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Whānau Ora action research is providing tangible evidence of transformation following whānau planning and engagement.

Action research– as part of the wider measurement activity for the Whānau Ora approach– is focused on providing evidence of provider practice, developing improved whānau -centred service delivery and the…

Striking a Better Balance: A State of the Nation Report from the Salvation Army

Some good news on the state of our nation: Crime is at a 34-year low Incomes and employment are rising Teenage pregnancy has plunged Infant mortality is the lowest in our…

Writer’s Toolkit #7: Providing Directions for Readers

I’ve talked in previous toolkit posts about getting a focus for your writing and using tools like the SmartArt tool in Microsoft Word to figure out a layout or map…

Tamakaiwānanga – Māori Boys at Secondary School: A qualitative study of Māori boys’ motivation and engagement in NCEA Level 1

This paper looks at the experiences that Māori male rangatahi have had within the education system and with NCEA Level 1. The research was commissioned by Te Puni Kōkiri in…

Consultation on the proposed Māori Language Strategy

(From the Te Puni Kōkiri website) Consultation hui on the proposed new Māori Language Strategy will take place between 10 – 21 February 2014, announced Māori Affairs Minister, Dr. Pita…

Tino Rangatiratanga:How Self-determination Can Heal a Broken Village

Inspired by the high rate of child abuse in this country. This is a valuable resource, by Barbara Gilbert,  for all those wanting to understand the link between In-determination and…

Violence Prevention Project:Evaluation Report

Violence Prevention Project for young women clients of Women’s Refuge: Evaluation report This report summarises key findings from an independent evaluation of the Violence Prevention Project. This project, funded by…

MAI Journal: A call for paper submissions

For consideration for publication in this year’s MAI Journal, papers need to be submitted before the 1st of April. Visit the MAI website for further information about the types of…

Talking with Heather Gifford

Dr Heather Gifford is Research Director of Whakauae Research for Māori Health and Development, based in Whanganui. Whakauae is dedicated to broadening the research capacity of Ngāti Hauiti and providing…

Looking back on the Fostering Te Pā Harakeke Research Symposium

25th-26th of November 2013 Hutia te rito o te harakeke, Kei whea te komako e ko? Ki mai ki ahau – He aha te mea nui o te Ao? Maku…

A Summer Series of Short Sharp Skills Workshops – in Auckland in February

A series of two hour workshops, presented by Inspiring Communities, Unitec, Community Waitakere, NSCSS and Auckland Council, are being offered for you to learn new skills, network and have fun!…

He Kokonga Whare Writers Fellowship Awards 2014, Application

We are inviting applications from Maori Writers, for 4 Writers Fellowship Awards. These Fellowships will be awarded for writing to be done in association with the He Kokonga Whare Programme…

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