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Kaupapa Māori and the PATH research tool in a post-colonial indigenous context

Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) is a visual facilitation tool that is used to make strategic plans with whānau and service providers throughout Aotearoa. In this project supported with…

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Public Health

Tino Rangatiratanga: How Self-determination Can Heal a Broken Village

By: Barbara Gilbert
Published: 2013-01-07

This is a powerpoint presentation and resource to understand the link between In-determination and self-determination, violence and abuse, and the breakdown and recovery of the whanau/family unit.

Kaupapa Māori Policy Te Kaāwai Ora

Whānau Ora: What does it mean in practice?

By: Heather Gifford

Power point Presentation by Heather Gifford.  A power point explanation of  whanau ora.

Frameworks Navigators Policy
Kaupapa Māori Theory

Ka whānau mai te reo: Honouring Whānau, Upholding Reo Māori

By: Nicola Bright, Alex Barnes and Jessica Hutchings
Published: 2013-10-03

This is the first report from a 3-year (2012–2015) kaupapa Māori research project that investigates how best to support the continuity of reo Māori development of whānau as they transition…

Kaupapa Māori Whānau Hapu Iwi
Kaupapa Māori Theory

E Rua Ngā Tūru – Attributing causation in Whānau Ora

By: Fiona Cram
Published: 2013-06-17

This presentation explores how causal inferences can be drawn from a ‘natural experiment’, like Whānau Ora. I talk generally about health interventions and a little about the Whānau Ora initiative,…

Frameworks Kaupapa Māori Whānau Hapu Iwi
Whānau Ora

Developing a Kaupapa Māori Framework for Whānau Ora

By: Erena Kara, Veronique Gibbons, Jacquie Kidd, Rawiri Blundell, Kinigi Turner, Wayne Johnstone

Te Korowai has been developed from seven interconnecting themes raised by hui with kaumatua and represents the concepts and practicalities of Whānau ora. Te Korowai looks at the individual while…

Kaupapa Māori Māuri Ora Te Kaāwai Ora
Public Health

Marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning

By: Kataraina Pipi and Kim Whaanga-Kipa
Published: 2012-09-01

A presentation by Kataraina Pipi and Kim Whaanga-Kipa about the marae based Whānau Ora PATH Planning

Whānau Hapu Iwi
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