
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Posts Tagged ‘News’

The Grantmaking Formula for the New Normal

Given the current economic environment how should grantmaking agencies respond? What should they fund? The below article has a proposal: Douglas Bauer, executive director of The Clark Foundation (a US…continue reading

The Costs of Physical Inactivity: Toward a regional full-cost accounting perspective

There has been a lot of research into the effects of a lack of physical inactivity on people physically and mentally, now this report talks about the economic cost. “Physical…continue reading

Are For-Profit Charter Schools a Good Idea?

The third and final Research Note in the Maxim Institute’s series on charter schools addressing the proposal of the for-profit model, by Dr Luke Fenwick. The first note analysed international…continue reading

The role of action sports in post-disaster recovery – article

Dr Holly Thorpe, Senior Lecturer for the Department of Sport and Leisure Studies at the University of Waikato,  highlights the role of sport in helping communities to recover from natural disasters: “This study…continue reading

Working with schizophrenia: Pathways to employment, recovery and inclusion

Bevan, S., Taskila, T., Steadman, K., Gulliford, J., Thomas, R., & Moise, A. Lancaster: The Work Foundation. (UK) “Even though most people with schizophrenia are willing and able to work,…continue reading

Social Development Dialogue – Alexandra 8 May

We’d love to invite you to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the…continue reading

Social Development Dialogue – Dunedin

We’d love to invite you to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the…continue reading

Social Development Dialogue – Invercargill

You’re invited to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the considerable impact it…continue reading

Primary Care for Pacific People: A Pacific and Health Systems Approach

M Southwick, T Kenealy, D Ryan “Pacific peoples have poorer health status across a wide variety of measures compared to the total New Zealand population. They also appear to have…continue reading

Building community resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes

Building community resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes: Final report to Health Research Council and Canterbury Medical Research Foundation Thornley, L., Ball, J., Signal, L., Lawson-Te Aho, K., & Rawson,…continue reading

Youth mental health: Resources guidelines

A great toolkit for developing youth-friendly resources, that can be useful for almost any project, particularly online resources: The Ministry of Social Development has just released new guidelines, developed together…continue reading

Making Organizational Learning Stick

How to Set Your Knowledge Goals and Blend Technology and People Processes to Reach Them An article from the Nonprofit Quarterly The piece starts by saying: “Henry Ford once observed,…continue reading

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