Research for Tag: "Rangatahi"

Law & Justice

An Exploration of Kiwi Tahi and Engagement

By: Dr. Liya Anthony and Julie Moore
Published: 2021-11-16

This study of the Kiwi Tahi programme, a life-skill development programme for vulnerable young people (aged between 8-12 years old), was a collaboration between a lecturer in Social Practice at…continue reading

Children & Youth Rangatahi Social Services

Healthy Relationships and Consent: Through the lens of Rainbow identifying youth.

By: Sandra Dickson, Bex Fraser and Nathan Bramwell
Published: 2021-04-30

This research, via focus groups and a national survey, asked Takatāpui and Rainbow young people about their experiences of healthy relationships education in Aotearoa. The results reinforce existing evaluation findings:…continue reading

Children & Youth Rainbow/LGBTQIA+ Rangatahi Takatāpui
Whānau Ora

Measuring the Economic Impact of Whānau Ora Programmes: He Toki ki te Mahi Case Study

By: Paul Dalziel, Caroline Saunders, Meike Guenther
Published: 2017-08-01

Research to improve decisions and outcomes in business, resource and environmental issues. The Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) operates at Lincoln University, providing research expertise for a wide range…continue reading

Economics & Finances Kaupapa Māori Rangatahi
Public Health

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research
Published: 2012

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Navigators Programmes Rangatahi
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