Research in Category: "LGBTQIA+"


Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The Backbone…continue reading


Summary Report: Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This summary report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The…continue reading


Kōrero Mai | Talk to me

By: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2023-12-01

Kōrero Mai | Talk to Me is an interactive online portal to help parents and caregivers talk to their kids about sexuality, gender and safety. With videos from other parents…continue reading


The End of the Rainbow? Chinese Queer International Students Negotiating the “Ethnic Closet” in New Zealand

By: Taylor Le Cui, Lin Song
Published: 2023-10-12

Drawing on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 15 Chinese queer international students from New Zealand’s tertiary institutions, this paper explores their motivations to pursue higher education transnationally, and unpacks the interconnected…continue reading


“As a Kid, I Always Knew Who I Was” – Voices of Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors: An independent research report provided to the Abuse in Care Royal Commission

By: Paora Moyle
Published: 2023-07-01

This report is provided for the Royal Commission so that Takatāpui, Rainbow and MVPFAFF+ survivors and their communities’ voices are upheld. It brings together content and reflections on engagements with…continue reading

Refugee and Asylum seekers

A Rainbow Refugee Quota for Aotearoa

By: Centre for Asia Refugee Rights Studies (CAPRS)
Published: 2022-07-01

A Rainbow Refugee Quota for Aotearoa is an attempt at policy change. The report’s audience is decision makers in government, but it also recognises the need for policy to be…continue reading


Making Ethnic Count: Cultural safety in action, Asking what we need to know 2022.

By: Juanita Rojas, Jeanie Tseng and Sandra Dickson for Shama Ethnic Women's Trust
Published: 2022-02-28

This is the final report on the Making Ethnic Count pilot, a co-design and trial of effective data collection with four pilot organisations run by Shama Ethnic Women’s Trust. In…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity

Kids and Gender: A Toolbox for Parents

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2021-11-01

Developed by Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura and White Ribbon, this toolbox presents information, resources and research about supporting Takatāpui and Rainbow children for parents and caregivers. Updated in 2024. What…continue reading


Healthy Relationships and Consent: Through the lens of Rainbow identifying youth.

By: Sandra Dickson, Bex Fraser and Nathan Bramwell
Published: 2021-04-30

This research, via focus groups and a national survey, asked Takatāpui and Rainbow young people about their experiences of healthy relationships education in Aotearoa. The results reinforce existing evaluation findings:…continue reading

Children & Youth Rainbow/LGBTQIA+ Rangatahi Takatāpui

Responses from Disabled Sex, Sexuality and Gender Diverse People: Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2017-06-30

Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading

Disability Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Law & Justice

Trans and Gender Diverse Responses: Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2017-06-30

Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading

Law & Justice

Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2016-06-30

Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading


Doing our best for LGBTIQ survivors / Good Practice Responding to Sexual Violence -Guidelines for mainstream crisis support services for survivors.

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2016-02-01

These guidelines were part of a larger project by Te Ohaakii-a-Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together, to support good practice across the country to a range of population groups…continue reading


Snapshot 2015: A Report on the Support Sector for Rainbow Young People

By: Sandra Dickson, Anna Madeleine and Kabel Manga
Published: 2015-06-01

Snapshot 2015 was developed to explore the complex context of the support sector for Rainbow young people and identify strengths and gaps to support their work. The report demonstrates both…continue reading


Bisexual and Pansexual Responses: Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence

By: Sandra Dickson
Published: 2017

Sex, sexuality and gender diverse communities are increasingly recognised as vulnerable to intimate partner and sexual violence, but very little is known of specific experiences of people from these communities…continue reading

Family Violence & Abuse Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
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