Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa New Zealand Report 2024

By: Dr Johann Go
Published: 2024-09-20

The State of Volunteering 2024 report marks the sixth edition in Volunteering New Zealand’s ongoing series. We surveyed volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations. The state of volunteering is fairly positive, though…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Getting it Right – Provision and Access to Timely and Appropriate Supports for the Tāngata Whaitakiwātanga/Autistic Community Before, During, and After Diagnosis.

By: Dr Larah van der Meer; Dr Michelle Stevens; Chanelle Moriah; Lee Patrick; Jennifer Loughnan
Published: 2024-07-31

Our aim was to evaluate the needs of Autism NZ’s newest service within the Autism Resource Centre – the Autism Diagnostic Service. A mixed method survey and interview research project…continue reading


Epilepsy New Zealand – Wellbeing Opportunity Assessment Report 2024

By: The report was created by Melde and Huber Social, who were commissioned by Epilepsy New Zealand.
Published: 2024-01-23

People living with epilepsy or unexplained seizures (PLWS) can have very different lived experiences. Epilepsy New Zealand (ENZ) is aleading advocacy, support, and training association in Aotearoa New Zealand for…continue reading


Continence NZ Service Users – Research and Service Review

By: Laura Fear and Celeita Williams
Published: 2023-09-22

This research was commissioned to deliver a review of the services provided by Continence NZ and make recommendations as to how the organisation can most effectively serve those living with…continue reading

Education & Training Health & Wellbeing
Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa 2022

By: Tūao Aotearoa - Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2022-12-01

The State of Volunteering is Volunteering New Zealand’s flagship report on the state of the community and voluntary sector. Over the years, this report has evolved, reflecting the demands of…continue reading


Establishing research tikanga to manaaki research participants in a pandemic

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading

Te Ao Māori

The Contributions of Tūao Māori: principles of collective responsibility and self-determination

By: Tūao Aotearoa Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2023-08-03

Māori are amongst the highest likely to volunteer yet their contributions are under-represented in volunteering research. This important work has filled this gap stemming from focus group and surveys of…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Te Tiriti o Waitangi compliance in regulated health practitioner competency documents in Aotearoa: A Critical Tiriti Analysis.

By: Came, H., Kidd, J., Heke, D., & McCreanor, T
Published: 2021-04-30

“Within the health sector, the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 refers to the Treaty and, more specifically, to the Treaty principles of partnership, protection and participation. Most…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the recruitment and performance review processes of public sector chief executives in Aotearoa

Published: 0021-08-04

This paper examines the recruitment and performance review processes of public sector chief executives from 2000 to 2020 to ascertain Te Tiriti compliance. Methods: Recruitment and performance review templates were…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity

Story Sharing in Narrative Research

By: Jinah Lee
Published: 2022-08-11

Researchers using a narrative approach largely acknowledge their role in the process of the unfolding or telling of their participants’ narratives, and the fact that their positioning as researchers results…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity

Engagement on the priorities of the Ministry for Ethnic Communities: What really matters to communities (Full report)

By: Ministry for Ethnic Communities | Te Tari Mātāwaka
Published: 2021-11-01

In December 2020, the New Zealand Government announced that New Zealand would have a new Ministry for Ethnic Communities. There have been previous calls for the establishment of a standalone…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Government – Central & Local Language and Culture Race & Ethnicity
Non-profit Sector

COVID-19 Hauora Wellbeing Survey of the tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector – Dataset

By: Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa
Published: 2021-11-29

The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

COVID-19 Hauora Wellbeing Survey of the tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector

By: Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa
Published: 2021-11-30

The survey by Volunteering New Zealand and Hui E! Community Aotearoa of more than 600 organisations in the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector showed the sector is experiencing increased…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Non-profit Sector

New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes

By: Jude Ball, Theresa Fleming, Bradley Drayton, Kylie Sutcliffe, Sonia Lewycka, Terryann C. Clark
Published: 2021-10-14

New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine‐containing e‐cigarettes Objective: To investigate smoking and vaping in secondary school students (aged…continue reading

Children & Youth Substance Abuse
People and Society

Creating change: Mobilising New Zealand communities to prevent family violence

By: Sheryl Hann & Cristy Trewartha
Published: 2015-05-31

New Zealand, like many other countries, is searching for effective ways to turn the tide on the problem of family violence.a The enormous costs to individuals, communities and society are…continue reading

Community Development Family Violence & Abuse
Ethnicity and Diversity

Othering and voice: How media framing denies refugees integration opportunities

By: Dr Emily Greenbank
Published: 2014-06-01

Mainstream media play a significant role in shaping public opinion in modern society. For refugees, misinterpretation (including associations with victimhood, foreignness and deviant behaviour) can hinder integration into New Zealand…continue reading

Language and Culture Media & Communications Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

2021 New Zealand Cause Report

By: John Morrow & John McLeod
Published: 2021-09-30

The 2021 New Zealand Cause Report is a reference resource for Aotearoa New Zealand’s multidimensional charitable and broader for-purpose sector, and is a follow on from the 2017 Cause Report.…continue reading

COVID-19 Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Ethnicity and Diversity

What is with all the hate? A thematic analysis of New Zealanders’ attitudes to the Human Rights Commission’s ‘Give nothing to racism’ social marketing campaign

By: Angelique Nairn
Published: 2020-11-30

This article explores the attitudes of New Zealanders to the social marketing campaign ‘Give nothing to racism’. Thematic analysis was applied to a series of comments posted on the New…continue reading

Media & Communications Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

What is with all the hate? A thematic analysis of New Zealanders’ attitudes to the Human Rights Commission’s ‘Give nothing to racism’ social marketing campaign

By: Dr Angelique Nairn
Published: 2020-12-01

This article explores the attitudes of New Zealanders to the social marketing campaign ‘Give nothing to racism’. Thematic analysis was applied to a series of comments posted on the New…continue reading

Media & Communications Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

Ngā take o nga wheako o te kaikiri ki ngā manene o Aotearoa Drivers of migrant New Zealanders’ experiences of racism

By: Malatest International
Published: 2021-03-01

The purpose of the current research was to use qualitative methods to unpack how migrants have been experiencing racism, what might be causing this, and how we can support migrants…continue reading

Migrants and Former Refugees Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

Te Kaikiri me te Whakatoihara i Aotearoa i te Urutā COVID-19: He Aro Ki Ngā Hapori Haina, Āhia Hoki. Racism and Xenophobia Experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand during COVID-19: A Focus on Chinese and Asian Communities

By: Nielsen
Published: 2021-02-01

The key research objectives were to understand the following: • The prevalence, nature, and pattern of racism and xenophobia experienced by people in the COVID-19 context, particularly among Tangata Whenua,…continue reading

Asian COVID-19 Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

Improving road safety and health: Understanding kava’s impact on driver fitness

By: Dr Apo Aporosa
Published: 2018-07-31

Kava (Piper methysticum) is a traditional and culturally significant Pacific Island beverage that produces a soporific relaxant effect. Kava’s psychopharmacological action is similar to the anti-anxiety drug Benzodiazepine. Traditional users…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling kava
Te Ao Māori

Mana Whānau Final Evaluation

By: Alex Woodley
Published: 2020-12-01

The purpose of the report is to evaluate the first two years of the Mana Whānau programme, to identify the approach, key components and delivery mechanisms, determine how well it…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Tamariki

RASNZ COVID-19 Response Study: Remote Psychosocial Service Provision to Former Refugee and Asylum Seeker Communities in Auckland During Lockdown

By: Anette Mortensen
Published: 2020-08-24

This study was commissioned to capture the experiences of Refugees as Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ) clinical and community services as they responded to COVID 19; and to understand the impact…continue reading

COVID-19 Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Ethnic Community Perceptions of New Zealand Police

By: Elsie S. Ho, Jenine Cooper and Bettina Rauschmayr
Published: 2006-01-02

In 2005 the New Zealand Police commissioned this research project to explore the perceptions of police held by members of various ethnic communities and to provide information on the current…continue reading

Community Development Crime & Safety
Ethnicity and Diversity

Our Multicultural Future: New Zealanders talk about multiculturalism

By: Joris de Bres
Published: 2015-08-01

This report was commissioned by Multicultural New Zealand assisted by a grant from the New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO. It is based on the outcomes of 34 workshops involving…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity

Refashioning Racism: Immigration, Multiculturalism and an Election Year

By: Paul Spoonley, Lawrence Berg
Published: 2000-05-02

We wish to examine a number of events arising from statements made by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters during the 1996 election campaign and the public response to them.…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Migrants and Former Refugees Racism
Ethnicity and Diversity

Report into Rainbow Philanthropy in Aotearoa

By: Duncan Matthews
Published: 2020-04-30

The Rule Foundation and Rainbow New Zealand Charitable Trust (RNZCT) are proud to release a report on the state of Rainbow Philanthropy in Aotearoa. Conducted between August 2019 and April…continue reading

Philanthropy Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Ethnicity and Diversity

Global trends and refugee settlement in New Zealand

By: J Marlowe & S Elliott
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettlement provides access to rights similar to other New Zealanders and the opportunity to eventually gain citizenship. It also provides an avenue for countries like New Zealand to share international…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Chinese Migrants’ Mental Health and Adjustment to Life in New Zealand

By: Max W. Abbott, Sai Wong, Maynard Williams, Ming Au, Wilson Young
Published: 2000-10-21

Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the relative importance of predictors of the self-rated adjustment and psychiatric morbidity of recent Chinese migrants. Method: Chinese…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Yes, we can; but together’: social capital and refugee resettlement

By: S Elliott & I Yusuf
Published: 2014-09-23

Resettled refugees need a network of relationships to ensure they can live meaningful lives in New Zealand. These relationships are complex and exist between individuals and communities at local and…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees

Refugees as ‘Others’: Social and cultural citizenship rights for refugees in NZ health services

By: Mortensen, A.C.
Published: 2008-03-09

Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Issue 37 Te Puna Whakaaro. Chapter ‘Health”. Public Health System Responsiveness to Refugee Groups in New Zealand: Activation from the Bottom Up.

By: Annette Mortensen
Published: 2011-06-01

Issue 37 of the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand comprises research papers on a wide range of topics with implications for policy across the social sector. Research relating to…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Cultural case workers in child disability services: an evidence-based model of cultural responsiveness for refugee families

By: A Mortensen, S Latimer & I Yusuf
Published: 2014-08-11

The medical/disabled category for quota refugees selected for resettlement in New Zealand allows entry to those who have either a medical condition that can be treated or helped in New…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability Migrants and Former Refugees

Philanthropy News Zealand Tangata Whenua and Diversity Report

By: Philanthropy New Zealand
Published: 2019-05-22

This research report summarises the findings of Philanthropy New Zealand’s (“PNZ”) Tangata Whenua and Diversity Project (2018–2019). This project was started due to the lack of research on the philanthropic…continue reading

Māori Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
People and Society

Operation and experience: Formative evaluation of the Transition from Care to Independence Service

By: Oranga Tamariki Evidence Centre - Te Pokapū Taunakitanga
Published: 2018-01-29

OverviewThis report details aggregate findings from a formative evaluation of two Auckland-based Transition from Care to Independence (TCI) services – Launch and Ka Awatea. The original impetus for this evaluation…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting
Non-profit Sector

State of Volunteering 2017

By: Volunteering New Zealand
Published: 2018-06-01

For the third year running, Volunteering NZ has undertaken a survey with all registered charities nationwide, to create a general view of the volunteer landscape. The report had 1,584 responses…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren in getting income support from work and income offices in New Zealand

By: Dr Liz Gordon, Pukeko Research Ltd
Published: 2017-04-08

Grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand are entitled to the unsupported child benefit (UCB) if they meet the conditions for eligibility. To access the support, they are required to attend…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Children & Youth Welfare & Benefits
Non-profit Sector

Valuing Lives, Living Well: The distinctive role of faith-based organisations in aged care in New Zealand

By: Brent Neilson
Published: 2016-08-26

This research looked at some interrelated questions. What are the attributes of an organisation that builds social value? And what is it about faith-based aged care providers that makes them…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Religion & Spirituality
Non-profit Sector

Overview Paper in the State of Volunteering in New Zealand

By: Volunteer Reference Group
Published: 2017-04-01

Volunteering is central to the social development, economy, and environment of New Zealanders. Between 2004 and 2013, Statistics NZ data shows there was a 21% increase in the number of…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

What can Pākehā learn from engaging in Kaupapa Māori research?

By: Alex Barnes
Published: 2014-11-12

Written by Te Wāhanga kairangahau Alex Barnes, this working paper focuses on how Pākehā have become involved in Māori-determined and controlled educational research, and what issues inhibit and facilitate their…continue reading

Education & Training Kaupapa Māori approaches Research & Evaluation
People and Society

supporting vulnerable older people in the community: positioning wesley community action (WCA) to meet emerging challenges through setting and acheiving best practice

By: Wesley Community Action
Published: 2016-08-03

this review sketches a picture of changing demand and supply for elder care home care support services and evolving best practice. The future of care of older people is imagined…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement

Criteria for Judging Government Funding Arrangements for the Community Sector

By: Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2000-03-01

NZ Council of Christian Social Services, in partnership with the NZ Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations, and in consultation with the NZ Council of Social Services, produced this paper “to…continue reading

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Social Services
Law & Justice

Protecting the Vulnerable: An Independent Review of NZ’s laws on trafficking, slavery & exploitation

By: Justice Acts New Zealand
Published: 2014-08-25

This is a legal review of all laws touching on the issue of human trafficking, slavery and labour exploitation in New Zealand. It makes recommendations for legislative and policy changes…continue reading

Crime & Safety Human Rights & Civil Liberties Law & Justice

Community Economic Development: Understanding the New Zealand Context

By: Di Jennings
Published: 2014-04-10

This research explores the principles and practices relating to community economic development (CED), and social enterprise in New Zealand at this time. Success factors and challenges are identified, including an…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Leadership
Non-profit Sector

Impact in the Voluntary Sector

By: Nataly Noguer Blue
Published: 2013-03-25

While the value added by voluntary organisations is widely accepted by government and other funders, there has been increased pressure for the voluntary sector to measure the difference they make…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Ethnicity and Diversity

Spirituality, Culture and Place: The Rainbow Temple in NSW, Australia

By: Ron Fogel
Published: 2009-02-10

This Research is about the Rainbow Temple in Byron Shire, NSW, Australia. The diverse belief systems and the symbolic behaviours practiced and described by people who live at the Rainbow…continue reading

Language and Culture Religion & Spirituality

A Report on the Progress of Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou – The Court of New Beginnings

By: Point Research; Positive Thinking; Lifewise
Published: 2012-11-01

Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou, or the Court of New Beginnings, was established in October 2010 following advocacy to the Chief District Court Judge by Lifewise, an agency working with…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Crime & Safety Mental Health
Ethnicity and Diversity

Occupational Safety and Health of Migrant Sex Workers in New Zealand

By: Dr Michael Roguski, Kaitiaki Research
Published: 2013-05-02

The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading

Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Economic Development

Implementing Working for Families: the impact of the policy on selected Māori whānau

By: Dr Amohia Boulton, Dr Heather Gifford
Published: 2011-09-03

This paper presents an analysis of the qualitative data collected for a study investigating the effect of the Working for Families policy on Māori families’ self-reported whānau ora (family wellbeing).…continue reading

Policy Programmes

‘Ma te Whānau te Huarahi Motuhake: Whānau participatory action research groups” in MAI REVIEW, Special Issue: Community Research Engagement

By: Moana Eruera
Published: 2010-12-01

Whānau must lead their own development and solutions to work towards individual and collective whānau wellbeing for the future. Whānau are experts of their everyday lived experiences and hold the…continue reading

Frameworks Navigators Programmes
Public Health

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research
Published: 2012

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Navigators Programmes Rangatahi
People and Society

Improving our Understanding of Older Persons Needs in Learning New Technology

By: The Federation Of New Zealand SeniorNet Societies Inc
Published: 2009-10-13

To evaluate how the SeniorNet service is meeting the needs of older adults in learning new technology and to improve an understanding of older adults learning needs.

Ageing & Retirement Education & Training Information Technology/Internet

Giving New Zealand: Philanthropic Funding 2011

By: Adrian Slack and Wilma Molano (Business and Economic Research Ltd)
Published: 2012-01-01

This report measures philanthropy in New Zealand during 2011; that is, how much money New Zealanders and their organisations (trusts & foundations, individuals and businesses) gave to charitable and other…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 10

By: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Published: 2011-09-01

The tenth Vulnerability Report covers September 2011. It illustrates the experiences and pressure points for both families and social service agencies. Data from Christian agencies who are members of the…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Māori

Responsible Humans: Identifying Community Leaders and Building Sustainable Organisations

By: Jarrod Coburn
Published: 2009-06-01

This article was written to support a presentation to the World Conference in Disaster Management 2009 (Toronto, Canada). In it there is presented a method to rediscover the forgotten tool…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment
Te Ao Māori

Vulnerability report issue 9

By: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Published: 2011-06-01

This report catalogues how the most vulnerable members of our population are doing. It contains a mixture of official data, and data and anecdotes from NZCCSS agencies regarding prices, wages,…continue reading

Employment & Labour Māori Poverty and Inequality
Non-profit Sector

Counting Non-profit Institutions in New Zealand 2005

By: Statistics New Zealand
Published: 2005-01-01

The Hot Off The Press report provides a snapshot of the number of non-profit institutions that were operating in New Zealand at October 2005. The report also provides a breakdown…continue reading

Non-profit Sector
Non-profit Sector

Non-profit Institutions Satellite Account 2004 (Quickstats)

By: Statistics New Zealand
Published: 2004-01-01

The quickstats is a shorter version of the main satellite account (publication) focusing only on the key highlights of non-profit institutions in New Zealand.

Non-profit Sector

Counting for More

By: New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisations
Published: 2007-01-01

Counting for More is focused on a pilot study of outputs and outcomes and is a major milestone for the VAVA (Value Added by Voluntary Agencies) project initiated in 2002…continue reading

Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Contribution of Non-Government Organisations to the Settlement of Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand Executive Summary

By: National Association of ESOL Home Tutors
Published: 2007-01-01

Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees Non-profit Sector

Evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme and Emergency Management and Disaster Relief Fund

By: Mary-Jane Rivers & Garth Nowland-Foreman
Published: 2005-01-01

This evaluation follows a broad-ranging evaluation of the Voluntary Agency Support Scheme (VASS) in 1998 that focused on rationale, purpose, structure, management and ‘place’ of VASS in relation to international…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Research & Evaluation Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
People and Society

Gifting – and the Consequences of its Absence

By: Katherine Peet
Published: 1994-03-01

As more and more activities – housework, childcare, looking after the sick and the old – become monetised and institutionalised, the values that allow people to provide services to one…continue reading

Philanthropy Volunteering & Mahi Aroha Women/Wāhine
Te Ao Māori

A Research Ethic for Studying Maori and Iwi Provider Success

By: Pipi, K & Cram, F & Hawke, R & Hawke, S & Huriwai, TM & Mataki, T, & Milne, M & Morgan, K & Tuhaka, H & Tuuta, C,
Published: 2004-12-01

This paper explores how kaupapa Maori practices were operationalised within Maori and Iwi Providers. It examined the practices of successful Maori and iwi (tribal) providers of services and/or programmes across…continue reading

Education & Training Kaupapa Māori Māori
Non-profit Sector

A Non-profit Sector Bibliography

By: Jackie Sanders, Mike O’Brien, Margaret Tennant
Published: 2008-10-01

A list of research on the non-profit sector in New Zealand collated as part of the Study of the New Zealand Non-profit Sector

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
People and Society

The 2009 Child Discipline Referendum – What Children and Young People think about Parents’ right to hit children

By: Grant Taylor
Published: 2009-06-01

In 2007, the New Zealand Parliament passed a Private Members Bill to repeal Section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961. A petition in response to this law change forced a…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting

Gambling in New Zealand: Some facts

By: Glenda Northey
Published: 2008-01-01

This is a summary of the most recent statistics from the Ministry of Health and the Department of Internal Affairs on problem gambling.

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling
Arts and Culture

Asian Aucklanders and the arts: attitudes, attendance and participation in 2006

By: Gillian Ralph and edited by Iona McNaughton
Published: 2008-01-01

Aims to guide and inform Creative New Zealand, Auckland City Council and ASB Community Trust’s approach to engaging with Asian Aucklanders in the arts. Focuses on Chinese, Indian, Korean and…continue reading

Arts & Culture Asian

The Employment Experiences of People with Experience of Mental Illness: Literature Review

By: Duncan, C., Peterson, D
Published: 2007-01-01

A review of research into the employment of people with experience of mental illness, and the issues which arise from that subject.

Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing Mental Health
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Contribution of Non-Government Organisations to the Settlement of Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Dr Gillian Skyrme
Published: 2006-06-01

Considers the work of nine NGOs providing settlement support to refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand. It considers support of new comers at local level with access to information…continue reading

Employment & Labour Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees
Non-profit Sector

Becoming deliberative – A case study of activities using a deliberative approach in Porirua City, New Zealand

By: David Robinson
Published: 2003-04-29

This case study reviews a series of events using a deliberation approach that have taken place in Porirua City. The nature of these activities is considered in relation to how…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Health & Wellbeing

Giving New Zealand, Philanthropic Funding 2006

By: BERL – Business and Economic Research Limited
Published: 2007-04-01

This report estimates how much money New Zealanders and New Zealand non-governmental organisations gave to charities and other community purposes during the 2005/2006 year.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy

Vulnerability Report – 1st June 2009

By: Anne Kelly
Published: 2009-06-01

NZCOSS’s first Vulnerability Report shows the recession’s community impact on NGO services. The Vulnerability Report will be produced quarterly and will actively monitor the level of economic and social hardship…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Philanthropy
Te Ao Māori

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Community Development Māori Research & Evaluation
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 11

By: Phillipa Fletcher
Published: 2012-01-01

NZCCSS’s 11th Vulnerability Report looks at the period October to December 2011 and investigates trends in prices, employment and unemployment, benefits and hardship, housing, children in care, and debt. It…continue reading

Children & Youth Family Violence & Abuse Social Services
People and Society

Vulnerability Report Issue 13

By: New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
Published: 2012-10-10

NZCCSS’s Vulnerability Report Issue 13 covers the period January – March 2012. The report shows what life is like three years on from the first report done in June 2009.…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services
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