
Foodshed and Food System Analysis – Buller District

By: Dr Niki Bould, as lead researcher
Published: 2024-03-28

The Foodshed and Food System Analysis for the Buller district is part of a Local Food Economyinitiative. In providing insights into the foodshed and food system, KNECT (the local community…continue reading

Community & Place Food Security
Arts and Culture

Community Insights Report – The Turner Centre [2022-2023]

By: Research & report by Rangimārie Mules of the Oi Collective
Published: 2023-02-24

This report provides a range of key community and stakeholder insights from research that was conducted in the later part of 2022 (November-December). These insights provide the foundation for which…continue reading

Whānau Ora

Tips for Whānau Ora Researchers

By: Community Research
Published: 2012-11-23

We asked attendees at the Te Anga Mua Seminar in Nov 2012 for their advice or tips for researchers who are engaging with whānau (as part of Whānau Ora Research).…continue reading


Youth19 – Youth Voice Brief

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-08-12

For the first time in a Youth2000 survey, Youth19 included open text questions inviting students to express their own views on key issues. In this brief we summarise their responses…continue reading

Children & Youth Research & Evaluation
People and Society

A Youth19 Brief: Transgender and diverse gender students

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-04-11

One out of every 100 Youth19 participants identified as transgender or non-binary (1.0%). A further 0.6% reported that they were not sure of their gender. Three quarters (73%) of transgender…continue reading

Children & Youth Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
People and Society

A Youth19 Brief: Same-and multiple-sex attracted students

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-04-13

Sixteen out of every 100 Youth19 participants (16%) reported they were same- or multiple-sex attracted, not sure, or not attracted to any sex. Most of these students reported positive home…continue reading

Children & Youth Mental Health Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Te Ao Māori

A Youth19 Brief: Rangatahi Māori with a disability or chronic condition

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-06-16

Most rangatahi Māori with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability
Te Ao Māori

A Youth19 Brief: Rainbow rangatahi Māori

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-06-18

Most Rainbow rangatahi Māori reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared to…continue reading

Children & Youth Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Pacific Peoples

A Youth19 Brief: Pacific Rainbow young people

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-07-01

Most Pacific Rainbow young people reported positive family and school environments, high levels of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared…continue reading

Children & Youth Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Pacific Peoples

A Youth19 Brief: Pacific young people with a disability or chronic condition

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-07-01

Most Pacific young people with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments, high levels of volunteering and moderate or good health. However, members of this group…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability
People and Society

A Youth19 Brief: Rainbow young people with a disability or chronic condition

By: The Youth19 Research group
Published: 2021-07-01

Most Rainbow young people with a disability or chronic condition reported positive family and school environments. However, members of this group also reported very high rates of mental distress. Only…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability Rainbow/LGBTQIA+

Youth19 – Digital Access Brief

By: Youth19 and The Adolescent Health Research Group
Published: 2021-08-05

This brief explores student access to digital devices such as laptops and smartphones, access to the internet, and access to devices in private.

Children & Youth Information Technology/Internet

Youth19 – Gambling Brief

By: The Youth19 Researchers and The Adolescent
Published: 2021-09-17

About 1 in 3 NZ secondary school students have ever bet or gambled and 13% of these students want to cut down their gambling. This is about 1-2 students per…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Children & Youth
People and Society

Youth19: Safety & Violence

By: Youth19 and The Adolescent Health research Group
Published: 2021-10-13

All young people are entitled to be safe and free from abuse at home, in schools and in communities. These are basic human rights, which are important for immediate and…continue reading

Children & Youth Crime & Safety Family Violence & Abuse
People and Society

A Youth19 Brief: Young People with Disabilities

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-11-05

Most young people with disabilities reported positive family and school environments, high rates of volunteering, and moderate or good health. However, members of this group also reported major inequities compared…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability

Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Initial Findings: Introduction and Methods

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-08-12

This report describes the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19), how we ran the survey, who took part in it and how to use the findings. It is designed to be…continue reading

Children & Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health

Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Initial Findings: Substance Use

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-08-12

This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about smoking, vaping, alcohol use, and use of marijuana and other drugs. It is designed to be read with…continue reading

Children & Youth Substance Abuse

Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Initial Findings Hauora Hinengaro/Emotional and Mental Health

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-08-12

This report highlights the emotional and mental health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading

Children & Youth Mental Health

Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Initial Findings: Access to Health Services

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-09-09

This report highlights findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about students’ access to health care services. It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey,…continue reading

Children & Youth Health & Wellbeing

Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey Initial Findings: Sexual and Reproductive Health of New Zealand Secondary School Students

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2020-11-20

This report highlights the sexual and reproductive health findings from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19). It is designed to be read with the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, Initial Findings:…continue reading

Children & Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health
People and Society

Negotiating Multiple Identities: Intersecting Identities among Māori, Pacific, Rainbow and Disabled Young People

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-07-01

In this report we explore the wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand secondary school students with the following identities using data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey:• Rainbow rangatahi Māori• Pacific…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health Rainbow/LGBTQIA+
Ethnicity and Diversity

East Asian, South Asian, Chinese and Indian Students in Aotearoa

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-06-24

This report presents contemporary information on the health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand who have an Asian identity. The report is based on findings from the…continue reading

Education & Training Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health
People and Society

Young people who have been involved with Oranga Tamariki – Home and Housing

By: The Youth19 Research Group
Published: 2021-09-01

This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who report they have been involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Housing Insecurity Oranga Tamariki
People and Society

Young people who have been involved with Oranga Tamariki: Identity and Culture

By: The Youth19 Researcher Group
Published: 2021-09-01

This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who reported being involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services. Youth19 is…continue reading

Children & Youth Identity Oranga Tamariki

Being manuhiri

By: Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research
Published: 2021-11-11

Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management arrangements have been put in…continue reading

Advocacy Environment Sport & Recreation Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Non-profit Sector

Collective Impact for NGOs and iwi/Māori organisations

By: Community Research
Published: 2013-08-29

This Collective Impact collection gathers resources to assist groups of organisations from different sectors to work together to solve complex social problems through a common agenda, shared impact measures and…continue reading

Ethnicity and Diversity

Black Lives Matter

By: Community Research
Published: 2020

The Black Lives Matter is a campaign for justice! And while it began in America, the issue of racism has resonated throughout the world including here in Aotearoa. There are…continue reading

Black Lives Matter
Ethnicity and Diversity

HOMEWORK CLUB: Strengthening Refugee Youth Achievement

By: Homework Club; Victoria University Research Team
Published: 2009-12-15

This report is the product of a group research project carried out in partnership with Victoria University students, secondary school refugee students and the facilitators of the Homework Club. Set…continue reading

Action Research Education & Training Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Diversity and Wellbeing at School. Report for participating Secondary School

By: Massey University CaDDANZ research team - Marlene Levine
Published: 2017-02-20

This paper summarises the findings of a small, in-depth research project undertaken at [School]; it has been prepared for the purpose of feeding back findings to the school. The findings…continue reading

Children & Youth Education & Training Health & Wellbeing
Ethnicity and Diversity

Immigrants’ experiences of nature-based recreation in New Zealand

By: Brent Lovelock, Kirsten Lovelock, Carla Jellum and Anna Thompson. Centre for Recreation Research, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Published: 2012-10-03

This study addresses the recreational behaviours of immigrants and ethnic minorities, with a focus on nature-based recreation in national and regional parks. The study was comprised of a survey questionnaire…continue reading

Community Development Environment Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Land, New Life: Long-Term Settlement of Refugees in New Zealand Main Report

By: Wendy Searle, Emma Prouse, Emily L’Ami, Alison Gray, Anna Gruner Labour and Immigration Research Centre Labour Group Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Published: 2012-08-06

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community, and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of refugees in New Zealand.…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity


By: The Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research Victoria University of Wellington Colleen Ward with Jason Lescelius Amanda Jack Reneeta M. Naidu and Elizabeth Weinberg
Published: 2018-03-14

In pursuing their purpose of supporting migrants, former refugees, and people from minority ethnicities with their settlement processes, the Nelson Multicultural Council contracted the Centre for Applied Cross-cultural Research at…continue reading

Community Development Government – Central & Local Migrants and Former Refugees

A Parent’s Perspective: A parental perspective of young people’s alcohol use in Wanaka. 2019 Update.

By: Tawa Rata Research & Evaluation
Published: 2019-11-25

This report presents the findings of a survey of 211 parents of students at Mount Aspiring College, Wanaka. Parents were asked about their recent supply of alcohol to their teenagers,…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting

Hearts and Minds of Katikati – Ngā Ngākau me ngā Hinengaro o Katikati

By: Tessa Mackenzie (Lead Researcher) Jodie Robertson (Māori Researcher) David Aupapa (Facilitator) plus P O'Neil & theme leads from community
Published: 2019-05-30

The purpose of Katikati Taiao Hearts and Minds Research was to investigate the potential and possibilities for a reinvigorated community sense of identity and belonging. The research focused on whether…continue reading

Action Research Community Development
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Migrant Parenting Report

By: Tamati Ihaka, Elizabeth Cameron, Haiying Dong, Point Research
Published: 2018-05-22

This research aims to better understand the parenting practices of new migrants in Auckland’s North Shore communities. Its primary use is to assist Whānau Marama Parenting, a parenting programme provider…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Research & Evaluation

Experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren in getting income support from work and income offices in New Zealand

By: Dr Liz Gordon, Pukeko Research Ltd
Published: 2017-04-08

Grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand are entitled to the unsupported child benefit (UCB) if they meet the conditions for eligibility. To access the support, they are required to attend…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Children & Youth Welfare & Benefits

Scoping the costs of homelessness in New Zealand

By: NZ Work Research Institute
Published: 2016-09-30

The cost of homelessness to society and to the individual is difficult to measure, which in turn makes it difficult to formulate and evaluate meaningful policy change to address rising…continue reading

Economics & Finances Homelessness Research & Evaluation

Awareness of Prevelance of Unwanted Sexual Behaviour

By: Research NZ
Published: 2016-06-01

This summary report details the results of a survey of n=1,076 New Zealand residents aged 18 years and older. The survey was conducted on behalf of the Male Survivors of…continue reading

Crime & Safety Family Violence & Abuse Men

Hearing the Voices of Canterbury’s Children-Evaluating the Place of Cholmondeley in the Overall Canterbury Social Services Environment

By: Clarity Research
Published: 2014-09-18

Since 1925 Cholmondeley Children’s Centre (formally Cholmondeley Children’s Home) has provided emergency and planned respite residential care for children aged between 3 and 12 years old, that is directly accessible…continue reading

Children & Youth Families, Whānau and Parenting Social Services

Te Mana tu o te Wahine: Women as Leaders in the Community & Voluntary Sector

By: Heathrose research for Women in Leadership in Aotearoa (WILA)
Published: 2013-11-19

There is little information in Aotearoa New Zealand about how women are represented in the Community and Voluntary Sector, despite the fact that the the sector’s voluntary and paid workforce…continue reading

Leadership Volunteering & Mahi Aroha Women/Wāhine

Waimarino Youth Photovoice Project

By: Ken Taiapa, SHORE and Whariki Research, Massey University
Published: 2013-11-01

This report outlines the process and findings of research undertaken by young people living in Waimarino, with support from the Raetihi Community Trust and the SHORE and Whariki Research Centre…continue reading

Children & Youth Community Development Research & Evaluation

A Report on the Progress of Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou – The Court of New Beginnings

By: Point Research; Positive Thinking; Lifewise
Published: 2012-11-01

Te Kooti o Timatanga Hou, or the Court of New Beginnings, was established in October 2010 following advocacy to the Chief District Court Judge by Lifewise, an agency working with…continue reading

Addiction - Drugs, Alcohol & Gambling Crime & Safety Mental Health
Non-profit Sector

Amplify Action Enquiry

By: McLaren Park and Henderson South Community Initiative Inc. Point Research Ltd.
Published: 2013-06-11

AMPLIFY is a 13-month action enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South. The action…continue reading

Action Research Children & Youth Community Development
Ethnicity and Diversity

Occupational Safety and Health of Migrant Sex Workers in New Zealand

By: Dr Michael Roguski, Kaitiaki Research
Published: 2013-05-02

The research examined issues relating to migrant sex workers in New Zealand and their occupational safety and health. There were three parts to the research: key informant interviews, self administered…continue reading

Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

New Model for Supporting Disabled People

By: Evalue Research
Published: 2012-12-01

The report summaries and synthesises findings from evaluations of components of a New Model for disability support that were introduced by the Ministry of Health in 2011-12.

Disability Research & Evaluation
Economic Development

Doing Action Research – Key learning and emerging principles CEDAR

By: Community Economic Development Action Research Project
Published: 2002-11-01

In this paper we discuss our experiences in doing action research and share some methodological insights with other practitioners. The aim is to promote knowledge flows both within the public…continue reading

Action Research Frameworks
Public Health

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research
Published: 2012

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Navigators Programmes Rangatahi

Te Rarawa Community Research

By: Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group

This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD), Te Runanga O Te…continue reading

Whānau Hapu Iwi

Giving New Zealand: Philanthropic Funding 2011

By: Adrian Slack and Wilma Molano (Business and Economic Research Ltd)
Published: 2012-01-01

This report measures philanthropy in New Zealand during 2011; that is, how much money New Zealanders and their organisations (trusts & foundations, individuals and businesses) gave to charitable and other…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Ethnicity and Diversity

Evaluation of the Healthy Relationships Programme for youth with intellectual disabilities

By: Lucy Dunbar and Dr Chris Holland, Impact Research 2011
Published: 2011-01-01

Independent evaluation of the Healthy Relationships programme, exploring the impact of the programme on student behaviour (e.g. if and how students used the Healthy Relationships skills to prevent potential sexual…continue reading

Children & Youth Disability Health & Wellbeing
Te Ao Māori

Te Rarawa Community Research

By: Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group
Published: 2010-01-01

This presentation to the 2010 Community Research Awards provides insight into the approach to community research by the Te Rarawa Iwi Research and Development Group (IRD). Located within Te Runanga…continue reading

Community Development Māori Research & Evaluation

A Review of the New Zealand Housing Sector

By: Gravitas Research and Strategy Ltd
Published: 2009-04-01

This research provides a broad overview of the housing sector with particular focus on the needs which are evident. It has a focus on the Auckland and Northland regions being…continue reading

Homelessness Philanthropy

Giving New Zealand, Philanthropic Funding 2006

By: BERL – Business and Economic Research Limited
Published: 2007-04-01

This report estimates how much money New Zealanders and New Zealand non-governmental organisations gave to charities and other community purposes during the 2005/2006 year.

Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising Non-profit Sector Philanthropy
Non-profit Sector

Our Strategies in Action

By: Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector Research Centre
Published: 2007-01-01

The vision of the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector Research Centre will be implemented primarily through five key strategies: (1) visibility and access, (2) quality and good practice, (3)…continue reading

Community Development Kaupapa Māori approaches Research & Evaluation
Te Ao Māori

Rangatahi Initiative: Process Evaluation

By: Roger Macky of Vertical Research

WCA hosts the Rangatahi Initiative which works in “hard to reach” whānau (mostly Black Power affiliated) with a focus on improving physical and emotional/mental health outcomes. It operates as a…continue reading

Community Development Māori Research & Evaluation
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