Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. These factsheets highlight recommendations from the…continue reading
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, in collaboration with Rainbow Hub Waikato, set out to find out what life is like for Takatāpui and Rainbow elders. These factsheets highlight recommendations from the…continue reading
Migrants can be disproportionately impacted by disasters due to their increased vulnerability. Knowledge of Chinese migrants’ perceptions and experiences in the face of hazards and disasters is limited. This qualitative…continue reading
This article analyses data from Māori participants in a large study of grandparents raising grandchildren conducted in 2016 (the overall data was analysed and reported on in Gordon, 2016, 2017…continue reading
Grandparents raising grandchildren are often required to formalise caregiver arrangements before they are given access to support. Our study examined those who went to court before and after the family…continue reading
Grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand are entitled to the unsupported child benefit (UCB) if they meet the conditions for eligibility. To access the support, they are required to attend…continue reading
This is the ‘first cut’ report of a large quantitative and qualitative study of over 1000 grandparents or other kin in Aotearoa who have their grandchildren living with them. The…continue reading
This report highlights the policy implications of research into the earthquake experiences of 150 Christchurch women interviewed for the Women’s Voices – Ngā Reo O Ngā Wahine Project. It focuses…continue reading
This is the final report of a research study undertaken by the National Council of Women (Christchurch Branch) between 2011 and 2014 with women living in Christchurch through the earthquakes.…continue reading
DOVE and EIT wanted to address this by examining the efficacy of family violence prevention services run for men, women and youth in Hawke’s Bay. In particular, we were interested…continue reading
An in-depth research programme undertaken by Pillars has found that the effects of imprisonment on the children are profound and long lasting. The purpose of this practice manual is to…continue reading
There is a significant body of literature concerning ethical issues in undertaking research with children and young people. It covers a broad range of ethical issues, concerning both the nature…continue reading
This is the final report of a two year research project entitled ‘A study of the children of prisoners’.
An in-depth research programme undertaken by Pillars has found that the effects of imprisonment on the children are profound and long lasting. The purpose of this practice manual is to…continue reading
Invisible Children is the first year report of a three year research project entitled ‘A Study of the Children of Prisoners’.
This document presents the key findings from a survey of people with experience of mental illness to obtain their accounts of discrimination in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Policy makers, and those intending to be influential around sport and recreation in Pasifika communities, need to make decisions and develop programmes that are culturally aligned and relevant. They should…continue reading