Tēnā koutou
We were excited and honoured to host a webinar on behalf of Kore Hiakai – Zero Hunger, on the 13 June 2023.
Kore Hiakai has released an exciting new report: ‘Realising Food Secure Communities in Aotearoa: A review of locally-led reports, plans and strategies’ which looks into what we can learn from locally-led wisdom about realising food security in our communities. The report supports and celebrates the mahi of 30 organisations who have been working on this kaupapa.
It provides a resource for communities, local government and others who are looking at how they might realise sustainable local food systems. It concludes that the future of our food systems needs to be local.
In this webinar, Sonya Cameron and Sophie McCarthy from Kore Hiakai Zero Hunger Collective will discuss the findings of the research, and its implications for how we might make the transformation towards sustainable local food systems.

Sonya Cameron
Sonya, the author of the report, is a kairangahau / researcher at Kore Hiakai focused on local food security.
Sonya was previously a principal advisor at MSD, where she worked with Kore Hiakai and others to establish the Food Secure Communities programme during the initial COVID lockdown. She then led that programme before coming to be part of Kore Hiakai. Sonya has chooks, fruit trees and a vege garden at home, and helps run her local crop swap and timebank.
Sophie McCarthy
Sophie is a Kaihononga / Community Food Networker at Kore Hiakai. Her role is all about relationships, making connections and supporting community organisations across the country.

Sophie has a background in Nutrition with a Masters in Advanced Nutrition Practice and is an Assoicate Registered Nutritonist with the Nutrition Society of New Zealand. Having grown up on a farm in rural Northland, growing and cooking kai has always been a huge part of her life and she is thankful to be working and learning in this space.