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New Videos Section for Whānau Ora Research Website

We have just added a new videos section to the Whānau Ora Research website that will allow you to find all the videos in one place.  You will find the…continue reading

A comparison of Alcohol Measures as Predictors of Psychological Distress in the New Zealand Population

An article by Foulds, J. A., Wells, J. E., Lacey, C. J., et al. (2013). Found in the The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 2(1), This article explores the…continue reading

SuperBetter – a Self-Help Game to Increase Resilience

SuperBetter is an online therapeutic tool for better mental health offered by Reach Out Pro in Australia. In an increasingly technology-driven culture, these tools reach young people in the medium…continue reading

NGO Workshops: Corporate Engagement through Volunteering and Workplace Giving for NGOs – Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch

Calling All Fundraising and Volunteering Managers Businesses are constantly reviewing their Corporate Citizenship or Corporate Social Responsibility programmes. As NGOs, it is important to continue asking if we are giving…continue reading

Whānau Ora action research is providing tangible evidence of transformation following whānau planning and engagement.

Action research – as part of the wider measurement activity for the Whānau Ora approach – is focused on providing evidence of provider practice, developing improved whānau-centred service delivery and…continue reading

New Resource for Stopping Bullying

New resource: Bully Stoppers An online toolkit created by the Victoria Government’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) helps to recognise and respond to bullying effectively. Bully Stoppers…continue reading

3 Questions To Ask When Evaluating Your Grantmaking Initiative

This blog post poses good questions to ask when evaluating a project, with particular reference to grant making initiatives. What do you want to know? “This should be based on your goals…continue reading

Whanau-Centred Health and Social Service Delivery in New Zealand

Whanau-centred health and social service delivery in New Zealand: The challenges to, and opportunities for, innovation Boulton, A., Tamehana , J., & Brannelly, T. (2013). An article from  MAI Journal 2013:…continue reading

Understanding Connections and Relationships, Issues Papers 3 and 4 from The Family Violence Clearinghouse

Two new papers on Understanding Connections and Relationships from the Family Violence Clearinghouse. Issues Paper 3: Understanding connections and relationships: Child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting Murphy, C., Paton,…continue reading

Māori customary law: A relational approach to justice

Stephanie Vieille has written about Māori customary law in the open access International Indigenous Policy Journal. Stephanie spent time in Aotearoa in the summer of 2010 and conducted open-ended interviews…continue reading

Te Pūwānanga, the Quarterly Newsletter of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, Available Now

The Takurua/Winter issue of Te Pūwānanga, the quarterly newsletter of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, is now available to read online here.  A few highlights from this issue are: Introducing the new editors…continue reading

What is Researcher Wellbeing and How Can we Manage and Nurture it?

Staying a productive, sane and sociable researcher is no mean feat, says Charlotte Morris, in this article. Morris talks about  increasing expectations, from attaining a PhD to teaching to publishing…continue reading

Community Research


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