
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Posts Tagged ‘News’

Violence Prevention Project:Evaluation Report

Violence Prevention Project for young women clients of Women’s Refuge: Evaluation report This report summarises key findings from an independent evaluation of the Violence Prevention Project. This project, funded by…

A Summer Series of Short Sharp Skills Workshops – in Auckland in February

A series of two hour workshops, presented by Inspiring Communities, Unitec, Community Waitakere, NSCSS and Auckland Council, are being offered for you to learn new skills, network and have fun!…

Millennial Survey Findings

Some interesting findings having come from Deloitte’s third annual Millennial Survey. “The questionnaire focused on the role business plays in society; its objectives, impact and outcomes; the responsibility of business…

Effectiveness of Relationship Education Programmes in Schools for Years 7-13

A rapid literature review prepared for the Families Commission by the Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit. This paper looks at the New Zealand education context, what works in school-based…

The Power of Story – Workshop for Not for Profit Organisations

When: Feb 12 2014 9am – 1pm Where: Unitec Mount Albert Campus, Gate 4, Carrington Road, Mount Albert, Bdg. 76 (a map will be sent on registration) Cost: $75 plus…

Approaches to Measuring Community Change

Measuring the change that we effect has been a challenge for the community sector. Liz Weaver, who is presenting Community Research’s first webinar, Collective Impact: Getting to Shared Measurement, on…

Intimate Partner Violence: Economic Costs and Implications for Growth and Development

Intimate partner violence: economic costs and implications for growth and development. Women’s Voice, Agency, & Participation Research Series, 2013, no.3 This paper was commissioned by the World Bank Group to help…

‘Marking Time’ Experiences of Successful Asylum Seekers in Aotearoa New Zealand

This research is based on interviews with 18 people who have successfully claimed asylum and staff from agencies working with asylum seekers. They found systemic information and service delivery gaps…

What Does it Mean to be Well in Schools? A Thesis on Wellbeing in New Zealand Secondary Schools

What does it mean to be well in schools? An exploration of multiple perspectives on student wellbeing in a New Zealand secondary school context. A thesis by Anne Kathryn Soutter,…

Rugby World Cup Generates Legacy for Volunteering

A longitudinal study of the volunteers who volunteered at the Rugby World Cup (2011) sought to explore the relationships between motivations, expectations, and experiences of RWC 2011 volunteers and the…

Hapū Ora: Wellbeing in the Early Stages of Life

This paper was funded by the partnership programme of the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the Ministry of Health and carried out by Whāriki Research Group SHORE and…

Collective Impact – Getting to Shared Measurement Community Research Webinar

 You’re invited to Community Research’s first webinar! Tuesday 18th February 2014, 11.00am This webinar will assist managers and practitioners to improve their skills, resources and understanding for shared measurement.  We’ll present…

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