Our People

Community Research has been operating under a te Tiriti o Waitangi relationship framework since our inception in 2008. We are led by a volunteer co-governance board of Kaitiaki consisting of a tangata Whenua caucus and tangata Tiriti caucus. The model recognises the special place of tangata Whenua in Aotearoa and the rights and responsibilities associated with that.

Members of our tangata Whenua caucus and tangata Tiriti caucus bring a broad range of knowledge and experience along with huge passion for the sector.

Our national operations are managed by a dedicated team of part-time kaimahi (staff) based in Te Whanganui ā Tara (Wellington). They are committed to the vision and kaupapa of Community Research and are passionate about supporting the growth and development of communities.

We are grateful to those, both past and present, who have contributed their time, skills and energy to Community Research and the communities that we serve.

Tangata Whenua caucus members

Pania Coote

Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kauwhata and Ngāti Raukawa | JP | MSW | Dipswk | MANZASW Pania is a founding leader of Community Research.  She has a background in social, health…continue reading

Dr Brendan Stevenson | Co-Chair

Ngāpuhi te Iwi (Ngati Hau), Scandinavian, Scottish, English | Masters (Psychology) | PhD (Public Health) Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi Ko Ngati hau te Hapū Ko Ruawahine te Awa Ko Ruapekapeka…continue reading

Joanne Waitoa

Ko Hikurangi te maunga  Ko Waiapu te awa  Ko Horouta te waka  Ko Ngati Porou te iwi  Ko Ngati Putaanga te hapu   Ko Putaanga me Rahui nga marae  …continue reading

Meremoana Potiki

Anei tētahi mokopuna o Tahu Potiki e mihi ana, ko Meremoana Potiki taku ikoa. Meremoana is passionate about elevating the Māori voice through research and evaluation and is a staunch…continue reading

Tangata Tiriti caucus members

Jennifer Leahy

I am passionate about lifelong learning opportunities, and my current role as South Island Manager for Ako Aotearoa (Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence) means that I have the chance to…continue reading

Dr Arpita Das | Co-Chair

PhD Social Work | MA Social Work | Manaaki Tāngata Certificate in Bicultural Social Services Tēnā koutou katoa Ko Arpita Das tōku ingoa E ono ngā tau e noho nei…continue reading

Dr Katie Bruce

Katie has a passion for sharing stories, ideas and research to confront policy, practice and prejudice. Katie works at Hui E! Community Aotearoa where she is Kaiwhakahaere Matua. She is…continue reading

Prof Eleanor Holroyd

Eleanor is a Professor in Nursing and Associate Dean of International, and Engagement, the Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Co-director of the AUT Centre For Migrant and Refugee Health…continue reading

Lorna Ingram | Kaiwhakahaere Matua - General Manager

Lorna is passionate about creating strength within the NGO sector and ultimately improving the lives of those within communities across Aotearoa. She strongly believes that by working together we can…continue reading

Eve Cookson | Kairukuruku - Administration Coordinator

Ko Te Moengahau-o-Tāmatekapua te maungaKo Kaituna te awaKo Te Arawa te waka Ko Ngāti Uenuku-Kōpako te iwi Ko Eve āhau Eve is our Kairuruku – Coordinator.Eve is passionate about rangatahi…continue reading

Moana Moran | Kaitūhono - Research Sector Engagement and Projects Lead

Moana is an advocate for social change through creative mediums. Their background is in Anthropology and Narrative Design, using the power of stories in interactive platforms (like video games) to…continue reading

Bev Tso Hong | Kaitūhono – Ethnic Research Engagement Lead

Bev firmly believes in community research led by communities as a powerful evidence platform to be used by communities themselves and broader programme, and policy decision-makers to move towards a…continue reading

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