Research in Category: "Whānau Ora Categories"


Kaupapa Māori and the PATH research tool in a post-colonial indigenous context

By: Jesse Pirini
Published: 2012-02-01

Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a visual facilitation tool that is used to make strategic plans with whānau and service providers throughout Aotearoa. In this project supported with…continue reading

Closing The Gaps Frameworks Indigenous Kaupapa Māori Navigators Programmes Whānau Hapu Iwi
Public Health

PATH Planning Tool – Presentation to the Whānau Ora Hui – Sharing the Learning

By: Kataraina Pipi and Mariao Hohaia (PATH Facilitators)
Published: 2011-11-01

This presentation provides an overview of the PATH planning tool, its use in Aotearoa over the past ten years, with individuals, whānau, organisations and businesses. The current and potential use…continue reading

Navigators Programmes Whānau Hapu Iwi

‘Ma te Whānau te Huarahi Motuhake: Whānau participatory action research groups” in MAI REVIEW, Special Issue: Community Research Engagement

By: Moana Eruera
Published: 2010-12-01

Whānau must lead their own development and solutions to work towards individual and collective whānau wellbeing for the future. Whānau are experts of their everyday lived experiences and hold the…continue reading

Frameworks Navigators Programmes
Public Health

Talanoa Research Methodology: A developing position on Pacific research

By: Timote M. Waioleti
Published: 2006-11-01

This paper contributes to the theorising on Pacific research approaches from a personal and Tongan perspective.

Frameworks Navigators Pasifika
Public Health

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research
Published: 2012

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Navigators Programmes Rangatahi
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