This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading
This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading
Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading
Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading
This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading
This paper was co-produced by a mental health special interest group as part of the Migrant and Refugee Health Research Centre at Auckland University of Technology. The paper started as…continue reading
On 16 September 2023, an interactive workshop was held during the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) Conference in Ōtautahi Christchurch to address fair pay and working conditions…continue reading
Young carers are a largely invisible and unsupported population of Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) children and youth aged 25 years and under who physically, emotionally, socially, and/or spiritually support loved…continue reading
Understanding psychosocial stressors in the construction industry is crucial for improving mental health outcomes. This research used qualitative methods, including 19 focus groups and 2 interviews with 115 industry workers,…continue reading
Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) encompasses a broad range of behaviours that children under the age of 18 display towards their parents/caregivers. The violence can continue into adulthood.…continue reading
Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading
This report is provided for the Royal Commission so that Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors and their communities’ voices are upheld. It brings together content and reflections on engagements with…continue reading
Strengthening Our Streets is a framework used by Manurewa Local Board to connect and work alongside community. It is supported by Auckland Council’s Community Innovation team through Hamish Lindop, Innovation…continue reading
Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…continue reading
This report tells the story of a project to explore using a regenerative approach to community-building. The pilot aimed to both learn and practice how to undertake regeneration with and…continue reading
Pacific people have been in Aotearoa / New Zealand for generations and have made many meaningful contributions to their new home: contributions in the spheres of sport, education, the arts,…continue reading
People living with epilepsy or unexplained seizures (PLWS) can have very different lived experiences. Epilepsy New Zealand (ENZ) is aleading advocacy, support, and training association in Aotearoa New Zealand for…continue reading
Context: The Winds of ChangeSince 1984 the New Zealand Government was an early and bold adopter of neoliberal approaches to public administration that collectively came to be known as new…continue reading
A Community Readiness Study, abbreviated to CRS, is a way of gauging the community’s views of a particular issue. We are using this research method to discover how we can…continue reading
The health system in Aotearoa New Zealand is predicated on equity in access to health services as a fundamental objective yet barriers to equitable access for migrant and refugees continue…continue reading
This digital archive contains the material of an oral history project that recorded the personal stories of elderly Cretan Greek women who came to New Zealand in the early 60s…continue reading
Culture-centered engagement with ethnic communities on violence prevention Pooja Jayan engaged with ethnic and migrant communities in the Manawatu region to identify existing community needs in the context of primary…continue reading
The economic and subsequent societal benefits that former refugees offer a host country is poorly understood in New Zealand. These former refugees are noted to be a most vulnerable minority…continue reading
As Māori around the motu continue to assert the mana motuhake in freshwater management, many are developing bespoke freshwater monitoring approaches that represent their own values for freshwater. Here, we…continue reading
In 2021, Scouts Aotearoa, with support from Point, initiated an innovative project to address harmful gender norms within the movement. The impetus for this project was the results of an…continue reading
A qualitative snapshot of kindness through the lens of community service organisations in Aotearoa. This study began with a question: What is the role of kindness from the perspective of…continue reading
Minor ailments are self-limiting, easily diagnosable and treatable conditions. Funded pharmacist minor ailments services (PMAS) have been posited to improve medicines access equity and, despite ethnic minorities across the globe…continue reading
The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading
Background: Medicines are the most common medical intervention and medicines adherence is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Understanding drivers and experiences of medicines adherence is important for optimising medicines use.…continue reading
Colonization’s Impact on Fiji, New Zealand, India and Cultural Intersectionalities Colonization had a profound effect on the Maori, Indian, Fiji Indian and Native Fijian population, intersecting with the Auckland Sugar…continue reading
The current nutrition guidelines developed by the NZ Ministry of Health do not adequately serve youth due to the lack of input from rangatahi themselves and the absence of mātauranga…continue reading
This paper presents the findings of the Perceptions of Papakāinga project, which explores the connection between place, genealogy, and identity for two Māori (New Zealand’s Indigenous people) communities: one living…continue reading
This paper presents the findings of the Perceptions of Papakāinga project, a 12-month, Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga funded project which explores comparative views of ‘home’ for Māori. The findings…continue reading
Refugee-background communities have been a significant part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s multicultural population for decades. Despite the documented relevance of communication for newly arrived refugees, local reports over the years…continue reading
Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna (How are my mokopuna doing?) is a simple question which Whanganui schools, their school boards, tumuaki and kaiako have heard for many years. However, the…continue reading
A Rainbow Refugee Quota for Aotearoa is an attempt at policy change. The report’s audience is decision makers in government, but it also recognises the need for policy to be…continue reading
In March 2022, the government will review the New Zealand Refugee resettlement Strategy (NZRRS) for the first time in 10 years. This report responds to this opportunity and argues that…continue reading
This study set within the superdiverse city of Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand examined how mainland Chinese first-generation immigrants and Pākehā (white New Zealanders) discursively understood each other in the context of…continue reading
This is a six month strategic learning report sharing the findings from a pilot to test the Participatory City Approach in the Connected Communities Department of te Kaunihera o Tāmaki…continue reading
This report provides a range of key community and stakeholder insights from research that was conducted in the later part of 2022 (November-December). These insights provide the foundation for which…continue reading
This comprehensive mixed-method research, undertaken from December 2020 to July 2021, comprised: • A survey of visitor satisfaction relating to Waiheke visits (n=991) • A survey of Waiheke residents’ perspectives…continue reading
Discover our Neighbourhood – Phillipstown Community Mapping is a project that tries to capture and organise the strengths already existing in the Phillipstown areas, one of the oldest neighbourhoods in…continue reading
In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading
In 2019, Te Tūāpapa Kura Kāinga – Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (the Ministry) engaged Tiaho Limited, a respected kaupapa Māori research, evaluation, and policy development group, to develop…continue reading
Emerging literature highlights that in the Pacific, the use of participatory video (PV) is a new trend in research and community action. It can be employed as a tool to…continue reading
This essay is based on theories of ‘new racism’, which explain how race and racism continue to play an integral role in our lives, but in subtle and often hidden…continue reading
These curated proceedings present what was discussed during the Ethnic Migrant Media Forum, a one-day event hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Unitec Institute of Technology’s Mt Albert…continue reading
This article is based on a study that focused on the narratives of Latin American migrant women (LAMW) in New Zealand and the role formal and informal communication networks play…continue reading
Indigenous ways of caring for the environment have long been marginalised through research methodologies that are blind to a range of ways of knowing the world. Co-production of knowledge across…continue reading
The aim of the Rangatahi Evaluation research project was to explore the present status of rangatahi who previously accessed training programmes provided by Silver Fern MotorSport Charitable Trust. The Project…continue reading
Identifying positive success factors and addressing the factors that impede academic success for minority students in higher education, is a priority for most countries that are experiencing rapid population diversity.…continue reading
In 2021 the Billy Graham Youth Foundation (BGYF) had a network of 6 academies across New Zealand. 2021 was the third and final year of an evaluation to help the…continue reading
We set out to find lessons for good governance for non-profit and community organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand, by focussing on the strengths and capacities, especially of particularly well regarded…continue reading
Following on from our 2020 report on lockdown loneliness, Deputy Director and WSP in New Zealand Fellow Holly Walker has completed a 2021 update. The new report draws upon new…continue reading
The transport sector accounts for almost a quarter of our total climate emissions, and more than half of these come from private vehicles. New Zealand has committed to reaching net-zero…continue reading
Common Unity is a place-based charity which aims to regenerate communities. Common Unity is based in Epuni, a neighbourhood where many households experience high levels of deprivation. Common Unity’s Food…continue reading
The research looked into the SVA Service Award, a national framework for advancing secondary school student volunteering, to provide an in-depth insight into the benefits of youth volunteering, service and…continue reading
Discrimination faced by Māori whānau while they were seeking to improve their health is a constant struggle. Despite the many negative experiences, collective ownership or we-dentity contributed to their resolution…continue reading
Colleagues from the Kaipātiki Project and The University of Auckland partnered on a project to capture the experiences of stakeholders to help identify the people in the local community who…continue reading
The Kipa Whānau from Palmerston North share their story at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. A Whānau recovery story Kim speaks about using…continue reading
Prof Sir Mason Durie provides a key address at the Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. He describes how outcomes for whānau will be…continue reading
This is paper is evaluation of the Taku Wairua programme to assess the diverse effects of the program and identify areas for improvement. Taku Wairua is a program designed to…continue reading
In 2015, the media began to report with greater frequency that NZ convenience stores were being robbed for tobacco products. There are three reasons why this was shocking to the…continue reading
Little is known in Aotearoa New Zealand about experiences of homelessness amongst Takatāpui/LGBTIQ+ identifying people, despite growing international literature regarding LGBTIQ+ homelessness. Using data from semi-structured interviews with eight people…continue reading
Sport Otago completed a needs assessment to identify the physical activity needs and aspirations of priority groups in the Waitaki District (Waitaki) who have inequitable access to physical activity opportunities…continue reading
For the first time in a Youth2000 survey, Youth19 included open text questions inviting students to express their own views on key issues. In this brief we summarise their responses…continue reading
One out of every 100 Youth19 participants identified as transgender or non-binary (1.0%). A further 0.6% reported that they were not sure of their gender. Three quarters (73%) of transgender…continue reading
Sixteen out of every 100 Youth19 participants (16%) reported they were same- or multiple-sex attracted, not sure, or not attracted to any sex. Most of these students reported positive home…continue reading
Most rangatahi Māori with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also…continue reading
Most Rainbow rangatahi Māori reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared to…continue reading
Most Pacific Rainbow young people reported positive family and school environments, high levels of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared…continue reading
Most Pacific young people with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments, high levels of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group…continue reading
Most Rainbow young people with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments. However, members of this group also reported very high rates of mental distress. Only…continue reading
This brief explores student access to digital devices such as laptops and smartphones, access to the internet, and access to devices in private.
All young people are entitled to be safe and free from abuse at home, in schools and in communities. These are basic human rights, which are important for immediate and…continue reading
Most young people with disabilities reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering, and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared…continue reading
Aim: This paper describes how we engaged with adolescents and health providers to integrate access to digital health interventions as part of a large-scale secondary school health and wellbeing survey…continue reading
Significant progress has been made addressing adolescent health needs in New Zealand, but monitoring and gathering high quality estimates of adolescent health and social issues remains challenging and resource intensive.…continue reading
This report describes the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19), how we ran the survey, who took part in it and how to use the findings. It is designed to be…continue reading
This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about smoking, vaping, alcohol use, and use of marijuana and other drugs. It is designed to be read with…continue reading
This report highlights the emotional and mental health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading
This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about students’ access to health care services. It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey,…continue reading
This report highlights the sexual and reproductive health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading
In this report we explore the wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand secondary school students with the following identities using data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey:• Rainbow rangatahi Māori• Pacific…continue reading
This report is for knowledge holders, communicators, advocates, non-government service providers and designers working on the changes that will make the biggest difference for whānau, communities, and the planet. Central…continue reading
This guide is intended to provide knowledge and insights to those creating communications and working alongside whānau, aiga, magafoua, famili, vuvalue, utu, kopu tangata and members of the community who…continue reading
This short guide summarises the finding of the research set out in ‘Talking about Poverty and Welfare Reform’. It provides a short overview of the tested messages that were most…continue reading
A research paper for InternetNZ and the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation. The purpose of this research was to uncover the biggest obstacles to digital inclusion, and what will be most…continue reading
This report presents contemporary information on the health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand who have an Asian identity. The report is based on findings from the…continue reading
This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who report they have been involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services…continue reading
This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who reported being involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services. Youth19 is…continue reading
Migrants may experience immunisation inequities compared with the host population related to barriers with accessing immunisations in their home countries, while migrating and/or post-arrival. This retrospective cohort study explored vaccination…continue reading
Background International migration is a worldwide phenomenon, with an increased presence of international students (i.e., short-term migrants) residing in host countries for limited periods of time. Migrants may be exposed…continue reading
Migrants may experience a higher burden of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD)-associated hospitalisations compared to the host population. A retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2015 was conducted that linked de-identified data…continue reading
The New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy was developed and implemented in 2013 with the aim of improving outcomes for former refugees. The overarching aim of the strategy is to ensure…continue reading
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
A significant proportion of worldwide research concerning adult refugees has investigated clinical perspectives and emphasised the impact of pre and post-migration experiences as key factors affecting their mental health status.…continue reading
The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research Programme is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data…continue reading
The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection.…continue reading
‘The economic integration of women refugee entrepreneurs in NZ’ is Chapter 5 in the book ‘Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences’ available online at the link below. This chapter…continue reading
This community-led, co-designed research project explores the impact of Northcote’s Urban Regeneration on community wellbeing. The research undertaken involved meaningful engagement with a diverse cross-section of the Northcote population and…continue reading
The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge that has required extraordinary solutions. Harvesting and documenting the extraordinary, to distill what we now know possible, lies at the heart of this…continue reading
Refugee background women, their connections, sense of belonging, acceptance and inclusion in the Greater Wellington region: This report presents the qualitative findings of a research project focussing on the experiences…continue reading
What can be learned from the process of community-engaged research (CER) on refugee resettlement? In the following, we share experiences, reflections, and lessons from implementing such a project. We begin…continue reading
Purpose: To explore the experiences of older Filipino migrants adjusting to living permanently in New Zealand.Method: The qualitative descriptive approach taken in this study involved 17 individual face-to-face interviews of…continue reading
Objective: There is a paucity of health-related research on older Asian immigrants in New Zealand. The aim of this review was to critically examine literature on health and well-being of…continue reading
INTRODUCTION: In Aotearoa New Zealand, as elsewhere in the world, healthcare providers are seeking better ways to engage with increasingly ethnically and linguistically diverse communities. The use of cultural support…continue reading
This article presents a Photovoice project that explores the narratives of five young women of Eritrean heritage living in New Zealand. The photographs taken by the women suggest that their…continue reading
Public policy in New Zealand increasingly makes reference to “inclusion of diversity,” “equality,” and “equity.” Yet refugees resettling in New Zealand continue to experience systemic racism based on the application…continue reading
Research was undertaken in the latter part of 2020 focused on the strengths and opportunities of young people in the Hurunui district, and how these can be assisted to grow.…continue reading
What seemed impossible 50 years ago is today becoming a reality as ‘soft drugs’ such as cannabis are being decriminalized and accepted for their calming effects as well as their…continue reading
What do you call journalism, or more importantly research, that is supported by repetitive misinformation, resulting in an accepted but incorrect, narrative? This is the case with the kava plant,…continue reading
Kava (Piper methysticum) is a traditional and culturally significant Pacific Island beverage that produces a soporific relaxant effect. Kava’s psychopharmacological action is similar to the anti-anxiety drug Benzodiazepine. Traditional users…continue reading
Service within Pacific cultures is a practical way to utilise personal skills and resources to contribute to the needs of others. There is an expectation that Pacific youth play an…continue reading
The growing number of Tongan creators searching for a place of belonging and acceptance between the two worlds Tonga and Aotearoa New Zealand has contributed to cultural spaces shifting in…continue reading
A survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s community sector on the impacts of COVID‐19: This report details the findings of a national COVID‐19 impact survey carried out across the Tangata Whenua,…continue reading
Planning for climate change is complex. There is some uncertainty about how quickly the climate will change and what the anticipated localised effects will be. There are also governance questions,…continue reading
After completing nine months cross-context research in Eastern Fiji, I wrote my Master’s thesis to answer this question: To what extent do local concerns, with regard to climate change, inform…continue reading
This report explores how regional and territorial authorities in Aotearoa New Zealand currently understand their role in climate adaptation, to what extent they are currently fulfilling that role, and how…continue reading
This report documents the experience of a group of researchers who started a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project with the Assyrian Youth community in Wellington. The objective of the project…continue reading
New Zealand is one of eleven countries that has been annually resettling refugees as part of the UNHCR refugee resettlement programme since the 1980s. Consequently, New Zealand’s refugee-background population continues…continue reading
It is evident that the industrialization era has been characterized by high industrial and hazardous waste which has had adverse impacts on the human populations. It is also essential to…continue reading
Research to improve decisions and outcomes in business, resource and environmental issues. The Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU) operates at Lincoln University, providing research expertise for a wide range…continue reading
The growing diversity of New Zealand brings into sharp focus the need to address diversity as a way of increasing participation and inclusivity in football. This report discusses key considerations…continue reading
The GoodMeasure Report for KidsCan was created with KidsCan to inform it’s social enterprise decision-making for the benefit of the children it serves. The product was created for KidsCan using…continue reading
In 2005 the New Zealand Police commissioned this research project to explore the perceptions of police held by members of various ethnic communities and to provide information on the current…continue reading
We wish to examine a number of events arising from statements made by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters during the 1996 election campaign and the public response to them.…continue reading
This report identifies the nature of discrimination experienced and/or perceived by new settlers in New Zealand. The research results presented are derived from data collected via four focus groups conducted…continue reading
SSPA has been working with some sector leaders on what a reset of the social services system could look like. We’ve prepared an agenda for change and are now ready…continue reading
Upside Youth Mentoring Aotearoa is a community mentoring organisation specialising in the formation of supportive relationships between volunteers and young people aged between 9 and 13 years. A key focus…continue reading
IntroductionRaukatauri Music Therapy Trust (RMTT) offers the only music therapy centres in New Zealand, coordinated through its central Auckland operations. RMTT works across Auckland through five satellite services and two…continue reading
This work was a translational research project undertaken by Burwood Academy of Independent Living (BAIL) on behalf of the New Zealand Spinal Trust (NZST; based at the Burwood Spinal Unit,…continue reading
Counting Ourselves is the first comprehensive national survey of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and was conducted from 21 June till…continue reading
This report summarises the research and explains how we developed and used a ‘Community Economy Return on Investment’ tool to document and measure the transformative social and environmental outcomes of…continue reading
This report has presented the results of three research projects carried out in the wider Southland region: interviews with household members about population change; a survey of employers in the…continue reading
The Nga Tangata Oho Mairangi (NTOM) research programme is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The programme of research is broad and involves both Massey and…continue reading
This study addresses the recreational behaviours of immigrants and ethnic minorities, with a focus on nature-based recreation in national and regional parks. The study was comprised of a survey questionnaire…continue reading
Ethnic precincts are a relatively new addition to Auckland’s retail landscape and there has to date been little research devoted to better understanding their function and role. Increased knowledge about…continue reading
The purpose of this document is to:1. Provide Information about CALD population demographics and characteristics, increasing workforce diversity, service barriers, and why the need for cultural competence2. Recommend Best Practice…continue reading
From arrival in New Zealand refugee students are disadvantaged as they will often not have had the experience of formal education. In New Zealand, the mismatch of age and placement…continue reading
The increasing use of emergency departments by refugee and migrant groups reflects the shifting ethnic composition of central Auckland. Refugees are different from other immigrants and from low-income families in…continue reading
Research project for my undergraduate degree. Researching on African philosophy, Ubuntu and the ovaHerero people
Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community, and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading
In pursuing their purpose of supporting migrants, former refugees, and people from minority ethnicities with their settlement processes, the Nelson Multicultural Council contracted the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research at…continue reading
Why this report has been produced The Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Diverse Communities – Exploring the Migrant and Refugee Experience in New Zealand report brings together existing data and…continue reading
Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a visual facilitation tool that is used to make strategic plans with whānau and service providers throughout Aotearoa. In this project supported with…continue reading
Motivated by continuing educational disparities for Pasifika, and the paucity of research around Pasifika strategies coming out of the South Island, Pasifika staff at the University of Canterbury (UC), Ara…continue reading
Challenges related to MOOC and student dropout prediction
In-depth interviews were conducted with 32 victims of serious crime in New Zealand to explore their experience of procedural justice and what justice meant to them. In the study, 68%…continue reading
The purpose of Katikati Taiao Hearts and Minds Research was to investigate the potential and possibilities for a reinvigorated community sense of identity and belonging. The research focused on whether…continue reading
The Whai Rawa whenu in the Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua research programme explores the regulations, planning and financing rules, governing structures, and leadership styles that shape current Māori housing. Our…continue reading
This literature review has been prepared for the Kāinga Tahi Kāinga Rua research direction as part of the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge by members of…continue reading
This research report summarises the findings of Philanthropy New Zealand’s (“PNZ”) Tangata Whenua and Diversity Project (2018–2019). This project was started due to the lack of research on the philanthropic…continue reading
Social media brand influencers are on the rise, becoming one of the biggest marketing and public relations trends of 2017, especially those who promote lifestyle brands (Glucksman, 2017). While many…continue reading
NZIER report prepared for the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking as part of a programme of research supported by a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free…continue reading
This report focuses on understanding the barriers and drivers for Māori to undertake succession through the Māori Land Court (MLC) to become owners of Māori freehold or customary land (Māori…continue reading
This is an article written by a Maori business partnership who presented and attended a conference on racial equity in the United States in October 2018. Looking through a Maori…continue reading
Addiction practitioners in New Zealand work alongside those who are experiencing a range of addictions, as well as those who care for them, to assist in making recovery for clients…continue reading
A project looking at men’s awareness of and potential engagement in the prevention of family violence.
This report, written by Rachael Trotman of the Centre for Social Impact, focuses on the funders’ experience of the VOYCE collaboration, which also actively involved care-experienced children and young people,…continue reading
Kia Pū te Wai o Pareira: Catalysts of Whānau Health and Wellbeing in West Auckland is the technical report following an 18-month study of Māori living in West Auckland. This…continue reading
Kimihia te Hauora Hinengaro: Pathways to Mental Health report is on a study conducted by Wai Research which explores the relevance of the inclusion of Māori cultural elements in therapeutic…continue reading
This report reflects the voices of people most directly affected by the New Zealand welfare system. Between 18 and 31 October 2018, 267 people contributed their perspectives, insights, and experiences…continue reading
Inspiring Communities and the Tamarack Institute have co-written a new paper in which we reflect on changes in community-led change over the past decade from both Canadian and New Zealand…continue reading
OverviewThis report details aggregate findings from a formative evaluation of two Auckland-based Transition from Care to Independence (TCI) services – Launch and Ka Awatea. The original impetus for this evaluation…continue reading
In 2018, the government announced plans to develop a Child Wellbeing Strategy to make New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child. While this is an…continue reading
This research aims to better understand the parenting practices of new migrants in Auckland’s North Shore communities. Its primary use is to assist Whānau Marama Parenting, a parenting programme provider…continue reading
This report is the result of a research project funded by the Lottery Grants Board through the Lottery Community Sector Research Committee, into the impact of the oneCO-OPERATIVE initiative of…continue reading
Grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand are entitled to the unsupported child benefit (UCB) if they meet the conditions for eligibility. To access the support, they are required to attend…continue reading
How do we measure or report on the impact of capacity building? This review reports on the effectiveness and ‘value for money’ of a community capacity building hub (Community Waikato),…continue reading
Volunteering is central to the social development, economy, and environment of New Zealanders. Between 2004 and 2013, Statistics NZ data shows there was a 21% increase in the number of…continue reading
Suicide in New Zealand is considered to be a major health crisis, with Māori taitamariki (youth) featuring in disproportionate numbers as more likely to die from suicide than non-Māori youth.…continue reading
The purpose of this project was to update existing ‘Good Practice Guidelines’, building upon the findings of the initial project conducted in 2009. The development of ‘Good Practice Guidelines’ aims…continue reading
This report presents the findings of a Tertiary Education Union Te Hautū Kahurangi o Aotearoa (TEU) research project that sought to investigate “whitestreaming” in universities, and institutes of technology and…continue reading
In 2013, the Rise UP Trust gained Lotteries funding to explore culturally relevant and responsive ways to engage Pasifika whānau in their children’s learning, and to support the development of…continue reading
This paper presents the lessons from phase I of the community driven development (CDD) project being implemented in Myanmar. The CDD approach has a special relevance and application in the…continue reading
Animal assisted activities (AAA) are increasingly being seen as an important part of the range of interventions in the helping professions including social work. Whilst a code of ethics has…continue reading
This article discusses the development and contested nature of community development practice and the effects of neoliberalism on community development in Aotearoa New Zealand. We describe how community development has…continue reading
Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…continue reading
This report highlights the policy implications of research into the earthquake experiences of 150 Christchurch women interviewed for the Women’s Voices – Ngā Reo O Ngā Wahine Project. It focuses…continue reading
Abstract The original intention for the Partnership Community Worker (PCW) project in 2006 was for it to be an extension of the Pegasus Health General Practice and furthermore to be…continue reading
BayTrust’s mission is to “effectively build, strengthen and enhance present and future Bay of Plenty Communities.” To support this, BayTrust approached the Centre for Social Impact to provide research and…continue reading
Despite the vitality of kapa haka as an art form and its significance to our culture, its value is not well understood or documented. There have been surprisingly few studies…continue reading
A paper written and presented by Megan Woods MP for the inaugural Christchurch Womens Researchers Breakfast, Otauatahi-Christchurch, Thursday 21st November 2014
The meteoric rise of food bank use in times of prosperity leads us to argue that food banks are institutionalised within New Zealand society with texts reflecting civic, market and…continue reading
This work focusses on the development and implementation of a Relationships Framework based on Te Tiriti/Treaty of Waitangi. Within that Framework, an original organisation development tool based on a Tiriti/Treaty…continue reading
This is a study undertaken by the Howard league for Penal Reform on reintegration services in teh Canterbury region. It is a multi faceted study involving interviews with prison and…continue reading
This is the final report of a research study undertaken by the National Council of Women (Christchurch Branch) between 2011 and 2014 with women living in Christchurch through the earthquakes.…continue reading
There is little information in Aotearoa New Zealand about how women are represented in the Community and Voluntary Sector, despite the fact that the the sector’s voluntary and paid workforce…continue reading
The Christchurch earthquakes can be viewed from many disciplines: geology, geography, history, disaster management, psychology, sociology etc. For the past two years, the National Council of Women in Christchurch has…continue reading
Action research – as part of the wider measurement activity for the Whānau Ora approach – is focused on providing evidence of provider practice, developing improved whānau-centred service delivery and…continue reading
There are many pockets of work across institutions like Unitec where the community has approached particular people or programmes with a plea to deliver to a specific need. The Graduate…continue reading
Lincoln University was commissioned by the Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) to estimate the value of the benefits of a ‘recreation reserve’ or ‘river park’ in the Avon River Residential Red Zone…continue reading
The phrase ‘He Mokopuna He Tupuna ’ is one that provides a cultural framework for understanding the positioning of tamariki within Te Ao Māori . It is drawn from the…continue reading
This report explores how creating overseas travel opportunities for young offenders, or those at risk of offending, are likely to have a positive impact on their lives and personal development.…continue reading
This report outlines the process and findings of research undertaken by young people living in Waimarino, with support from the Raetihi Community Trust and the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre…continue reading
This document is the final accountability report for a Lottery Community Sector Research Fund grant for Inspiring Communities to contribute to “understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa/New Zealand”. This…continue reading
This report shares results of a survey of community needs in Kaiti, Gisbourne. The survey was conducted in 2010. The results from the surveys have been collected, entered and analyzed…continue reading
The suburb of Kaiti in Gisborne is characterized by established families with a strong affinity to their community and a desire to challenge the negative reputation of Kaiti by making…continue reading
Ka Pai Kaiti facilitated a project to increase voter turnout and participation in the local council and district health board elections in Gisborne 2010. The purpose of research project was…continue reading
The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of the Anger Change Programme for Mothers. The Anger Change programme is a New Zealand-based child abuse prevention programme, developed…continue reading
The rationale for this thesis “Matua Whangai – Can we invigorate an important concept of social work?” is quite simply that: – – The deaths of our babies have shattered…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
The experience of living with endometriosis is, for many women, very challenging. A fortunate few find sympathetic doctors, relatively quick diagnosis and treatment, and uncomplicated recovery. They are able to…continue reading
The TPA rental survey is a response to the concerns expressed by many tenants across Canterbury with increased rents and the poor quality of their rental housing post-earthquakes. This report…continue reading
Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou, or the Court of New Beginnings, was established in October 2010 following advocacy to the Chief District Court Judge by Lifewise, an agency working with…continue reading
AMPLIFY is a 13-month action enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South. The action…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
The DOVE Research Project came about after discussions between family violence intervention service, DOVE Hawkes Bay (DOVE) and the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) about the high levels of family…continue reading
This paper presents results of a survey of Wellington non-profit organisations (NPOs) with the aim of understanding the interest and readiness of NPOs in adopting shared computing services. The survey…continue reading
The focus of this study is on Tuatapere, a rural south island community and how it managed the dramatic social changes over the past fifty years. Government policies,changes in international…continue reading
The publication describes the part that community none-government organisations (NGOs) take in New Zealand Mental Health and Addictions (MH&A) service system. It describes some of the activities of these essential…continue reading
All research raises questions about ethics: about the rigour, responsibility and respect of the practices of researchers. As a result, there are strict systems in place to encourage and enforce…continue reading
This compilation of case studies, examples and commentaries forms the third part of a set of materials relating to ethics in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Part I comprises a set…continue reading
This report gives voice to the clients of Link House Agency, a counselling and social work organisation dedicated to single parent families. The clients shared their stories during a focus…continue reading
While the thought of a discussion on constitutional matters may seem daunting and far removed from daily life, the exercise of public power has a direct impact on us all…continue reading
The successful delivery of services and programmes by Māori and iwi providers is key to building Māori community capacity and therefore in addressing Mäori/non-Māori disparities (across, for example, health, education,…continue reading
Te Puawaitanga O Te Ngakau: A Case Study of Westside Counselling Services in West Auckland A ‘Community of Care’ approach to working with Māori Women and their whānau who have…continue reading
This paper explores how Māori cultural processes can guide research processes. Tikanga Māori (Māori ways/traditions) based dialogue processes acknowledge relationships between people and the reasons why they have gathered together.…continue reading
This report details the development and operation of a community based violence prevention programme. The focus was upon creating community level conversations that would enlarge understandings of violence and from…continue reading
This study explores the issue of forced and underage marriage in Aotearoa New Zealand. It documents the stories of survivors of actual and threatened forced marriage. It also records the…continue reading
A presentation by Kataraina Pipi and Kim Whaanga-Kipa about the marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning
NZ’s Working for Families (WFF) policy introduced in 2004 aimed to address, amongst other things, the poverty faced by low-income working families. While WFF has been evaluated, little evidence exists…continue reading
Takitini: A collective approach to Whānau Ora action research presented at the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association Conference (anzea), Hamilton, 9 July 2012. This presentation reflects on the emergent ‘learnings’…continue reading
A powerpoint presentation on Kia Rite Kia Ora (2012) is a pilot whanau ora health intervention. This powerpoint summarises some of the results.
In this paper we discuss our experiences in doing action research and share some methodological insights with other practitioners. The aim is to promote knowledge flows both within the public…continue reading
This presentation provides an overview of the PATH planning tool, its use in Aotearoa over the past ten years, with individuals, whānau, organisations and businesses. The current and potential use…continue reading
He Kōrero Whānau is a component of a wider whānau and hapū development project within Te Rarawa, an iwi located in the Far North of Aotearoa. It aimed to prepare…continue reading
This research contributes to the Family Violence Mäori Research Agenda initiative. It identifies research priorities, gaps and potential areas of exploration. This study is part of a wider research project…continue reading
This is a Pacific Island model of health for the use in the the New Zealand context.
Volunteering for Māori is based on the notion of whanaungatanga (kinship) and the benefits derived from contributing to the common good. Within Māori culture, conceptions of self are linked to…continue reading
This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD), Te Runanga O Te…continue reading
This paper outlines use of the PATH in Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand by Kataraina Pipi over the past eight years, including an examination of: • The foundations and…continue reading
This research has piloted a tool for assessing the cultural impact of sub-division on ancestral Māori land. Local government authorities have said they often find it difficult to incorporate the…continue reading
A survey of American NPOs was conducted to examine business/nonprofit partnerships from the perspective of those who have never partnered. Primary reasons for not partnering with business tended to be…continue reading
This summary of a review of research commissioned by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner in 2003, is intended to provide parents and professionals with important information about the effects…continue reading
The modern world is characterised by an increasingly mobile population as family members transfer or relocate nationally and/or internationally to pursue new career or lifestyle opportunities. How positive this decision…continue reading
There is a significant body of literature concerning ethical issues in undertaking research with children and young people. It covers a broad range of ethical issues, concerning both the nature…continue reading
This report presents the findings from the Childwatch project. To the best of our knowledge it is the first international project of its kind to identify and explore the ethical…continue reading
An evaluation looking at what the Open space Technology Hui looks like and what it hopes to achieve. Has it worked well and what can be improved and what were…continue reading
An evaluation report looking at the key success stories and challenges faced by Project Lyttelton running the garden. Assessing the lessons learned and what can be applied to other projects…continue reading
An evaluation report exploring the the short and longer term outcomes of the festival from the perspective of the guides and participants.
An evaluation of the Lyttelton Farmers Market from the perspective of regular customers, new customers and stall holders.
Evaluations results of the Lyttelton Harbour Festival of Lights from the perspective of the advisory group, key stakeholders and the general public.
This is the final report of a two year research project entitled ‘A study of the children of prisoners’.
Invisible Children is the first year report of a three year research project entitled ‘A Study of the Children of Prisoners’.
This report examines two models of governance used in non-profit organisations, namely a model based on collectivism which is founded on consensus decision-making involving people at all levels of the…continue reading
Report recommending the focus of mental health shifts towards primary and integrated care and preventative interventions.
This report summarises the main top-line results from a survey conducted by the NGO Working Group in July 2007. It is a repeat of a similar survey carried out in…continue reading
This discussion paper provides an initial NGO perspective on possible re-organisation of the planning and funding environment resulting from changes to the health system. It is for use by government…continue reading
This document summarises a number of issues raised by NGOs about the barriers to, and opportunities for, innovation and collaboration within the health and disability NGO sector. It is based…continue reading
A qualitative project explored the lived experiences and social service needs of affected or at-risk Black African migrants, refugees and their family members in New Zealand. One of the main…continue reading
This paper outlines use of the PATH in Māori communities in Aotearoa New Zealand by Kataraina Pipi over the past eight years, including an examination of: • The foundations and…continue reading
This research was undertaken to assess the veracity of financial filings at the Charities Commission by charities which are “small” (expenditure less than ,000 pa) or “medium”-sized (expenditure between ,000…continue reading
Independent evaluation of the Healthy Relationships programme, exploring the impact of the programme on student behaviour (e.g. if and how students used the Healthy Relationships skills to prevent potential sexual…continue reading
The Social Report 2010 provides a picture of progress towards better social outcomes for New Zealanders. It shows how we are faring on a range of important social indicators and…continue reading
This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD). Located within Te Runanga…continue reading
PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope) is a research tool that can assist in individual and whānau planning. It uses visual images alongside facilitation that seeks to clarify, research and…continue reading
This issue of Mana Mahi highlights a number of exciting events and opportunities organised by the Workplace Wellbeing Project in November/December 2008 for sector employers and managers to add to…continue reading
This edition of Mana Mahi discusses issues of pay parity; the results of the Strategic Pay Not for Profit Sector 2008 Remuneration Survey; feedback from our Effective Employment Relations workshops;…continue reading
Welcome to the second newsletter of the Workplace Wellbeing Project, a sector-driven initiative which seeks to promote and support good employment practices and relationships in our sector. In this issue…continue reading
This is the first in a series of newsletters produced by the Workplace Wellbeing Project to keep people up to date with what is happening with the project, and with…continue reading
This report is on the effects of family violence on employment opportunities for Maori women. Maori women’s employment is affected through their partner coming to their workplace and creating scenes,…continue reading
Qualitataive research (depth interviews with 52 emergency services volunteers and other stakeholders) to identify how to lift training participation of emergency services volunteers, and the impact of training on service…continue reading
Literature review to identify barriers to training for volunteers in emergency services, and volunteers in general, and how to overcome those barriers
The aim of this research was to identify indicators of an individual’s deprivation appropriate for all ethnic groups, that can be combined into a single and simple index of individual…continue reading
An examination of the link between problem gambling and family violence.
This letter from Dr Jim Primrose, Acting Deputy Director-General, Clinical Services Directorate, confirms policy settings concerning Non-Government Organisation providers of primary and population health services and PHOs.
The NgOIT 2005 Landscape Survey is a collection of data provided by community (non-government) mental health and addiction service providers in New Zealand. It is an overview of the community…continue reading
This report adds to the growing body of knowledge about non-government organisations (NGOs) in New Zealand contracted by the Crown to provide mental health and addictions services in the community.…continue reading
This document presents the key findings from a survey of people with experience of mental illness to obtain their accounts of discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.
A presentation to the Health and Disability NGO-MoH Forum on the future of contracting: alternative models to competitive tendering.
Health and Disability Sector NGO Workforce Development – A report to the NGO Working Group written by Kirsty Peel, Health by Design Limited, 16 June 2006
This is a joint paper describing and assessing initiatives undertaken by ANGOA in New Zealand and DSE in the Solomon Islands to improve the ability of NGO’s to interact effectively…continue reading
Paper presented to the Annual Conference of Diabetes NZ.Assesses the role of Civil society and organisations like Diabetes NZ as agents of social and moral change. Draws on 250 years…continue reading
In 2001 the government signed a Statement of Intent for an improved relationship with the community and voluntary sector (SOGI). In 2008/09 the Association of Non Governmental Organisations of Aotearoa…continue reading
The radical contracting model by which some government departments purchase services from community based organizations serving people with disabilities has directly contributed to the failure of service provision.
This paper considers challenges to giving and opportunities for promoting generosity in New Zealand. It sets out proposals from the Generosity Hub for a strategic plan, objectives and initiatives. It…continue reading
This paper builds a picture of what we know about how people currently give in New Zealand, identifies gaps in information and the challenges for the future of generosity. This…continue reading
This paper examines the benefits that stem from generosity for givers, receivers and the community as a whole. This paper is the second of a series to stimulate discussion between…continue reading
This paper asks the core questions: what is generosity, and what does it have to do with the way we live our lives or run our businesses? This paper is…continue reading
A growing awareness of giving, volunteering and acts of kindness in all their forms offers many opportunities to promote greater generosity throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. The philanthropic and voluntary sectors,…continue reading
A review of the Clearing House project as part of the requirements of the Department of Internal Affairs Community Partnership Fund
Based on observed giving, BERL estimated that New Zealanders gave between .24 billion and .46 billion during the 2005/2006 year. Our best estimate in this range suggests total philanthropic funding…continue reading
The Treaty is not widely seen as a framework for considering the future – more often it is regarded as the cause of grievances!
Employment, employees, employers, self-employed, unemployed, voluntary work
This paper explores the case for a move away from the current individual rights system of social relationships. The goal is to put in place a community ethics-based system which…continue reading
This article comments on the loss of government attention to adult and community education.
One of the real challenges of educational work is how to get into peoples’ consciousness and not just remain talking to the converted. It is my analysis that experts must…continue reading
Seeing the unseen activities that contribute to sustaining our communities is vital in determining how to live more sustainably. This initiative arose out of concern that the data available for…continue reading
Nothing less than a re-definition of what we call ‘work’ will respond to the way in which our society is changing. Much of what people contribute to society is neither…continue reading
During the last 20 years, citizens have been taught to behave as autonomous, self-interested, utility-maximising individuals, in a culture based on individual property rights where stealing of property is illegal.
Policy-making requires more than market mechanisms for implementation. That recognition should also be made with great caution, because the Government’s attempt over the last 20 years to incorporate as many…continue reading
This paper considers the space within which the State, the Public Service and Common Wealth interact. In particular, power relationships which fall outside nation-states are examined. These general issues are…continue reading
All systems have needs, whether the systems be people, families, communities, cities, economics or ecosystems. System needs are complex. They exist simultaneously, and must be addressed systemically and holistically, rather…continue reading
My basic assertion is that Leadership in Volunteering, from my Pakeha (those of European ancestry) understanding, requires attention to the “Big Picture”. A dozen facets of the Big Picture are…continue reading
As more and more activities – housework, childcare, looking after the sick and the old – become monetised and institutionalised, the values that allow people to provide services to one…continue reading
This paper explores how kaupapa Maori practices were operationalised within Maori and Iwi Providers. It examined the practices of successful Maori and iwi (tribal) providers of services and/or programmes across…continue reading
Volunteering for Maori is based on the notion of whanaungatanga (kinship) and the benefits derived from contributing to the common good. Within Maori culture, conceptions of self are linked to…continue reading
Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes.
Survey of NGO Relationships with DHBs
Not just another acronym: NGOs in the Health and Disability sector
Relationships, Framework, Ministry, NGOs, PHOs, Strategy
Health and Disability NGO Working Group Terms of Reference
Current Financial Pressures for NGOs
This document reports on results of sector meetings in July 2006 on how Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) can best fit within the primary health care setting. It also advises how key…continue reading
Aims to guide and inform Creative New Zealand, Auckland City Council and ASB Community Trust’s approach to engaging with Asian Aucklanders in the arts. Focuses on Chinese, Indian, Korean and…continue reading
An earlier Review (Nowland-Foreman, 2006) examined the rationale for funders to invest in capacity building, and through supporting the core operating costs of capacity building organisations. This Report builds on…continue reading
A review of research into the employment of people with experience of mental illness, and the issues which arise from that subject.
The Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre AGM 2007 presentation about researching as a Maori
An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading
An evaluation report on the Wellington e-rider IT service pilot project. The pilot project provided support and advice on computers and other technology to community and voluntary organisations in way…continue reading
Executive summary of the findings of Strategic Pay’s 2008 survey of remuneration and pay practices in the Not for Profit Sector
This report summarises findings from a participatory action research project that determined what support systems are currently available to refugee-background students at the Victoria University of Wellington, and how these…continue reading
The Building Better Government Engagement (BBGE) project seeks to identify actions for building skills, knowledge and values in the public service about effective engagement with citizens and communities. This report…continue reading
There are many reasons for studying the relationship between governments and nonprofits in the community services sector; it is a critical nexus though which much social policy implementation passes as…continue reading
Narrative research project that interviews five community development/social service providers in 2002 and again in 2008. The interviews focus on organisational practice such as funding and networking.
This research project was initiated in 2001 to explore the governance and organisational practices of 11 diverse community organisations in Dunedin. The themes explored within the study are the life…continue reading
This paper compares the ‘Achieving Better Community Development’ (ABCD) model for organisational practice (Barr & Hashagen 2000) with the organisational practices in New Zealand ‘social development’ approach to social service…continue reading
In recent years ‘third way’ style governments have sought to partner with third sector organisations in ‘joined up’ government. The neo-liberal basis for the third way model has sought to…continue reading
This article examines the contemporary practice of community development in New Zealand by considering its application to third sector organisational case studies. Broadly speaking community development is held up as…continue reading
Policy makers, and those intending to be influential around sport and recreation in Pasifika communities, need to make decisions and develop programmes that are culturally aligned and relevant. They should…continue reading
This article summarises the background to my current PhD work, considering questions around what academics and activists on the left in Aotearoa in 2012 think about the idea of establishing…continue reading
NZCCSS’s 11th Vulnerability Report looks at the period October to December 2011 and investigates trends in prices, employment and unemployment, benefits and hardship, housing, children in care, and debt. It…continue reading