Past Webinar

Tuihana Ohia from woo wellbeing

Pūanga ki Matariki – Reflection & Reset

Reflection & Reset with Tuihana Ohia

Tuihana Ohia,

Watch our hauora webinar hosted by the amazing Tuihana Ohia who lead us into the phase of Matariki. This is a time to pause, to remember those that have passed, our lessons, and learnings, how we may nurture our well-being and look to the time ahead.

Matariki, also known as the Pleiades star cluster, holds great significance for Māori communities, symbolising new beginnings, reflection, and connection. This is a time to pause, to remember those that have passed, our lessons, learnings, how we may nurture our wellbeing and look to the time ahead. Through this interactive online gathering, we will honour this ancient tradition and embark on a personal growth and renewal journey.

Whether you seek inspiration, want to set intentions for the year ahead, or simply wish to connect with a community of like-minded individuals, this webinar is for you!

Resources for this webinar

Matariki knowledge of the stars :

Che’s Channel –

Matariki website:

About the Presenter

Tuihana Ohia

Founder & Director – Woo Wellbeing

Kaiwhakahere Hauora, Wellbeing Manager – Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki, Auckland Council

Ngāi te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Te Arawa, Ngāi Pākehā

Tuihana comes with a wealth of experience within the wellbeing space, seamlessly navigating across and within a diverse range of organisations both Māori and mainstream, community and corporate. Recognised as one of Aotearoa’s leading wellbeing navigators and practitioners she has won several awards for her work, notably with the launch of Manaaki Peer to Peer Support initiatives in Vodafone and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa’s wellbeing programme Tau Ora.

Tuihana was appointed Kaiwhakahaere Hauora, Wellbeing Manager for Auckland Council serving over 7.500 kaimahi. Alongside this role, Tuihana is an Associate with Centre for Social Impact, co-founder of Rāngai – The Wellbeing Collective, Co-Producer of Hui Ora an online summit showcasing and elevating the indigenous voice of hauora, sits on the board of Ember Innovations, a Mental Health Innovator and recently produced a podcast series as part of Tātou tātou a collaboration with Hui E!, VNZ and CSI.

This Webinar was held

11 Jul


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