People working with vulnerable children, young people and their whānau, will share knowledge about how to shift to an outcome focus at He Tai Pari conference, 14-15 July, Wellington.
The two-day conference will feature speakers from Aotearoa and USA New Zealand and a screening of Kids for Cash (2013).
Speakers include: Nathan Harrington, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga; Liz Marsden, Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services; Martin Kaipo, Otangarei Trust; Cath Handley, Youth Horizons; Dave Hanna, Wesley Community Action; Mike Munnelly, Barnardos; Fiona Inkpen, Stand Children’s Services; Doug Kopp, Functional Family Therapy (USA); and Marina Pouesi, T-taha Mobile Parenting Ltd.
Themes for the conference are:
- Promote an understanding of what it takes to shift to focusing and reporting on outcomes including sharing knowledge on different approaches.
- Showcase what some NZ based and international (USA) organisations are doing in this space including how to implement evidence-based models and how they innovate to develop evidence from home-grown models.
- Showcase evidence-based models and systems for recording and reporting outcomes.
- Create an opportunity for providers working with vulnerable children and young people to network and share information, and to pick up some frameworks for collaboration.
- Support forward momentum and understanding in the sector across the various central initiatives with which providers are grappling.
The event is sponsored by Youth Horizons Trust and Barnardos, with support from Ministry of Social Development.
Early bird registrations close: Friday 13 June 2014.