Publication of the Maori Workforce Service Forecast

“Nau te rourou,

naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

-With your basket and my basket the people will live”

The Māori Workforce Service Forecast has been released this month. Commissioned by Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ) to complete a review and forecast for future action and practice with regard to Maori health in New Zealand,  Reanga Consultancy have come up with a rich report on the current state of health for Maori with a projected plan for what the future holds.

This publication presents a strategic plan for improving Maori health status within New Zealand. It can be considered with a number of publications that propose a realistic prescriptive way in which to tackle the current disparities within the Maori health care system on a National basis.  All done with a Maori world-view with Maori being active participants.

 “Eliminating inequities, particularly in primary care access, is likely to yield substantial economic benefits.”pg19

 “Given the level of unmet Māori health needs, unsustainable costs to the health system, whānau and communities, and growing reliance on a healthy Māori working population in the future, Health Workforce New Zealand can’t afford Not to act now to direct lasting, positive change.”

“Outcomes for Māori should reflect Māori values and views of health. An approach that measures outcomes and quality is needed. This would include mortality, morbidity, service utilisation ,socio-economic determinants of health, Māori values, culturally appropriate service delivery including holistic approaches to Māori health and well-Being  and commitment to Māori workforce development.” Pg25

Mauri Ora Associates have recently released a course in cultural competency. This course is noted in the report; namely, that it reflects the progressive stance that New Zealand is taking with regard to treating and respecting Maori cultural standing within the health workforce and society at large.

You can find a copy of the report on the HWNZ website:

Contributed by Fiona Cram

Community Research


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