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Young Mums Together Report and Guide

A new report from the Mental Health Foundation (UK) has been released about a project to develop a group for young mothers that would facilitate their access to mental health services…continue reading

Kete Kupu and the Vulnerability Report Available

The New Zealand Council of Christian Social Service’s publication Kete Kupu is available now.  It profiles the new book, Inequality: A New Zealand Crisis and its launch, for which Professor Robert Wade from…continue reading

Conceptualisation and Measurement of Iwi Wellbeing : A Thesis

In her thesis towards a Master of Public Health, Jodi Porter asks the questions:  What constitutes wellbeing from an iwi perspective? What are the characterisiscs of robust wellbeing indicators from…continue reading

Talking with Tania Hodges

 I recently had the opportunity to talk with Tania Hodges (Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Haua and Ngāti Tūwharetoa), the Managing Director of the company Digital Indigenous. Tania also holds…continue reading

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Research Symposium – Fostering Te Pā Harakeke – 25-26 Nov

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga in partnership with Tauranga Moana Iwi announces the 2013 Annual Research Symposium; Fostering Te Pā Harakeke; Healthy and Prosperous Families of Mana 25th – 26th…continue reading

E Rua Ngā Tūru – A presentation on Evaluation

Presentation by Fiona Cram at Murihiku Marae Māori Health Symposium, Invercargill, Friday 31 May 2013, and at the Whānau Ora – Whānau Rangatiratanga Kaimahi Hui, Copthorne Bay of Islands Hotel…continue reading

Webinars for Non Profits to Utilise Social Media

Looking to figure out how to blog, launch a social media strategy or utilise Twitter and its apps? Heather Mansfield, a social media guru, is offering ten webinars on a…continue reading

Writer’s Toolkit #6: Methodology

In my fifth writer’s toolkit post I set out a plan for writing an introduction for a research report after initially developing my abstract to both guide and focus my…continue reading

The Effectiveness of Online and Mobile Technologies for Changing Health Behaviour

The Knowledge Translation Project aims to help translate health promotion evidence into action. It is a project of The Agencies for Nutrition Action. The report begins with an outline of…continue reading

Super City? State of Auckland. Report into the Auckland Experiment

This paper analyses whether the consolidation of Auckland’s Cities into a “super city” three years ago has been a success, a disappointment or something in between. It examines various areas…continue reading

Spirituality as Decolonizing

Spirituality as Decolonizing: Elders Albert Desjarlais, George McDermott, and Tom McCallum Share Understandings of Life in Healing Practices Judy Iseke This paper looks at the importance of story and maintaining…continue reading

Mind The Gap

This is Bryan Bruce’s latest documentary on what is driving the gap between rich and poor in New Zealand.  Bruce investigates why the current state of child health in New…continue reading

Community Research


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