This report provides a range of key community and stakeholder insights from research that was conducted in the later part of 2022 (November-December). These insights provide the foundation for which the Turner Centre is building their narrative for change and development. This report is the first of five phases that the Centre has designed in order to shift it into a space that holds community aspirations, relationships and creative expressions at its core. There is a focus on programming and accessibility and equity in the arts in Te Tai Tokerau.

Phase One, which is the focus of this report, employed two key methods of data capturing:
1) User-Centred Focus Groups; and 2) Community Surveys. These two methods were selected to provide a combination of qualitative and quantitative data within the scope of the research. It also allowed a diversity of perspectives, insights and voices that may not have been engaged in previous activities, allowing the Centre to begin to build a wider reach to communities and stakeholders.

Participants represented a range of sectors including manawhenua (Ngāti Rehia, Ngāpuhi), education institutions, arts and culture, Māori creative industries, community development, rangatahi (young people), local politicians, students, volunteers and creative leaders across Te Taitokerau. The diversity of participation was curated to allow for a collaborative and rounded approach, ensuring that each focus group had a diversity of experiences and ideas to contribute.


Creator | Kaihanga
Research & report by Rangimārie Mules of the Oi Collective
Year of Creation | Tau
Keywords | Kupu
Arts, Culture, Te Tai Tokerau, Northland, Kerikeri
Main Language | Reo Matua
Submitter's Rights | Nga Tika o te Kaituku
I represent the publisher or owner organisation of this resource
This Research has
been written outside an academic institution
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