This paper was funded by the partnership programme of the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the Ministry of Health and carried out by Whāriki Research Group SHORE and Whāriki Research Centre, Massey University.
Hapū ora refers to the health and wellbeing of pregnant women and their babies.
They discuss a theoretical approach to hapū ora, the macro and mezzo level determinants, micro level factors, maternity care for Māori, sector engagement and hapū ora research approaches and priorities.
The research involved four components: scoping and literature review, stakeholder engagement, analysis/synthesis, and identifying knowledge gaps and developing research priorities.
Four overarching priority areas were developed, providing a balance between the responsibilities of government, communities and whānau:
1. Ensuring high quality data as a foundation for research, monitoring and evaluation
2. Addressing societal conditions such as poverty and deprivation and meeting the needs of vulnerable populations
3. Supporting mother, baby and whānau through services and social support and by better understanding stress and maternal mental health issues
4. Improving services for maternal and newborn care, including maternal mental health care.
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