
Workplace psychosocial stressors in the construction industry: Perspectives of construction industry stakeholders

By: Assoc. Prof. Gabrielle Jenkin, Dr Lauren Donnan, Dr Chris Bowden, and Angie Hoskin
Published: 2024-09-10

Understanding psychosocial stressors in the construction industry is crucial for improving mental health outcomes. This research used qualitative methods, including 19 focus groups and 2 interviews with 115 industry workers,…continue reading


Barriers to and Recommendations for Equitable Access to Healthcare for Migrants and Refugees in Aotearoa, New Zealand: An Integrative Review

By: Blessing Kanengoni‐Nyatara, Katie Watson, Carolina Galindo, Nadia A. Charania, Charles Mpofu, Eleanor Holroyd
Published: 2023-07-24

The health system in Aotearoa New Zealand is predicated on equity in access to health services as a fundamental objective yet barriers to equitable access for migrant and refugees continue…continue reading

Arts and Culture

Showing dragons and passing balls

By: Honglu Zhang
Published: 2023-01-01

This report demonstrates the diversity of activities within the Asian community ranging from cultural games, leisure activities, funded projects, workshops, and networking opportunities. It collects insights from Asian people of…continue reading


System Transformation in the disability sector in New Zealand – Repeat Study MidCentral: 2018-2021

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2022)
Published: 2022-06-03

In October 2018 the Ministry of Health launched system transformation in MidCentral region (Palmerston North, Levin, Otaki, Foxton, Feilding and the local environments). This new system was to be based…continue reading


Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Disabled Peoples Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In October 2018 the Government launched system transformation in MidCentral Region. This was a process that changed the way disabled people and their whānau received funding from the Government and…continue reading


Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Whānau Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In Oct 2018 a new system of providing funding support for disabled people was launched in MidCentral Region. It was called ‘system transformation’. This involved the creation of new funding…continue reading


National estimates from the Youth ’19 Rangatahi smart survey: A survey calibration approach

By: C. Rivera-Rodriguez, T. C. Clark, T. Fleming, D. Archer, S. Crengle, R. Peiris-John, S. Lewycka
Published: 2021-05-14

Significant progress has been made addressing adolescent health needs in New Zealand, but monitoring and gathering high quality estimates of adolescent health and social issues remains challenging and resource intensive.…continue reading

Research & Evaluation

New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine-containing e-cigarettes

By: Jude Ball, Theresa Fleming, Bradley Drayton, Kylie Sutcliffe, Sonia Lewycka, Terryann C. Clark
Published: 2021-10-14

New Zealand Youth19 survey: vaping has wider appeal than smoking in secondary school students, and most use nicotine‐containing e‐cigarettes Objective: To investigate smoking and vaping in secondary school students (aged…continue reading

Children & Youth Substance Abuse
Ethnicity and Diversity

Exploring immunisation inequities among migrant and refugee children in New Zealand

By: Charania, N.A., Paynter, J., Lee, A.C., Watson, D.G., Turner, N.M.
Published: 2018-08-17

Migrants may experience immunisation inequities compared with the host population related to barriers with accessing immunisations in their home countries, while migrating and/or post-arrival. This retrospective cohort study explored vaccination…continue reading

Children & Youth Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vulnerability and capacities of international students in the face of disasters in Auckland, New Zealand: A qualitative descriptive study

By: Thorup-Binger C., Charania, N.A.
Published: 2019-10-01

Background International migration is a worldwide phenomenon, with an increased presence of international students (i.e., short-term migrants) residing in host countries for limited periods of time. Migrants may be exposed…continue reading

Education & Training Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation coverage among migrants and non-migrants worldwide: A scoping review of published literature, 2006 to 2016

By: Charania, N.A., Gaze, N., Kung, J., Brooks, S.
Published: 2019-05-16

Background: Studies of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage among migrants compared to locally-born populations present a mixed picture on whether migrants experience disproportionate VPD rates and immunisation inequities,…continue reading

Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Interventions to reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases among migrants and refugees worldwide: A scoping review of published literature, 2006 to 2018

By: Charania, N.A., Gaze, N., Kung, J., Brooks, S.
Published: 2020-10-27

Background Disparities in vaccine-preventable disease (VPD) burden and immunisation coverage between migrants and refugees and their host populations have been described in numerous countries worldwide. Effective strategies are required to…continue reading

Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Vaccine-preventable disease-associated hospitalisations among migrant and non-migrant children in New Zealand

By: Charania, N.A., Paynter, J., Lee, A.C., Watson, D.G., Turner, N.M.
Published: 2020-04-01

Migrants may experience a higher burden of vaccine-preventable disease (VPD)-associated hospitalisations compared to the host population. A retrospective cohort study from 2006 to 2015 was conducted that linked de-identified data…continue reading

Children & Youth Immunisation Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Transnational migration and disaster risk reduction: Insights from Chinese migrants living in Auckland, New Zealand

By: Zhang, C., Le De, L., Charania, N.A.
Published: 2021-06-07

Migrants can be disproportionately impacted by disasters due to their increased vulnerability. Knowledge of Chinese migrants’ perceptions and experiences in the face of hazards and disasters is limited. This qualitative…continue reading

Asian Emergency & Disaster Migrants and Former Refugees

Supporting the homeless: Let’s keep the ball rolling.

By: Male Room Inc.
Published: 2021-10-08

A project detailing the findings from interviewing 26 homeless men and women in Nelson and Blenheim. They were interviewed to surface what they felt were the areas they needed support…continue reading


Domestic violence against ethnic women: Literature review

By: Shakti Community Council Inc.
Published: 2019-06-02

The research has been commissioned by Shakti Community Council Inc. This is a literature review on violence against ethnic women especially in NZ. It also explores the possible responses to…continue reading

Family Violence & Abuse Race & Ethnicity Women/Wāhine

Refugees as ‘Others’: Social and cultural citizenship rights for refugees in NZ health services

By: Mortensen, A.C.
Published: 2008-03-09

Citizenship, as effective social, cultural and economic participation for refugee groups, depends on appropriate institutional structures and processes in resettlement societies. This thesis using critical social theoretical perspectives addresses the…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Human Rights & Civil Liberties Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Perceptions of Community Safety in West Auckland

By: Moore, C. W., Bridgman G., Moore C. E. and M. Grey
Published: 2017-05-31

Community Safety is relevant at both individual and community levels. This research report is about perceptions of safety which is different from an objective measure of changing crime rates, or…continue reading

Community Development Crime & Safety Government – Central & Local

Animals and social work: An emerging field of practice for Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Walker, P; Aimers, J & Perry, C.
Published: 2015-03-01

Social Work is traditionally human-centered in practice, even though for many the bond between humans and animals is the most fundamental of daily-lived experiences. The intent of this paper is…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Mental Health Social Services
People and Society

From stories to action: The policy implications of the NCWNZ Women’s Voices project

By: Gordon, L.; Du Plessis, R.; Sutherland, J.; and Gibson, H.
Published: 2015-06-30

This report highlights the policy implications of research into the earthquake experiences of 150 Christchurch women interviewed for the Women’s Voices – Ngā Reo O Ngā Wahine Project. It focuses…continue reading

Emergency & Disaster Women/Wāhine

TPA (CHCH) Rental Survey 2013

By: Tenants Protections Association (Christchurch) Inc.
Published: 2013-06-27

The TPA rental survey is a response to the concerns expressed by many tenants across Canterbury with increased rents and the poor quality of their rental housing post-earthquakes. This report…continue reading

Economics & Finances Emergency & Disaster Homelessness
Non-profit Sector

Amplify Action Enquiry

By: McLaren Park and Henderson South Community Initiative Inc. Point Research Ltd.
Published: 2013-06-11

AMPLIFY is a 13-month action enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South. The action…continue reading

Action Research Children & Youth Community Development

The effectiveness of services delivered by DOVE Hawkes Bay Inc (May 2013): Summary Report

By: Penny Ehrhardt, Gaylene Little, Maryanne Marsters, Geoffrey Nauer, Mandy Pentecost, Ariana Stockdale-Frost, and Judy Wivell.
Published: 2013-05-23

DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Family Violence & Abuse Health & Wellbeing
Te Ao Māori

Iwi and Māori Provider Success: A research report of interviews with successful Iwi and Māori providers and government agencies

By: Pipi, K., Cram, F., Hawke, R., Hawke, S., Huriwai, TeM., Keefe, V., Mataki, T., Milne, M., Morgan, K., Small, K., Tuhaka, H. & Tuuta, C.
Published: 2002-12-10

The successful delivery of services and programmes by Māori and iwi providers is key to building Māori community capacity and therefore in addressing Mäori/non-Māori disparities (across, for example, health, education,…continue reading

Government – Central & Local Law & Justice Māori
People and Society

Ethical Issues in Undertaking Research with Children & Young People: International Literature Review

By: Dr Mary Ann Powell. Dr Robyn Fitzgerald. Assoc Prof. Nicola Taylor. Prof. Anne Graham.

There is a significant body of literature concerning ethical issues in undertaking research with children and young people. It covers a broad range of ethical issues, concerning both the nature…continue reading

Children & Youth Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Standing in the Fire’: Experiences of HIV positive Black African migrants and refugees living in New Zealand.

By: Fouché, C., Henrickson, M. & Poindexter, C.
Published: 2011-01-01

A qualitative project explored the lived experiences and social service needs of affected or at-risk Black African migrants, refugees and their family members in New Zealand. One of the main…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees

New Zealand Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation for Individuals

By: Salmond, C., King, P., Crampton, P. and Waldegrave, C.
Published: 2005-03-18

The aim of this research was to identify indicators of an individual’s deprivation appropriate for all ethnic groups, that can be combined into a single and simple index of individual…continue reading

Poverty and Inequality

Respect Costs Nothing: A survey of discrimination faced by people with experience of mental illness in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Peterson, D., Pere, L., Sheehan, N., Surgenor, G.
Published: 2004-01-01

This document presents the key findings from a survey of people with experience of mental illness to obtain their accounts of discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health

Managers Matter: who manages New Zealand’s volunteers? – Summary Report

By: Smith, K.A., Cordery, C.J., Dutton, N.
Published: 2010-06-01

This summary report provides baseline data for understanding the sector and the role and importance of those managing volunteers. It is a snapshot. It tells us who are managing volunteers,…continue reading

Leadership Volunteering & Mahi Aroha

Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes

By: Johnston, K., Cheyne, C., & Parker, W
Published: 2005-08-01

Promoting Community Well-being: A study of the involvement of Councils of Social Services in Local Authority community Outcomes Processes.

Health & Wellbeing Social Services

The Employment Experiences of People with Experience of Mental Illness: Literature Review

By: Duncan, C., Peterson, D
Published: 2007-01-01

A review of research into the employment of people with experience of mental illness, and the issues which arise from that subject.

Employment & Labour Health & Wellbeing Mental Health
Pacific Peoples

Sport and recreation in New Zealand Pasifika Communities

By: Gordon, B.A.,Sauni ,P.,Tugalu,C.,Hodis,F.
Published: 2010-11-30

Policy makers, and those intending to be influential around sport and recreation in Pasifika communities, need to make decisions and develop programmes that are culturally aligned and relevant. They should…continue reading

Pacific Peoples Sport & Recreation
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