Critical Tiriti Analysis

Critical Tiriti Analysis: A tool for equity

Welcome to the Critical Tiriti Analysis Special Collection hosted by Community Research. This is a dedicated virtual whare for Critical Tiriti Analysis (CTA) research and practitioner resources. Alongside the CTA community of practice, we have designed this space to bring together research and testimonial to strengthen connections between those interested in applying CTA and the collective impact of this work.

We would like to thank Dr Heather Came and Professor Dominic O’Sullivan for partnering with us to create this special collection, and to Professor Jacquie Kidd and Professor Tim McCreanor for joining us in the special collection webinar launch.

Our Special Collection page provides a central and easily accessible place for practitioners of CTA and those interested in using CTA to access resources, stay up-to-date on recent advancements in our discussion group, and share with us your progress on implementation.

Critical Tiriti Analysis (CTA) is a five-step process for policymakers, decisionmakers, advisory groups and interested citizens to strengthen and review public policy in relation to the articles and provisions of te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Critical Tiriti Analysis – a Synopsis

The CTA special collection brings together CTA research and resources for community researchers and practitioners who wish to apply CTA to their own work and contexts, we invite you to join a broader CTA community of practice by uploading your research, creating a practitioner profile, or letting us know how you are using CTA.

Add your research to our collection.

How people have used and are currently using the CTA in their workplaces and other applications of use.

From a recent survey through the CTA community of practice people are prospectively using it:

•             Project proposals/plans

•             “Within BN Māori programme as a tool for students to liberate themselves”

•             Policy writing

•             Revising the speech-language therapy accreditation framework

•             Writing policy submissions – feeding back to government

•             Assessing research and evaluation proposals

•             Setting up a workplace environment to be Tiriti compliant

•             Anything that references ToW

•             University curriculum

•             Assess policy and clinical guidelines

•             Support students in planning research

•             An Indigenous PhD student is adapting CTA to work with her mob

•             Engagement plans

•             Assessing funding proposals

•             Reflect on progress within a research project and take action quickly to realign with ToW

•             Strategy and planning documents

•             Gap analysis, organisational strategy development and execution

•             Development of regulatory tools (competency standards, accreditation, continuous quality improvement)

•             Job descriptions, business cases, business plans and all internal business documentation

•             Policy advice

•             Research proposals

•             Commissioning criteria

•             Formed a champions group to lead this mahi


Introducing Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis: A rights-based approach to analysing public policies and processes

By: Natalie Bryant
Published: 2024-07-01

This paper introduces Indigenist Critical Policy Analysis (ICPA), an adapation of Critical Tiriti Analysis for the Australian context. It takes the five-stage approach but adapts it with different assessment indicators…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis Policy
Critical Tiriti Analysis

Critical Tiriti Analysis of He Mata Whāriki, He Matawhānui: Review into the Future of Local Government in Aotearoa

By: Heather Came, Hana Wilkinson, Grant Berghan, Leanne Manson
Published: 2024-04-23

Hapū are interested in local government due to their decision-making influence over the cultural, social, economic and environmental wellbeing of a district that can enable or restrict tino rangatiratanga. In…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis Māori Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Critical Tiriti Analysis

A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the Treaty Statement From a University in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Logan Hamley, Kyle Tan, Waikaremoana Waitoki, Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai
Published: 2024-02-21

Universities in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020 and…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis Education & Training Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Critical Tiriti Analysis – other publications

Published: 2023-05-13

Recent research that is using CTA – published works. These articles are all currently on other websites – Under Review Came, H, Wilkinson, H, Berghan, G & Manson, L. (Under…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Critical Tiriti Analysis – Documents

Published: 2023-04-30

Documents Citing C.T.A. Introducing Critical Tiriti Policy Analysis: A new tool for anti-racism from Aotearoa New Zealand Universities New Zealand (2022). Trusted Research – Protective Security Requirements: Guide for senior university…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Critical Tiriti Analysis: A prospective policy making tool from Aotearoa New Zealand.

By: Came, H., O’Sullivan, D., Kidd, J., & McCreanor, T. (2023).
Published: 2023-04-12

This article describes Critical Tiriti Analysis (CTA), an original contribution to transforming colonial policy, which retrospectively evaluates whether any specific policy document is consistent with Te Tiriti. Substantial interest in…continue reading

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Critical Tiriti Analysis Community of Practice, 20/2/2023 – Māori Final Word

By: Rhonda Cornes, Haami Harmer, Heather Came-Friar, Hana Wilkinson
Published: 2023-02-20

The webinar is a recording of the Community of Practice hui for Critical Tiriti Analysis and provides examples and discussions of the speakers' experience of using CTA with special focus…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Establishing research tikanga to manaaki research participants in a pandemic

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

A Critical Tiriti analysis of the New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026

By: Came, H, Manson, L & McCreanor, T. (2022).
Published: 2022-11-01

This paper undertakes a retrospective Critical Tiriti Analysis of the New Zealand Disability Strategy to determine its compliance with Te Tiriti

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Health & Social Care in the Community

Published: 2022-10-04

A critical analysis of te Tiriti o Waitangi application in primary health organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand: Findings from a nationwide survey. The study utilises data from a nationwide telephone…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Te Tiriti o Waitangi compliance in regulated health practitioner competency documents in Aotearoa: A Critical Tiriti Analysis.

By: Came, H., Kidd, J., Heke, D., & McCreanor, T
Published: 2021-04-30

“Within the health sector, the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 refers to the Treaty and, more specifically, to the Treaty principles of partnership, protection and participation. Most…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the recruitment and performance review processes of public sector chief executives in Aotearoa

Published: 0021-08-04

This paper examines the recruitment and performance review processes of public sector chief executives from 2000 to 2020 to ascertain Te Tiriti compliance. Methods: Recruitment and performance review templates were…continue reading

Critical Tiriti Analysis

Towards a More Equitable Aotearoa: Utilising Critical Tiriti Analysis as a tool for honouring Te Tiriti


Critical Tiriti Analysis a mechanism for monitoring the Crown ( Te Tiriti-Based Futures)

Critical Tiriti analysis a mechanism for monitoring the Crown


Māori-led Development.

What's working for whānau, hapū and iwi? Lessons from JR McKenzie's staff and grantees


Treaty Voyages

How’s Your Organisation Faring?


Other Te Tiriti Resources

Te Tiriti facilitators and professional development opportunities

Tangata Whenua led training

  • Dr Kathie Irwin – This is a workshop session designed to support organisations on their Treaty Based Organisational journey. Opportunities abound at an organisational level, in terms of Treaty Based Organisational Development, and at a personal level, in the area of cultural capability building.
  •  Riki Consultancy – Brother and sister duo Janelle and Nathan have over 15 years experience between them in developing and delivering Professional Learning. We provide personalised support that will meet your needs and aspirations for the future. Also on Facebook.
  • The Wall Walk® – An interactive half-day workshop designed to raise collective awareness of key events in the history of New Zealand’s bicultural relations. It sits nicely with any organisation committed to building stronger relationships with Māori.
  • Engaging Well – Cultural Facilitators helping to build understanding and awareness of Te Ao Māori
  • Te Kaa – As a nation we are growing our awareness that diversity and inclusion is essential for growth and success, while recognizing that learning the indigenous culture at home is the right starting point. Te Kaa aims to help you deepen your understanding of Te Ao Māori to help you determine how Māori culture is relevant to you and your organisation, and to improve your ability to engage with Māori.
  • Te Pumaomao Nation Building – An immersive, holistic and tikanga-based experience which takes participants on a transformative  journey. It brings participants to a new depth of insight into the Māori world – a cultural conscientisation programme which deepens understanding of Māori world views, laws and philosophies and critically examines the on-going impacts of colonisation on Māori and other Indigenous Peoples in a way that empowers participants toward creating positive social change.
  • Treaty Training – 1.5-2 hour interactive workshop giving an introduction to te Tiriti o Waitangi the Treaty of Waitangi, and providing easy to understand context on why the Treaty remains relevant to Aotearoa New Zealand today.
  • Wai Ako – Te Reo, History and Training Resources for Teachers and Tamariki
  • Monkey Majic Solutions – Deliver their version of Te Tiriti in an organisation’s workplace environment. With experienced facilitators, their approach is to provide an understanding from a Māori and non-Māori position of what the partnership of Te Tiriti means.
  • Dr Mike Paki – Te Tiriti and Cultural Workshops
  • Hustle Group – Corporate Te Tiriti Training (operating out of Ōtautahi – Christchurch)

Tangata Tiriti trainers and networks

  • Groundwork works alongside organisations wishing to improve their understanding and application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. They are invested in creating systemic change and addressing systemic injustice and work with organisations that are ready to take on the challenge of organisational transformation based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
  • Treaty Education help people to address the why – why the Treaty is relevant and important, personally and professionally. This is addressed through a workshop process, which starts with the who (relationships) and moves through to making the Treaty real in our places of work and lives.
  • Network Waitangi are an independent, voluntary, community education group who run facilitated Treaty and anti-racism workshops. They use experienced Pākehā facilitators and work with participants to create a safe environment to enable full and free discussion on the issues raised in the workshops.
  • Network Waitangi Ōtautahi (NWŌ) offers mentoring and formal learning opportunities to institutions, organisations and groups along with a wide range of open access on-line educational resources. While Ōtautahi-based they work nationwide by invitation and network widely to support a multicultural Treaty-based future for all of us.
  • Treaty Action Collective Pōneke deliver treaty education workshops exploring the history and context of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its place in Aotearoa.
  • Te Tiriti-based futures + Anti-racism 2022 webinar series : Te Tiriti-based futures + Anti-racism 2022 is an (inter)national, online and offline, Te Tiriti-based, anti-racism, and decolonisation event in Aotearoa. There is an incredible line up of speakers and leaders who over 10 days will discuss topics including institutional racism and anti-racism, decolonisation, building Te Tiriti-based futures, and transforming our constitution. Overseas presenters will also discuss their experiences with these issues from their contexts.
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