Our People

Eve Cookson

Kairukuruku - Administration Coordinator

Ko Te Moengahau-o-Tāmatekapua te maunga
Ko Kaituna te awa
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Ngāti Uenuku-Kōpako te iwi
Ko Eve āhau

Eve is our Kairuruku – Coordinator.
Eve is passionate about rangatahi and community development and uplifting the voices of Māori and other minority groups. Over the years she has been actively involved in various community groups, NGOs and charitable trusts. She strongly believes that research should be by the community, and for the community and is dedicated to making research accessible to everyone. She is particularly interested in mātauranga Māori and uplifting the mana of knowledge that goes undervalued.
Eve is always looking to connect to her Māoritanga and also enjoys writing, going on walks in the ngahere or by the moana and spending time with friends and whānau.

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