Sport Otago completed a needs assessment to identify the physical activity needs and aspirations of priority groups in the Waitaki District (Waitaki) who have inequitable access to physical activity opportunities…continue reading
Sport Otago completed a needs assessment to identify the physical activity needs and aspirations of priority groups in the Waitaki District (Waitaki) who have inequitable access to physical activity opportunities…continue reading
Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management arrangements have been put in…continue reading
This is paper is evaluation of the Taku Wairua programme to assess the diverse effects of the program and identify areas for improvement. Taku Wairua is a program designed to…continue reading
The article is an analysis of when and why sports projects for disadvantaged children actually include the children and produce social capital. The Danish State has funded 42 sports projects…continue reading
This article explores the ways in which Sri Lankan migrants in New Zealand establish a sense of continuity between the host nation and country of origin by forging interconnected spatialities.…continue reading
The ABE Programme is a client-centred, individualised physical activity intervention for people with mental illness delivered by non-government organisation Richmond Services Ltd. It is three months in duration with weekly…continue reading
This study contributes to an emerging body of work exploring family participation in outdoor recreation in New Zealand. Recreation research has also been slow to take the views of children…continue reading
Funding and financial management are critical issues for the not for profit sector. Funding is limited, competitively sought, and differences in funders’ and organisations’ expectations and needs can cause dysfunction.…continue reading
This report is a compilation of respondents’ feedback to a 2011 survey exploring ways non-profit NGOs help New Zealanders become healthier by using their relationships, connections and innovative models of…continue reading
Policy makers, and those intending to be influential around sport and recreation in Pasifika communities, need to make decisions and develop programmes that are culturally aligned and relevant. They should…continue reading
Responses from over 1700 volunteers in four charities and six sporting organisations from Wellington and Christchurch. Two very different profiles emerged. The typical charity volunteer was female, aged 56+, retired,…continue reading