Our webinars focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, indigenous approaches and methodologies and community-led development. If you’d like to be kept informed about upcoming webinars, please sign up for our e-News here.
Our webinars focus on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, indigenous approaches and methodologies and community-led development. If you’d like to be kept informed about upcoming webinars, please sign up for our e-News here.
What is the role of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and what does that mean for ethnic communities who call Aotearoa home?
online Tautoko session
Tautoko session - All researchers
( Kai and kōrero)
Reflecting on the connection between challenges and growth.
Exploring concepts of housing
Recorded Tautoko Sessions
Reflection & Reset with Tuihana Ohia
Towards a More Equitable Aotearoa: Utilising Critical Tiriti Analysis as a tool for honouring Te Tiriti
Housing for all. Speaking to the research landscape and actioning solutions.
Critical Tiriti analysis a mechanism for monitoring the Crown
Tuihana Ohia - When did you take, make, create time and space to remember the light, the superpowers within?
Dr Shawn Wilson - "If your research hasn't changed you as a person - you haven't done it right."
Understanding community responses to racism in Aotearoa
Become a dynamic Treaty partner
A puoro Māori sound healing experience
A celebration and launch of our new collection of research focused on refugee-background and migrant experiences in Aotearoa
How do you know that your organisation creates deep social change?
Exploring the best way to use social media as a tool for promoting racial equity
Talanoa about all things kava
Understanding their community responsibilities and challenges and rewards they bring.
How Creativity can help Pasifika women and youth in Aotearoa find their voice
Journeys in Decolonisation
and The launch of the Community Research Code of Practice
How a Rainbow community collaboration is changing mental health practice in Aotearoa
“Te Kūwatawata ki Hauraki"
Challenges and Opportunities - Perspectives for Covid-19
Challenges and Opportunities for addressing inequities of the NZ justice system
Giving tamariki the best start in life
Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
The Impacts of the 2018 Census for communities, wellbeing and funding
Indigenous Community at the Centre
National Science Challenge: Māori Community Research - making a difference
Tools for Change Webinar No. 2.
A Strengths-based Approach to Planning and Evaluating in Communities
Using Traditional Knowledge to Guide Evaluation Theory and Practice
Partners for Change Outcome Management System
Tools for Change Webinar No. 1
How to harness free research expertise for your organisation
What's working for whānau, hapū and iwi? Lessons from JR McKenzie's staff and grantees
How’s Your Organisation Faring?
Kōrero and Insights from Māori Co-designers
RBA Webinar no. 3: Making sense of your data
RBA Webinar no. 2: Population, systems & services
Empowering people to bring about social change
RBA Webinar no. 1: Make a measurable difference
The Benefits of Kapa Haka
Knowing and Showing the ‘added Value’ of Community.
Stringing Together Your Data To Create Narratives
A framework for increasing participation and control by Indigenous peoples
The size and significance of the New Zealand not-for-profit sector
How do we get the best out of our communities?
Outcomes and Accountability
Women’s Stories from the Christchurch Earthquakes
Insights from the Māori and Pacific Education Initiative
Getting to shared measurement