Anura is currently project manager, Dasu Hydropower Project in Pakistan. He holds an B Sc (Hons) Agriculture from University of Sri Lanka, an M Sc (Agric. Economics & Extension) from…continue reading
I have 20 years experience in social research and 7 years in local government and health sector management. My passion is social research that leads to positive change. My preferred…continue reading
Jinah Lee earned her PhD at the School of Education, University of Waikato. Her doctorate research was about Asian migrant women’s identity negotiation as language learners. Her research had a…continue reading
Ritu is a Research Fellow at Te Ngira: Institute for Population Research, University of Waikato. At Te Ngira, she is working on multiple projects with the WERO (Working to End…continue reading
Kia ora koutou,Ko James Berghan tōku ingoa. Nō Te Tai Tokerau ahau, engari, kei Ōtepoti tāku kāinga ināianei. He pūkenga ahau ki Te Whare Wānanga o Otago. I research and…continue reading
Tania Jones manages a coaching and consulting company supporting business leaders and community-led development initiatives. She has over 20 years experience in not-for-profit governance and a particular interest in youth, social entrepreneurship, and volunteering. She is enrolled in…continue reading
Elise Sterback is a recently confirmed PhD candidate with the Centre for Art and Social Transformation, supervised by Peter O’Connor. She returns to study after ten years working in Aotearoa’s…continue reading
Coming from a fairly short stint as a researcher and evaluator in the public sector, I have worked as an independent researcher and evaluator across a broad range of sectors,…continue reading
A wide range of experience supporting improved equity of physical and mental health and wellbeing in wide range of initiatives, programs and services including: • primary health care • social…continue reading
I have 15+ year’s experience in project and programme management, and 10+ year’s experience in Senior Management in the charity and not-for-profit sector. In 2018 I completed a MBA from…continue reading