
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Social Innovation Report & Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Conference

The report, Social Innovation in Auckland (2013), has been released by the Research, Innovation and Monitoring Unit – Auckland Council. “The two types of innovation – innovation targeted at solving…

The Social and Economic Impact of Sports

This page collates evidence of the economic and social value of sport and recreation, and the costs of inactivity in New Zealand.  With thanks to Sports New Zealand. The Economic and Social Value…

Choir can Help Those Suffering from Chronic Mental Illness: Study

Confidence, social connectedness and stress reduction are some of the benefits of joining a choir for those with chronic mental illness, a research study has found. Lead author, Genevieve A. Dingle…

Lottery Community Sector Research Applications – Wed 21 August

What do the Amplify Action Enquiry into the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in the West Auckland suburbs of McLaren Park and Henderson South, The Effectiveness of Family Violence…

Additional $8m over four years for E Tu Whānau

Associate Minister for Social Development Tariana Turia has announced an additional $8m over four years for the E Tu Whānau programme, as part of the Budget. This is to help…

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Activities, Events and Opportunities

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga is a Centre of Research Excellence, their mission is to conduct research relevant to Māori communities – research which leads to transformation and positive change. Below…

Some Research Around Schools, Literacy and Education

Some Welsh research around schools, education, work with families and literacy: ‘The Impact of Family Learning’ (2012) from Wales. It cites a wide variety of publications, surveys and reports which…

Grant Funding Can Have a Downside for Social Enterprises, New Research Findings

It is estimated that there are around 200-300 social enterprises working to support homeless people into employment in the UK. Research on these enterprises has been released. They have found…

Occasional Paper – Parental Joblessness, Financial Disadvantage & the Wellbeing of Parents & Children

New Occasional Paper released by the Australian Institute of Family Studies –  No. 48 Parental joblessness, financial disadvantage and the wellbeing of parents and children This report uses data from the first…

Looking forward to the release of the 2013 Census data


My name is Peter Himona. I work as a data analyst for the Māori Health Business Unit in the Ministry of Health. I’m looking forward to finding out what has…

2013 Social Enterprise World Forum 2-4 Oct

The 2013 Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF), a worldwide initiative bringing together a diverse array of professionals, will be held in Canada on October 2-4. Leveraging Markets and Innovations to…

The Determinants of Health for Children and Young People

Find below reports from three regions on the determinants of health for children and young people: The determinants of health for children and young people – in Midcentral and Whanganui…

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