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What messages are in the tuakana –teina pedagogy for tertiary educators?

With vocation level programmes of the tertiary sector in Aotearoa New Zealand entering a new era of strategic visioning, one of the aims for educators is to seek ways to…

Article: Māori Family Views of Family Wellbeing

From The International Indigenous Policy Journal: Vol 5, Issue 1. 2014 Amohia F. Boulton: Whakauae Research for Maori Health and Development, amohia@whakauae.co.nz Heather H. Gifford: Whakauae Research for Māori Health…

“Closing the gaps”

New Zealand is still wasting its “demographic dividend” of young Māori and Pacific people reaching working age, as investments in health and education fail to flow through into highly paid…

Photovoice: Giving Voice to Indigenous Youth

A paper by Derek Jennings and John Lowe Children’s voices and their perceptions of healthy behaviours have been argued as critical for understanding health policy and program design that affect…

Talking with Amohia Boulton

“..when you’re working at a University institution you can say that you are doing research on behalf of Maori but the University can also protect you quite a bit. What…

Men Needed for Research on Providing Support Through Stressful Life Events

Research tells us that many Kiwi blokes do not seek information and support in a timely way, and this affects their wellbeing. The Mental Health Foundation, with support from the…

Supporting Successful Transitions to Post-Secondary Education for Indigenous Students: Lessons from an Institutional Ethnography in Ontario, Canada

A paper by Jean-Paul Restoule and Angela Mashford-Pringle of the University of Toronto,  et al. This study examines some of the ways institutional policies and practices can support or hinder…

Taking Action: What you can do to support Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

The recent decision to not short-list  Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga for continued funding has been met with a lot of confusion and anger within the community. Ngā Pae o…

Study Talking to Disabled Pasifika Youth

The Pacific Health and Health Systems departments at the University of Auckland are carrying out this research, the first New Zealand study in this area, for the Ministry of Health.…

Report on the Performance of General Practices in Whānau Ora Collectives

A recent report by the Ministry of Health on the performance of different Whanau ora Collectives,  suggests a degree of growing improvement which is encouraging given the areas of concern…

Community-University Research Liaisons: Translating the Languages of Research and Culture

Abstract This article describes the experiences of six individuals employed as community-university research liaisons in a grant-funded centre for health disparities research. The liaisons were located in Native American communities…

Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood Perspectives of First Nation Women

This paper, written by Rachel Eni (University of ManitobaFollow) andWanda Phillips-Beck , summarizes a study that explored perspectives of Manitoba First Nation women on teenage pregnancy and parenthood in Canada.…

Community Research


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