Our People

Dr Brendan Stevenson


Ngāpuhi te Iwi (Ngati Hau), Scandinavian, Scottish, English | Masters (Psychology) | PhD (Public Health)

Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi
Ko Ngati hau te Hapū
Ko Ruawahine te Awa
Ko Ruapekapeka te Maunga
Ko Ngā Ruawahine te Whare Tūpuna
Ko Akerama te Marae
Ko Brendan Stevenson ahau

An expert of the mind and physical mahi! Brendan has picked and planted vegetable plantations and toughed it out in dairy factories, before getting a master’s degree at Massey University. He was a research officer for Te Pumanawa Hauora and the School of Psychology, and a supernumerary lecturer in public health. Brendan’s research interests include cultural identity, racism and the well-being of older Māori and New Zealanders. He has worked alongside some amazing people from academia, the community and Pacific nations. His previous mahi was in the mental health and well-being team at the Te Hiringa Hauora – Health Promotion Agency. He is currently a senior consultant in research and evaluation with Allen + Clarke – a public policy firm and co-lead on a longitudinal study ‘Modifiable Pathways to Sustainable Ageing in Aotearoa’ at Massey University.

He has been a whānau caregiver for CYFS (Oranga Tamariki), is married and has three beautiful children, two dogs, and one cat.

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