
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Posts Tagged ‘News’

Research on the Benefits of Libraries

Libraries are a central part of our communities and research has been completed both locally and internationally on their benefits.  Please find below a few pieces: Cross-European survey to measure users’…

Degrees of Value – the Social Return of Universities

Have you ever wondered about the Social Return on Investment of universities? A paper from the New Economics Foundation shows the social returns that universities provide: “The public value generated…

Community Schools Model Shown to Offer Significant Social Return on Investment in Landmark Case Study

The Children’s Aid Society (New York) has released a Social Return on Investment Case Study and Companion Guide for measuring the social return of community schools. An article summarises the…

Parent-Skills Training in Intensive Home-Based Family Support Programs

This summary looks at the role of the practitioner when working with vulnerable families. “An important component of the worker’s role in these intensive family support programs is to assist parents…

34 Resources For Nonprofit Organizations

34 useful resources for nonprofit organisations from Philanthropy 411 blog. They are grouped under key headings: General  Strategic Planning & Collaboration Core Support and Organizational Capacity Building Evaluation Communication Nonprofit…

Research: Babies’ Mothers Returning to Work Does Not Affect Their Development

Potentially controversial research has been released in the US about the effects of mothers returning to work during the first two years of their child’s life. The findings come from…

Literacy, Not Income, Key to Improving Public Health in India – Research Shows

New research suggests public health in developing countries may be better improved by reducing illiteracy rather than raising average income. “A poor district can nonetheless enjoy relatively good public health…

Enabling people to live well

Enabling People to Live Well Fresh thinking about collaborative approaches to care for people with long-term conditions “Making care truly person-centred requires radically different ways of thinking. The ideas explored…

A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Interventions Targeting Indigenous Peoples

A Systematic Review of Suicide Prevention Interventions Targeting Indigenous Peoples in Australia, United States, Canada and New Zealand. “The urgent need to reduce the disproportionately high rates of suicide in…

The Hidden Abuse of Disabled People Residing in the Community: An Exploratory Study

The hidden abuse of disabled people residing in the community: An exploratory study Roguski, M. (2013, June 6). Prepared for Tairawhiti Community Voice. In the first instance, the study was…

Ngā Korero Tātaki at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on July 18th

Ngā Korero Tātaki is an evening lecture focused on innovative research, design and viewpoints related to our moana. One of the keynote speakers is NPM Principal Investigator Associate Professor Paul Kayes who…

Social Impact Bonds

A form of results-based contracting, Social Impact Bonds, is gaining popularity and there are increasing amounts of literature around this. The Social Finance UK website defines Social Impact Bonds as,…

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