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What Works for Maori

The purpose of this review was to study evidence from five major domains of endeavour to identify a common set of interventions, initiatives, approaches and practices that increases understanding of…continue reading

Window on Waikato Poverty Imbalances and Inequalities: Issue Five – July 2013

The fifth issue of Anna Cox and Dr Rose Black’s report into the poverty experienced in Waikato is available in the Community Research kete (basket). Growing inequalities are leading to…continue reading

Children: The Journal of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner

Communities in Action: Growing Our Kids Spring 2013 “This edition of Children examines the role that communities and non-government organisations play in alleviating some of the effects of poverty on…continue reading

Stepping Through Transitions – New Book

Stepping Through Transitions: management, leadership and governance in not-for-profit organisations is a richly illustrated research-based study of organisational development in NZ organisations. The research showed that many very well meaning organisations…continue reading

Evidence for the World we Want – International Year of Evaluation 2015

Using evaluation to improve people’s lives through better policy making 2015 declared as International Year of Evaluation The aim of designating 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation is to advocate…continue reading

Te Pūwānanga, Available Now

Te Pūwānanga (Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga’s quarterly newsletter) is out. This issue includes, among other news: •       Spotlight on Research: Mauri Piki, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora!…continue reading

Inequality in Islington: Where are the Middle Class?

This report was conducted on Islington, an area of London where the gap between the wealthy and the poor is stark, and forecast to become more so by 2020. The…continue reading

Colonialism as a Broader Social Determinant of Health

“…..there are real health effects of social, political, and economic marginalization embodied within individuals, which can collectively affect entire communities.” This paper, written by Karina Czyzewski, University of Toronto,  explores…continue reading

Social well-being in New Zealand – Workshop

Social well-being in New Zealand – Workshop on insights from the General Social Survey 2012 Wellington – 6 November 2013, 2pm – 4.30pm With the recent release of the findings…continue reading

Collective Impact Workshop 19-20 November 2013

The concept of Collective Impact offers a powerful, fresh approach to collaboration. Collective Impact occurs when organisations from a range of sectors agree to tackle specific social problems, with strong…continue reading

Evaluation of Community Learning Trust Pilots: Summary of Key Findings

September 2013 15 community learning trust pilots were set up by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (UK) to test new ways of planning and delivering community learning between…continue reading

Growing up with domestic violence: the voices of resilience

Maree Henderson, 2013 “The aim of this research was to bring voice to the experiences of adult children exposed to domestic violence as children; to privilege their experiences, insights, contradictions…continue reading

Community Research


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