Research in Category: "Advocacy"


Integrating Māori Ecological Wisdom and Civil Defence: A Contrasting Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Hauraki Māori Communities

By: Paora Moyle
Published: 2025-01-31

This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Māori

“I know – that’s the system. The system is wrong”: Allyship and social justice in community interpreting from a service-user perspective

By: Agustina Marianacci
Published: 2024-12-30

Defined as the practice of gaining awareness and acting upon the oppression of marginalized groups, allyship can account for the power interpreters hold in systems of oppression and can contribute…continue reading

Advocacy Allyship Social justice

Nine approaches to buildings

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

Creating case studies of successful pathways to building ownership was an important part of the Stable Spaces research. They model strategies and tactics that we can learn from and repeat.…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

PSN Users of Violence Literature Review 2024

By: Dr Simon Duff
Published: 2024-10-01

Violence within families and relationships is a widespread and critical issue confronting New Zealand society. Intervention programmes that work with perpetrators are essential for reducing reoffending and protecting those who…continue reading

Advocacy Family Violence & Abuse

Stable Spaces

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

The Stable Spaces report is the first significant national survey on the state of independently owned physical arts infrastructure in Aotearoa. The report examines what makes successful asset ownership in…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

The Stable Spaces Survey

By: Melissa Laing
Published: 2024-10-01

The purpose of the Stable Spaces survey was to establish an overview of how the arts are housed in Aotearoa, and how their housing supports their activities. Going into the…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

Workplace psychosocial stressors in the construction industry: Perspectives of construction industry stakeholders

By: Assoc. Prof. Gabrielle Jenkin, Dr Lauren Donnan, Dr Chris Bowden, and Angie Hoskin
Published: 2024-09-10

Understanding psychosocial stressors in the construction industry is crucial for improving mental health outcomes. This research used qualitative methods, including 19 focus groups and 2 interviews with 115 industry workers,…continue reading


MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey Results, supported by ASB

By: MATES in Construction NZ, ASB
Published: 2024-09-01

The 2023 MATES Construction Industry Well-being Survey, supported by ASB, sheds light on the mental health and well-being of over 2,100 workers in New Zealand’s construction sector. The online and…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing
Law and Justice

Child to Parent Violence and Abuse: New Zealand’s Invisible Family Violence

By: Lee Tempest
Published: 2024-08-15

Child to Parent Violence and Abuse (CPVA) encompasses a broad range of behaviours that children under the age of 18 display towards their parents/caregivers. The violence can continue into adulthood.…continue reading

Children & Youth Family Violence & Abuse

Getting it Right – Provision and Access to Timely and Appropriate Supports for the Tāngata Whaitakiwātanga/Autistic Community Before, During, and After Diagnosis.

By: Dr Larah van der Meer; Dr Michelle Stevens; Chanelle Moriah; Lee Patrick; Jennifer Loughnan
Published: 2024-07-31

Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading


Introducing Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis: A rights-based approach to analysing public policies and processes

By: Natalie Bryant
Published: 2024-07-01

This paper introduces Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis (ICPA), an adapation of Critical Tiriti Analysis for the Australian context. It takes the five-stage approach but adapts it with different assessment indicators…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis Policy

Community Case Studies Research Report : Tairāwhiti Climate Adaptation Planning Project

By: Te Weu Charitable Trust in cooperation with the Gisborne District Council
Published: 2024-05-13

Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…continue reading

Climate Change Community & Place Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment

Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2024

By: Huber Social, Child Cancer Foundation
Published: 2024-05-01

The Child Cancer Foundation’s 2024 Social Impact Report, in partnership with Huber Social, highlights the significant impact of the Foundation on families navigating their child’s cancer journey. The Foundation offers…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services

Critical Tiriti Analysis Community of Practice Hui – Unmasking Racism

By: Logan Hamley and Kyle Tan
Published: 2024-04-22

Tertiary institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020,…continue reading


Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The Backbone…continue reading


Summary Report: Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This summary report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The…continue reading


Whiria te Tāngata Social Impact Report 2024

By: Creative Waikato, Huber Social
Published: 2024-03-01

The Whiria te Tāngata Social Impact Report 2024 highlights the impact of Creative Waikato’s pilot multi-community artist-in-residence program, aimed at improving social cohesion and community well-being through creative practice. The…continue reading

Arts & Culture Community Development

Epilepsy New Zealand – Wellbeing Opportunity Assessment Report 2024

By: The report was created by Melde and Huber Social, who were commissioned by Epilepsy New Zealand.
Published: 2024-01-23

People living with epilepsy or unexplained seizures (PLWS) can have very different lived experiences. Epilepsy New Zealand (ENZ) is aleading advocacy, support, and training association in Aotearoa New Zealand for…continue reading


The End of the Rainbow? Chinese Queer International Students Negotiating the “Ethnic Closet” in New Zealand

By: Taylor Le Cui, Lin Song
Published: 2023-10-12

Drawing on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 15 Chinese queer international students from New Zealand’s tertiary institutions, this paper explores their motivations to pursue higher education transnationally, and unpacks the interconnected…continue reading


Aotearoa New Zealand Government Evacuation and Resettlement Support for the 2021 Afghanistan: PROJECT FINDINGS

By: Amnesty International, World Vision, Action Station
Published: 2023-10-10

On 15 August 2021, the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, prompting many individuals at risk to seek safety elsewhere. Deeply concerned by the dire human rights situation, a coalition of…continue reading


Workshop report: Improving working conditions for interpreters, a collaborative session

By: Carolina Cannard, Agustina Marianacci and Alejandra González Campanella
Published: 2023-09-16

On 16 September 2023, an interactive workshop was held during the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) Conference in Ōtautahi Christchurch to address fair pay and working conditions…continue reading

Law and Justice

Voices from the Margins: Aotearoa/New Zealand Young Carers Reflect on Their Experiences

By: Dr Lauren Donnan, Professor Janet Gaffney, Professor Toni Bruce
Published: 2023-08-01

Young carers are a largely invisible and unsupported population of Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) children and youth aged 25 years and under who physically, emotionally, socially, and/or spiritually support loved…continue reading

Advocacy Health & Wellbeing Whānau

Barriers to and Recommendations for Equitable Access to Healthcare for Migrants and Refugees in Aotearoa, New Zealand: An Integrative Review

By: Blessing Kanengoni‐Nyatara, Katie Watson, Carolina Galindo, Nadia A. Charania, Charles Mpofu, Eleanor Holroyd
Published: 2023-07-24

The health system in Aotearoa New Zealand is predicated on equity in access to health services as a fundamental objective yet barriers to equitable access for migrant and refugees continue…continue reading


Evaluation of the Wraparound Service of Te Whakaruruhau.

By: Debbie Goodwin, Neville Robertson, Bridgette Masters-Awatere, Rebekah Graham
Published: 2023-07-23

This evaluation aims to determine the effectiveness of the Wrap-around Service delivered by Te Whakaruruhau. The focus is on improving the health and wellbeing of whānau. The evaluation sought to…continue reading

Advocacy Evaluation Social Services

Enabling life in vacant spaces: A partnership approach to evaluating holistic wellbeing in disaster recovery contexts

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, Matthew Scobie and Amanda Yates
Published: 2023-06-01

This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing

Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report

By: Child Cancer Foundation, Huber Social
Published: 2023-05-01

The Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report highlights the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to support families of children diagnosed with cancer across New Zealand. The report outlines how the Foundation…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services

Lots of Little Fires

By: Joe Wilson and Murdoch Daly
Published: 2023-02-14

Video Story-Telling for The Waikato Wellbeing Project The concept of ‘lots of little fires’ captures the idea that there are many small ‘fires’ of passionate people ‘burning bright’ across the…continue reading


Unveiling the Sociological Ninety-ten rules for Social Sciences research: Towards better hypothesis formulation in the Social Sciences in the interests of higher quality research and intellectual multi-polarity

By: Sujay Rao Mandavilli
Published: 2023-02-09

The Sociological Ninety ten rules that are proposed in this paper, are based on the fundamental premise that various branches of social sciences like sociology, anthropology and economics are human-centric…continue reading


The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Health of Rohingya Refugees

By: Md Mahbubur Rahman
Published: 2023-02-03

The flows of COVID-19 across global terrains work unequally, impacting disproportionately the margins of global spaces. Refugees constitute the “margins of the margins” of globalization, constituted in spaces without access…continue reading


Māori, pharmacists, and medicines adherence – A mixed methods study exploring indigenous experiences of taking medicines ‘as prescribed’ and mechanisms of support

By: The Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

Background: Medicines are the most common medical intervention and medicines adherence is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Understanding drivers and experiences of medicines adherence is important for optimising medicines use.…continue reading


Establishing research tikanga to manaaki research participants in a pandemic

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading


Designing for health equity: A mixed method study exploring community experiences and perceptions of pharmacists’ role in minor ailment care

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

Minor ailments are self-limiting, easily diagnosable and treatable conditions. Funded pharmacist minor ailments services (PMAS) have been posited to improve medicines access equity and, despite ethnic minorities across the globe…continue reading


Wellbeing and Arts, Culture and Creativity in the Waikato

By: Creative Waikato and Huber Social
Published: 2022-11-18

A report commissioned by Creative Waikato to research to measure the social impact of community engagement with arts, culture and creativity in Waikato. Developed to provide insights; to support ongoing…continue reading


Huritanga 10 Years of Transformative Place-making

By: Dombroski, Kelly; Nicholson, Hugh Anthony; Shiels, Rachael; Watkinson, Hannah; Yates, Amanda M.
Published: 2022-09-14

This book celebrates a decade of Life in Vacant Spaces, affectionately known as LiVS, and the collection of over 700 projects supported during this time.

Arts & Culture Community Development

Horizontal methodologies in community interpreting studies: Conducting research with Latin American service users in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Agustina Marianacci
Published: 2022-08-12

Community interpreting norms and research have been heavily influenced by a Western-centric community of practitioners and an individualist, positivist philosophy. This has resulted not only in an entrenched emphasis on…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity Evaluation People and Society
Refugee and Asylum seekers

Safe Start, Fair Future Report

By: Professor Jay Marlowe, Bernard Sama
Published: 2022-07-06

In March 2022, the government will review the New Zealand Refugee resettlement Strategy (NZRRS) for the first time in 10 years. This report responds to this opportunity and argues that…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees

System Transformation in the disability sector in New Zealand – Repeat Study MidCentral: 2018-2021

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2022)
Published: 2022-06-03

In October 2018 the Ministry of Health launched system transformation in MidCentral region (Palmerston North, Levin, Otaki, Foxton, Feilding and the local environments). This new system was to be based…continue reading


Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2022

By: Child Cancer Foundation, Huber Social
Published: 2022-06-01

The Child Cancer Foundation Social Impact Report 2022 provides insights into the Foundation’s efforts to support families affected by childhood cancer. The report emphasizes the holistic approach taken by the…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity

Community perspectives and responses to potentially establishing an ethnic community–led research and evaluation centre

By: Fikun Trust
Published: 2022-05-09

This report presents the findings from a study conducted to get community perspectives and responses to potentially establishing an Ethnic Community-led Research and Evaluation Centre in Aotearoa, New Zealand. As…continue reading

Community & Place Race & Ethnicity Research & Evaluation

“¿Y ahora quién podrá defendernos?”: Exploring the Application of Ally Theory in Community Interpreting in Aotearoa From a Latin American Service-User Perspective

By: Agustina Marianacci
Published: 2022-05-01

The purpose of this research was to explore allyship and social justice in spoken-language interpreting from a service-user perspective. The research was conducted with the Latin American community in Aotearoa,…continue reading

Indigenous Research

Making Ethnic Count: Cultural safety in action, Asking what we need to know 2022.

By: Juanita Rojas, Jeanie Tseng and Sandra Dickson for Shama Ethnic Women's Trust
Published: 2022-02-28

This is the final report on the Making Ethnic Count pilot, a co-design and trial of effective data collection with four pilot organisations run by Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust. In…continue reading


Beyond Pākehā Paralysis; An Exploration of monoculturalism at Coastguard New Zealand and the significant changes required to become relevant and conscious to te ao Māori.

By: Aoife Healy
Published: 2022-01-09

Coastguard is the primary marine search and rescue agency in New Zealand with 2, 000 volunteers around the country. Although Māori have significant cultural connections to the wai (water), as…continue reading


Pathways to Mauri Ora

By: Carel Smith - ARO Solutions
Published: 2021-11-30

Whānau experiences of The Pride Project have indicated that whānau have improved social connections through participating in programmes and activities, that trust relationships with Hope Navigators help to breakdown barriers…continue reading

Community Development

Methodological sensitivities for co‐producing knowledge through enduring trustful partnerships

By: Alison Greenaway, Holden Hohaia, Erena Le Heron, Richard Le Heron, Andrea Grant, Gradon Diprose, Nicholas Kirk, and Will Allen
Published: 2021-11-19

Indigenous ways of caring for the environment have long been marginalised through research methodologies that are blind to a range of ways of knowing the world. Co-production of knowledge across…continue reading

Advocacy Environment Indigenous Partnerships Research & Evaluation Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Enabling narratives for Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge
Published: 2021-11-11

Storytelling, as spoken or written narratives, is an effective way to convey complex or abstract ideas. We have developed narratives about different ways of achieving EBM. They are based on…continue reading

Environment Māori Sustainability
Ethnicity and Diversity

Engagement for the new Ministry for Ethnic Communities: Voices of the Communities on ‘what really matters’ (Summary)

By: Ministry for Ethnic Communities | Te Tari Mātāwaka
Published: 2021-11-01

On 1 July 2021, Aotearoa New Zealand will have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities, with the Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities as the responsible Minister. This is…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Government – Central & Local Language and Culture Race & Ethnicity
Ethnicity and Diversity

Engagement on the priorities of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities: What really matters to communities (Full report)

By: Ministry for Ethnic Communities | Te Tari Mātāwaka
Published: 2021-11-01

In December 2020, the New Zealand Government announced that New Zealand would have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities. There have been previous calls for the establishment of a standalone…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Government – Central & Local Language and Culture Race & Ethnicity

Supporting the homeless: Let’s keep the ball rolling.

By: Male Room Inc.
Published: 2021-10-08

A project detailing the findings from interviewing 26 homeless men and women in Nelson and Blenheim. They were interviewed to surface what they felt were the areas they needed support…continue reading


Life Unlimited Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Evaluation

By: Imagine Better
Published: 2021-09-19

Life Unlimited secured funding from the Lotteries Commission to complete an evaluation of some of their services. The purpose of the evaluation was to use the EGL vision and principles…continue reading


Kaupapakāinga: The potential for Māori cohousing

By: James Berghan
Published: 2021-09-07

This report explores the potential for Māori to co-opt aspects of the cohousing model. A hybrid approach, combining elements of cohousing and papakāinga (as co-papakāinga, or ‘kaupapakāinga’ (kaupapa-based kāinga)) could…continue reading


Understanding welfare sanctions in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Beneficiary Advisory Service
Published: 2021-08-09

This research project sought to understand the circumstances behind MSD-applied sanctions and the impact of sanctions on beneficiaries in New Zealand. We found that research participants lacked an adequate understanding…continue reading


Mapping the Landscape: How to Talk About Systems Change in Aotearoa, New Zealand, 2021

By: The Workshop: Jordan Green, Dr Sharon Bell, Marianne Elliot, Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw.
Published: 2021-08-01

This report is for knowledge holders, communicators, advocates, non-government service providers and designers working on the changes that will make the biggest difference for whānau, communities, and the planet. Central…continue reading

Advocacy Community Development Research & Evaluation

Where Will We Live in The Future? “Ta tatou kainga e noho ana ki hea a te wa heke mai”

By: Colleen Brown and Alan Johnson
Published: 2021-03-31

Our research project was conducted throughout 2020 with the support of Alan Johnson from the Child Poverty Action Group. The report gives a voice to disabled people’s concerns about the…continue reading

Law & Justice

Ten Key Issues and Recommendations to the OHCHR for Addressing Police Brutality and Racism

By: Conflict Scholars Collective for Healing and Racial Reconciliation
Published: 2020-12-08

This research has identified ten issues and recommendations to contribute to the OHCHR’s timely report on systemic racism and police brutality.

Human Rights & Civil Liberties Peace, Violence & Conflict Resolution
Law and Justice

Who Cares About Us? The Hidden Population of Current and Former Aotearoa/New Zealand Young Carers Reflect on Their Experiences

By: Dr Lauren Donnan
Published: 2020-12-01

New Zealand [NZ] young carers are an invisible and disadvantaged population of children, youth, and young adults aged 25 years and under providing significant, ongoing care for a family member…continue reading

Advocacy Health & Wellbeing Whānau

A Critique of New Zealand’s Exclusive Approach to Intercultural Education

By: Neda Salahshour
Published: 2020-11-11

This article examines the intercultural initiatives, programmes and strategy documents in New Zealand education to answer the following two questions: What intercultural policies and strategy documents are offered to New…continue reading


Perceived Discrimination as Experienced by Muslims in New Zealand Universities

By: Neda Salahshar
Published: 2020-09-22

Since the March 15 attacks in Christchurch, there has been raised awareness and new and strong enthusiasm to understand the experiences of the Muslim minority community. This exploratory paper investigates…continue reading


African Philosophy: An analysis of its existence as Ubuntu among the ovaHerero people

By: Paulus Kapepu
Published: 2020-01-14

Research project for my undergraduate degree. Researching on African philosophy, Ubuntu and the ovaHerero people

Language and Culture Race & Ethnicity Research & Evaluation

Counting Ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

By: Veale J, Byrne J, Tan K, Guy S, Yee A, Nopera T & Bentham R
Published: 2019-12-02

Counting Ourselves is the first comprehensive national survey of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people living in Aotearoa New Zealand and was conducted from 21 June till…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties Rainbow/LGBTQIA+

The People’s Report on the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals – An alternate report for Aotearoa New Zealand (2019)

By: Dr Gill Greer and Moko Morris.
Published: 2019-11-01

The purpose of the People’s Report is to provide a range of views about Aotearoa New Zealand’s progress on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These come…continue reading

Community Development Human Rights & Civil Liberties Research & Evaluation

Domestic violence against ethnic women: Literature review

By: Shakti Community Council Inc.
Published: 2019-06-02

The research has been commissioned by Shakti Community Council Inc. This is a literature review on violence against ethnic women especially in NZ. It also explores the possible responses to…continue reading

Family Violence & Abuse Race & Ethnicity Women/Wāhine

Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Whānau Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In Oct 2018 a new system of providing funding support for disabled people was launched in MidCentral Region. It was called ‘system transformation’. This involved the creation of new funding…continue reading


Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Disabled Peoples Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In October 2018 the Government launched system transformation in MidCentral Region. This was a process that changed the way disabled people and their whānau received funding from the Government and…continue reading


More than monitoring: Developing impact measures for transformative social enterprise

By: Stephen Healy, Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Joanne McNeill and Alison Watkins
Published: 2019-01-01

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Evaluation

When Cultivate Thrives: Developing Criteria for Community Economy Return on Investment

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Stephen Healy and Alison Watkins
Published: 2018-12-01

Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Environment

The word from the street: The views of homeless men on a supportive pathway forward.

By: David Mitchell
Published: 2018-10-12

A group of 30 homeless men were interviewed about their background, experience of services and their hopes for the future.

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Homelessness Men
People and Society

Ngā Kōrero Hauora o Ngā Taiohi; A community-powered report on conversations with 1000 young people about wellbeing

By: Laura O'Connell Rapira
Published: 2018-08-28

In 2018, the government announced plans to develop a Child Wellbeing Strategy to make New Zealand the best place in the world to be a child. While this is an…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing

The Need for an Organ Donation Policy Change: A Sensible Choice with Minimal Risk

By: Molly Brownfield
Published: 2018-06-27

Mandated organ donation would greatly increase the overall functionality and wellbeing of populations in the United States. It therefore should be considered to change the current default from having to…continue reading

Action Research Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties
Ethnicity and Diversity

Refugee-focused service providers: improving the welcome in New Zealand

By: Alison McIntosh and Cheryl Cockburn-Wootten
Published: 2018-05-07

When refugees are resettled into a destination, refugee-focused service providers offer frontline services to ease refugees’ experiences of trauma and marginalisation, providing advocacy and welcome through reception processes, translation services,…continue reading

Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees Social Services
Ethnicity and Diversity


By: The Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research Victoria University of Wellington Colleen Ward with Jason Lescelius Amanda Jack Reneeta M. Naidu and Elizabeth Weinberg
Published: 2018-03-14

In pursuing their purpose of supporting migrants, former refugees, and people from minority ethnicities with their settlement processes, the Nelson Multicultural Council contracted the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research at…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees

“Changing the way we care”

By: Di Te Tau
Published: 2017-10-18

This study is interested in the findings of interviews with women, services and individuals who experienced intensive social work support in their community of Counties Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand, while…continue reading


Why aren’t men more active in supporting family violence campaigns?

By: David Mitchell & Philip Chapman
Published: 2017-10-06

A project looking at men’s awareness of and potential engagement in the prevention of family violence.

Family Violence & Abuse Health & Wellbeing Men
Ethnicity and Diversity

Making Relationships Count – Exploring how Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand can use monitoring and evaluation to develop trust-based relationships with tangata whenua partners

By: Gretchen Leuthart
Published: 2016-05-12

Relationships are central to effective outcomes in the international development sector yet, there are very few frameworks or indicators to help measure the quality of trust – as the foundation…continue reading

Community Development Indigenous Partnerships

Gender Dysphoria

By: Ryan
Published: 2015-12-03

Those diagnosed with gender dysphoria count themselves among the largely diverse transgender community. Gender dysphoria is a treatable disorder that occurs when an individual’s gender identity doesn’t match what was…continue reading

Advocacy Human Rights & Civil Liberties Rainbow/LGBTQIA+

ANZTSR 2014 Rogue NGOs and NPOs: Content, Context, Consequences

By: Sharon Eng
Published: 2014-11-18

This paper explores the key components of dysfunctional, criminal and deviant behaviours within and by associational and not-for-profit organisations, and their consequences in terms of practice, application and policy.

Advocacy Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

ANZTSR 2014 Recounting food banking: A paradox of counterproductive growth

By: Kahurangi Dey & Maria Humphries
Published: 2014-11-18

The meteoric rise of food bank use in times of prosperity leads us to argue that food banks are institutionalised within New Zealand society with texts reflecting civic, market and…continue reading

Poverty and Inequality Social Services Welfare & Benefits
Ethnicity and Diversity

Global trends and refugee settlement in New Zealand

By: J Marlowe & S Elliott
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettlement provides access to rights similar to other New Zealanders and the opportunity to eventually gain citizenship. It also provides an avenue for countries like New Zealand to share international…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Law & Justice

Protecting the Vulnerable: An Independent Review of NZ’s laws on trafficking, slavery & exploitation

By: Justice Acts New Zealand
Published: 2014-08-25

This is a legal review of all laws touching on the issue of human trafficking, slavery and labour exploitation in New Zealand. It makes recommendations for legislative and policy changes…continue reading

Crime & Safety Human Rights & Civil Liberties Law & Justice
People and Society

Understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa New Zealand.

By: Inspiring Communities
Published: 2013-06-30

This document is the final accountability report for a Lottery Community Sector Research Fund grant for Inspiring Communities to contribute to “understanding and accelerating community-led development in Aotearoa/New Zealand”. This…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation

TPA (CHCH) Rental Survey 2013

By: Tenants Protections Association (Christchurch) Inc.
Published: 2013-06-27

The TPA rental survey is a response to the concerns expressed by many tenants across Canterbury with increased rents and the poor quality of their rental housing post-earthquakes. This report…continue reading

Economics & Finances Emergency & Disaster Homelessness

Reporting Sexual Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Nicola Wood and Sandra Dickson
Published: 2013-06-01

This resource has been developed to assist journalists to write accurate news stories, based on an analysis of existing gaps in reporting on sexual violence. It includes recommendations based on…continue reading


Preventing sexual violence : a stocktake of Tauiwi & bicultural primary prevention activities

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2013-05-01

This report documents programmes, strategies and campaigns being implemented in 2012 around the country to prevent sexual violence. The stocktake illustrates that the specialist sexual violence sector has developed a…continue reading


What’s Broken is the We — some thoughts on creativity for the common good

By: vivian Hutchinson
Published: 2013-04-01

Based on his keynote speech given to the New Zealand Creativity Challenge held in New Plymouth 27-28 April 2013, this paper explores role of creativity, community and citizenship. The paper…continue reading

Advocacy Community Development Non-profit Sector

Fears, constraints, and contracts: The democratic reality for New Zealand’s community and voluntary sector

By: Dr Sandra Grey and Dr Charles Sedgwick
Published: 2013-03-26

The important role of community and voluntary sector organisations to democratic debate and policy development is widely acknowledged by governments, academics, and the sector itself. However, our survey of 153…continue reading

Advocacy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

New delivery model for non-profit organisations: Shared computing services

By: Barbara Crump and Raja Peter
Published: 2013-03-13

This paper presents results of a survey of Wellington non-profit organisations (NPOs) with the aim of understanding the interest and readiness of NPOs in adopting shared computing services. The survey…continue reading

Information Technology/Internet Intellectual & Cultural Property Rights Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Advocacy in the New Zealand Not for Profit Sector” Nothing Stands By Itself

By: Susan Elliott and David Haigh
Published: 2013-01-01

This research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit (NFP) sector relationships with particular reference to advocacy in New Zealand. It follows up on a study of advocacy in…continue reading

Advocacy Government – Central & Local Non-profit Sector
Law & Justice

Time for change: A framework for community discussion on values-based and Treaty-based constitutional arrangements

By: Peace Movement Aotearoa
Published: 2012-12-30

While the thought of a discussion on constitutional matters may seem daunting and far removed from daily life, the exercise of public power has a direct impact on us all…continue reading

Community Development Law & Justice Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Moving beyond love and luck: building right relationships and respecting lived experience in New Zealand autism policy

By: Hilary Stace
Published: 2012-12-19

PhD thesis in Public Policy which looks at the policy problems arising from the rapidly increasing diagnoses of autism in recent decades. Considers history and construction of the concept of…continue reading

Advocacy Children & Youth Disability Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Research & Evaluation Social Services

Older People’s Health & Housing: Health and Disability Sector NGO Working Group paper

By: Grant Aldridge (NGO Secretariat)
Published: 2012-08-08

In mid-2012, the NGO Health and Disability Network explored older people’s health issues and the current role of the non-profit sector. By sharing these findings, the Network hopes to help…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

Refugee Health Care: A Handbook for Health Professionals

By: Dr Annette Mortensen, Dr William Rainger, Sally Hughes
Published: 2012-06-01

In the 10 years since the publication of the first refugee health handbook there have been considerable steps taken toward improving long-term settlement outcomes for refugees settled in New Zealand.…continue reading

Advocacy Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

Advocacy in the New Zealand Not for Profit Sector

By: Susan Elliott and David Haigh
Published: 2012-05-01

The research focuses on the nature of Government/Not for Profit sector relationships with particular to advocacy in New Zealand. It looks at the kinds of advocacy activities that NFPs organisations…continue reading

Advocacy Non-profit Sector

Advocacy and Policy Change Evaluation: A Brief Overview

By: Kathryn Nemec
Published: 2011-10-01

This short literature review about evaluating advocacy and policy change work is designed to be of use to advocacy organisations and funders.

Advocacy Research & Evaluation

Gisborne Voter Participation Project: Evaluation report

By: Ka Pai Kaiti Charitable Trust
Published: 2011-05-06

Ka Pai Kaiti facilitated a project to increase voter turnout and participation in the local council and district health board elections in Gisborne 2010. The purpose of research project was…continue reading

Action Research Human Rights & Civil Liberties Research & Evaluation

Talk about poverty: Reporting back and moving forward

By: Rose Black & Anna Cox
Published: 2011-05-01

Poverty is experienced in many different ways and certainly involves much more than a lack of money or even economic power. This report brings together stories of the ways in…continue reading

Community Development Poverty and Inequality
Pacific Peoples

Celebrating Gifted Indigenous Roots: Gifted and Talented Pacific Island (Pasifika) Students

By: Taemanuolo Faaea-Semeatu
Published: 2011-03-07

This article came about because it was initially a workshop presented at the AAEGT biennial conference held in Darling Harbour, Sydney in 2010. I was asked to convert the workshop…continue reading

Children & Youth Education & Training Pasifika
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part One: Pre-departure

By: Vasantha Krishnan, Elizabeth Plumridge and Beth Ferguson
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection.…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part Two: On Arrival

By: Beth Ferguson, Elizabeth Plumridge and Vasantha Krishnan
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research Programme is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey – Part Three: Settlement

By: Beth Ferguson
Published: 2011-01-01

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research follows a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand. The research involves three phases of data collection. The…continue reading

Law & Justice Migrants and Former Refugees

Wellington Refugee Youth Issues Summary: Backgrounder for Wellington people working with refugee-background youth

By: Tessa Johnstone & Muigai Kimani
Published: 2010-06-25

This backgrounder is a starting point. The Refugee Youth Action Group (Wellington) is made up of government and non-government agencies keen to see action on the issues so refugee-background youth…continue reading

Children & Youth Migrants and Former Refugees

From Talk to Action – Government Engagement with Citizens and Communities

By: Building Better Government Engagement Reference Group
Published: 2009-07-01

The Building Better Government Engagement (BBGE) project seeks to identify actions for building skills, knowledge and values in the public service about effective engagement with citizens and communities. This report…continue reading

Advocacy Government – Central & Local Research & Evaluation

Let History be the Judge: or sex, drugs and jelly rolls.

By: Pat Hanley
Published: 2009-05-08

Paper presented to the Annual Conference of Diabetes NZ.Assesses the role of Civil society and organisations like Diabetes NZ as agents of social and moral change. Draws on 250 years…continue reading

Advocacy Health & Wellbeing
Refugee and Asylum seekers

Accessing ‘Authentic’ Knowledge: Being and Doing with the Sudanese Community

By: Jay Marlowe
Published: 2009-01-01

This paper reports on the research process and the necessity of elevating the voices of Southern Sudanese men resettling in Adelaide, Australia to better understand how they have responded to…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees

Refugees as ‘Others’: Social and cultural citizenship rights for refugees in NZ health services

By: Mortensen, A.C.
Published: 2008-03-09

Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees

Let’s Move – from Rights to Ethics

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1996-01-01

This paper explores the case for a move away from the current individual rights system of social relationships. The goal is to put in place a community ethics-based system which…continue reading

Intellectual & Cultural Property Rights Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
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