A national centre of excellence for the support of innovative responses to complex social issues was launched by the ASB Community Trust on 15 May 2014.
The new Centre for Social Impact is being established to support major social investments by philanthropic trusts, government and local government agencies, community organisations and corporates.
“The ASB Community Trust has seen the benefits of providing both multi-year funding and organisational support to community organisations working to explore solutions to some of the most difficult issues in our region,” ASB Community Trust Chief Executive Jennifer Gill said.
“This combination of funding and organisational support draws on a venture capital model to build the capacity of organisations to grow successfully and achieve their goals. ”
Ms Gill said venture philanthropy had developed internationally as successful entrepreneurs sought to invest back into their communities.
“From a business perspective, they knew that funding alone was not always the answer to helping an organisation with great ideas turn those into reality. Support in such areas as governance and leadership development was also essential. That tallies with our own experience as a major philanthropic trust.”
The Centre offers services around the following:
- Capacity development –
- Leadership
- Understanding impact
- Programme design.
Four organisatoins funded under the ASB Community Trust’s Catalysts for Change programme will be supported. These are Lifewise, Manurewa Marae, Springboard Community Works and Whangarei Youth Space.
See original press release: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1405/S00286/national-centre-to-support-philanthropic-investments.htm