
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Posts Tagged ‘News’

Australasian Evaluation Society Award Presentation & Seminar 20 November 2013

Final Evaluation Report: Social Sector Trials – Trialling New Approaches to Social Sector Change

This report was prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, Ministry of Social Development. The Social Sector Trials were a partnership between the Ministry of Social Development, Justice,…continue reading

New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network Papers from 2013 Conference

The New Zealand Youth Mentoring Network works alongside those who work with young people, providing support, advice, best practice resources and training in mentoring. The New Zealand Youth Mentoring Conference was…continue reading

£5.95: Social Value for Young Persons’ Services by a Charity Working with the Homeless

A study using the Social Return on Investment methodology has found that a leading charity working with homeless young people in the UK returns £5.95 for every £1 invested. Porchlight works…continue reading

A Vision for Indigenous Evaluation keynote

“A Vision for Indigenous Evaluation” was the title of a keynote address by Nan Wehipeihana at the 2013 Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, in Brisbane, Australia. The theme of the conference…continue reading

“Learning from Christchurch” research collection – coming soon

Community Research is setting-up a “Learning from Christchurch” special collection so any of any valuable research completed since the tragic earthquakes is readily accessible. People living in Christchurch and across…continue reading

Measuring Social Outcomes Conference Review

“Measuring social outcomes is a large and complex subject that is causing both significant concern and excitement across the sector.” On 15 & 16 October delegates gathered in Melbourne for…continue reading

What works with Māori: What the People Said Research Report

A Families Comission Research Report Dr Kathie Irwin, Lillian Hetet, Sarah Maclean and Gene Potae This report is the concluding publication from a body of work undertaken by the Commission…continue reading

Window on Waikato Poverty Imbalances and Inequalities: Issue Five – July 2013

The fifth issue of Anna Cox and Dr Rose Black’s report into the poverty experienced in Waikato is available in the Community Research kete (basket). Growing inequalities are leading to…continue reading

Children: The Journal of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Communities in Action: Growing Our Kids Spring 2013 “This edition of Children examines the role that communities and non-government organisations play in alleviating some of the effects of poverty on…continue reading

Stepping Through Transitions – New Book

Stepping Through Transitions: management, leadership and governance in not-for-profit organisations is a richly illustrated research-based study of organisational development in NZ organisations. The research showed that many very well meaning organisations…continue reading

Evidence for the World we Want – International Year of Evaluation 2015

Using evaluation to improve people’s lives through better policy making 2015 declared as International Year of Evaluation The aim of designating 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation is to advocate…continue reading

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