
Summary Report: Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This summary report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The…continue reading


Make it about us : Victim-survivors’ recommendations for building a safer police response to intimate partner violence, family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: The Backbone Collective and Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2024-03-31

This report discusses some victim-survivors’ experiences of the NZ Police response to intimate partner, family and sexual violence and how that response can be improved. In late 2022, The Backbone…continue reading


Kōrero Mai | Talk to me

By: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura
Published: 2023-12-01

Kōrero Mai | Talk to Me is an interactive online portal to help parents and caregivers talk to their kids about sexuality, gender and safety. With videos from other parents…continue reading


Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna? | How are my mokopuna going? An inquiry into the nature, experiences and impacts of streaming learners in Whanganui

By: Dr Tiwha Puketapu, Dr Pam O’Connell, Evelyn Hiri-Gush, Paerangi Maihi
Published: 2023-04-12

Kei te pēhea aku mokopuna (How are my mokopuna doing?) is a simple question which Whanganui schools, their school boards, tumuaki and kaiako have heard for many years. However, the…continue reading

Whānau Ora

Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes shares her story – Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui

By: Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes
Published: 2012-11-23

Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes from Chatham Islands shares her story at Te Anga Mua Whānau Ora Research Hui in Wellington, 23 November 2012. Whānau planning in the Chatham Islands Tawnee talked about…continue reading


Working Through Uncertainty: The Perils and Potential of Community-Engaged Research on Refugee Resettlement

By: Paul Van Auken, Orlee Hauser, D. J. Wolover, Bethany Lerch, Kenneth Jackson, Juyeon Son, Sarah Reed and Colin Crowley
Published: 2019-02-28

What can be learned from the process of community-engaged research (CER) on refugee resettlement? In the following, we share experiences, reflections, and lessons from implementing such a project. We begin…continue reading

Research & Evaluation
Ethnicity and Diversity

‘Marking time’: Experiences of successful asylum seekers in Aotearoa New Zealand

By: Alia Bloom, Tim O'Donovan, & Martine Udahemuka
Published: 2013-12-03

This research explores the extent to which successful asylum seekers are able to participate in Aotearoa New Zealand life by documenting the experiences of 18 people who have been recognised…continue reading

Community Development Migrants and Former Refugees

What drives Women Leaders to Adopt an Authoritarian Model of Power? An Essay on Female Principals in Kenya

By: Caroline W. Kariuki
Published: 2004-01-09

Abstract There is ample evidence that a number of women leaders tend to adopt an authoritarian model of leadership. If I have found it necessary to question what drives women…continue reading

Education & Training Leadership


By: Wanjiru Kariuki
Published: 2013-04-02

EDUCATION: A RIGHT OR A PRIVILEGE? THE KENYAN PERSPECTIVE This study aims to facilitate debate about the State’s efforts in taking a rights-based approach in the education sector. The study…continue reading

Education & Training Human Rights & Civil Liberties

Experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren in getting income support from work and income offices in New Zealand

By: Dr Liz Gordon, Pukeko Research Ltd
Published: 2017-04-08

Grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand are entitled to the unsupported child benefit (UCB) if they meet the conditions for eligibility. To access the support, they are required to attend…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Children & Youth Welfare & Benefits
People and Society

Wellington Region Collective Impact Feasibility Study Nov 2014

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-17

‘Collective Impact’ has been sweeping the non-profit world by storm, beginning in North America and gaining popularity in Australia and New Zealand. Collective Impact sees that no single organisation can…continue reading

Community Development Families, Whānau and Parenting Leadership

ANZTSR 2014: Volunteerism: Alive and Well or Dying Quietly? Learnings from New Zealand community-based organisations, volunteerism experts and social enterprises

By: Michelle Wanwimolruk
Published: 2014-11-10

Not-for-profits, community-based organisations and social enterprises have volunteerism at its roots, and for many at its heart. The ‘Third Sector’ is still commonly known to many as the ‘Voluntary Sector’.…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Social Services Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
Non-profit Sector

Community-Based Participatory Research: A Guide to Ethical Principles & Practice

By: Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Published: 2012-11-01

All research raises questions about ethics: about the rigour, responsibility and respect of the practices of researchers. As a result, there are strict systems in place to encourage and enforce…continue reading

Non-profit Sector Research & Evaluation
Non-profit Sector

Ethics in Community-Based Participatory Research: Case Studies, Case Examples & Commentaries

By: National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement and the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action, Durham University, UK
Published: 2012-11-01

This compilation of case studies, examples and commentaries forms the third part of a set of materials relating to ethics in community-based participatory research (CBPR). Part I comprises a set…continue reading

Community Development Research & Evaluation

Forgotten Women: A study of women and homelessness in Auckland, New Zealand.

By: Kate Bukowski
Published: 2009-01-01

There are women who are not in permanent safe or secure homes in New Zealand. Their houses are damp, cold and unsafe. The violence and poverty these women face means…continue reading

Homelessness Women/Wāhine
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