On 31st October 2019, the Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary Sector honoured some of the most outstanding New and Emerging Community Researchers in Aotearoa at Wharewaka in Wellington.

Community Research would like to congratulate all the recipients of the 2019 Te Auaha Pitomata New and Emerging Community Researcher Awards.
All recipients demonstrated a positive influence on communities or community research and service to the diverse Tangata Whenua, Community and Voluntary sector, plus community engagement, leadership collaboration and inclusion in the research.
Community Research would also like to thank everyone who came along to tautoko the awardees and hear about their mahi and a special thanks to the Royal Society, Health Promotion Authority and Te Putahitanga ki te Waipounamu for their support of the awards.
Award Recipients 2019
- Yvonne Wilson, from Te Runanga O Kirikiriroa in Hamilton (Tangata Whenua/Whānau Ora Research)
- Gloria Fraser, a PhD student in Psychology in Wellington (Community Research)
- Sam Uta’I, Pasifika evaluator, community worker and facilitator from Christchurch (Pasifika Research)
- Sneha Lakhotia, a Researcher and Policy Analyst at Wai Research in Auckland (Ethnic and Migrant Researcher)
- Tessa Mackenzie, a community development facilitator in Katikati from Tauranga (the Billie Award for Strengths-based Research)
Links to Awardees’ 31st October Presentations
For more information on each awardee, plus links to their research, click here.