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Social Development Dialogue – Dunedin

We’d love to invite you to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the…

Social Development Dialogue – Invercargill

You’re invited to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the considerable impact it…

Primary Care for Pacific People: A Pacific and Health Systems Approach

M Southwick, T Kenealy, D Ryan “Pacific peoples have poorer health status across a wide variety of measures compared to the total New Zealand population. They also appear to have…

Defining As Māori participation in sport and recreation – in the He Oranga Poutama programme context

He Oranga Poutama is a Sport NZ initiative that supports Māori well-being through sport and recreation. In 2009, the programme evolved from a focus on increasing the participation by Māori…

Building community resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes

Building community resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes: Final report to Health Research Council and Canterbury Medical Research Foundation Thornley, L., Ball, J., Signal, L., Lawson-Te Aho, K., & Rawson,…

Youth mental health: Resources guidelines

A great toolkit for developing youth-friendly resources, that can be useful for almost any project, particularly online resources: The Ministry of Social Development has just released new guidelines, developed together…

Making Organizational Learning Stick

How to Set Your Knowledge Goals and Blend Technology and People Processes to Reach Them An article from the Nonprofit Quarterly The piece starts by saying: “Henry Ford once observed,…

Decolonisation, Research and Indigenous Peoples Today Hui

On 11 March Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga co-hosted Professor Arturo Arias, a Professor of Latin American Literature from the University of Texas. He led with Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith a well-attended…

Data Can Open College Doors for Disadvantaged Kids

by Jeff Bradach From the Harvard Business Review Blog Network This piece talks about using data collection to demonstrate the outcomes of programmes, particularly nonprofits looking to increase college enrollments…

Executive Summary: High Stakes Donor Collaborations

An executive summary of an article that appears in the Spring 2013 issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review. You can view the full article or download a PDF version from the SSIR…

Deliver Big Impact on a Small Budget

The Harvard Business Review Insight Centre on scaling entrepreneurial solutions that benefit society are running a series about how entrepreneurs and more established organizations are using market forces to create social good.…

Toolkit for Evaluating Consumer Experience

Toolkit: Consumer experience National Quality and Risk Managers Group (2012). Wellington: Health Quality & Safety Commission. This toolkit was designed to be used with the guide for developing a consumer…

Community Research


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