Research in Category: "Te Reo"

Kaupapa Māori Theory

Ka whānau mai te reo: Honouring Whānau, Upholding Reo Māori

By: Nicola Bright, Alex Barnes and Jessica Hutchings
Published: 2013-10-03

This is the first report from a 3-year (2012–2015) kaupapa Māori research project that investigates how best to support the continuity of reo Māori development of whānau as they transition…continue reading

Kaupapa Māori Whānau Hapu Iwi

Kaupapa Māori and the PATH research tool in a post-colonial indigenous context

By: Jesse Pirini
Published: 2012-02-01

Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a visual facilitation tool that is used to make strategic plans with whānau and service providers throughout Aotearoa. In this project supported with…continue reading

Closing The Gaps Frameworks Indigenous Kaupapa Māori Navigators Programmes Whānau Hapu Iwi

He Kōrero Whānau o Te Rarawa

By: Wendy Henwood, Jasmine Pirini and Aroha Harris
Published: 2007-01-01

He Kōrero Whānau is a component of a wider whānau and hapū development project within Te Rarawa, an iwi located in the Far North of Aotearoa. It aimed to prepare…continue reading

Frameworks Kaupapa Māori Whānau Hapu Iwi
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