Research in Category: "Environment"


Community Case Studies Research Report : Tairāwhiti Climate Adaptation Planning Project

By: Te Weu Charitable Trust in cooperation with the Gisborne District Council
Published: 2024-05-13

Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…continue reading

Climate Change Community & Place Community Development Emergency & Disaster Environment

I just want to be myself: Rethinking Pacific climate change adaptation

By: Janie Walker
Published: 2020-12-01

After completing nine months cross-context research in Eastern Fiji, I wrote my Master’s thesis to answer this question: To what extent do local concerns, with regard to climate change, inform…continue reading

Action Research Climate Change

Community-led initiatives for climate adaptation and mitigation

By: Katy Simon, Gradon Diprose, & Amanda Thomas
Published: 2019-08-18

Planning for climate change is complex. There is some uncertainty about how quickly the climate will change and what the anticipated localised effects will be. There are also governance questions,…continue reading

Climate Change Community Development

Local Authorities and Community Engagement on Climate Change Adaptation

By: Jule Barth, Sophie Bond, & Nicolle Vincent
Published: 2019-05-31

This report explores how regional and territorial authorities in Aotearoa New Zealand currently understand their role in climate adaptation, to what extent they are currently fulfilling that role, and how…continue reading

Climate Change Community Development

The Role of Innovation in Getting to Carbon Zero

By: Kathy Errington
Published: 2019-03-01

What place is there for next generation energy such as ‘green hydrogen’? Aotearoa New Zealand needs to look at innovative ways to decrease carbon emissions. This includes increasing our renewable…continue reading

Climate Change Environment
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