Research in Category: "Environment"


Community Wealth Building: An Equitable Approach to Economic Development in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa and The Urban Advisory
Published: 2024-07-25

Community Wealth Building puts people back at the center of local economies by ensuring wealth generated in a local economy is held and invested back into that area, and puts…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Non-profit Sector

Community Case Studies Research Report : Tairāwhiti Climate Adaptation Planning Project

By: Te Weu Charitable Trust in cooperation with the Gisborne District Council
Published: 2024-05-13

Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…continue reading

Climate Change Community & Place Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment

Regenerative Communities Pilot Report

By: Flourish Kia Puāwai
Published: 2024-04-29

This report tells the story of a project to explore using a regenerative approach to community-building. The pilot aimed to both learn and practice how to undertake regeneration with and…continue reading

Community Development Environment

Enabling life in vacant spaces: A partnership approach to evaluating holistic wellbeing in disaster recovery contexts

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, Matthew Scobie and Amanda Yates
Published: 2023-06-01

This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading

Community Development Health & Wellbeing

Huritanga 10 Years of Transformative Place-making

By: Dombroski, Kelly; Nicholson, Hugh Anthony; Shiels, Rachael; Watkinson, Hannah; Yates, Amanda M.
Published: 2022-09-14

This book celebrates a decade of Life in Vacant Spaces, affectionately known as LiVS, and the collection of over 700 projects supported during this time.

Arts & Culture Community Development

An Analysis of Needs and Opportunities to Inform a Sustainable Food Strategy for the Kaipātiki Project

By: Kaipātiki Project Incorporated and The University of Auckland
Published: 2022-01-21

Colleagues from the Kaipātiki Project and The University of Auckland partnered on a project to capture the experiences of stakeholders to help identify the people in the local community who…continue reading

Community Development Environment Food Security Sustainability

Recycling of Beverage Containers in New Zealand: Critical Analysis of Existing Status and Proposed Best Practices

By: Omisakin Olufemi and Jyoti, R.
Published: 2019-09-27

Environment conservation is one of the primary concerns of most countries in the modern world because of the continuous increase in environmental degradation and the resulting pollution. Environmental pollution has…continue reading

Community Development Environment

Community-led initiatives for climate adaptation and mitigation

By: Katy Simon, Gradon Diprose, & Amanda Thomas
Published: 2019-08-18

Planning for climate change is complex. There is some uncertainty about how quickly the climate will change and what the anticipated localised effects will be. There are also governance questions,…continue reading

Climate Change Community Development

Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise: Final Report

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Stephen Healy and Alison Watkins
Published: 2019-06-30

Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Environment

Local Authorities and Community Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation

By: Jule Barth, Sophie Bond, & Nicolle Vincent
Published: 2019-05-31

This report explores how regional and territorial authorities in Aotearoa New Zealand currently understand their role in climate adaptation, to what extent they are currently fulfilling that role, and how…continue reading

Climate Change Community Development

“Sustainable transportation strategies for meeting the Paris Climate Agreement – a case study of Wellington, New Zealand”

By: Rehan Shaikh
Published: 2019-05-12

New Zealand’s road transport produces more than 40% of total CO2 emissions. To meet the Paris Climate Agreement will require a transport system based on zero-carbon energy resources. Many transport…continue reading

Community Development Environment

More than monitoring: Developing impact measures for transformative social enterprise

By: Stephen Healy, Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Joanne McNeill and Alison Watkins
Published: 2019-01-01

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Evaluation

When Cultivate Thrives: Developing Criteria for Community Economy Return on Investment

By: Kelly Dombroski, Gradon Diprose, David Conradson, Stephen Healy and Alison Watkins
Published: 2018-12-01

Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Environment

New Lynn Bike Hub Impact Evaluation

By: Lissy Fehnker
Published: 2018-11-30

This report is an impact evaluation of the EcoMatters’ New Lynn bike hub. The report aims to better understand the extent of progress made in the one year of operation…continue reading

Community Development Environment
People and Society

Population Change and Its Implications: Southland

By: Trudie Cain, Robin Peace, Paul Spoonley, Paula Pereda, Pippa Vague and Chris Howard Massey University
Published: 2017-02-15

This report has presented the results of three research projects carried out in the wider Southland region: interviews with household members about population change; a survey of employers in the…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Environment
Non-profit Sector

A Community-led, Science-informed Conversation around the Future Use of the Avon River Residential Red Zone

By: S Vallance and P Tait
Published: 2013-09-17

Lincoln University was commissioned by the Avon-Otakaro Network (AvON) to estimate the value of the benefits of a ‘recreation reserve’ or ‘river park’ in the Avon River Residential Red Zone…continue reading

Community Development Environment

Small-holder Coffee Grower and Livelihoods in Timor-Leste : Current status, Issues and Challenges

By: Anura Widana
Published: 2013-06-30

Based on a field study in 2013, it analyses the role of coffee production in the socio-economic and livelihoods of small-holders. It presents prospects for livelihoods upliftment and some of…continue reading

Community Development Economics & Finances Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

Immigrants’ experiences of nature-based recreation in New Zealand

By: Brent Lovelock, Kirsten Lovelock, Carla Jellum and Anna Thompson. Centre for Recreation Research, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Published: 2012-10-03

This study addresses the recreational behaviours of immigrants and ethnic minorities, with a focus on nature-based recreation in national and regional parks. The study was comprised of a survey questionnaire…continue reading

Community Development Environment Migrants and Former Refugees

Whatever happened to Tuatapere?

By: Pamela A. Smith
Published: 2009-12-04

The focus of this study is on Tuatapere, a rural south island community and how it managed the dramatic social changes over the past fifty years. Government policies,changes in international…continue reading

Community Development Employment & Labour Environment

Responsible Humans: Identifying Community Leaders and Building Sustainable Organisations

By: Jarrod Coburn
Published: 2009-06-01

This article was written to support a presentation to the World Conference in Disaster Management 2009 (Toronto, Canada). In it there is presented a method to rediscover the forgotten tool…continue reading

Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment
Non-profit Sector

Engaging Urban Communities: six case studies of Auckland community-based restoration projects

By: Scott, K
Published: 2007-06-01

This report reviews practices of community engagement, capacity building and partnering in 6 community-based integrated catchment management (ICM) projects, with a focus on what is working well, challenges and lessons…continue reading

Community Development Environment
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