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Ministerial announcement: Counting the contribution of the not-for-profit sector

NZ Government press release, 16 July 2014 Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Jo Goodhew and Statistics Minister Nicky Wagner are welcoming Statistics New Zealand’s decision to update its official measure…

Flaunting it on Facebook – drinking cultures report released

Results from the “young adults, drinking cultures and social networking” research project were released in March 2014. The three-year research project explored the ways in which new technologies are being…

Teach First evaluation shows real impact on school learning

The Teach First programme has been implemented well and is successful at attracting talented individuals to teach in schools serving low-decile communities, a new evaluation report shows. The report, written…

Working across all Sectors: youth research conference, July 2014

The sixth annual Youth Collaborative hui will tackle the theme “Connections: Developing Youth Wellbeing across all Sectors”. The conference is being held at Lincoln University, Christchurch, 10-11 July 2014. Invited…

What's happening at the ANZEA 2014 conference?

The annual gathering of New Zealand evaluators will focus on “Our House, Our Whare, Our Fale: Building Strong Evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand”. The wananga is being held in Wellington…

New Centre for Social Impact launched in Auckland

A national centre of excellence for the support of innovative responses to complex social issues was launched by the ASB Community Trust on 15 May 2014. The new Centre for…

He Tai Pari conference – evidence, outcomes & collaboration

People working with vulnerable children, young people and their whānau, will share knowledge about how to shift to an outcome focus at He Tai Pari conference, 14-15 July, Wellington. The…

Extra Budget support for Whānau Ora navigators

Budget 2014 commits new operating funding of $15 million over three years from 2015/16 for the Whānau Ora navigators’ work with whānau and families, Whānau Ora Minister Tariana Turia says.…

Whānau Ora Commissioning agencies

Whānau Ora Commissioning agencies:          Te Pou Matakana for North Island whānau,         Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu for South Island whānau          Pasifika Futures for Pasifika families. Te Puni…

Publications discuss future of families in the International Year of the Family

Families are the corner stone of society, their futures are critical to us all. Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is honoured to have published two prestigious publications providing perspectives,…

Ora Nui- Special Edition 2014

‘A collaboration with the First Nations Australia Writers’ Network, this special edition of Ora Nui celebrates the indigenous identities of the Antipodes.’ The second edition of New Zealand’s Māori literary…

Youth turn to Google for help – new Youthline research

Youth prefer search engines to those around them when seeking advice A recent Colmar Brunton youth survey finds young people are turning to Google and other websites for help before…

Community Research


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