the umbrella organisation for all agencies working in family violence in West Auckland. WAVES commissioned research into the response by schools to children who witness FV.…continue reading
This report examines two models of governance used in non-profit organisations, namely a model based on collectivism which is founded on consensus decision-making involving people at all levels of the…continue reading
This research looks into the governance of 12 medium sized not for profits in Auckland and Christchurch. It also considers how they compare with theoretical models, the strategies for dealing…continue reading
With the release of New Zealand’s Digital Strategy in in 2005 and its Draft Content Strategy, came the opportunity to identify their potential impact on the Indigenous Peoples of Aotearoa.…continue reading
Indigenous contributions to governance in health informatics can be drawn from cultural concepts such as Katiakitanga, which implies guardianship, stewardship, governance and responsibility roles. Kaitiakitanga acts as a guideline to…continue reading
We can extract lessons in the information technology era from our colonial past. One such lesson is to understand how information technologies might further impact our knowledge. Experience has taught…continue reading
We wish to examine a number of events arising from statements made by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters during the 1996 election campaign and the public response to them.…continue reading
This paper considers the space within which the State, the Public Service and Common Wealth interact. In particular, power relationships which fall outside nation-states are examined. These general issues are…continue reading
Pacific people have been in Aotearoa / New Zealand for generations and have made many meaningful contributions to their new home: contributions in the spheres of sport, education, the arts,…continue reading